- v V f if b 1 M rH K J k A s L MAY STEWART as Julia in The Hunchback The New Automatic Electric Washer and Wringer E7 r CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodge Nu 1J5 A F A M meet every first and third Tuesday of the mouth at 8 00 p m in Masonic hall RUBBIS H Stewabt W M Charles L Fahnkstock Sec b a m Occcnoxee Council No 16 H S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m q Masonic hall William E Hart T I M A a eon Q Kino Sec E a M Kins Cjrns Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Claeence B Gbat H P W B WniTTAKER See KNIGHTS TEUFLAB St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic ball Geo Willets E C Setii D Silver Rec EASTERN stae Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridaj a of each month at 8 U0 pm in Masonic hall Mrs C W Wilson W M S COBDEAL Sec KNIGHTS OF PTTHIA8 McCook Lodge Fo 42 of K P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall J N GlABDECC C A Evans K B S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall B J L vne N G H G HnonES Sec KODEBN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments at Citizens National Bank Jdlius Kunbbt Consul AM Finity Clerk BOTAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230pm in Morris hall Mrs Caroline Kdnert Oraclo Mrs Augusta Anton Rec WORKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 8 00 p m in Temple Maurice Griffin Treas Henry Moebs MW C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec DEOEEEOF nOKOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tuesdujs of each month at 6 00 Dm in Temple building Anna E Ruby C of H Mrs Cabbie Schlagel Rec MACCABEES Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in Morris hall J A Wilcox Com J H Yaegeb Record Keeper NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARBiERS Branch No 1278 meets first Monaay of each month at 330 p m in carriers room postofiice G F Kinghorn President D J OBrien Secretary LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets en the first and third Thursdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Hubted Sec Ladies Society B of L F E1 Golden Rod Lodge No 282 meets in Morris hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month at 2 oclock Mrs Ghacx Husted Mes Lena Hill Secretary President It is as far ahead of its predeces sor as the first automatic was in ad vance of its competitors I now call jour attention to a few prominent features of this machine THE REVERSIBLE WRINGER whereby clothes becoming entangled in the rolls can be readily extracted A simple movement of the small lev er attached to the wringer frame will either start stop or reverse the wringer at will THE LOCATION OF THE MOTOR and gearing in the center of a sub stantial platform beneath the tub pro vides the best possible protection from splashing or dipping water and makes the neatest arrangement of machinery to be obtained This is an exclusive advantage of the auto matic electric washer and patented Call at my oflice and see the ma chine in operation or let me bring it to your home for a free tr al R W McBrayer - V Electrical Contractor 210 Main Blick 433 SAILWAY trainmen C W Bronson Lodge No 437 B of R T loots first and third uiida at 2i0 p in iu Eagl s hall T E Hubtov President F G Kinghorn Snc RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the rtronil and fonrth Iims1u iukuls ul euru nonlh at 800 p in iu Morns hall at Ui lain Avenue S E Callen C Cou M O McClube Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 587 1 A of M meots very second and fourth Tuesday of the mouth it 800 p m iu Morris hall Theo Diebald Pre Feed Wasson Fin Sec Fintn Berry Cor Sec locomotive engineers McCook Division No 623 H of L E meets very second and fourth Sunday of each nonth at 2 30 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E railway carmen Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A neets on the first and third Tuesdays of each in Morris hall at 730 p m H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy S D Hughes Secy BOILEBMAKEBS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of i meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Eagles hall Jno Setli Pres Juo LeHew Cor Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets everj Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelloy building 316 Main ave C L Walkeb W Pres C H Ricketts V Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBU8 McCook Conncil No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Eagles hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each mouth at 8 p in in Monto Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meots avery first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mes W B Mills Commander Habriet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 2 30 p m Morris hall Thomas Moobe Commander J H Yabgeb Adjt belief corps McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every second and fonrth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall EB X3 A dell a McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec L OF G A B McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the second and fourth Fridaj s of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Mrs Lottie Brewer Presinent Mrs Kate Dutton Secretary P E O Chapter X P E O meets the second and fonrth Saturdays of each montn at 230 p m at the homes of the various memhors Mes J A Wilcox Pres Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec PYrniAN sisters McCook Tempe No 24 Pythian Sisters moots the 2d and 4th Vednesdays at 730 p m Lila L Ritchie M E C Edna Stewart M of H C MorxSkXvaub WEST POINT UNIFORMS Cadets Must Sacrifice Comfort For the Sake of Looks It is true said a retired army offi cer in a discussion of West Pointers with the Washington Herald that many West Pointers acquire a figure of perfection of symmetry and a car riage the acme of mauly grace but these are due not to any ingenious ap pliances but to the systematic drills and exorcises that make the cadet to a certain extent an athlete At the outset these young fellows are put through what are called the betting up exercises their object being to straighten the body and develop the chest One might suppose that it would require a great amount of such exer cise to make any marked showing but three long hours of such exercise daily will soon produce beneficial results in the most stooped forms The cadet uniform is also a great help in this direction The dress coat is tight very tight The shoulders are heavily padded in order to give them a square effect The chest is made thick so that there will be no danger of wrinkling And in size a new dress coat seems always to be designed for a boy several times smaller than the one who is to wear it A new dress coat in fact Is always a source of suffering to its owner When he first puts it on it buttons readily about the neck but seems to lack about six inches at the waist The owner may squirm and wriggle and attempt to re duce his waist to a minimum circum ference but his maiden efforts are never sufficient to button the new dress coat Experience Is a great teacher though and the young fellow laugh ingly requests one or two of his friends to lend their assistance and he finally succeeds in buttoning the coat All this for the sake of looks Comfort has no place in the makeup of a West Pointer its discipline and looks WATCHED OVER BY SATAN Superstitions That Twine About tho Mandrake Plant The little plant the mandrake has a wealth of tradition centering round it such as is seldom found in floral lore Quite an insignificant little plant with a spindle shaped root often divided into two or three forks and rudely re sembling the human form It is doubts less from this latter fact that it has derived Its name Langhorne in the latter part of tho eighteenth century tells us to Mark how the rooted mandrake wears His human feet his human hands while It was once believed that a per son pulling up a mandrake would in stantly fall dead This was said to be because the mandrake had a human heart at Its root and when pulled it would scream in such a fearsome man ner as to terrify the hearer to death or else Induce madness Shakespeare alludes to this where he says And shrieks like mandrakes torn out of the eatth That living mortals hearing- them run mad And again In King Henry VII where Suffolk asked by Queen Mar garet whether he has not spirit to curse his enemies replies Would curses kill as doth the mandrakes groan 1 would invent as bitter searching terms As curst as harsh as horrible to hear From time immemorial the man drake has been associated with en- 0000O0G0OO0Q00 o o 9 ft 9 o 9 o 9 o er Great Ceoiennia PHESIDEXT DIAZ T o o o o o 9 o o o ooOooeooaoooooo HE American tourist w h o finds himself in Mexico just now will be in no hurry to leave that coun try And when he does come home he will have some thing big to talk of for September is to be a month of stirring military anniversaries i n the republic the chief event being the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of her freedom from Span ish rule This comes on the lUth of the month for it was on Sept 13 1S10 that the independence of Mexico was formally established On the 8th is celebrated the Spanish national holiday commemorating the glorious old eighth century victory over the Moors at Coradonga On the same day falls the anniversary of the de fense of Chapultepec in the war with the United States in 1S47 on which day of late years it has been the cus tom of American school children to march out and lay flowers on the graves of the cadets who died there in defense of their country On the loth by an equal coincidence come tho birthday of General Diaz and the an niversary of the grito at Dolores which precedes the main celebration on the 10th The conduct of this patriotic cele bration In the City of Mexico is such as might well be Imitated elsewhere There are no private fireworks or ob trusive private demonstrations of any kind On the evening of the