The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 15, 1910, Image 6
J L OUR BEST OFF J 1 25 All tWeuNews of the World and Honie Only 25c More Than thejrice of the McCook Tribune Alone 20 TheljWeekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Contains Each Week 21 colums of news 14 colums of talks oy a practical fani or on farm topics econo mica machinery planting growing and storing of fruits nnd vegetables breeding and marketing of live stock or more Lost and Found Poems and Songs 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints Best short and c ntinued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Comphca i nr DrReed ers Home Health Club Mis cellaneous Questions and An swers Poems of the Day A special Washington letter taking cartoons and illustra tions 5 columns of live entertaining edi torials Bellevue College begins its 27th year this week with fine prospects A largely increased at tendance is assured The faculty in the main remains as last year Dr Chas K Hoyt Dean Robert S Calder and Prof Oscar Schmiedel highly va ued members of the faculty have de clined positions in other institutions to remain here Dr Geo Hamilton son of the well known American painter of that name and a graduate of Oxford university has accepted the chair of Latin Prof William Nicholl an alumnus of the college and a grad uate of Princeton university with graduate work in Edingurgh univer sity comes from Hastings college to take the chair of education in his alma mater Bert McCoy captain of the Drake university foot ball team of OS and member of the All Iowa team for that year is on the ground as director of athletics The trustees have approved the new department of domestic economy to the headship of which Miss Helen Pierce of the Uni versity of Wisconsin has been called Did you lose something Let a Tribune want ad help you find it It has helped others why not you Order of Hearing The state of Nebraska Red Wil low county ss In the county court Whereas on this tenth day of Sep tember 1910 Gertie Bortner mother of Francis Ora Wray made and filed in this office her sworn state ment duly attested and stated that she desired to relinquish all right to the custody of and power and con trol over Francis Ora Wray her min or child and all claim and interest in and to his services and wages and also came Daniel B Doyle and Emma Doyle and made and filed in my office a statement under oath duly attested that they desired to adopt said Francis Ora Wray as their own child I have therefore appointed the 20th day of October 1910 at ten oclock a m at my offic in McCook Nebraska as the time and place where a hearing will be had in said matter at which time and place all persons interested niay appear It is ordered that a copy of this order be published in the McCook Tribune a newspaper of general cir culation published in Red Willow county for four successive weeks prior to the time set for hearing v Seal J C MOORE County Judge C E ELDRED Attorney First publication Sept 15 1910 4t in iih mwotwgfci pi in m w uMimily 11 i if 12111 The McCook Tribune and Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer both a full year for only 7 co umns of live stock and mar ket reports No live stock paper contains a better live stock market report than The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer 40 questions and answers by read ers on anything pertaining to the business of farming gard ening raising of live stock poultry ate 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects 7 columns of information on re cipes patters formulas etc furnished by readers 14 to 21 columns of stories of pub lic men historical geographi cal and other misc llany 5 columns of specially reported sermons by leading American elergwnen and the Sunday School Lesson These features together with a Special Maga zine Department make up the leading Farm Home and News Paper of the west The Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean OUR and Farmer remains 100 a 3 ear OFFER Tne Price of The McCook Tribune is 100 a year The two papers each one year only 125 N B This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ccean and Farmer i for a limited time only Subscribers to The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer are assured that no papers will be sent alter their subscriptions expire umess their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments The Texas Exhibit Among the most interesting exhib its at the state fair this year is that of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Co of this city During the past year this company has sold twenty thousand acres of land adjoin ing Francetas Tex a new town they are establishing to Nebraska people and they brought the exhibit to the fair to show their customers the products of the land as a large number of purchasers expect soon to make their permanent homes there This section of Texas grows as shown in the exhibit oranges figs pears apples peaches cranberries tobacco cotton Japanese persimmons peanuts rice and in fact most every thing that is produced from soil Some of the more interesting things to Nebraskans are a four-year-old or ange tree full of half grown oranges a kumquat tree filled with fruit a fig tree ready for the harvest and cottoi as it grows in the field In addition to the novelties named the exhibit contains such staples as sugar cane kaffir corn broom corn j potatoes sweet potatoes melons and i all kinds of garden produce quality of the gulf coast lands There are also many views of scene presented which bespeak the charact er of the land and its fine home-making capacities and although that is not generally looked upon by Nebras kans as a corn growing country this exhibit contains specimens of as fine corn as can be grown anywhere tak en from the lands of this company This entire exhibit was collected up on two days notice but it is of a character to attract much attention and