The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1910, Image 4
1 Otir FireProof Vaults are at your disposal Why not have a Safe Deposit Box i which to keep your will insurance poli cies deeds abstracts notes loaepe and other valnable pipers In this ma nor you safe guard yourself against any pos sible loss by fire Tf you are not familiar with the plan we will be glad to have you call at the bank inspect the boxes and allow us to ex plain fully this secure way of taking care of your private papers and other valuables First National Bank AlcCook Nebr By F M KIAiMELL m Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postoftice HcCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly REPUBLICAN TICKET For United States Senator E J BURKETT For Governor C H ALDRICH For Lieutenant Governor M R HOPEWELL For Secretary of State ADDISON R WAIT For Auditor SILAS R BARTON For Attorney General GRANT G MARTIN For Land Commissioner E B COWLES For Treasurer WALTER A GEORGE For State Superintendent J W CRABTREE For Railroad Commissioner HENRY T CLARKE Jr For Congressman 5th Disk GEORGE W NORRIS For State Senator 29th Dist JOHN F CORDEAL For State Representative 65th Disk FRANK MOORE For County Attorney CHARLES D RITCHIE For Commissioner 3rd Dist WALTER N ROGERS Rev Alfric J R Goldsmith form er rector of St Pauls Episcopal church at Arapahoe but now sta tioned at McCook was in the city last Saturday He took occasion to deny the report that he delivered an address in McCook on Sunday Oct 23 in the presence of Mayor Dahl man and in favor of his candidacy for governor Mr Goldsmith says The World Herald news report and editorial comment are both absolute ly false I did not preach in McCook that day but held services at Haigler and Benkelman In a personal letter to The Mirror dated Oct 29 Rev Goldsmith furth er says The sermon referred to in the World Herald was preached by my assistant I find no one in Mc Cook had thought of the sermon as expressed in that paper but was ac cepted in the spirit it was given a call to good honest battle against ev il in the strength of God The World Herald in its eagerness to champion Mayor Jims cause for gets the truth and if this is a sam ple of their campaign methods Dahl- man and Hitchcock are doomed to in glorious defeat Arapahoe Mirror If someone springs the falsehood that C H Aldrich ever said that 60 a month is wages enough for any railroad man you may promptly nail it He never said it The story has been given some circulation at Alli ance C H Aldrich you remember is the author of the bill increasing the accident liability of railroads be yond the old 5000 limit j John Ccideal Republican nominee for state senator has completed a very satisfactory campaign in the 29th district and is confident of a neat and sufficient majority on next Tues day Do You Understand the Proposed pstzMsSVVWJtMvmtivi Constitutional Amendment Re- t lating to Suffrage t Its adoption means that hereafter men coming to our shores from oth er lands must reside in this coun try five years and become citizens of the United States before they can vote in Nebraska Those who have already become voters after a residence of six months in Nebraska must take out their sec ond papers at the end of five years or cease to be voters On County Option The standing of Republican nomi nees is thus announced by the Anti Srlron League of Nebraska on the comity option question For Elmer J Burkett candidate for United States senator who has agreed to support the Miller Curtis bill which is designed to prevent in ter state commerce laws from nullify- j ing state laws on the liquor question j For G W Norris candidate for congressman Fifth Nebraska District For Chester A Aldrich candidate i ior governor oays ne win wont iui the passage of and gladly sign the j best county option bill obtainable For M P Hopewell candidate for lieutenant governor For John F Cordeal candidate for state senator district 29 For Frank Moore candidate for representative 65th district To the Voters of the County It has been published that I filed for the nomination of county commis sioner for the benefit of some person or clique which was not made clear in the article just who or what and that I was a grafter and would be if elected My past public and pri vate life has been open and above board and at my age it is too late to start in any other way I thinktoo much of the opinion of my friends and neighbors to be otherwise I filed in good faith and will always do the square thing with everyone either in business or politics and if I am elected as county commissioner my every action will be honest and fair and to the best interests of the people of the county and will al ways invite the strictest investiga tion of these actions I have no ax to grind and my only aim is that the best cleanest and most honest administration be given to the public regardless of party and I invite an investigation of my past history as my best argument for your support at this election Yours respectfully S S GARVEY Candidate for County Commissioner of Demo cratic party and do not need an in troduction to any Democrat who has been in the county over two years Political Advertising C D Ritchie the Republican nom inee for county attorney offers the people of Red Willow county efficient service He is a lawyer in active practice of several years experience The legal business of the county will be in good hands and in faithful keeping if he is elected to that of fice And as to economy not an un necessary penny will be expended by him In enforcing the laws but as a faithful officer who appreciates the force of his oath of office he will enforce the laws Vote for him J Few greater misfortunes can come to any community than the active and poisonous presence of a black mailer or blackguard in its midst one whose lips