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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1910)
t i I jt 1 t l 4 i1 1 V ft V ft 4 1 a t i tV L f u Jp W M if I TWENTY NINTH YEAR iB1 ii All the Latest Yiersen Osborn 113 W B CLASSMATES ggfUi a f tJ Repairing What They Say about Wm Macauley in This Production Grinnell Iowa Oct 11 10 ZVIr Arthur Lister Manager Newton Iowa Dear Sir Wm Macauley and his company have just played Class mates here tonight to a -packed house My patrons were more than pleased with the performance They have an excellent company and have given us a splendid per formance I cheerfully recommend them to you and your patrons Yours very truly H F LAMPHERE Manager Colonial Theatre A 250 Coupon Cut this out and bring it to us We will honor it for 250 on the pur chase of a 650 mens corduroy suit That makes the suit net you 400 Sizes 3G and 38 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value A New Dairy About October 31 E F Markwad will commence to deliver milk to pa trons in the city making one delivery a day at first and later will make two deliveries Phone ash 3621 The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers SEE SEE McConnells holiday display will be in the old Model shoe store building across the street north of DeGroffs For Sale or Trade Quarter section of Hayes county land cultivated to trade for McCook property Inquire of Dr Hare 1 S CM mjm Pi J f Sv3 CerHOOV A Pleasant Expression improves a photograph so woud e r f u 1 1 y that it has bu come an im portant factor in the require m e n t s and JV judgment of a First Class Photographer It h only one step from a pleasant ex pression to an idiotic grinLet us be the judge of the exact boundary We refusa to print poor likenesses Our prices are very moderate but our work must be first class E Schell Kimmell PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER 1st Door N Com Hotel Red 428 Quick Wiehe i One of the charming home wed dings of the fall was that of Mr Neal Quick of Indianola and Miss Ruth daughter of Mr and Mrs A C Wiehe of our city which occurred on last Thursday evening at the family res idence in our city in the presence of a small company of relatives and friends of the high contracting par ties Rev R T Bayne of the j tional church performed the ceremony in the use of the ring the betrothal j being consummated under an arch in white and green in the swell window of the parlor the young couple ap 1 proaching from an upper chamber to the familiar strains of the wedding j march in Lohengrin played by Miss Nina Tomlinson Miss Marval Jimison of Cherokee Iowa and Mr Will Wiehe brother of the bride were respectfully brides maid and best man A dainty two course luncheon fol lowed the ensuing congratulations During the serving Misses Minnie Viersen and Florence Rosebush sans the sextette from Lucia and Miss Tomlinson played several selections on the piano The wedded ones and families were served at a large table in the dining room which was decor ated in pink and green with stream ers of white pink carnations were the flowers The bride was simply and prettily gowned in white Persian lawn with Valenciennes lace and insertion mes salin silk bodice and streamers and carried a bouquet of pink roses The young folks were handsomely remembered a check for 1000 from the grooms father being especially noteworthy Among tbe guests from out of the city were C S Quick Miss Flora Quick of Indianola and Miss Angie Quick of Lincoln father and sisters of the groom Dr and Mrs W D Mackechnie Mr and Mrs W A Do lan Mr Jesse Hadley and Mr John Hedges of Indianola Mrs W N Jimison and daughter Miss Marval of Cherokee Iowa Mrs T F Rowell and Mrs H Brown assisted in the refreshments i Miss Florence Rosebush and Miss Minnie Viersen in the serving Miss Marval Jimison caught the brides bouquet The young couple departed same night on No 6 for Lincoln and Coun 1 cil Bluffs on a wedding trip A pre- pared cottage awaits them in their future home Indianola where the groom is employed in the State Bank The Tribune feels a personal word to be superfluous Two more worthy excellent and charming young people have not in years come into our life and experience We most heartily congratulate Reynolds Wendland Mr Eddie W Reynolds and Miss Lillie Wendland both of Benkelman Neb were married in the M E parsonage Wednesday October 26 1910 Rev L E Lewis performing the ceremony They returned to Benkel man on No 3 same day Nelson Eckloff Mr Oscar A Nelson of Holdrege and Miss Huldah J Eckloff of Axtell Nebraska were united in marriage at the M E parsonage in McCook Wednesday October 26 Rev Lester E Lewis pastor officiating Bedding Headquarters Home made comforts 200 to 300 Blankets 