loth the population of the city and surrounding country gather in the plaza or great square the masses upon the ground the select in surrounding balconies At 10 oclock the darkened square is crowded with the good humored wait ing thousands As 11 oclock ap proaches a hush falls upon the multi tude Exactly on the stroke of the hour the president appears on the cen ter balcony of the national palace I TT HIDALOO SQDARB MONTEItEY MEXICO over which is suspended the liberty bell If he shouts the grito of hidalgo and rings the bell of Dolores at least nobody can hear him for simultaneous with his appearance a storm of vivas goes up from the thousands below and chantments and has ever been be- every bell in the towers of the lieved to be one of the most powerful iral peals forth charms of witches Mr Conway in a At the same time there burst out paper on Mystic Trees and Flowers the thousands of incandescent lights states that by popular superstitions which outline the beautiful cathedral in some places it is said to be per- towers and the buildings around the petually watched over by Satan and plaza with their graceful arcades A If It be pulled up at certain holy times very shower of fireworks goes up from and with certain invocations the evII a dozen points while from furoff comes spirit will appear to do the bidding of the booming of the cannon in the the practitioner Westminster Re- dadela For fully five minutes the up- view roar continues unabated then still The Holland Primrose There is a plant in Holland known as the evening primrose which grows to a height of five or six feet and bears shouting Viva la republicaj Viva el presidente the crowds disperse ready for the further celebrations on the morrow In order that this centennial auui a profusion of large yellow flowers so Tersary mav ue maae the more oruiiauL mat iuv iiinat imuuuu sjve aml justing in Its etlects tue novel attention even at a great distance pIan uas been adopted of making this but the chief peculiarity about the plant is the fact that the flowers which open just before sunset burst into bloom so suddenly that they give A Reflection on the Horse My husband bragged Mrs Jones - year the occasion for inaugurating many civic improvements in various cities and towns of the eountry and of dedicating numerous public buildings one the impression of some magical -which are now in course of construe agency A man wno nas seen tms sud den blooming sa3s It is just as if some one had touched the land with a wand and tluis covered it all at once with a golden sheet lion The centennials official medal is a fine piece of work cast in silver and copper One cast of the medal ia of gold which will be presented to President Diaz on his birthday On one side of the medal is the bust of Diaz Curtis Guild Jr will repre sent America at tho centennial was a famous long distance runner in Mexico has well been called the wou his day He once outran a horse in a derland of this continent Why jour twenty mile race ney to Europe to climb snow capped Isnt that funny answered Mrs mountains or study ancient civiliza Smlth We once had a horse like tlons when our neighbor Mexico of- that Now Jones and Smith wonder why their wives dont speak Buffalo Ex press Father Did the Work Why should you beg You are young and strong That is right but my father is old and weak and can no longer support me Meggendorfer Blatter Conceited Nell Polly says her fiance is aw fully conceited Belle In what way Nell He has never once told her that he Is unworthy of her Philadelphia Record A Philosopher Pa what is a philosopher A philosopher my boy is one who tells other people that their troubles dont amount to much Detroit Free Press IK tt CURTIS GUHJ JR L fers the most won derful scenery and towns which were peopled and old be fore Columbus was born In Mexico the merchant the miner the moun tain traveler the antiquarian and the invalid may all find that which they seek bustling and busy cities for the commercial man gold and silver mines hidden in the foothills awaiting the miners pick mountain ranges still unexplored for the traveler ancient villages and ruins whose undeciphered hieroglyphs hold fast the secret of their origin for the student and for the invalid a climate unsurpassed of dry clear air and win ter sunbeams bringing health and hap piness The Old Settlers Picnic After a season of cloudy threaten ing weather Thursday Sept 15 was as usual bright beautiful and bracing as all of the picnic days have been There was a fine looking crowd pres ent but not so many as on some other duch occasions as busy times and sickness kept many away The pro gram was not carried out as adver tised Mr Burress offered prayer and Mr Howe made a most interesting and well received speech Mr Cor deal read a paper on the settling of the county which was of personal ap plication to many As some of the old settler ladies remarked It was beautiful from a literary standpoint but O the reality that made such writing possible While there was