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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1910)
t tk fo r r K vc m X 5 y TWENTY NINTH YEAR gF t tf 325 350 and up MEN Very Good Viersen Osborn 113 W B oooooooooooooooo o A GREAT RUSH o o has been the Demonstration and o o Sale of the Great Majestic Rang- o o es at the McCook Hardware o o store this week and many o o have taken advantage of the o o special inducements offered Sale o o continues two days more and o o every one should come in and o o get some coffee and biscuits o o anyway if not already provided o o get a range and settle the q o tion for life o o McCOOK HARDVAREjjCO o OOOOOOOOOfOQO OjQ O O O K Transfer Co Messrs Whitney Hosier have sold their dray business to Messrs Osborn Kummer Ejnest F OS- born and James Kummer composing the firm The Man on the Box The Man on the Box is a sterling comedy with plenty of action in its telling and it appeals strongly to the theatre going public Chicago Chronicle 100 Yard Wide Silk 79c A splendid grade of black taffeta silk sold no where else under 100 only 79c at The Thompson D G Cos Utmost value The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at McCook National Bank Coffee If you want the best see MAGNER Phone 14 Canning pears by the bushel at MAGNERS Phone 14 Be Fair to Your Doctor Have his prescriptions put up where there can bo no question as to com petency accuracy or quality of drugs and chemicals we Place Every Safe Guard Around Our Prescription Compounding it Onr drugs and cals1 arejpthe purest the world affords Experienced pharma cists insure the expert manipulation of any pre scription which you may bring to us no matter where or by whom writ- ten L W McCONNELL Druggist CLSasnyf RECORD BREAKING GATHERING The Norris Rally Monday Evening Drew the Largest Audience Ever Assembled in the Temple Theatre The closing of Congressman G W Norris campaign in the Fifth Nebras ka district was celebrated in McCook Monday evening in a splendid manner The event was scheduled for the Temple theatre where a crowd ap proaching the 1500 total greeted the home congressman This was easily the greatest company ever gathered within the walls of that building ex ceeding the Jeffries Gotch crowd by several hundred Standing room even was at a premium Some fireworks a short parade and much red light preceded the rally meeting in the Temple the McCook band heading the march to the thea tre The affair opened with music by the McCook band and by singing by the male quartette both of which I aroused much enthusiasm ot tne history and substance of in surgency His audience was with him in heart and spirit as well as in person and it is not overstating the this city giving as he did the patri otic aims and accomplishments of that little- band of insurgents who opened a new chapter in American politics The crowd present and the vote of Tuesday constituted both a senti mental and ppctical endorsement which cannot fail of keenest apprecia tion by Mr Norris wno Las -been backed by McCook and Red Willow county handsomely fCORDEAL A WINNER Will be State Senator by Thousand Majority a Unofficial returns give John F Cor deal of our city Republican nomi nee for state senator almost a thous and majority VOTE - MAJORITIES Cordeal Saer Cordeal Sayer Chae IR5 Dundv 1GV Frontier 213 Furnas 1231 1273 44 Gosper 351 551 203 Haje fine 201 110 85 Hitchcock Inc 116 Redw tllow 1149 7G9 382 1124 247 247 S77 State Oil Inspector The Tribune congratulates Francis M Colfer upon his advancement to the position of state oil inspector to which he was appointed on Tues day of this week by Governor Shall enberger It is a clear recognition of merit and service well performed Mr Colfers chief Mr Mullen was recently appointed to the position of attorney general of the state This new position of Mr Colfer car ries an increased salary but best of all is the recognition of ability to per form the duties of the important of fice PERSONAL TAXES for 1910 are due Nov 1st become de linquent Dec 1st and draw 10 in terest from that date are subject to collection Feb 1st by warrant No tices will be mailed out on or about the 15th inst C NADEN Co Treas New Lines of Cut Glass brass and nickel and silver ware at our store make very useful and de sirable presents and our popular prices make it easy to buy McCOOK HARDWARE CO On the Way Another carload of Michigan pota toes You can order by phone ash 1751 C G COGLIZER Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent In McCoo1 for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Totals and Majorities While the official vote is not ob- of the vote in Red Willow countr in the following offices is about lows United States Senator Burkett Republican Hitchcock Democrat For Governor Aldrich Republican Dahlman Democrat For Congressman Norris Republican Sutherland Democrat For State Senator Cordeal Republican Sayer Democrat For Representative Moore Republican Hoppe Democrat For County Attorney Ritchie Republican UUUgU UCIUUClill Ii For County Commissioner 965 935 s 30 1158376 782 430ff606 ft - 1149 382 -767 1032 326 1 f nXl Rogers Republican n i orit vxixrwy ueiiiuui ciL - ojjjr New Meat Market 4 - - 4 U Atlt i - r f i i