39c to 900 pair Sheets 60c and 85c Pillow slips 135 per dozen White quilts 79c to 375 Wide sheeting 23c to 30c Ticking 10c to 22 c Quilt size batt 60c Comfort calicoes 6c Feather pjl lows 65c to 125 each The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value Mr Thomas Scott Appointed The county commissioners of Fron tier county have appointed Mr Thom as Scott as county superintendent of Frontier county in succession to Mr L W Colebank resigned For Sale at i Bargain if taken soon one nearly new Amer ican Ideal boiler 1200 ft capacity steam heat 2000 ft capacity hot water MEDDLETON RUBY John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at McCook National Bank George Wall and Fred Bamesber ger from route 3 Indianola came up on Tuesday afternoon to attend the Haag Gillen wedding o tHi hiu mi ip McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER 27 1910 Kirchner Caffrey Macauley in Classmates j Mr Dahlman Mr J E Kirchner of Titanka The charm of Duncan Irving the In the course of his auto tour of Iowa a nl Miss Katie Caffrey of this chief character in Classmates this section of Nebraska James Dahl city were united in marriage Tuesday which will be played by William Ma- man Democratic nominee for gov iuoniiiig October 25 1910 in St Pat- cauley and a large company at the ernor reached McCook Saturday ricks Catholic church of our city Temple theatre on Wednesday No- evening last and addressed a large Rev W J Patton celebrant Masters vember 2 lies not so much in what audience in the Temple theatre Louis and Edmund Kirchner of the other characters say of him as j The Tribune desires to be fair don Kansas nephews of the bride in what he really is and does Class and generous to Mr Dahlman even and groom attending at the altar mates is not a talky play but an charitable for there is use for the The bride was attended by Miss acting one and Duncan Irving does broadest mantle of charity in his Rose Caffrey and the groomsman was not rely upon the good word of his case but we cannot stretch imagina Mr John Caffrey of Orleans Neb friends for his position in the drama tion much less the truth far enough being sister and brother of the bride out upon his own sterling qualities to style his efforts a speech Per- The bride was formerly one of No one can see hini m one act f haps it were just and fair to call it Ian countys most successful teachers the play and not know him to be a a dull stunt in comedy a colorless having taught during the past two man -of sweet and fine honor His vaudeville between curtaih act With years in the Orleans high school eves and his words carry conviction al it was most disappointing to one The groom holds the responsible to everyone that he is the possessor who has taken him seriously at all sition oi engineer on the Rock lslanu a dean and honest soul Duncan Mr Dahlman if he made any impres system in Iowa Irving is a man innately critical A sion upon you that lasted over night After the solemn ceremony the reticent man as to his own thoughts made you feel that he was quite a dal party with relatives and friends and feelings he takes an inward j common wind merchant with more repaired to the home of the brides measurement of everyone with whom egotism and braggadocia than is ne parents Mr and Mrs Charles he comes in contact often the re- cessary or useful in any one man frey where a bounteous weMrir verse of what had been supposed J In general his talk was along the breakfast was served in three courses T t hurts him to acknowledge defects same line as reported in the dailies Mr and Mrs Kirciiner leit on o m others and he has the impersonal of his York Aurora and other 6 same night for their future home good qualities in those who are un- speeches The same plea for local in Titanka Iowa j congenial- to him And so even to self government The usual rude and Though but a resident of a few his rival Bert Stafford he is j crude roast of preachers tight months in McCook the bride had rous to the danger point But once wads etc The same incessant self won numerous warm friends whose his honor is aroused once he finds glorification and self bloviation The good wishes go with her to her Iowa that it is his fathers good name that same ringing in of his estimable wife home Stafford is dragging into the mire and daughters The same jibes at Among the out-of-town guests were a11 caution all restraint leave him prohibitionists The same drinking Mr and Mrs Ed Caffrey of Stamford and he strikes a blow that ruins his repeatedly out of a pitcher of water Neb Mr and Mrs J R Kirchner We w ith a wink out of the other eye and sons of Herndon Kas Miss Edith A few attempts at being serious Cain of Republican City Mr John Carroll of Cambridge Neb