The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 15, 1910, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
6 Central Ti mo
t yc
1135 p m
715 p m
500 a m
5V a m
70r a u
942 p li
530 p M
No 1 Mountain Time 1220 p M
3 1142 PM
13 g5 A M
15 1230 am
I5 a m
7 930 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 345 p M
No 175 departs 045 A m
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
Slates or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engine 1092 is in for usual drop pit
repairs and new flues
Piece Work Inspector Utter of Lin
coln was in the city Wednesday in
the line of his duty
The company is shipping ice here
and to Hastings from the Curtis
mills houses at Curtis
Samuel Newton and family departed
Weinesday night for St Joseph Mo
where they will make their home in
the future
Engineer W W Archibald came
up from Orleans close of last week
and has been visiting the family here
for a few days
A freight engine set on fire the
water tank at Stratton Wednesday
evening and hte tank burned down
to the waters edge
Brakeraan C S Strausser on the Ox-ford-Ked
Cloud run lost three fingers
and a thumb of his right hand last
Friday in an accident
Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell
arrived from California first of the
week but continued on east to visit
their daughters in Lincoln and down
in Kansas to return home end of the
month They left his brother Joe im
proving slowly
Last Friday at Otis Colorado while
Conductor Wyman and Engines Deere
were heading in for 13 ran over a cow
from the adjacent stock yard derailing
the engine truck The body of the cow
was carried to the house track striking
the switch points where the engine was
derai ed and partially turned over on its
side Three cars following suffered a
like fate The wrecker was sent up
from McCook and several hours were
required to clear things up
The 1091 Is receiving patches on
her side sheets
The 1182 is receiving a set of new
flues and drop pit repairs
That cute little mill the 571 left
today for Denver where she will do
service In the round house
Railway Mail Clerk C H Stennett
today entered upon his annual vaca
tion and his run on the
is in charge of a substitute
The wrecker went down to Orleans
Sunday to assist in the work of
putting in a concrete bridge at that
place Roy Zint and Charlie Knosp
went down with her
Sid C Wheeler traveling air in
structor arrived here with his in
struction car Wednesday morning
and will remain some time giving the
dope to the boys and finding out
what they dont know about air
The passing track east of the de
pot is being extended on east sev
eral hundred feet and the main line
in the local yard is being given 90
pound steel in place of the 70 pcund
The steel gang is brought here from
down the line east for this purpose
Train No In was stalled at this
station Saturday morning until about
8 oclock the passengers breakfast
ing here A burned trestle over Dry
Canyon at Colfer was the cause
Trains Nos 6 16 and 2 were held on
the west side of the trouble being
from six to eleven hours lateTrain
No 3 was held at Parks Benkel
man News
Snnday night at Keenesburg station
Colorado Brakeman Thomas Hughes
with Conductor Hackett was seno jsly
stabbed by operator at that place
Hughes was hurried to Denver and is
reported to have a cha ce to recover
The operator was arrested and taken to
Hudson Colo for trial It is stated
that Hughes was on a tiain out of Den
ver and seeing a signal board against
the train he went to get ord rs The
telegraph operator demanded to know
what the train had stopped for and
was tod tha he bad the st p signal
out He called the brakeman a liar
and rushed upon him and stabbed him
under the left luiig without any warn
I carry a complete line of
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L M CLYDE
Ladies and Miss
Sweater Coa
in all the popular shades of Red
Navy Gray Brown and in a
handsome variety of Black and
White we are now showing in ex
ceptional values at
100 to 600 each
Come in and see them
jjj ill
Coat Suits
and Fur
are now arriving by
express and our pre
sent showing will more
than please you
You will find our
prices exceptionally
low and you should
not fail to look our
stock over before you
B - j H B B H W H m
Dry Goods Millinery and Ladles Furnishings 222 Main Ave Phone 56
Doing His Best
I understand Possumville has or
ganized a brass band How is it get
ting along
Oh pretty well The trombone
player is still two laps behind but
