The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 08, 1910, Image 6

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J II Wicks -as in Colorado where
ho bud land duals J nding Inst week
L E Weir and S C Lyons returned
from tbeir trip to tho Ozarks Friday
7 II Relph of Cedar Bluffs was in
town between trains one day last w ck
J II Wicks purchased tho lot north
of Eiferts hardware store of J C Ash
tin of Danlturj recent y
Chas Burgess of Lebanon did the
painting in tho Enterprise oihee last
The brink havi g a conernt walk
put in on the south and east of the
hank al o eir b steps which will be
quite an iinprtiv inent
Seril from hore attended the races
ntMcCoofc hist midweek
Olaf Ollcsnn played with the Mc
Cook band during the races
Bert Mntson and sister Mrs Wolver
ton and children left last week for
their home in the northwest part of the
Ed Kennedy and son Harry of Cedar
Bluffs were in town a few days last
week fixing up a newspaper press for
the Enterprise man which he recently
purchased at McCook
Road Overseer C II Angell and son
and G T Plumb repaired a bridge up
tho creek last Friday and Saturday
C V Hendricks from north of Dan
Dury was i business visitor in town
one day last week
Stella Eifort helped Mrs C Re d of
Farview with her house woik last
Else Eifert visited Elma Gockley rf
Fairiw Friday night and Sat unlay
W C Shockley of Danbury was in
M nday between trains
John W Dut h r of Indianola was
in t wn Monday p sting bills for the
county fair
A Harnett of McCook is here this
we k sup riniending he building of
a lumber shed here 18x140 feet in size
E A R by of Danbury and T F
Gcckley of Fai view helped at the lum
ber shed here this week
The Whittaker sisters of McCook ar
rived Sunday and took charge of our
school Monday mor ing for the com
ing term
Mr Fred Hendershot of Cheyenne
Wyoming and Mrs 13 B Smiley from
near Danbury were visiting in town
Monday afternoon
Howard Reed arrived in from the
west ia McCook for a visit with his
fl s
The tbresl ing machine is arain in
our midst
Mrs Gardener of Trayer Kas is
Tisiting her daughter Sirs Will
Wm Hamniell attended the state
fair at Lincoln this week
Miss Alice Moore who was severe
ly hurt in a ran away last week
speedily recovering
Rudolph Reinheimer was on the
sisk list last Tveek
Miss Pearl Strawder is visiting her
sister Mrs Gartrell near Wray Colo
Mrs Sorcnscn from the eastern
part of the state is visiting her son
Andrew and tamily
Bert Kammel returned home from
Denver last Sunday
Mrs August Droll and family enter
tained last Sunday with a farewell
diuner in honor of Dr Duncan and
family The following named were
Suests Dr Duncan and family Wm
Hammel and family Mr and Mrs Ed
Bowers Jake Zimmer and family N
E Hall and family and Mrs Layer
iroai Wellfleet The day was very
pleasantly spent and a sumptuous
dinner enjojed by all The doctor
Tao has been a successful practition
er Tor aiany ears contemplates lo
cating rear Xeb in the near
future s2z ruy friends are loth
-to give liiiii
Longneckers lost a mare from in
digesion and inflammation of stom
ich and bowels
Little baby boy Waddell died on
vArednesday morning from summer
samplaint having been sick only a day
laud night Funeral sermon preached
Hy Mr Burress and burial in Indian
cTla cemetery The sympathy of all
s extended to the family
3r and Mrs Arthur Hoagland and
lite daughter spent the week in
visiting his brother and old neighbors
and acquaintances
Lewis Elmer and family took din
ner at Louis Longneckers first of
the week
After struggling for life with frosts
of spring hot winds and grasshoppers
-of summer the late rains revived
lilacs and they are blooming in Sep
For bowel complaints in children
c always give Chamberlains Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy and cas
itor oil It is certain to effect a cure
tand when reduced with water and
t sweetened Is pleasant to take No
Hhysician can prescribe a better rem
cady For sale by all dealers
Ml3s Ilerma Roop gave a linen Mrs Gibbs and family visited with
shower on Miss Sadie Greenway last Mr- Chris Jensen and family T urs
Thursday She received many nice da Mrs Gibbs and Mrs Jensen are
presents sisters
Mrs T M Stevenson of Dresdon Relativ s are visiting at tro E S
Ohio is visiting her nophew T E Hill home this week