Remains Were Buried Here and argumentative but when not tire- The remains of the late Dr A C some he was worse Harlan arrived from Hillsboro Iowa j In a sentence his plea was for the Tuesday morning and interment was wide open theory as practiced in Lyon Rouch made from the home of S D McClain ha and his contention was against A very pretty wedding took place i of this city same afternoon at one county option last Wednesday evening October 26 1 oclock the body being buried in He laid special stress on his claim Riverview beside those of that you cant legislate men temper at 8 p m at the home of Mr and cemetery his departed wife and daughter ate or chaste Mrs H A Rouch when their ter Hazel Ramona was united -in mar- Brief services were conducted at Neither can you make a buffoon riage to Eugene C Lyon of Wymore J the home by Rev L E Lewis of the thus serious or a thief honest nor Nebraska in th nresence of some Methodist church W B Whittaker con you thus restrain the hand of sixty of their friends Rev S E an oldtime personal friend of the de- j the murderer the skill and cunning Wilkins of Wilsonville olficiating Ccsed in Frontier county paying a j ot the forger or the stealth of the The bridal party took their places un- short personal tribute to the depart- embezzler but we do have laws der a white wedding bell while Miss ed especially enlarging upon and against them and when these laws are Fern Flitcraft played softly the Men- phasizing the unselfish devotion of honestly enforced they each and all j delssohn wedding march j the doctor professionally and person- j reduce the crimes they are aimed to Tim iriro or itoo vhifo nr arn allv to the welfare of others curtail de chine over white silk taffeta and j Quite a number of friends joined she carried a bouquet of white with the few relatives who tions The decorations were pink and nied the body in the final services white the same color scheme being November 15 Haag Gillen Mr Joseph Haag and Miss Ger trude daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Gillen were married at ten oclock Wednesday morning in St Patricks church of this city a large company of friends neighbors and relatives witnessing the solemn ceremony A reception at the Gillen home fol lowed the ceremony in the church A this reception a large company par ticipated in an elaborate and hearty affair County Option will be the subject at the Congrega tional church next Sunday evening Special music by male quartet and choir The morning subject will be Spirituality The annual bazaar and dinner of the ladies of the Sacred Heart guild will be held on December 1st Canning pears by the bushel at MAGNERS Phone 14 Fred Boehner and John Kirchner were city visitors Monday No matter the character of vour ideas in wall DaDers mouldings SDe On Bargain Square County Option We have placed on Bargain Voters while considering this op- square eight pieces of double fold tion question dont forget the option fleeCe lined dress goods of regular we offer you on the purchase of those value of 15c yard which- we offer fine and plump weight dark blue serial whle they last at 9 cents per yard suits at 1500 They make splendid suits to vote in Other suits from 500 to 2000 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Subscriptions If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscription to any daily paper or magazine call on me and I will save you money BARNEY HOFER McCook News Co Suitable for childrens dresses house dresses wrappers etc The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value Promptly at 9 Oclock The grand march of the barn dance in Menards hall tonight Friday the 28th will begin at prompt nine oclock SACRED HEART GUILD On Bargain Square are to be found 8 or 10 cuts of fine cambric muslin of 12c value 10 yards in a cut They are priced at 100 per cut Will you be an early comer The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Am A 2 bu Grain Bags 22c each at The Thompson D G Co most value Coffee If you want the best see MAGNER Phone 14 Subscribe for The Tribune the year 100 Mr Dahlman is disappointing There were also speeches by R D Sutherland Democratic nominee Dr H A Harlan a cousin from for congressman Fifth district Mr carried out in the refreshments Hillsboro Iowa W S Harlan a Sutherland is of the warming pan Mrs Hugh Kelley and Mrs Clyde Ehew from Lincoln Neb and Miss variety and a jolly good fellow too j Shirley both brides of recent date Rena Huddleston of Hillsboro Iowa u ot optimism and there with the assisted in servine a grand niece accompanied the re- Jolly In case we cant land Norris mains here for interment The presents were numerous and beautiful Miss Bruce was the lucky young lady to catch the