The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1910, Image 6

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T -
Has a high food value A food that children will like
and grow vigorous upon Compounded from Wheat
Oats Rice and Barley
Ask Your Grocer
at 11 a m and Wednesday
at 3 p m Meets now in the north
east corner of court house basement
Catholic Order of services Mass
800 a m Mass and sermon 1000
a in Evening service at 800 Sun
day school 230 p m
EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten
oclock Morning prayer and sermon
at eleven oclock Evening prayer
and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal
as usual every member please attend
Methodist Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday
school at 10 a m Ep worth League
at 7 p m
1 mDs W Crabtree for State Super
The republican party this year pre
sents one of the strongest candi
dates for State Superintendency who
has ever come before the people Itj
is seldom that the people of the I
state have a chance to elect a man
of such ability and variety of school
experience to this position Mr Crab I
tree has served in all educational ca j
nnfitin frnm that nf ennntrv school
teacher up to the President of one
of the largest Normal Schools in the
United States Like all men who
have made their mark in their chos
en field Mr Crabtree stands for def
inite priniciples It is reassuring to
know that the practical phases of
school supervision are the ones to
which Mr Crabtree gives his greatest
attention His educational principles
may be summed up in five points
First Greater accuracy and thor
oughness in teaching
Second Increased attention to the
Evangelical Lutheran Regular Ger essential common branches
bkwi K iuc ices in church Third Greater emphasis on that
coruc r of E and tith street east which prepares for what the student j
ery Si i at 1030 All vsrill do immediately
Germans cordially invited 1 school
REV GROTIIEER Pastor Fourth Nonpartisanship in the
- management of all schools and state
A Reliable Medicine Not a Narcotic institutions
Get the genuine Foleys Honey and Fifth A closer co operation of pub
Tar in the yellow package It is He private and parochial schools for
safe and effective Contains no the good of education and for the up-
S A JMCUUien Druggist j iiuuiS ui cauii uibuluuuii
feetter For sale by all dealers
That special arrangement weve
made with The Weekly Inter Ocean
and Farmer 125 for it and this pa
per for one year has made a hit
Gccd Rerults Always Follow
The use of Foley Kidney Pills They
are upbuilding strengthening and
scolhint Tonic in action quick in
results A McMillen
Received on Account Pak
Out Cash Credit slips etc
lor sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
McCook Tribune 100 a year
For pain in the side or chest damp 1 eal Estate t iungs
en a piece of flannel with Chamber- The following real estate filing
Iains Liniment and bind it on over have been made in the county clerks
the seat of pain There is nothing office since our last report
B F Wanamaker to Minnie Steun
mann lease to 6 in 19 McCook
United States to George E Cole
man pat to ne 2-3-30
United States to Lee W Taylor
pat to seM 35-4-30
Charles A Gentry et ux to Hen
ry T Williams wd to 10 in 0 Dan
bury 1400
Edgar B Lister et al to Quinton R
Miles qcd to s nei4 13-1-28 100
Lincoln Land Co to R G Talbot
wd to 5 in 5 7th McCook 200
William F Gartrell et ux to C
H Harman wd to part 7 and 8 in
19 McCook 125
Charles H Harman to the public
notice of contract to part of 7 and
8 in 19 McCook
House Cleaning Day
11 1 lit ijcii 1 cicjuuuc 13 uiuaii IIIC IIISI LII1IJ IU UC iakEU 111
I a new house and the last piece of tangible property to leave the
1 old one
The modern housewife uses her
Bell Telephone to run all sorts of
errands It is the up-to-date mes
senger boy
The Bell Telephone system in
this state unites 600000 Nebras
karis by means of 120000 tele
phones and connects with five mil
lion other Bell stations in 40000
cities and towns
Nebraska Telephone Co
C W KELLEY Local Manager
BuIIard Lumber Co
Sells the Best
Lumber and Coal
txArJt rJ - V - 3
irKy farm T ys
wf am
One of the Teil Tale Letters
CMoT3st4 t
We reproduce above a copy of one of
the letters between Congressman
Hitchcock and Joseph Bartley which
have caused such a big political sen
sation Edgar Howard one of the
most prominent democrats in the sfate
and editor of the Columbus Teleam
produced photographic copie of a
upon leaving number of letters which passed be
tween Mr Hitchcock and Mr Bartley
while Bartley was still holding the r
fice of state treasurer and relating to
money transactions Bartley turned
out a defaulter to the extent of over
half a million dellars of state funds
and served a term in state prison for
the offense It has always been a
