The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 10, 1910, Image 2

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Good Results Always Follow
The use of Foley Kidney Pills They
are upbuilding strengthening and
scothinj Tonic in action quick in
results A McMiUen
Heinz pickles and vinegar
MAGNERS Phone 14
Billiard Lumber Co
Sells the Best
Lumber and Coal
By the blending of Wheat Rice Oats and Barley it
makes a food of great worth Nourishing palatable
and wholesome Try it You will eat it with relish
Ask your Grocer
Foolb II vKh Trsnton Tomorrow
All lovers Oi the game of football
as played under the new rules should
sea the game tomorrow at the East
Ward School rounds at 300 oclock
At that tine the McCook High School
who are now claiming the High
School championship of South West
Nebraska for 1910 They are BIG
The3 play th game hard Let the
man who claims that football is sim
ply a game of muscle weight and
brute force ome out and see what
a small light team can do against
a handicap of 25 to 30 pounds per
man Archer has been mixing a lot
of new dope which our boys will
turn loose on the Trenton bunch to
morrow This will bo the equal in
interest of ans game that has ever
been played in McCook The boys need
joi on the sidelines to encourage
th m Dr White cf Holdrege will ref
eree he game through both halves
McCook 10 Culbertson 0
The Mr Too Hnh School defeat
ed the Cuibertion High School in a
game of football at Culbertson last
Saturday b the score of 10 to 0
The Culbertcon team averages loo
pounds uhile the McCook team av
erages less than 130 The game was
a fine exhibition of clean hard play
ing where a small team by superior
skill defeated a larger team clear
out of its class in weight All the j
McCook bois were stars Andrew
Wilson and Carl Schmidt were the
players who carried the oval over the
line for McCook touchdowns
The Senior Class of the High
School met and elected officers last
Tuesday Fred Archibald President
Gertrude Suess Vice President Hel
en Schwab Secretarj and Adaline
Koller Treasurer
Fi st District
Ceond District
Third District
Fourth District
Fifth District
Sixth District
The Squaw Man
H E Pierce and Companys great
play of Western ranch life wil be
the attraction at the Temple theatre
coon The selection of this drama
of the West will meet with wide ap
proval in McCook and the production
itself promises to be one of the mobt
pretentious that will be seen here
during the present season The
Scjuaw Man is a genuine American
play replete with virility and strength
EJwin Milton Royle the author has
skillfully combined his ingredients
of dramatic interest with the proper
mixture of comedy and has succeed
ed in evolving a rare play wherein
swiftly alternating laughs give place
frequently to moments of intense
pathos The management has furn
ished a complete scenic production
the same as used in Chicago and New
York which will be used in Its en
tirety during the engagement
Something special The Weekl
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
it means
Received on Account Pail
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
All grades of Oxford flour ami
each sack guaranteed at the McCooV
Flour and Fppd Store
Thinking and making preparations
for your Christmas advertising Bet
ter get busy and see us Some of the
best space is going already The
Tribune reaches the most and best
The Bell sign is the only symbol of ef
ficient instantaneous or universal telephone
The value of your telephone depends upon
the extent of its connections and upon its oper
ation in giving you good service in reaching
anyone anywhere at any time
This Company is a part of a great tele
phone system financially strong centralized
nation wide and we feel that your acquaintance
with our methods must mean your friendship
and support
Business men in 40000 American cities
now use the Bell Telephone and there are
more than 1000 new instruments installed by
Bell system every day
C W KELLEY Local Manager
Dix Defeats Stimson ia tiav
York by Plurality of 65000
imosAmRUAri prsss assm
Sloat Fassett of Elmira who went
New Jersey
New York
South Carolina
Colorado New Hampshire
Delaware North Dakota
Idabo Pennsylvania
Kansas Rhode Island
Michigan South Dakota
Minnesota Tennessee
Nebraska Wisconsin
One of the most astonishing over
turns was in the rockribbed Republic
an state of Massachusetts where EU
In Nebraska C H Aldrich Repub
lirrm imnriiflntfi for jrnvernnr is
legislature is still in doubt
of Ohio by a largely increased plural
ity according to returns from about
250 precincts of the 4520 in the state
Even the approximate figures are still
in doubt owing to a considerable
switch in various districts of the
state Two years ago he was elected
by 19372
In fifteen Cleveland precincts Har
mon shows a gain of fourteen votes
down to defeat in 1891 as a Republic- a ncinct partly overbalancing the
an candidate for governor yesterday u 1 L iireciuct
insf hi of in f 1 m Cincinnati The complexion of the
w UXLW c wii iiuuoc cum
Hamilton Fish was defeated for re
ewtinn ns th pnHMn n1 The rural districts are showing
In the Twenty first New York district large Pemocratic sains
Another feature of the voting in the Massachusetts
cast was the fact that in a majority
Boston Nov 9The Democrats
iln t Republicans gained nine of the first forty seven
