The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 22, 1910, Image 2

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Legal Notice
In the county court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska In the matter
of the estate of Eliza M Hamilton
deceased Notice is hereby given to
all persons interested in the estr
of Eliza M Hamilton deceased that
Charles W Hamilton has filed here
in his final account as administrator
of said estate and his petition for
the allowance of the same and for
a decree of heirship and of distribu
tion and assignment of said estate
and that said matter will be heard
by the county judge of said county
at his office in McCook on the 8th
day of October 1910 at one oclock
p m
Witness my hand and seal of said
county court this 19th day of Sep
tember 1910
J C MOORE County Judge
First publication Sept 22 3L
Your kidney trouble may be of long
standing it may be either acute or
chrpnic but whatever it is Foleys
Kidney Remedy will aid you to get
rid of it quickly and restore your na
tural health and vigor One bottle
of Foleys Kidney Remedy made me
well said J Sibbull of Grand View
Wis Commence taking it- now A
The McCook Tribune and
Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer
both a full year for only
7 A J
All the News of the World and
Home Only 25c More Than
the price of the McCook
Tribune Alone
TheWeekIy Inter Ocean and Farmer
Contains Each Week
21 colunis of news
14 colums of talks oy a practical
farmer on farm topics econo
mica machinery planting
growing and storing of fruits
and vegetables breeding and
marketing of live stock
20 or more Lost and Found
Poems and Songs
1 column of Health and Beauty
Best short and cntinued stories
Chess and Checkers Puzzles
and Comphcai nr Dr Reed
ers Home Health Club Mis
cellaneous Questions and An
swers Poems of the Day A
special Washington letter
taking cartoons and illustra
5 columns of live entertaining edi
7 co umns of live stock and mar
ket reports No live stock
paper contains a better live
stock market report than The
Weekly Inter Ocean and
40 questions and answers by read
ers on anything pertaining to
the business of farming gard
ening raising of live stock
poultry etc
10 to 20 questions on veterinary
7 columns of information on re
cipes patters formulas etc
furnished by readers
14 to 21 columns of stories of pub
lic men historical geographi
cal and other miscellany
5 columns of specially reported
sermons by leading American
clergvmen and the Sunday
School Lesson
These features together with a Special Maga
zine Department make up the leading Farm
Home and News Paper of the west
The Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean
and Farmer remains 100 a year
The Price of The McCook Tribune is 100 a year
The two papers each one year only 125
X B This special arranKement with The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer is for a
limited time only Subscribers to The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer are assured
that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions expire unless their subscriptions
are renewed by cash payments
Order of Hearing
The state of Nebraska Red Wil
low county ss In the county court
Whereas on this tenth day of Sep
tember 1910 Gertie Bortrar mother
of Francis Ora Wray made and
filed in this office her sworn state
ment duly attested and stated that
she desired to relinquish all right
to the custody of and power and con
trol over Francis Ora Wray her min
or child and all claim and interest
in and to his services and wages
and also came Daniel B Doyle and
Emma Doyle and made and filed in
my office a statement under oath
duly attested that they desired to
adopt said Francis Ora Wray as
their own child I have therefore
appointed the 20th day of October
1910 at ten oclock a m at my offic
in McCook Nebraska as the time
and place where a hearing will be
had in said matter at -which time
and place all persons interested may
It is ordered that a copy of this
order be published in the McCook
Tribune a newspaper of general cir
culation published in Red Willow
county for four successive weeks
prior to the time set for hearing
J C MOORE County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication Sept 15 1910 4L
A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee
We guarantee complete relief to
all suffers from constipation In every
case where we fail we will supply the
medicine free
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle
fective dependable and safe bowel
regulator strengthener and tonic
They re establish natures functions
in a quiet easy way They do not
cause any inconvenience griping or
nausea They are so pleasant to
take and work so easily that they
may be taken by any one at any
time They thoroughly tone up the
whole system to healthy activity
