The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 22, 1910, Image 5

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Time Card
AlcCook Neb
N i o Central Time 113 P m
8 t V p m
16 5U0 a M
i 5 iU a M
12 Itll A M
14 94i p M
10 oVJO 1 M
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 P m
5 arr 850 pm
1112 P M
905 A M
12o0 A M
ni5 a m
9XJ a M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 45 p si
No 175 departs 645 am
Sleuping dining and reclining cbair cars
seat free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
State or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hotetter Agent
McConk Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Pa inpr Agent Omaha Nebraska
The Burlington is sending six of
its R4 engines to the C S
The McCook division is to receive
two more superheater S2 engines
J P Nies has taken a months va
ation and is enjoying it at Hamburg
A car of lumber was partially de
jtroyed at Akion Monday of last
Adolph Knoff has returned to Ox
ford and taken his old job of car re
pairer at that place
W L Pickett who has been agent
at Plattsmouth for the past 17 years
died on Tuesday of last week
J M Smith I M Briggs and Bus
sey spent part of the week at Orleans
doing repair and air work on branch
Vene Wellman who has been brak
ing on the Burlington McCook di
vision returned to his home at Graft-
on last week
Henry Moers and William Poh have
been down to Orleans part of the
week doing some car repairing on
the Orleans St Francis line cars
Louis B Allen general superinten
dent of the Iowa lines of the Burling
ton has been appointed to succeed W
B Troop general superintendent of
the Nebraska district with headquar
ters in Lincoln Mr Troop has been
made general manager of the Quincy
Omaha Kansas City with head
quarters at lansas City The change
was made effective Monday Mr
Troop succeeds V B Brimson at
Kansas City
A telegram was received by rela
tives in Oxford Monday announcing
the sad death of Mrs F O Gray at
her home in Carvallis Oregon which
occurred that morning She is the
daughter of D N Prime of Edison
and leaves two children and a hus
band to mourn her untimely death
The body will be brought back to
Arapahoe where the family formerly
resided and where her two sons
mother and sister are already buried
and interment will be had tomorrow
Oxford Standard
A Reliable Medicine Not a Narcotic
Mrs F Marti St Joe Mich says
Foleys Honey and Tar saved her
little boys life She writes Our
little boy contracted a severe bron
chial trouble and as the doctors
medicine did not cure him I gave
him Foleys Honey and Tar in which
I have great faith It cured the
cough as well as the choking and gag
ging spells and he got well in a shor
time Foleys Honey and Tar has
many times saved us much trouble
and we are never without it in the
house A McMillen
I carry a complete line of
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L M CLYDE
Rev Bacicon Will Preach
Rev J A Badcon has consented
to remain in the city over next Sun
day and will preach in his former
pulpit in the Methodist church both
morning and evening at the usual
New Depot at Holdrege
Chicago 111 Sept 16 Architect
W J Frein of the C B Q rail
road today awarded the geneial cor
tract for a 35000 passenger station
at Holdrege Neb to be of brick con
struction Lincoln Star
Civil Service Examinations
An examination for city carriers
and postoffice clerks will be held in
the high school building on Saturday
October 1 1910 Secure blanks and
information from E J Brady local
secretary at the postoffice
FAIRY REVEL at opera house
September 30th
Mrs Walter Stokes entertained a
company of lady friends Tuesday eve
ning in honor of Mrs F W IJoaworth
of Denver who left for home Wednes
day morning
Miss Leah Pennell will give in
struction on piano at her home No
302 Main avenue where she will be
pleased to receive prospective pupils
and arrange for lessons and terms
Phone black 122 22 2t
One cannot attend a meeting of
the McCook Commercial club with
out coming away feeling that large
amount of energy remains latent and
unused and undeveloped in this city
for good and the citys advancement
The clubs membership includes many
earnest men who seek and strive for
the commercial upbuilding and devel
opment of the city but there are
scores of other business men and
professional men and citizens gener