brides bou quet Mr and Mrs Lyon left Thursday evening on No 6 for a short wed ding trip visiting briefly in Lincoln before going to Wymore where they will be at home to their friends after j FALL DECORATIONS why Roderick will Dhu but he had better retain his law offices in Nelson for use after November 8th Then The Little Giant from Grand Island favored the audience Hon Thompson has a reputa plans for decorating may be we have tion for silver tongued but oratory on the materials that will enable you to this occasin he could not get up realize them perfectly All the latest sieam enouugn to attain tne iootnnis even of eloquence He labored as un cial materials are represented in our der a handicap besides he was weary stock and we can if desired suggest original and attractive modes of us ing them L W McCONNELL Druggist Stock Foods Now is a good time to feed stock food and get your stock in good con dition for winter We carry a full line of all the standard stock foods also poultry food A McMILLEN Druggist and worn with much speech making He is capable of much better work under more pleasing circumstances He was not well staged here Francis Colfer the clever deputy oil inspector was chairman and intro duced the speakers with his well known blarney though Frank was not tuned up to full concert pitch It was a magnificent audience of many motives but the players on the stage did not make good The McCook band furnished out and in door music t Opinions differ widely as to the harvest Rubber Gloves are so necessary to the housewife I need merely mention that I carry a full line of rubber gloves in all sizes A McMILLEN Druggist Seed Wheat for Sale Choice seed shipped in from Adams county Nebraska Also seed rye REAL EASTERDAY More Light Yes Water White coal oil 10c a gallon at MAGNERS Phone 14 Get a FREE MAJESTIC SOUVE NIR see our advertisement in this issue McCOOK HARDWARE CO You can aid the work of preven tion of crime by keeping your valu able papers jewels etc in one of the safety deposit boxes of the First National Bank Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER NUMBER 22 A Business Luxury A checking account is in deed a business necessity and he who tries to get along with out one is at great disadvant age It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of business in order to open an account Professional men and even women are running checking accounts If you have never done business this way and are not familiar with the plan come to us and we will get you started THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science Morning subject Everlasting Pun ishment EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten Shortened morning prayers litany and sermon by the rector at eleven Evening prayer and address at eight oclock Methodist Morning subject The Largeness of Mans Sphere Evening topic My Obligation to God The choir will- render speciah music Prepare for Winter Fires We are facing the soon approach of cold weather and this means start ing fires in stoves furnaces etc And this reminds us that you should look well to your premises before starting such fires Give your flues attention and your stove pipes Eaoh is a fruitful source of fires Defect ive flues and stove pipes that are not spark tight cause many of the fires Both should be cleaned A little at tention to these matters may result in a great saving to you Do not overlook or neglect this matter whick is especially urged by the state fire commissioner and is suggested to all by good judgment Married a Holbrook Couple Mr Albert F Kief and Miss Pearl T King both of Holbrook were mar ried at the Methodist parsonage Oc tober 22 1910 Rev L E Lewis pastor officiating Mens Shoes 190 275 and 300 Ladies shoes 165 185 200 275 Misses shoes 120 145 165 1S5 210 Childs shoes 35c 65c 75c 90c The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value Perfect Hog Cholera Cure Experiments recently completed at Omaha seem to prove conclusively that they have discovered a serum which will absolutely cure hog chol era Think of Christmas and dont forget that McConnells en tire line of gift goods Will be display ed in the building corner of Main and B streets or first door north of DeGroffs Voile Skirts6 750 10 Very handsome styles Very fine voile Large line of panama skirts of serge of batiste of mohair 2 to 10 Alterations free The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value Lamps We carry a good nickel plated lamp which makes a very bright and sat isfactory light A McMTLLEN Druggist The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber Is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone Is 97 WINTER APPLES ON TRACK For particulars phone H E Durham Red 414 -