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children old
folks and delicate persons We can
not too highly recommend them to
all sufferers from any form of con
stipation and its attendant evils Two
sizes 10c and 25c Remember you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in this
community only at our store The
Rexall Store L W McConnell
The American Beet Sugar Co is
offering some very nice inducements
to the farmers growing sugar beets
for 1911 Among these are the fol
100 to the grower whose entire
crop produces the largest amount of
sugar per acre 50 second prize
2ij third prize
100 to the grower whose crop
shows the largest tonnage per acre
50 second prize 25 third prize
These prizes are for 5 acres or
more planted
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbound
ed prosperity of the agriculturist is
not due to chance but is the result o
Ocean and Farmer has placed before
intelligent scientific business met
hods A reader of The Weekly Inter
him each week the practical and ap
proved methods to which Secretary
Wilson refers It is a good invest
ment Only 125 for The Weekly In
ter Ocean and Farmer and this paper
one year
As usually treated a sprained an
kle will disable a man for three or
four weeks but by applying Cham
berlains Liniment freely as soon as
injury is received and observing the
directions with each bottle a cure
can be effected in from two to four
days For sale by all dealers
Did you lose something Let a
Tribune want ad help you find it
It has helped others why not you
t t
B - V H
Tiong the Hindus bso
and Unchangeable
All the Wealth of the World Would
Not Enable a Lower Caste Hindu ta
Wed Into His Family or Touch Hia
Hand Tyrannical Social Divisions
Caste distinction in India is a tiling
dillicult for a foreigner to comprehend
All the racial or religious distinctions
which separate European nations from
each other and divide them within
themselves do not equal the number of
classes into which the Fliiulus are di
vitled by what is known as caste
The 200000000 Hindus are made up
of diverse racial elements and speak
about nineteen developed languages
and over 100 dialects They are again
divided into over 3000 castes most of
them with subcastes One of these
castes the Rrahmans is split up into
more than S00 subcastes of which nonu
will intermarry and few will eat to
The term caste includes so many
things that it is difficult to define it
There are however two properties es
sential to a true caste first there is tin
entry except by birth second mar-
riage outside the caste is absolutely j
forbidden To preserve the purity and
maintain the exclusiveness of the so-
clPty many minute rules of conduct
many restrictions on food and many
ceremonial observances are imposed on
the members and enforced by penalties
There is this essential difference that j
it is impossible
for an Indian
to i
change his caste The coal miner may
All Because of the Way He Solved the
Closet Space Problem
I must tell all 1113 brothers how my
wife stud 1 have solved the problem
which so bothers those who dwell
where there is but little closet room
With one dressing case between us
there was not room for all our things
As to the closets the were crammed
full and even under
were many hat boxes
another dressing case
I then took all my
had been crowding m
mv own
torn drawer
the bed there
So I purchased
clothes which
wifes in her
case and arranged them in
In the top drawer I put my
handkerchiefs collars and ties and
all those other little articles of finery
which every man loves so much In
the second drawer I placed my shirts
and underwear and devoted the lower
drawer to my trousers neatly folded
and my hosiery My wife was de
lighted as it gave her her own dresser
all to herself and relieved the closet
But in a day or so the new plan
proved to have a few defects so at my
wifes suggestion I emptied one of the
upper drawers in my dresser putting
its contents into the other and allowed
l my wife to use the now vacant
I tacle for a few of her jabots scarfs
etc The second day it was decided
that my shirts and trousers could
cupy the same drawer the lowest one
so this was fixed and into the second
drawer my wife moved a few of her
petticoats and such things
Soon finding that I was still using
too much space I permitted her to put
my collars and such effects into the
lowest drawer with my trousers etc
thus giving her both of the upper
1 1 L J 1 Jlt
whioh pnnnnt lm Prartorl nralnst whir l urantrs am lu L uuu au
inS me Plenty of rooin In the one
there is no appeal and which in ex 1
treme cases follow the offender beyond
the grave
But that Is not all The relations of
castes to each other are as much a
matter of religious observance as the
rules for their internal regulation The
Brabmans tire the highest admittedly