ally in all walks of life who could be
of vast and effective assistance who
are i ot members of the club and
there are others who are members
who never appear in the chamber
and these also fail to give the bene
fit of their advice and council in the
deliberations of the club If you are
interested or if you have financial
or other interests in McCook join
lnr commercial body and plan and
May Stewart
The Hunchback a romantic com
edy by James Sheridan Knowles at
the Temple theatre Monday night
oept 2Gth will be an event that will
mdoubtedly attract a large and fash
ionable house There is also sure to
oe a desire on the part of the fair
sex to see the gowns worn by Miss
Stewart a nd company which are
claimed to be the most magnificent
ivorn by any company touring the
country Miss Stewart will wear two
or three gowns during the evening
valued at more than 100000
The story of The Hunchback is
one of the most beautiful ever writ
ten and the character of Julia the
role which Miss Stewart will portray
is one of the most interesting ever
conceived in any age by any author
Miss Stewart comes heralded as one
of our most promising legitimate wo
men of the east and she has many
opportunities in The Hunchback to
display her dramatic power She is
supported by a very capable comp
any and the event will no doubt at
tract one of the largest crowds of the
No Snow on Highest Peaks
Snow does not fall at a greater
night t n 16000 feet above the sea
level there being no moisture in the
atmosphore Therefore the highest
mountains are not capped with snow
M illlM
hoe Stor
Best Styles
Best Makes
Best Prices
The Model Shoe Store
Fisher Perkins
201 Wain
w l7wwf jTTLf iyTirrnnMi mMiriHin
6 -- z
117 Main Avenue
Comforts Si 50 to 400
11 iiiiii prrtinpirrw
of G40 acres on the Blackwood All
inder fence big pasture hog pasture
nnd 125 acres in cultivation 300
acres of bottom land Good buildings
ind improvements Writo or inquire
of J I Lee R F D Xo 1 McCook
Neb or phone 43
FOR RENT Four fur mhed i
furnished rooms Inqi e at No
1002 2nd street east
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
for Mght house keeping Mis J I Lee
phone 43
For Rent Steam heated i coins
Main ave Phone black 133
FOR RENT A 7 rnom cottage 1 1
in Mrf T I Loe Phone 43
FOR SALE 5 room house S E
corner trees lawn walks stable For
quick sale under price See Dor
wart Barger
FOUND A gents pocket book con
taining some money and papers Own
er can secure same by identifying
and paying expenses of this notice
A J Grant at the Monte Cristo
FOR RENT Three well furnished
rooms opposite city park Call at
302 1st street E
FOR SALE My residence at C01
1th street E Address J S Williams
or phone black 189 tf
FOR SALE Household goods iOo
1st east 22 3ts
T F Stroud Company manufac
tures of dirt moving tools 20th
Ames Ave Omaha Neb have on
hand a full set of road making tools
to loan free of charge to any county
or township who will obligate them
selves to use them every day while
in their possession returning them
in as good condition as when taken
from the factory
The Dorcas society of the Congre
gational church is preparing for the
annual bazaar to be held November
10 The ladies are requested to be
present at the meeting in Mrs LeRoy
Klevens home next Thursday after
noon September 29
FAIRY REVEL at opera house
September 30th
In the county court of Red Willow
county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Hi
ram Phillippi deceased
To all persons interested in said
Whereas on this 22nd day of Sep
tember 1910 R D Rodgers filed his
petition in this court praying for an
order and decree of said court dis
pensing with the administration of
the estate of Hiram Phillippi late of
said county deceased
It is ordered that said petition be
heard at the county court room in
the City of McCook in said county o
the 15th day of October 1910 at the
hour of one oclock p m and that
notice of said hearing be given to all
persons interested in said estate by
the publication of this order for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing in the McCook Trib
une a legal newspaper published
weekly in said county
Seal County Judge
First published Sept 22 1910 4t
j I I r -
The German Crown Prince
dented in the history of the Hohen
zollern family and the kaiser was
much annoyed by his sons thought
lessness in making himself the sub
ject of gossip
Schoolboy Howlers