hes a hard worker
Needed Speed
Marie But if you love Tom why do
you go about with Jack
Madge Well you see Tom Is rath
er slow and Im using ck as a pace
maker for him
Talent of Success
The talent of success is nolhing
more than doing what you can do well
without a thought of fame If It
comes at all It will come because It
is deserved not because it is sought
after It is very indiscreet and trou
blesome ambition which cares so much
about fame about what the world says
of us as to be always looking in the
faces of others for approval to be al
ways anxious about the effect of what
we do or say to be always shouting
to hear the echoes of our own voices
Woman of Forty five Has Many Ad
vantages Over Her Younger
Youth is nearly always crude blun
dering selfish heartless and ignorant
It is here to enjoy and not to Inspirit
to fight for its choices not to forbear
and assist It knows little toleration
and lives for its own bright noonday
These qualities we need hardly say
are not those which bestow power or
arouse the better kinds of love Youth
however grows beyond these grave
faults Life deepens and softens char
acter The lessons of error suffering
and sorrow round out the nature At
45 a woman may have ceased to be
young but she is far from having be
come old The age of real under
standing has begun and understand
ing remains the greatest of all human
forces Men are drawn to women far
more closely by mental sympathy than
by good fc There are but few
very beauu i women In the world
There are thousands of ideal friend
ships between men and women Time
and time again have we seen the wo
man of 45 the woman who was no
longer youns win the prizes of life
right in the teeth of those crude
enough to be her daughters Ttfe
young can give their youth but the
mature can give their help
We all know youth in art Its enthu
siasm its posltlveness Its self-sufficiency
its failure It is not until her
youth has passed away and nature be
gins to be at war with knowledge
craftsmanship and Intention that the
artist actress the artist singer
achieves richest results You can
not play Juliet and look It runs the
melancholy theatrical proverb
And to youth with its limitations
can and does laugh at maturity with
its disabilities And it laughs the
louder because It is the younger
Then She Smiled
Mr and Mrs Eebeesee were about
to start for the matinee
A comely young woman mie ort of
her apartment on the second floor
and preceded them dowr tuo Ftalnvav
If you are going out iss Brytize
they suggested youd b take an
umbrella It looks like rain
O Im only going to the dressma
kers she said
But Isnt it possible to at wt even
when going to the dressin prs
Yes indeed I expect to get
soaked P
Warm Weather Repartee
You peach whispered the capti
vated youth
Dont talk such nonsense George
pouted the pretty summer girl It is
so warm In here I feel like I am stew
Oh thats so much better I al
ways did like stewed peaches
Notices Slight Abatement of Air of
Superiority In Demeanor of
Do you know I think I observe
said a man who goes afoot a slight
abatement of the air of superiority and
contemptuous exaltation that has long
characterized the faces and demeanor
of those who ride past in automobiles
It may be but Blight but I thing it is
They are nvt quite so superior and
exalted to the common herd afoot as
they were They still loll back as the
chauffeur honks his horn or sounds his
chromatic bugle and they still think
if they think of you at all that it is
up to you to jump If you dont want
to get run down but I think that just
a trace of the original superciliousness
has gone
You see the automobile has now
become more or less famiiar to some
people and there people I think now
rhow a little less hauteur enough less
I think so that you can notice It
Those still new to the machine reveal
that fact plainly but those now more
accustomed to it are now it seems to
me a shade just a shade less Indif
ferent to you than they were Signs
of ordinary humanity are coming back
into their countenances
Not but what you have to jump
just the same when they come but
this slight Change of expression I re
gard as hopeful highly hopeful I
look for a further softening and hu
manizing as the machine becomes
more familiar still In fact I do not
doubt that the time will come when
the average autoraobilist will have re
turned so near to the earth that he
will be little If any more contemptu
ous of you or more Insolently Insis
tent on owning the whole street that