and undoubtedly superior to all the
rest After them come those who are
acknowledged to be twice born The
less honored follow in a graduated de
scent until the untouchable and un
speakable are reached at the lowest
It may be urged that the separation
between the Brahman and let us say
the Kurmi market gardener is no wider
than that between the peer of the
TJnitPd Kingdom and the coal miner
Since then however I have found
that 1 do not require so much space
for my few things so have taken them
out of the bottom drawer and packed
them Into a hat box which I keep
under the bed thereby giving my
wife all the drawers in my dressing
case I find the present arrangement
very satisfactory as all I have to do
now Is to empty the hat box on the
bed when I want anything in it and
then when I have made my selection
sweep the other articles back into
In this way I have solved the dress
ing case problem and everything is
quite pleasant in our home Paul West
in Delineator
be elected to parliament may become The Face of the Bill Not the Back In
a cabinet minister and if he can make dicates Its Value
money enough may marry his son to a I
dukes daughter I
The Kurmi must
remain a Kurmi
All the wealth of Croesus will not en
able him to make an alliance with a
Brahman family or to touch a Brah
mans hand The members of a caste
may and in some cases do raise them
selves in the sight of other castes by
adopting more elaborate ceremonies
and more scrupulous observances
A half civilized Gond for example
may liud himself brought into contact
with Hindus as the plow encroaches
on the forest He tries to raise his po
sition and add to his self respect by
adopting the exclusiveness of his Hin
du neighbors He will even outdo
them if he can and if the Hindu is
scrupulous about his food the convert
will wash the very wood with which
his dinner is cooked
No endeavors of this kind however
will avail to lessen by a hairs breadth
the distance between him and the
caste Hindu or eveu to induce the
Hindu barber to look upon him as a
client whose chlu he may shave and
whose toe nails he may pare without
Another -point connected with caste
which has a very practical bearing
and must be taken Into account is the
power of coercion which it gives to the
brotherhood If a man Is excommuni
cated by his caste fellows nobody in
the caste will marry him or will ac
cept water from his bauds or will eat
with him
If he Is married his wife will not
touch him or speak to him He is
dead to bis family The priest will not
perform ceremonies for him The vil
lage barber will not shave him and
the washerwoman will not wash bis
clothes These are the methods of
bringing pressure on the man The
strictest boycott which Irishmen have
invented is mild compared to the final
sentence of a caste punchayat
A system like this is a stern fact
which has to be faced There is not a
police case or a civil case or a trial at
the sessions there Is hardly an ap
pointment to an office In India of
whatever degree in which the matter
of caste has not to be considered It
forces itself Into every assessment of
land revenue into every adjudication
f rent It affects the administration
of justice the proceedings of munici
pal and district councils
The Influence and power of the
Brahman and the idea that he is
above the law and is not to be pun
ished as other people are still alive
although a century of British justice
bus done something toward eradicat
ing them On the other band the sug
gestion that a man of a lower caste
might rise to an equality or nearer to
an equality with members of a caste
above him Is unthinkable Where the
low caste men are there they must
remain If they behave themselves
it will be madeup to them in a future
existence London Spectator
Politeness is a locksmith and opens
many difficult doors
Despite the careful scrutiny given
every bill that leaves the bureau of
engraving and printing a number of
freak notes find their way into cir
culation from time to time Such a
onewas a note that once came to the
subtreasury at New York It had the
imprint of a twenty dollar note on one
side and of a ten on the other But in
as uch as the face showed the figures
20 20 was the legal value of the bill
In most cases the freak bills that
have escaped the vigilunce of the bu
reaus officers are national banknotes
which like the regular treasury notes
are printed there As intimated al
ready the face value Is always recog
nized when the freaks come to be
cashed at any branch of the treasury
The imprint on the back has no lawful
status whatsoever
The notes are printed in sheets
Usually there will be one twenty and
two teus on a sheet They are print
ed one side at a time so It can readily
be seen that the printer in turning
over the sheet might get it upside
down aud thus put a ten dollar back