Writing in what he supposed was
the English language a Bombay boy
described his school as it appeared
by moonlight- And we bewholed the
hole phermament of heavens and stars
and the School sticking reflected up
side down in the pond erected by our
worthy Collector At the close of a
description of the schoolmaster an
other lad wrote He was a steri
faced peddlegog Some amusing ex
amples of schoolboy language are
found in essays For Instance The
sight of my garden transpulses all
miseries of soles The site of thun
der strikes the amazing eye of the
atlooker The weather of Belgaum
Is congenially felicitious to Europe
Peons and This museum is full of
dead corpses and such other beautiful
things Another gem Is Our col
lector checks the population and a
student with a taste for epigram re
marks Taxation is vexation
He Met It on the Road
He didnt wait for prosperity to
come The very minute they told him
It was on the road he said Maybe
the horsesU get stalled and the
driver all froze up so Ill just meet
it halfway and help get the wheels
out the mire and give it a fresh
start then when it looks like smooth
Bailing Ill hop on and take a seat
by the driver and well go whistling
into town Atlanta Constitution-
Utilizing His Creditor
Seems to me little Juggins is cut
ting a wide Bwath for a man of small
means Has he struek oil recently
asked Harkaway Oh no laughed
Robinson Hes a good manager He
makes a little creditor go a long
ways Harpers Weekly
A - -4
- -I
- 3
v -
3- P
Everything for Han Woman or Child
AlcCook Nebraska
Locked In His Room by Kaiser for
Forty Eight Kqurs Like Com
mon Boy
Berlin How would you like to be
a crown prince heir to the throne of
Gerr ny i
Som t nce doesnt it But do not
know that a erevn prince enjoys no
more of t e worlds nleasures than
the average man Tins the case
especially when tie crown pi nee has
a father like the German kaiser Sev
eral days ago the crown prince of
Germany was locked in his room fr
4S hours for beirg naughty He
was treated just like some other boys
who rtray from the straight and nar
i irth It was a little thing for
Lit s piifhed
The crown prince went to the
Tl eater des Westens to attend a per
formance without having given the
prefacribed notice of his intention
Consequently he found the royal box
sold And the prince was obliged to
The Incident is said to be
jffiitjig1 ujh ururwHiTS
e lr
is ses
liiJ riT
V u
After thoroughly examining the Parisian Corset satisfying our
seltes as to the many superior qualitiesclaimed for ic and feeling as
sured it will give that corset satisfaction so much desired we have
accepted the agencyfor this city and now have on display a complete
line of models all patterned after the lattest Parisian styles
You are cordially invited to come and inspect the Parisiana cor
set which the best experts state embodies the highest type of
PERSIAN SILKS per yard 100
Uitra fsshionable women of tne east this Fall are enthusiastic
over Persian silks Air Suess has just returned from an eastern buy
ing trip ard hile awav purchased an exquisite line of this handsome
fabric in the newest tones and shades
The time is exceedingly short before comforts and blankets will be
extremely necessary Buy while you have an opportunity and be pre
pared for the first chilly blasts These blankets and weaves are of
the best weaves and are exceedingly durable The prices are
Cotton Blankets 50c up Wool blankets 350 up
Phone No 22
It is Just One Dollar the Year
Temple Theatue
One Night Only
Monday Sept 26th
The Supreme Event of the Season
J E Cline presents
Mav Stewart
and a very capable com
pany in an elaborate pro
duction of the romantic
The Hunchback
by James SheriJan Know
les author of Virginius
Beautiful Scenery
Magnificent Costiimes
Kansas City Journal
It was in the play of The Hunchback that Miss Stewart
made a decided hit
Children are gregarious creatures as are
older folks and they like to get
events Not many years ago itrwould have
been quite an effort to gather a crdWd but the
Bell Telephone has revolutionized socialas hyell T
as business hie
Agitation against legitimate telephone business the kind
that has become almost as national in its scope as the mail A
service must disappear witn a realization o tne necesssijyto
universal service
Trirwrm nt n it irnniii i y
mo SHY
Nebraska TelephoneGcw
Every Bell Teletfone is mKX
Long Distance Statiqn u r