Pumpkin Pies and Doughnyis I On Snrnrdav Nov 12 rht Wvh T C E Eldred introduced John F adies wm have on elr uoraeai Kepuoiican nominee for state renovated and will shortly open therein a meat market The boys are practical men in the business oblig ing and accommodating and will doubt less receive a share of the trade The Tribune wishes them well Notice of Sale Hote I willseir at the National McCook Nebr on Saturday Dec 10 Miss Maude Mae Overman of Wymore Nebr were united in marriage Les ter E Lewis pastor of the Methodist church officiating Qualiy and Moneys Worth is our motto and one in which we take pride giving to our customers whether drugs Paints Oils wall pa per or fancy goods Quality and Moneys Worth A McMILLEN Druggist Cloaks and Suits 875 to 2500 for Ladies Suits 475 to 1500 for Ladies long coats Misses long coats 150 to 750 Childrens Bear Skin Coats 199 We invite your inspection The Thompson D G Co Utmost value WANTED A woman to run the laundry at the Commercial hotel A married wo man with no children can easily do it and do her own -work at home also Good pay and a short days work Subscriptions If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscription to any daily paper or magazine call on me and I will save you money BARNEY HOFER McCook News Co Ladies Shawls 185 and up to 600 Beaver Shawls and double wool Shawls of best makes Browns and greys mostly The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Special Bargains in CooTc Stoves and Heaters at the C W Graves Second Hand store Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only You can break up a cold and cure a cough by using alternately Mc-Mil-lens cold cure and cough cure You are privileged to draw your money or any portion of it at any time you desire if it is deposited with the First National Bank A -SPLENDID VINDICATION I i a ix f arrive h nJcfrirf hj Pnllr n tainaoie at tnis printing me resmt - - i - Thousand Unqualified Approval of His Con stituents by an Overwi jority VT Unofficial Teturns but of reason- i viii yjx a UowU unqualified approval of the voters of the district of his course in congress The Edwards Bros have rented the during the last session when tiriliititf McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 10 1910 oooooooooooooooo o NOTICE o b 10 iici ewjr uiucicu uy wic u Nebraskas o Board of Health of the City of o Leading Progressive Receives the o the City of McCook That all o helmina Ma- o cases of sore throat coming un- o o der the notice of physicians or o o citizens of said city be report- o o ed promptly In writing to the o o city physician who will hold all o o such cases under temporary o o antine until it is positively de- o o termined that there is no pos- o o sibility of scarlet fever or o o theria developing Any parent o vo permitting a child having sore o o tnroat to attend school or be o opn the streets or in places of o o public assembly of the city will o o be liable to prosecution and any o o citizen or physician knowing of o o such cases and failing to prompt- o o ly report the same to the city o o physician will be subject to pros- o o ecutipn BOARD OF HEALTH o oooooooooooooooo Davis Asten Last evening at the home of Mr and Mrs P P Davis in our city oc curred the wedding of their son Mr Annan Clay Davis and Miss Blanchfi - 4 AU Repairing senator who after a short talk In- n er Ja5 t make f te nature place the major- Eu f jaarle troduced the sneaker of the eveninir ity of Congressman G W Norris of iieey Kev A J R Goldsmith rne laaies win receive ana mi oraers nf fho WTcnnrii ui Hon G W Norris We have not the space to attempt an account of the speech of Mr Nor ris It was however a concise clear instructive and cnnvinnirur PvnnsiHnn our city at me iremenaous toiai oi v mu iiuiium6 for pies bread and salads In order- fQ thousand a yote most nigWjr the ceremony in the presence of on- IJL OUC T gratifying to Congressman Norris near relatives of the contracting black 116 The proceeds of this sale narfipq J and to his friends in this city and 1 are to be applied on the expenses of - After tho mnnv wp nrpn v tlle rest room nil UIC1 111C UISLllUL ttllU aLcttC clS 111- i - i w dicating in unmistakable terms the1 luncheon The young couple were handsomely remembered with gifts They will occupy a suite of rooms fact to sav that a more convincing Kelley building on lower Main gency was at high tide largely rin tne Walsh Wock snppoii hn novor hn Hoiivom 5 nue which is being overhauled and through his efforts in the fieht fori Tne Tribune offers its congratula fww vw T 1r kVOVrAA - V 1 I I more truly representative government tions and well wishes to these most through the revision of the famous house rules r The Tribune congratulates the con gressman on this high expression which must be especially and supreme ly gratifying to him Extra Size Outings Gowns FREE Only requires a few hours after school WESTERN PREMIUM CO box 911 deptt 6 Alliance Neb 10 3t McConnells Christmas Headquarters first door north of DeGroffs Take a look at our toilet goods case Ever seea finer showing L W McCONNELL Druggist Plush Lap Robes 150 Warm plush robes with pictures or so- excellent young people tor a happy and prosperous life