McDonald I Mr P kard of Lincoln preached
Rea Oman wet to St Joseph Wed- the Congregational church Siimiu
nesday to sec his father -who is very morning and evening The evening
low with a cancer of the throat i s rvice WIS 5l union service of all the
churc s
EJra Henton arrived home Monday
cn Omaha where she has been I rla had q ilo a lir
i ting the past two weeks dy Haleys Kol hall and
Mrs T S Roop and children left
oaday for Culbertson Neb for a
vijit with Mr Roops brothers
Mrs J L Sims and daughter Lor
a arrived home from Omaha Moi
ay She says Lowell will be home
in about two weeks
C Naden and wife of McCook were
over to Mrs J B Lolphs funeral
A number of the band boys went
down to Wilsonville Saturday eve
ning to help Wilsonville hand play
for the chautauqua
W O Pollard returned home from
Cambridge Monday where he has
been attending the reunion
Rev Richards and wife departed for
Holdrege Tuesday evening where
Air Richards has accepted the posi
tion as pastor of the Congregational
Chas Hoag of Indianola was over
on business Wednesday
Rev Miller returned home from
Kearney Wednesday
Homer Bastian who has been in
the hospital at Omaha for the last
cwo weeks arrived heme Monday
Chas Woods of Devizes Kansas
visited his brother-in-law Jos Dolph
last week
C H Nichols and Geo Newland of
Lebanon were up on business Mon
Will Yates and wife were over-Sun-Jay
visitors at Hendley
Earl Powell left Friday evening icr
Kansas City where he will meet his
parents and then go from there to La
Fayette Ind
The Danbury high school girls came
out victorious against the Marion
married women in a basket ball game
Score 14 to 15
A few from here went to Wilson
ville to the chautauqua Sunday
G C Chambers the new principal
came Tuesday to start teaching on
R F D No 1
Last week the North Star chool
house was resided and pointed boti
inside a d out School opened Monday
with Miss Whita er as teacher this
being her sec nd year thre
District 3L school onday w th Miss
Id i Ivugsjles as teacher
Commissions Lufton had some much
needed grading done on the South Side
last week
Fowl r school began Monday with
Miss Mattie Daugherty as teacher
F M Kenne iy received and is rect
mg his new 100 ton silo this week
Rev Burress visited at Shadeland
Pa k farm Tuesday
Miss Kate Kummer who hns been
working for Mrs Tuttle was taken quite
sic t Monday and had to return to her
Mrs Hari Meyers is seeing Denver
sights this week
A big dance was given on last Friday
night at the Meyers home for Mr and
Mrs Frank Bonger who have been vis
iting the homefolks for sever 1 weeks
They returned to their home in Denvei
Kennedy school opened for work Mon
Earl Notley made a flying trip home
Tuesday morning returning to Dener
the same night
Mrs J K Gordon and Miss Osie vis
ited Mrs F C Tyler Saturday after
Mrs Earnest Hamilton of St Ann is
visiti g relatives in this neighborhood
Mrs D B Doyle and daughter Doro
thy were visitors at Mrs F C Tylers
A T Wilson and family TMCamp
bell and family the Misses Dorothy and
Bessie Doyle took dinner with Mr and
Mrs GAShields Sunday It was a
farewell meeting for the Wilsons who
will soon leave for their new home in
LaJunta Colo
School commenced in this district on
Monday morning with Miss Lillian
Doyle as teacher
Mr and Mrs Stephen Bolles George
Younger Reese Harrison and son John
are attending the state fair
When Merit Wins
When the medicine you take cures
your diseases tones up your system
and makes you feel better stronger
and more vigorous than before That
is what Foley Kidney Pills do for
you in all cases of backache head
ache nervousness loss of appetite
sleeplessness and general weakness
that is caused by any disorder of the
kidneys or bladder A McMillen
i - I-
ah empty mulum joiirng being
Ti e ciiise is unknown
R Ii Thomas and Butler Jones
Wont to Lincoln to attend the state
John McNeil and wife are Lincoln
visitors this week
Ralpu jcis left Thursday morning
for Lintoli to attend school
Mr and Mrs Arthur Hoagland re
turned to their home in Kansas Mon
day morning
Fern Hedges was a McCook visitor
a few days last week
Bertha Hess and Jessie McCool en
tered school in the ninth grade from
the rural schools
Jessie Holcomh is printers devil
Mrs Gordon of McCook visited at
the Ruggles home a few days his