no danger to call for acts of heroic courage on the part of the women in those days ENDURANCE spelled with capitals was the quality needed A number of candidates were pres ent and it was not the time or place for political speaking but little elec tioneering was done Once a difference arose between two opponents which might have amounted to unpleasant ness but it soon quieted A letter of greeting to old friends and as usual booming California was read from Mrs Byfield Memor ials were read of those who had pass ed away during the year Mr Fitch had a display of curios gathered in California New Mexico and Florida A sumptuous dinner was enjoyed and every one satisfied particularlj those who were near enough to be helped to Mrs Taylors chicken pie A feeling of sadness came over one upon observing the absence of those who generally attended Some have moved away some have died Mrs Longnecker as the oldest wo man settler in point of time has an old womans whim to wear something ancient to suit the situation This time it was a jabot made of most deli cate French embroidery transferred t the finest net made of a part of a dress worn by a reigning belle who lived and died between 60 and 70 years ago The jabot was held in place by a brooch 43 years old and has a local history While eating dinner Lucy Thomas swallowed a chicken bone which lod ged below the throat causing such suffering she had to be taken to town to the doctor who dislodged the bone and enjoined rest and quiet so she could not return to the picnic To satisfy those who expected then the editor of The Tribune must give a good excuse for non attendance of self and wife and promise to do bet ter next year May Stewart The Hunchback a romantic com edy by James Sheridan Knowles at the Temple theatre Monday night Sept 26th will be an event that will undoubtedly attract a large and fash ionable house There is also sure to be a desire on the part of the fair sex to see the gowns worn by Miss Stewart and company which are claimed to be the most magnificent worn by any company touring the country Miss Stewart will wear two or three gowns during the evening valued at more than 100000 The story of The Hunchback is one of the most beautiful ever writ ten and the character of Julia the role which Miss Stewart will portray is one of the most interesting ever conceived in any age by any author Miss Stewart comes heralded as one of our most promising legitimate wo men of the east and she has many opportunities in The Hunchback to display her dramatic power She is supported by a very capable comp any and the event will no doubt at tract one of the largest crowds of the season Real Estate Filings The following real estate filing have been made in the county clerks office since our last report W S Minnick et ux to James Gregory w d to lot 16 block 2 First Bartley 275 00 U S Investment Co to Wm A Middleton av d to lot 4 block 10 Fourth McCook Elias H Doan et ux to Jos Harr w d to lots 1 and 2 block 29 Second McCook 1750 00 3500 00 Charles S Thompson et ux to William H Galloway w d to part of ne qr se qr 12-3-28 4000 00 James F Buckels et ux to Christiana Amelia Lumb w d to s hf sw qr 24- and n hf nw qr 25-1-28 2500 00 John A Eckman et ux to Hen ry Loshbaugh wd to 5 in r 2 6th McCook 400 00 Agnes Teter et al to Jackson Teter deed to se qr se qr 12-4-27 200 00 Safe Medicine for Children Foleys Honey and Tar is a safe and effective medicine for children as it does not contain opiates or harm ful drugs Get only the genuine Fol eys Honey and Tar in the yellow package A McMillen PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR BEACH Physician and Surgeon Office over McConnells drug store rooms 2 and 3 phone 99 Residence 512 1st sL E phone 185 J A TOREN M D Surgeon Removed to Tremaine Bldg corner Homan avenue and Adams street Chicago 111 ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 363 residence black 124 Office Rooms 5 6 Tem ple building McCook Neb DR J O BRUCE Osteopath Phone 55 Office over Electric Theatre on Main Ave DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mc Connells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms building McCook 3 and 5 Walsh DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Mc Cook Neb R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store fi Cook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Co Office in Postoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 y Office Commercial barn McCook Nebraska MARTIN HANSON D V S Veterinary Surgeon Residence at Indianola Phone 105 L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Nebraska Eyes tested and fitted Fine re pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook Nebraska C W DEWEY Auctioneer Will cry sales anywhere any time at reasonable prices Dates made at First Natl Bank or phone Red 381 McCook Neb JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasement Postoffice building A G BUMP Office store Real Estate and Insurance 302 over Woodworths drug i JBH MH