admiration It is almost impossible to believe that this exhibit can display field corn of superior quality raised on the gulf coast and yielding ninety bushels to the acre but that is just what the attendants at the booths are prepared to show Nebraskans who are interested in agricultural pursuits will find much to interest them in this exhibit Lincoln Jour nal When Merit Wins When the medicine you take cures your diseases tones up your system and makes you feel better stronger and more vigorous than before That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you in all cases of backache head ache nervousness loss of appetite sleeplessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder A McMillen 7as9 JAMES Will I COMB RILEY custom house the uext morning the uniformed attend ants in the outer office of the col lector jumped to their feet and ask ed the seeming strauger what business he had within They told him the collector had not arrived yet for the day I am Collector T Dcblican stronchold t and is one of the leading lawyers Bucks county In addition he was for1 twelve years super- intendent of a Sun- vp more than twenty years church organ ist and leader of the choir These are eope of Not e What a Few Celebrities Are Doing Ooo HE recent an nouncement of the llliwss of James Whitcuiuli Riley suddenly re called to the conn try the fact that this wus our great estor at least our most popular liv ing poet Mr Riley had not been writ ing much of recent years ami for that reason had some what dropped out of the news Indeed the stroke of par alysis from which he suITi ed ante dated by some weeks the general an nouncement of it Then the vast ina jority of readers learned with surpris ed regret that the poet had uot been well for mouths Any one knowing him however could understand that the lack of news concerning his illness doubtless arose from his own shy reti cence regarding everything that con cerned him personally and his habit ot minimizing bis own troubles The Democratic candidate for gov eruor of Pennsylvania is only forty- four years old yet he has received his partys vote for United States senator has been floor leader of his party in the state senate has been permanent chairman of a state convention has been chief of the Knights of the Gold en Eagle of his state has been elected many times in a crSSS Of i - Kjr t r TJrt only the beginnings SENATOR WEBSTER of the things grim ntor Grim has done Among the remainder he has been member of a school board and justice of the peace Yes and he led bis Odd Fellows lodge when it captured a prize in Canada To do all of these things we are assured that Seuator Grim works till 12 oclock at night when not at church or lodge Furthermore he is I so jovial that the motto Grim he is by name but not by nature Is explained Just now politicians the country over are wondering what George B Cox the Cincinnati boss will do Coxs candidate for governor Judge Brown of Dayton was turned down and there were some who said that Cox only swims in line for Harding be V V - GEORGE B COX cause he thought the nominee would be beaten at the polls They over looked the factor of gratitude how ever for Harding once made a most eloquent and eu logistic speech in nominating Cox for delegate at large to a national convention The Cincinnati boss is not the sort of man to forget a thing like that so it is a safe bet that he is supporting Harding in good faith Cox is an ex saloon keeper ex-fighter present banker and theatrical back er When he was in his prime he stood six feet in height He first be came a force in politics because he could leap tlatfooted over his saloon counter and land on the jaw of a man on the other side on his way down He never ran for office but once and then he was beaten by the length of the Ohio river But he has ruled Cin cinnati and the politics of southern Ohio absolutely They are still saying that Loeb did it and if any one asks What has Loeb done now the answer is Havent you heard Shaved off his mustache Fact If you dont be lieve it look at the picture This is William Loeb Jr up to date The fell deed was done on a very hot day When a smooth faced man with classical features wearing eye glasses entered the vO A jC S Tf KC 2 American Press Association WILLIAM LOEB JR Loeb he said quietly and with a smile after some deliberation weigh ing what he shcutd say He then entered the inner office where he surprised two deputies and a secretary When Collector Loeb was asked why he had shaved off his mus tache he replied after a little thought that he did it because it was hot and he wanted to be cooler 00O JMW1VI in the Uriah Glimpses of the Great and Near Great 000 MRS KATE RICH ARDS OllAItA T OR a wom an while at the wash- tub t receive a uotihVatiou that slit liad just been nominated for congress and then for her to dry her arms and start out to make fifty speeches In the district Indi cates that we are either going back to old fashioned things or goiug forward to very n e w fashlouetl things Considering that this worn n Mrs Kate OHara lives In Kansas and has been nominated by the So cialists inclines one to the new fash ioned Interpretation The false notion must not be gained that Mrs OHara takes in washing for a living She was simply doing her own family wash as the fateful summons came When Rome called Cincinnatus he left his plow In the furrow It is not probable that Mrs OHara left her clothes In the suds however She is too careful a housewife for that Nor Is it even likely that she will leave her opponents In the suds at the end of the campaign The Socialist party is not strong enough to do things of that sort How ever that may be the people of her district and elsewhere will admire Mrs OHaras pluck even though they do not elect her to congress The world of music will be delighted to hear that Lina Cavallerl has conic successfully through a recent operation for appendicitis performed in Paris The disease had