Archie McNeil and family and
Vern Short left for Lincoln Monday
evening to attend the state fair
Mr and Mrs Clark Hedges are re
joicing over the arrival of a baby hoy
born Saturday morning
Miss Jones and Miss Anderson
vere McCook visitors Monday
Safe Medicine for Children
Foleys Honey and Tar is a safe
and effective medicine for children as
t does not contain opiates or harm
ful drugs Get only the genuine Fol
es Honey and Tar in the yellow
ackage A McMillen
A Noble Heart
His Wife 2 a m Still working
dear The great author Yes Ive
just finished my four hundred and
fiftieth only unpublished poem You
see I want to leave enough so that
the family and all my friends will be
able to live comfortably after I die
Citizens National Bank
of AlcCook
Giiahtku Number 9liS
nt McCook in rlu Stnt of at tliorNwt
oi September 1 litio
I uw anil iiciiuit
Ovardrafts secured and unsecured
Qtenlrnftr tecum suitl unsecured 37 i
U S honds to s ecuro circulation Uvn in
Premiums mi US loniis 1K 0
Bonds ie 2itt K
iiiiti ftmii iirn lixi r III OH Ot
Due from approved 177 -4 -It
litfcfcs iid O her asli Items I at 7
Notes of other National banks 15 I 0
Fractional paper t nrreiicy nickels
and cents 22J z
Lawful inoiiey re erve in lan viz
Spec e -KM t
Lwal trmler note- llkHOi 23400 4
n fund wi h U S Treasur
er J percent of circulation 2S0
TJ S Bonds t securw circulation
Premiums on U S Bonds
Bonds securities etc
Banking liouo furniture and fixtures
Due from National Banks not reserve
Due from state and private banks and
bankers trust companies and sav
ings banks
Due from approved rpstTve agents
474 175 c
Capital tnek paid in S IKX X
fund 25000 0
Undivided profit- less expene and
laxespaid 7iiO 4
National bank notes outstanding 7000 I
Due toother national banks 11497 2i
Due to state and private banks and
bankers 99000 7S
Individual ilpo its si bject to check lXWJlt V
TiiiiecrtifiditisiiffliNi9iL 93412
Cashiers chocks out taudiu 4470 A
Total 47ii75 K
State of Nfbrneka
Couutj of Red Willow Ps
I R A Green cashier of the above namei1
bank do solemnly swear that tho abovo state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge
R A Green Cashier
Coueect Utet
V Fraxklin
AoMcMillen Directors
SnbcrilHd nnd sworn to hnforo me this 7th
day of September 1910 C E Eldred
Iseal Notary Public
My commission expires February 6 1912
McCook National Bank
McCook Nebraska
Charter No SS23
In the State of Nebraska at the close of bn3i
September 1 1910
Loans and Discounts 148 5 7C
70 a
1SS1 37
7S74 51
31S3 9
2S79 80
2103 70
47317 01
Checks and other cash items 1361 41
Notes of other National Banks 60 00
Fractional paper currency nickels and
cents 07 91
Lawfcl Money Reserve in Bank viz
Specie 13127 50
Legal tender notes 62000 13747 50
Redemption fund with US Treasurer
5 per cent of circulation 2500 00
Total 5252012 00
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplus fund 10000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxespaid 2370 03
National Bank notes outstanding 50000 Oi
Due to other National banks 1000 00
Individual deposits subject to check S4539 9
Demand certificates of deposit 740 23
Time certificates of deposit S1045 75
Cashiers checks outstanding 2316 00
Total 2S2012 00
State of Nebraska
County of Red Willow i Sb
I C J OBrien cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief C J OBrien Cashier
Correct Attest
P F McKenna
C F Lehn
P Walsh Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th
day of September 1910 Chas D Ritchie
seal Notary Public
My commission expires Nov 12 1913
Old Lady Meant Well but She
Got a Severe Shock
An old fashioned woman from th
coiimry recently packed some fried
i lin Ki ii bread and doughnuts in u
jhiI basket and went to see her
ihiimliiei who lives in a big city She
v is when the family stay
ed up till II oclock and decided thai
she wouldnt tell pa about it when she
wrote home next day He inighi
think we have fallen into evil ways
sh said to herself as she was miliix
off to sleep
She awnle ut her usual time 4
oclock and the house seemed strnmrc
Iy quiet Town folks do gel lazy
she thought and they probably dont
get up till r She dressed and weiu
downstairs and watched the clock un
til 5i Not a sound Then she waited
till J and at 7 between hunger and
alarm she was almost eraed
Theyve been murdered in their