the average wagon driver or truck
Pew Furnishings
Green carpet on the aisles of the
church and a rug with Persian tints
in the pew struck the visitor as an in
ner in church furnishing
It i 1 Innovation any more
it is ico o imon d the usher Of
rourse no - permitted to
ring in fren hat would
nnke tbe church o1 but
long as he intr rs no ril in
congruous note there i no aw to
irevent a man from fitting un his pef
o suit himself A nnbpr of our
do that The b ng their
r5 their own hapnrks tr
- - Usiiav th
r on people
who sthe that individual note bav
moved from some other church and
have brought their pew furnishings
for old associations sake
Remarkable Water
v O Henry said a magazine editor
once held a glass of muddy water
toward the light and said
Id have called this water crystal
clear in my cow punching days The
water I then drank was so bad that I
had to throw it in shovelfuls against
a coal screen in order to strain the
lumps out of it We started it run
ning from the faucet with a gimlet
and we treated it with vitriol and sul
phuric acid to destroy the germs But
many of the germs were too large and
fierce foi such treatment and these
we tied to trees and shot
Bringing Down the Average
It is said that there are 120000
hairs on the average human head
said the baldheaded man
Too bad that youve pulled the av
erage down so low dear said his
The Difference
What is known as New Yorks
wealthy family averages three and
three fifths persons while the poor
family averages five and two fifths
Our New Fall Shoes Are
in for Inspection
Best Lines to Se
lect from
Hanan Florsheim
and Barry
Brotherhood Gloves
for Men Who Want Good
Wearing Gloves
Interwoven Hose
for Men None Better
The Model
Fisher Perkins
201 Main
r j
Mini UM
H 1 ill
I irl
Will Ru
trra rwty - t p
I C L DeGroff Co
Everything for Man Woman or Child
The store that Fells WOOLTEX
If you have never worn
a suit or skirt bearing the
WOOLTEX label it can be
truthfully said you have
never worn the best tail
ored m5t handsomely
finished and stylish ready-to-wear
Fall styles of fatej t
designs and in newest fab
rics are displayed for your
Prices 15 to 50
Womens Stunning
Waists m
OULIl tUUUIcu ciuu aun
faultlessly made in the
charming Fall styles
1 to 6
We sell the celebrated
Complete line for Men Women and Children
Fall and winter weight in fine cotton part
wool and all wool Prices range from 1 to 3
Fall Suits and
Top Coats
Buy your Fall Suit early while you
have a large selection to choose from
and get the full wear of it
Top Coats are almost indespensable
at this season of the year We have an
exceptionally fine line
The Decision
Has the new automobile or the old-
fashioned buggy the best chance In
j courtship Well the automobile
No Snow on Highest Peaks
Snow ioes not fall at a greater
hight i 16000 feet above the sea
I level there being no moisture in the
atmosphere Therefore the highest
mountains are not capped with snow
The First Spat
She If I had known that you
would scold I never would have mar
ried you He If I had known that
you would marry me I would have
scolded Ulk
A Tongue Twister
The watch that watched the watch
that watched that watch watched the
watch that watched that watch that
watched that watch watch that watch
15 to 55
6 to 10
Wall Street Methods
Church I see there is record
wheat growing in China as far bacfc
as 3000 B C Gotham Cant juax
tell the record of wheat selling whlci
never grew I suppose Yonkert
Regrettable Dontcherknow
Tve exchange editors make me
tired exclaimed the self worshiping
poet Here they are crediting s
poem of mine to some fellow namei
Our greatest and writerc
tell us we are breathing the atmos
phere of revolution not of blood bet
of ideas as become twentieth century
folk Jessica Ford Reynolds
To Soften Water
Dissolve a small quantity of plp
clay In the water This will make St
on soft as rain water
In spite of the weather man and his prophe
cies the thermometer will keep up near the
summer height But you dont need to care if
you have a Bell Telephone for you can sit at
home and do your shopping and your visiting
over its Local and Long Distance Lines
Personal shopping and making calls and long trips clurins th hot
summer months and dusty fall season is far from pleasant but if you can
telephone your butcher and grocer and make him ccme to you wind dust
and hot weather make little difference Try the Bell Telephone
Nebraska Telephone Co
Every Bell Telephone is a
Long Distance Station