on the twenty dollar note or a twenty
on the back ot one of tbo tens
1 When errors are discovered the mis
printed sheet is laid aside to be de
stroyed It cannot be toru up at once
for every sheet has to be accounted
for After some formalities it is ground
into pulp
Almost all the freak bills that have
been Issued In the past have found
their way back to the treasury there
to be destroyed It is thought that
very few of them are now scattered
about and these are for the most part
in the hands of curio hunters Har
pers Weekly
The Talipot Palrnof Ceylon
The talipot palm of Ceylon has gi
gantic fanlike leaves which when
fully expanded form a nearly complete
circle thirteen feet In diameter Large
fans made of them are carried before
people of rank among the Cingalese
They are also commonly used as um
brellas and tents are made by neatly
joining them together They are used
as a substitute for paper being writ
ten upon with a stylus Some of the
sacred books of the Cingalese are com
posed of strips of them
The Modest Hunter
Can you show me any bear tracks
asked the amateur Nimrod
I kin show you a bear the native
Thanks awfully old chap Tracks
will suffice Pittsburg Post
Anxious Messenger Say fireman
theres another fire broken out up the
street New Recruit All right old
chap keep her going till weve fin
ished this one Punch
Not Always
Does your wife always Insist on
talking to you when you are shaving
No Sometimes I shave when she Is
away from home Chitvgo Record
Xffia kitiatl
McCook People Give Credit Where
Credit is Due
People of McCook who suffer with
sick kidneys and bad backs want a
kidney remedy that can be depended
upon The best is Doans Kidney
Pills a medicine for the kidneys only
made from pure roots and herbs and
the only one that is backed by cures
in McCook Heres McCook testimony
Mrs M Carmony 310 E Fifth St
McCook Neb says Our exper
ience with Doans Kidney Pills has
convinced us that they are the best
kidney medicine to be had A mem
ber of our family suffered a great
deal from inactive kidneys This per
sons back pained him all the time
and often the misery was almost un
bearable Doans Kidneys Pills
brought relief as soon as they were
taken and continued use drove
away the trouble
Money carried on the person is
not safe Money loaned without
good security is not safe Money
iked in speculation is not safe But
money deposited in the First Nationa
Bank is absolutely safe and will earn
4 annual interest for you
For sale by all dealers
cents Foster Milburn Co
New York sole agents for
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Price 50
the Unit-
For bowel complaints in children
always give Chamberlains Colic Cho
lera and Diarrhoea Remedy and cas
tor oil It is certain to effect a cure
and when reduced with water and
sweetened Is pleasant to take No
physician can prescribe a better rem
edy For sale by all dealers
Subscribe for The Tribune
Lmok SsiEsifariam
Suphs Saine Springs
Located on our own premises and used
in the
Natural Mineral Water
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Unsurpassed in the treatment f
at Right Prices
Stomach Kidney and Liver
Moderate Charges Address
DR 0 W EVERTT Mgr Lincoln Hob
Morage toai
We are now making a re
duction on storaKU coal
orders It will pay you to
take advanUiKe of the re
duction Come and fe
us about it Phone UK
Updike Grain Co
S S GARVKY Manager
t Sssxysxsigcsgi
Shampooing Hair Dressing-
Scalp and Facial Treatment
Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs
R W M c B R A Y E R Electrical Contractor
House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line
of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds
210 y2 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341
Special September Rates
TO THE EAST You can make an eastern trip at reduced rates
any day and for many eastern trips the limit has been extend
ed to 60 days instead of 30 dajs
TO ALAN1 IC CITY AND RETURN Special rates September
13th to 17th for the Grand Army Reunion-
inclusive Special reduced rates and trains service from Ne
braska points
2500 August 25th to September 9th and October 1st to 15th
to California destinations and frcm September 15th to October
15th to the northwest and Pugent Sound
CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS General basis only 5000 round
trip direct loutes September 1st to 7th and September 24th
to 30th 1500 higher includes the Shasta route
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Ir
rigated lands assure a crop and values will greatly increase dur
ing the immediate futere
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
150 Value
for L00
V Franklin Pres
G H W ATKINS Vice Pres
Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
M1l1llllll inii1iinii
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o