mystery where the money went It
will be noticed that the letter is ad
dressed to Bartley as trpavn er anr
treasurer of the state Other letters
and telegrams have been publhed
which passed between Hitchcock and
Bartley at this time While Hitch
cock claims that the money he bor
rowed of Bar tie v was Bartleys private
funds most of the newspapers of the
state have scoffed at this explanation
The progressives among the repub
lican senators are coming to the aid
of Senator Burkett In his fight for re
election Certainly these senators are
in a position to know of the work
of our senior senator and their judg
ment ought to be accepted by the hon
est inquirer
Senator Bristow
Last week Senator Bristow the in
surgent Senator frcm Kansas said of
Senator Burkett
I should be very much pleased to
render any assistance I could to Sen
ator Burkett but I have spent so
j much time outside of Kansas already
that I cannot any longer neglect the
Kansas campaign
While upon a number of votes Sen
ator Burkett and I did not agree yet
he was of especial value to the pro
gressive cause not only in the tariff
t fight In behalf of a genuine revision
but also in the fight for effective and
efilcient legislation regulating the rail
roads he rendered fine service
Wishing you success I am
Very truly yours
Senator Beveridge
And now comes Senator Beveridge
the fighting insurgent senator from
Indianat who last week wrote to the
chairman of the republican state com
mittee as follows
I am very sure the people of Ne
braska will return Senator Burkett
to the senate The great progressive
movement that is sweeping over this
country needs every man of progres
sive tendencies Generally speaking
the politicians now in control of the
Democratic party are not putting up
such men The whole tendency of the
cabal of dominant politicians now in
control of that party is reactionary
One has only to consider the domi
nant influences in that party from
New York and Ohio to Texas and
I am exceedingly sorry that the
engagements already made will pre
vent my coming to Nebraska for I
Ex President Roosevelt
In a speech at Omaha on September
2nd 1910 ex President Roosevelt said
Senator Burkett was one of the men
on whom I especially relied when I
was preBldeHt both while he was in
the House and in the Senate I was
able to accomplish what I did in
Washington only because of the way
I was backed by men like Senator
Burkett and as we have a guest from
Iowa present let me say like Senator
What right has one to criticize the
results of an election if he doesnt
I -
El fcfc Tl EljL
r -1
MWijier am art rnri
f J
i 30 16351
Ron Jos s Bart ley
State Treasure Lincoln Ko
Docr Sir
Rofsrrins to conversation with you I bos to 8uy
that I vould like to rcaKe out now notes aa follows
Orfl due SrtptorabeT t
One due October 1
Cne due Jovanber 1
One due December 1
One due January 1 IS96
Will thin bo sati3fa3tory
The Istter I night aok to extended in part The others
would be paid at naturity with interest will of covtbr pay the in
terest on prer cnt note
should like very much indeed to be
cf any possible assistance that I could
in the re eieccion of Senator Burkett
He should be returned and I kav
no doubt he will be returned
With kind regards
Senator LzFollatte
Senator LaFollettes Magazine in
an z icle reviewing Senator E jrlietta
work said
To get the truth about Senator
Burkeit you must get close You must
rtudy his record Whn you do this
you will see that he Is a progressive
progressing You will find that dur
ing the railroad legislation of 1906
he took strong strides in the peoples
not as a banker or an individual and j cause ou will And him forging
is dated during the time that he ws ahead with the merest handful of re-
publican senators in support of the
amendment to provide for the physical
valuation of railroad property as a
basis for the regulations of railroad
rates an amendment that was anathe
ma to the system leaders of the Sen
ate You will find him springing for
ward to the support of an amendment
to protect the railway employees and
to fix a just liability upon the rail
read fcr their injuries incurred in
this hazardous service You will find
him afterwards charging the ramparts
of the system in behalf of the rail
road company employees liability bill
You will find him again voting consis
tently roll call after roll call while
system senators were ducking into
the cloak rooms to avoid the vote to
put to passage in the Senate the bill
to promote the safety of the traveling
public and the employees of railways
by fixing a reasonable limitation on
the hours of railroad employees en
gaged in the operation of trains
Senator Cummins
In a speech at Lincoln on last Thurs
day Senator Cummins of Iowa said
I am here however as most of you
know ny chief purpose at least in