The New Bon Ton Last Saturday J R Weidenharaer disposed of his confectionery business GL and furnishings to- Mitchell Co of theBon Ton moved into the 1910 at 2 d m the following 135 Cut vervwide and full with i day- This Sives Tne Bon Ton cles held for hotel bills One box of large sleeves and armholes Made ters unexcelled in this part of Ne Sequel to a Near Tragedy At the Methodist- parsonage in Mc- The Thompson D value G Co le Boys and Girls Dont wait but answer this ad at Cook Nov 3rd 1910 -Mr George W i once and learn how to get an air Miller of Mt Carmel Penna and gun doll or -pair of roller skates braska Theywlll widen the scope of the business somewhat and with their Utmost well known push and skill and cour tesy success in increased measure will doubtless be theirs in their hand Phurs Our line of Furs for Ladies Miss es and Children is worth your in spection if style value and price ap peal to you In Sets and separate pieces From 100 to 1000 The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Tree Pruning I will be in McCook for a week All persons having any shade well bound 150 Others at 235 tree pruning to be done should com The Thompson D G Co Utmost municate with me at once Time is value Social Dance There will be a dance in Monte Cristo hall Saturday evening Nov 12th Good music Good time Come toriRiov A Pleasant Expression improves a photograph so wonderf u 11 y that it has be corae an im portant factor in the require m e n t s and judgment of a First Class Photog r a pher It is only one step from a pleasant ex pression to an idiotic grin Let us be the judge of the exact boundary We refusa to print poor likenesses Our prices are very moderate but our work must be first class E Sckll Kimmell PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER 1st Door N Com Hotel Red 428 short FRANK BONGER The Judicious Christmas shopper will now find at our store special inducements where dollars can be saved by purchasing early Dont wait for the grand rush save dol lars now at McCOOK HARDWARE CO Is Appreciative I wish to thank the voters of Red Willow county for their support at the i recent election OHAS D RITCHIE Fleischers German Yarn 25c for skein or quarter pound The Thompson D G Co One price j plain figures cash only More Light Yes Water White coal oil 10c a gallon at MAGNERS Phone 14 Marriage Licenses The following licenses have been issued since our last report Frank Van Lowe 30 Steel City Ni b May Hotze 28 Indianola Neb George W Miller 29 ML Carmel Pa Maude Mae Overman 23 Wy more Neb George C Hawkins 21 McCook Neb Nannie E Goodenberger 18 Cedar Bluffs Kan Annai C Davis 23 McCook Neb Blanche Eugene Asten 21 McCook Neb Subscribe -for The Tribune NUMBER 24 The Measure of Achievement is not the size of ones income That may be only the measure of ones extravagance The real Measure of Achievement is the DIFFERENCE between your income and your expendit ures The best way to achieve- a sub stantial marginto get ahead with certainty is to deposit REGU LARLY even though each dep osit be small Did you ever stop to consider that 1000 deposited regularly monthly for ten years exclusive of interest would am ount to 120000 Better start an account with THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Csfar DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science Morning subject Mortals and Im mortals Episcopal Sunday school at ten morning prayer and sermon at eleyen Even ing prayer and address at eight Tuesday Altar guild meeting Congregational Morning subject The Divinity in Humanity Evening The Laughing Real Stove Bargains Ladies size 20 Outing flannel gowns Temple theatre building the same in slightly used base burners heat carpenters tools one safety razor of thick -warm outing flannel one gold watch fifteen suit cases J ular size gowns from 50c to 200 overcoats etc C G BOSWORTH eit anu ranges lou can save a whole lot and yet get a guaranteed stove at McCOOK HARDWARE CO Horse Blankets 85c Good heavy warm horse blankets some location Mr Weidenharaer will for 85c each pay for them continue in the train service of the selves times many QVer The nuniiigiuii wiin wnicn ne nas Deen cnn Tt n On connected for several years ures cash only One price plain fig- The Only Union Made overalls In the city axe the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also Jackets and caps The phone Is 97 For Sale at a Bargain if taken soon one nearly new Amer ican Ideal boiler 1200 ft capacity steam heat 2000 ft capacity hot water MIDDLETON RUBY Misses Caps and Tarns 25c to 100 The reds the blacks and all the desirable colors in felts in bear skins in broadcloths etc The Thompson D G Co Utmost value See our 1911 calendar mounts Newest designs large assortment L W McCONNELL Druggist Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER STOP EXPERIMENTING If you are seeking purity and fresh ness in drugs and buy here at our store We carry none but pure drugs At this time of year when there are so many one day ills and coughs and head colds our stock of HOME REMEDIES AND DRUGS comes in mighty handy We have medicines to cure and tonics to re build What is it that you need to set you right again A McMILLEN Druggist and Stationer