become chronic and complications were feared but assur ance Is now given that the famous singer will suffer no 111 effects A ro mantic Interest Is lent to the case be cause of the fact that Mile Cavalieri is a new bride and off the stage is known as Mrs Rob ert WiiithropChau ler Mr Chanler Is the Brother Bob famous In New York state and else where He it was who looked after his brother Lewis Stuyvesaut C hau lers candidacy for the governorship of New York two MI53 ROBERT W CHANLER years ago Brother Bob has also been sheriff of Dutchess county N Y member of assembly and amateur artist of note Perhaps his most famous pic ture is of a number of very tall giraffes eating golden oranges growing on sil ver birch trees The congressional campaign does uot attract quite the popular interest that attends the election of a president yet the iijiht in off years sometimes deter mines the result In the succeeding pres idential canvass The present hattle to control congress will not be without its iniluence in 1912 The campaign man ager on the Repub lican side has the name of the martyr president ami a mid dle name thrown in William Browu Mc Kinley is a minis ters son started life as a drug clerk and Is now the head of large street railway interests that make him a millionaire William b He was formerly let treasurer of the Re publican congressional committee and succeeded Vice President Sherman as chairman He can make a speech but prefers to leave that to others He is known chiefly as a harmouizer and or ganizer It has been said of Mclvinley that be is the most popular man in congress Yet he is seldom heard on the floor Possibly that is the reason for his popularity The Democratic congressional chair man Jemes Tighlman Lloyd has rep resented the First Missouri district since 1S93 He is a quiet self contain ed man who gives the impression of reserved power Lloyd makes no more noise on the floor than Mclvinley butwheu it comes to claiming the next congress he can talk right out loud so the whole country can hear it Last winter he refused to be a member of the Balliuger Pinchot investigatingcom mittee for which the Republican caucus named him in place of Henry T Rainoy of Illinois a n d JAMES T LLOYD gave as his reason that it would inter fere with his work in organizing the congressional campaign Uoth the Dem ocratic and Republican chairmen have their headquarters in Chicago but spend most of the time on the warpath nnd in the field Lloyd really believes he will win this fight T DAYS OF DIZZINESS Come to Hundreds of McCook Peo ple There are days of dizscinoss Spells of headache sideache back ache Sometimes rheumatic pains Often urinary disorders All tell you plainly the kidneys are sick Loans Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills Here is proff in McCook Mrs D C Knowles 306 E Fifth St McCook Neb says I know Doans Kidney Pills to be an effectiv tidney medicine A member of my laiuily suffered from kidney com plaint This person had backaches headaches and dizzy spells and on getting up in the morning felt all tired out Doans Kidney Pills ef fected a cure in a short time and ave convincing prcof of their merit You have been a good fellow to your friends and were never called close or tight What have you to show for it Why not be a good fellow to your self Open an ac count with the First National hank and turn your generosity to your own credit for a while For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other For bowel complaints in children always give Chamberlains Colic Cho lera and Diarrhoea Remedy and cas tor oil It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take No physician can prescribe a better rem edy For sale by all dealers Lirccln Sanitarium SuIpho SaSine Springs Located on our own jiremlHOa and uad iu thn Natural Mineral Water BATHS Unsurpassed la tbe treat moat of Rheumatism Heart Stomach Kidney and Lirr DIxeus A ModrruU Charge Address DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Hob SXiiiG Storage Coal I at Right Prices We nre now making n ro tluctiou 1111 Morncu coul orders It will imyou to take adantiiKu of tiio re duction Coiim and see us about it IliouH ltJ Updike Grain Co S S UARVEY Manner 4SXs Shampooing Hair Dressing Scalp and Facial Treatment L M CLYDE Phone 72 Ill V B St Up Stairs R W M c B R A Y E R Electrical Contractor House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds 2 1 0 J Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341 Special September Rates TO THE EAST You can make an eastern trip at reduced rates any day and for many eastern trips the limit has been extend ed to 60 das instead of 30 dajs TO ALAN 1C CITY AND RETURN Special rates Sertember 13th to 17th for the Grand Army Rt union NEBRASKA STATE FAIR LINCOLN September 4th to 9th inclusive Special reduced rates and trains service from Ne braska points cr czd C LOW ONE WAY RA1ES TO THE COAST Geneial basis only 2500 August 25th to September 9th and October 1st to 15th to Galifornia destinations and from September 15th to October 15th to the northwest and Pugent Sound CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS General basis only 5000 round tiip direct routes September 1st to 7th and September 24th to 30th 15 co higher includes the Shasta route HOMI SEEKERS EXCURSIONS 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Ir rigated lai ds assure a crop and values will greatly increase dur ing the mimdiate futere t esaas LW WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska si3ijg4iggtr HE TRIBUNE 150 Value for 100 I BipFrTrliriiiiflTi ifl PiMiM jft t iiHMrrTiritiitTf vvv iifl h r rsfg V Frasklix Pres G II Watkixs Yice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMill n R A Green G II Wrnice Franklin gll I1 J l Ltlltilil iltAHl 1 litt lfLily il ll I jl1 nrrp vr Tga -1-1 -A STANS BERRY LUHBER CO Everything- in Lumber At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o ftlcCOOK NEB 1 ul aa g jmj m9MV V 1