visiting Lincoln at this time is to
contribute if I can contribute with
the little influence that my words
may have to the re election of my as
sociate in the Senate of the United
States and my friend Elmer J Bur
kett I have known him well I have
known him long
I say to his fellowmen and fellow
townsmen something that is altogeth
er unnecessary that I believe as hav
ing witnessed his work in two of the
severest struggles that have ever been
seen in the Senate of the United
States that Elmer Burkett does what
he believes to be right and votes as
his conscience tells him he ought to
vote and no more than that can be
asked of any man
He has served you with not only
great fidelity but I think he has
served you with conspicuous ability
and we who have I hope you will
not think me egotistical when I say
this some definite idea of what should
be done in the future and intend to
accomplish It in every way that we
can honorably can want Elmer
Burkett in the Senate instead of Gil
bert Hitchcock in the Senate for the
reasons which I shall attempt in the
plainest and simplest way to state
Senator Cummins in his speech at
Chicago says nothing is to be gained
by trusting either house of CongresB
to the democrats He has seen some
of them at close range
When you think how dull business
was when the democratic party was
last in power isnt It a big risk to
try it again
Ex President Roosevelt Is having
great sport chasing opponents out of
the jungles In darkest New York
After next Tuesday the candidates
troubles will be over but will yours
Nailed a Few Lies
David City Nebraska Oct 24th 1910
Ever since the beginning of this
campaign a great many stories have
been set in circulation regarding
Chester H Aldrich of this city can-
j didate for governor
The Ministerial Union of David Ci
ty on its own motion assumed the re
sponsibility of investigating the
lowing charges with reference to Mr
Aldrich and we believe it our duty
j to report the facts to the voters of
i the state
1 That Mr Aldrich has been mar
ried several times
2 That Mr Aldrich made himself
wealthy in the race horse business
3 That nine years ao Mr Aldrich
obtained a divorce for a New York
woman oa perjured testimony
4 That Mr Aldrich failed in Dav
id City and settled lib indebtedness
at 20 cents on the dollar
5 That some six yoars ago Mr
Aldrich sustained a broken leg as the
result of a bawl in a house of ill
6 That Mr Aldrich is in the habit
of drinking and of beoming intoxi
We find that each and every one
cf the above charges is absolutely
false and malicious and we believe
they are being circulated with a de
liberate purpose to cloud the issue
and confuse and deceive the voters
of the state with reference to the
moral life and good citizenship of our
fellow towns man
We believe further that we have
conclusive proof that these stories
emanated from brewery sources for
purpose of scattering the church
7 R GETTYS Chairman
Pastor M E Church
Pastor Christian Church
Pastor Congl Church
Pastor Baptist Church
R F D No 3
E B Nelson has been
the road some this week
John Randel and W C Cooper
were in the city on business Wed
Harve Nelson is still sowing wheat
Mrs Don L Thompson and chil
dren and Miss Olga Nylander have
just returned from Lebanon and Wil
sonville visiting friends and relatives
Don Thompson accompanied John
Cordeal and Earl Ludwick to Leba
non last Monday
R F D No 4
Route No 4 needs rain
Mrs W G Dutton entertained
company of friends last Friday at
a luncneon iurs Aaele fnelan or
Portland Oregon was the guest of
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Pow
der made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
Made from Grapes
No Lime Phosphate
No Alum
Heinz pickles and vinegar
MAGNERS Phone 14
kv 1 his is the chier W
I requisite for IBJ
making Perfect ffi
m Bake Day Foods An
j Ml M IB I 4
IfrnaJ llJ
HBr H B hB H
The New
Better Way
Sprinkle Old
Dutch Cleanser on
a wet cloth rub
well wipe with 3
clean wet cloth
Takes off 2II dis
coloration and
scum and will not
scratch Use it
for all your clean
ing The one
your clean
ing work in
the kitchen
out the
ThisGne Cleanses
in handy sifter can
keeps the house and
everything in it spick
and span with half
the time required
with old fashioned cleaners
CleansS crabs
For porcelain ware and on the
bath tub Old Dutch Geanser
is the one safe cleanser to use
best cleanser for
the farm
fr iPSMv H
a f EiNKL I
e fcr yjjKjBfj
I mjCy
1 NjJ OlirTiiwc
g 4 fgM 1 gMMM
Large and Small Jobs
Fire and Wind
Written in First Class
Flour Feed Main av
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through ivith them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
gl Hi A k k t t t JLg
Tnaf s All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
- VuiLUSa
m H
tpss tlao co2 azxd Steals ltrsagt
V i
A 1