gained while they lost In the country
representatives reported elected This
In New York state for Instance the
8 a in of about 20 cent and if
ear y returns rom upstate seemed to
maintained through the state would
indicate the election of
a Republican
give the Democrats between eighty
governor In Ohio similarly Harmon
and eightynve seats out of a total or
the Democratic gubernatoria
240 ln tne hou which would not be
i heavilyln e city and enough to affect the election of United
gained in the country The Repulican
states senator
hereexlain thi as dne t0 thei
Governor Eben S Draper gave out
hostility of the labor vote to the
a statPment conceding the election of
utiauiu canuiuaie
Summary by States
Summed up the results of the vari
ous state elections were as follows
Mr Foss by a substantial plurality
and congratulating him
Chicago Nov 9 Returns from
more than 100 precincts in Chicago
according to the City Press associa
tion indicate a Democratic landslide
The election of the entire Democratic
ticket by a plurality of 40000 is prob
able The returns indicate that the
Democrats have carried the city by
about 50000 plurality and that they
may gain five or six of the ten con
gressional districts in the city
Returns indicate the re election of
Speaker Cannon in the Eighteenth dis
trict by a reduced plurality over Will
iam L Cundiff Dem
Philadelphia Nov 9 Republican
State Chairman Walton claims the
election of Congressman John K
gene N Foss Dem had a majority Tener Rep for governor by a large
of 30000 The long congested split In plurality Berry his Keystone party
the Democratic nominating opponent does not appear to have
tion had appeared to Indicate a state been as strong as his friends had ex
of disruption which gave the pected while Grim the Democratic
licans great hope but voters seemed candidate is running far behind
to have forgotten this at the polls acnooi uoara session j
Foss campaign was made on a Board met in regular session in
siraihtout tariff issue The superintendents office Present Doan
chusctts legislature is Republican and Barnett Earnes Lawritson
will elect Senator Lodge
son Su2SS and s t T or Absen
In ew Ici soy Dr Woodrow Wilson -
Mnutes of Sept oth and 0ct
who resided the presidency of Prince-
3rd read and aPPrved The follow-
tci unsity to take up the work of
canijain was swept into the govern- ing kills were read
o Lar by 2o0b0 votes carrying White Line Transfer Co
with him a Democratic majority in draying 12 50
the joint session of the legislature in- McCook Cement Stone Co
sui ing a Democratic successor to walks etc 1 52
eited a Democratic governor tor the Mac Douglass towels
Baldwin Wins Governorship of Con
necticut to the Democracy Foss
Elected in Massachusetts Demo-
Senator Join Kean Most ot New Jer
sey s ten congressmen Will sit with
Barnett Lumber Co coal
etc li 45
C L Deroff Co mdse 21 74
first time since 1833 in the person of a Stayner work in May
Judge Simeon E Baldwin The Re- L W McConnell mdse and
publicans lost heavily in Rhode supplies
and i e electing Governor Aram J H C Clann mdse
crat Capture Congress and Make Pothier by a scant 1200 votes as Lincoln Land Co 235 38
aist lus PiuraMy ot about 12000
Gains in Senate Jennin
in tnc last election senator Aldrich s
New York Nov 9 More complew sucits o i a republican
returns from the filpntinns held Prnnvivania annears on late re-
lea llUnUUil
C R Woodworth
throughout the country serve to nirns to have elected John K Tener art JIarsh oil
puasize rather than dimhiish the Bern- -no stiright Republican candidate by W Barnes printing
oeratic landslide There is hardly a a reduced plurality Berry DemC L DeGrcfc Co mdse
section of the entire nation where the rrn ng on the Keystone independent March Jomson plants
Republican vote did not slump notably ticket led him a hard fight all along Mrs Howe Smith laundry
and in many cases disastrously The the line Clyde Rankin work 1 50
Sixty second congress will be Demo- Tennessee elected a fusion candi First National Bank
margin Michigan was overwhelming- J
ly in favor of Charles S Osborn the H Waite Co- hardware
Republican nominee while Wisconsin otc
chose Frank E McGovern Rep by D- G Divine dry cells
1 rod iced plurality I Whitney Hosier drayage
In Indiana it seems assured Sena j McCook Hwd Co hardware
tor Beveridge has been defeated that etc
the Democratic state ticket has been mh SmVth Yanmi
eJpcted and that probably the entire Tnnnr 0
Tenmngs Hughes Co
T - ii pipe
Indiana delegation in congress will be
In New Hampshire Robert P Bass
Republican candidate for governor do
fcrtvl C F Carr Democratic candi
date by about J 00 plurality
cratic bj a good working majority In Iowa tlie Democrats claim the American Book Co books
while in the United States senate the tio of Hmde R Porter for Eugene Dietzeen Co draw
Republicans have only a scant lead ernoi but this is not yet conceded
over their opponents
Four influential eastern states
New York Massachusetts Connecti
cut and New Jersey take their places
at the head of the procession with
Democratic governors and strong
Democratic representation in their
legislatures Ohio too is Democratic
The two great leaders of the Repub
lican party Taft and Roosevelt alike
met defeat in their own states Roose
velts home town of Oyster Bay went
against him his congressional district