and mind and soul pour out foul calumny And when that individual happens to be a news paper publisher Pandora has nothing worse to turn loose Such a commun ity is to be sincerely pitied until it can successfully purge itself An upright man is Frank Moore the Republican nominee for repre sentative in this county Deserving too of the votes of his party to a man He stands squarely on his par tys platform favors county option and every other good measure desir ed by the common people whom he has served in his first term of office as representative and whom he will again serve to the best of his ability Vote for him - - ----- Congressman Norris is looking for a strong endorsement of his course in congress Red Willow should take special pleasure in returning him a jne majority The Tribune is enlisted in any cam paign which has for its purpose and end to take the hand of privilege from the public pocket j 4 D Ritchie will give Red Willow county efficient and economical ser vice He is deserving of election by a liberal majority j j I am not ready to see my party die with delirium tremens said the Great Commoner in his Lincoln speech 8 i Your social make 111 MfesiPiiJb I I I MifiMM giB I i i Tmt LAMX STAND PO tA YtAliVx N WM s no iiaihiiixiiiLiiSiiS ZSSMSASj ooooooooooooooo LA FOLLETTE ON NORRIS o MADISON Wis Nov 1 J R q McCarl Chairman Republican o postoffice Committee McCook Neb Pro- o gressive Republicanism every- o where demands the re eelction of o Nebraskas gret progressive lead- o er Georqe W Norris Proved by o o the Record a fearless militant o o servant of the people Failure to o return him to congress would be a national loss I regret that my physical strength has not sufficiently re turned to enable me to join you in your campaign for Judge Nor ris Make the issue clear and force the fighting on every point I have faith in the people and look with confidence to the re el suit o o o o o o o o o o o o o ANNOUNCEMENT Having been accused by the Car rion and others that I did at the recent primary mix in the fight on commissioner on the Democratic tick et and worked for one candidate to beat another and also that I elec tioneered in Box Elder precinct for the one I make the following offer If they bring any man who lives in this commissioner district and get him to testify under oath that I urged him to vote for Garvey and against Fleishman or that I said the least thing reflecting on Mr Fleish man or that he saw me in Box El der precinct electioneering this year I will buy that man a yearly subscription to the Indianola Carrion CHAS SKALLA Hon W J Bryan will speak at Holdrege and Arapahoe November 2nd and at Trenton and Culbertson on November 3rd Reasons there are many why Re publicans can vote straight this year Wall Street Methods Church I see there is record of wheat growing in China as far back as 3000 B C Gotham Cant Just tell the record of wheat selling which never grew I suppose Yonkers Statesman Electricity at White House Electrlclty i3 the only illumlnant nsed at the White House and in many respects the electrical installation is J the most elaborate and complete in any residence in tne country V KmvssxesaifiJriiiamiyih tfrBy Advertised List j The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the Letters H H Andrews Harvey Brown llr Jim Buroff J W Burgess Mr W C Hanson Air R A Kinder Mr J L Sutfin Harry Louis Stabbord Mr Harry Springer 2 W W Worden j Cards Mr B L Brown Mr J W Burgess G j J Berry Mr W E Cook Mr Chris Mr L A Castle Mrs lafs Ernest Gross May Hall Mr Bert Rogers Mr and Mrs E Stich When calling for these please saj they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster Anclher Fling at the Poet Im a toiler in lifes vineyard wrote a Buffalo poet and the linotype man mado it tailor Still this Isnt eo bad Most poets would be glad if they could make their own duds Ex change Misleading A tailor on Thirty ninth street has e sign Clothes mended In the rear -Chicago Tribune Your combings made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 UPDIKE GRAIN CO handles the following POPULAR COALS Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Maitland Lump Baldwin Lump Sheridan Egg Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard These are all coals of highest heat producing qualities Give us your orders they will he filled promptly and to your satisfaction S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 i trso J JLJL a TVK T f 0 0 Wl W X1L W means eat uaecjjwjcwjrtiwaa S53SEEf3SSI32S5EZ5S5E2iitf 7jymMJfirJimrvm position or your job t one whit of differ- ence with this st SteiiiBIoch Smart Clothes will fill your every call from day light to darkness and beyond The managers desk the department head the clerk the lawyers office the doctors visits the pastors mini strations the club the reception the dance the Sunday service Each Department of Our Busy Ameri can Life Stein Bloch has provided with clothes that fit with a style appropri ate for that activity More brains and experience and money go into the making of Stein Bloch Smart Clothes than into Any other clothes in the world Wisdom pcints to a try on atement N9 iRPlP I g n ji or tiwfrw wow Prices 20 to 30Other Suits 1250 to 2 West B Street McCook Nebr her nosing Weather For Every Lady Miss or Child who wants the most X s WSit Wf JMfs Perfect Fitting Longest Wearing Most Satisfactory Serviceable Durable Comfortable and Inexpensive r Underwear Made in this Country We have every size in every quality to fit every figure at prices from 25c to 125 each for single pieces 50c to 400 each for Union suits and our store is the only place in Mc Cook where Munsing Garments can be found for Ladies Misses and Children Wear a Munsing and you will never try another kind H C CLA PP Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings A H r i ii 1- i if u