chose a Democratic representative to
rerlace Congressman W W Cocks
Roosevelts warm personal friend his
state repudiated the Republican candi
date for governor by 65000 plurality
As an additional blow the New York
state legislature is Democratic and
will elect a Democratic senator to
succeed Chauncey M Depew
House Is Democratic
President Taft today finds himself
face to face with the one danger which
he has most dreaded and which he be
sought the Republican voters of the
nation to prevent a hostile house oi
representatives to nullify what remains
of his legislative program A Demo
cratic house President Taft has point
ed out will paralyze the administra
tion and make any party legislation
impossible On the other hand the
effectiveness of the Democratic ma
jority in the lower house will bo
largely nullified with the hold the Re
publicans still retain in the senate
A striking feature of the voting
throughout the country was the repu
diation of Republican leaderr in their
own homes Vice President Shermans
home town Utica went Democratic
by several hundred Sereno Paynes
home city Auburn defeated him by
800 votes although the rural districts
aroundabout came to his rescue and
made his seat secure for another term
In New York city Congressman Will
Jam S Bennett was beaten by Henry
George Jr and Herbert Parsons by
Jefferson M Levy Congressman J
T H Bales digging etc
Thos Charles Co kinder
Gaylord Bros
ing material
D C Heath Co books
Silver Burdett Co
parcnty elected by 15000 over James
C Dahlman Democratic
Plurality is Largely Increased
According to Returns
Columbus Nov 9 Returns over the
state show the re election of Governor
Judson Harmon Dem by a plurality
ot 40000 He not only gained in the
cities but the rural districts showed
increased plurality
Cleveland Nov 9 Judson Har
mon Dem was re elected governor
- SA
Row Peterson Co
Foulke Pierce
D B Berry Co
Carpenter Paper Co
43 37
1 10
C 80
2 10
14 50
48 33
15 00
3 80
2 00
3 35
3 GO
5 00
4 40
3 SO
66 08
2 50
27 74
30 72
15 GO
89 2S
14 40
11 SS
30 67
12 00
Beatty Baum Chemical Co
disinfectant 6 25
Rand McNally Co books 21 72
A Flanagan Co pitch pipes 1 68
Ginn Co books 113 34
Houghton Mifflin Co
Denver Fire Clay Co chem
MacMillen Co books
Herbert Brownell books
Geo P Brown pictures
Central Scientific Co supplies
ing cabinets
Polk Bros hardware
J E Ludwick desk
C W Taylor frt expenses
2o 60
30 15
17 97
3 00
3 30
28 63
Nebr School Supply Co sup
plies 154 02
Yawman Erbe Mfg Co fil
171 75
1 25
13 00
70 20
On motion tie above bills were al
lowed C W Taylor turned over
his check for receipts on senior an
nuals fines etc 22932 East
Ward teachers report that at their
entertainment Oct 21st they re
ceived 2595 and their expenses
were 474 and have bought curtains
and rugs for 1115 leaving a balance
in their hands of 100C
On motion the crnstitution and
by laws of the class of 1911 were ex
amined approved by the board On
motion the constitution and by laws
of the class of 1912 were approved
by the board except section 5 of the
constitution which shall be accepted
if the word those be inserted be
tween the words be recognized in
the second line of section 5 as pre
sented to the board
Superintendent gives the atten
dance for October 1910 as follows
Total enrollment 919 Per cent of
attendance 94 Per cent of punctual
ity99 Average per cent of atten
dance and punctuality whole school
Board adjourned
C W BARNES Secretary
There is little danger from a cold
or from an attack of the grip except
when followed by pneumonia and
this never happens when Chamber
lains Cough Remedy is used This
remedy has won its great reputation
and extensive sale by its remarkable
cures of colds and grip and can be
relied upon with implicit confidence
For sale by all dealers
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets do not sicken or gripe and
may be taken with perfect safety by
the most delicate woman or the
youngest child The old and feeble
will also find them a suitable remedj
for aiding and strengthening their
weakened digestion and for regulat
ing the bowels For sale by all
I am pleased to recommend Cham
berlains Cough Remedy as the best
thing I know of and safest remedy
for coughs colds and bronchial trou
ble writes Mrs L B Arnold of
Denver Colo We have used it re
peatedly and it has never failed to
give relief For sale by all deal
j t iLOL WVaeaflBjln rffrflrfjftKMBfifaj
St -
I r
1 0 2
US r
Heres New Mms
Avoid drudgeiy in the kitchen in
cleaning pots kettles and pans in
scrubbing floors cleaning wood
work bath tubs and keeping things
clean throughout the house Old
Dutch Cleanser has revolutionized
house work This new handy all
round Cleanser does the work of
alt old fashioned cleaners put
ard Polishes
in the kitchen pantry dairy bath
rooms bedrooms parlor and
throughout the house It keeps
everything ckan and spotless from
milk pails and separators to wood
floors wood work bath tubs etc
The Easier and Qnicicr Way Wet
the article sprinkle Old Dutch
Cleanser on cloth or brusn and rub
well rinse with clean water and
wipe dry
Avoid caustic and acid chaners
With this new Cleanser 70U can get
through your housework in half She
time and with half the labor
formerly required
Fire and Wind
Insurance I
Written in First Class
- Companies
s 3
L J i I Ai 1
t Flour Feed Main av
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
- I