bedsl she yelled at S oclock from the
front steps And soon the house was
tilled with people rushing in to see
what had happened
The family were surprised and in
dignant when police market garden
ers newsboys etc rushed into their
bedrooms and woke them up And
this explains why the old fashioned
woman came home that day I never
expected she sobbed to pa that any
girl would talk to her ma as Jane talk
ed to me Atchison Globe
Curious Relics of Lava It Has Left In
the Forests
Hnwaii possesses one of the greatest
natural wonders of the present day
world- a live volcano as high as Veii
viis am twice its diameter
Kilaiiea on the island of Hawaii
stands thirty miles from the sea in a
mountain range in which are three
dead volcanoes and one partially alive
This last called Manna Loa from time
to time sends streams of lava down
its slopes In 1SS1 three streams burst
forth from the sides of this mountain
and one of them came within three
quarters of a mile of Hilo the chief
city of the Island There have 1 n
several outbreaks of Kilauea in the
last hundred years In 1S J0 there was
a brilliant eruption of lava the light
of which it was said could be seen a
hundred miles away while at the dis
tance of forty miles one could read
print at midnight
Where the lava flowed through the
forest it has left curious relics in lava
arches bridges and great vases These
vases were formed by the lava piling
Itself about some lofty tree trunk
burning away the wood within and
killing the upper part of the tree In
the course of time seeds were deposit
ed in the open top filled with decaying
bark until now there Is a gigantic
lava vase holding ferns and flowers
and vines Exchange
A Coin Worth Millions
Somewhere in the world possibly
among the relics kept by some lover nt
the iireat Napoleon there is a fortune
perhaps unsuspected Amonvr tin roiu
Napoleon had minted were somi mil
lions of tire franc pieces and he deter
mined to popularize these in an iX
traordinary way In one of the cuius
folded to a tiny size was inclosed a
note signed by Napoleon and promis
ing the sum of fj0000flo francs to the
tinder of that particular coin Nat
urally everybody who changed a lanxe
piece demanded the uew five franc
coins in exchange and as a rule prob
ed and dug and sounded the metal in
eager search for the hidden note Hut
the years went on and yet the note
did -not appear Napoleons plighted
word is a sacred trust to the French
nation and today the government
stands ready to pay the debt which
with interest is now worth many mil
lions Loudon Answers
A Grand Rout
It is not always the largest foe who
can make the greatest disturbance and
cause the most confusion In his
Hunting Grounds of the Great West
Richard Irving Dodge tells of a little
incident of the Mexican war which
proves that it is quality not quantity
which is most effective
While General Taylors little army
was marching from Corpus Christ to
Matamoras a soldier of the flank of
the column fired at a bull The animal
charged and the soldier taking to his
heels ran into the column The bull
undaunted by the number of the ene
my followed him headlong scattering
several regiments like chalT and dually
escaped unhurt having demoralized
and put to dight an army which a few
days after covered itself with glory
by victoriously encountering five times
its number of human enemies
Leigh Hunts Grave
In the serene silence of Keasal
Green cemetery London Leigh Hunts
body lies at rest A visitor reaching
over the iron fence to part the fra
grant shrubs that shadow the tomb
stone reads these words
Write me as one who loves his fel
low men
It was his own cheerful philosophy
of life that Leigh Hunt expressed
through the lips of his Abou Ben Ad
hem and the sentiment is very touch
ing come upon in this way
A Preliminary
Mrs Ferguson George what do you
have to do when you want to draw
some mouey out of a bank Mr Fer
gusonYou have to put some money
in the bank beforehand Thats always
been my experience
It is better to write one word upon
the rock than a thousand on the wa
ter and tin sand Gladstone
McCook Has to Bow to the Inevita
ble Scores of Citizens
Prove It
After reading the public statement
of this representative citizen of Mc
Cook given below you must come to
this conclusion A remedy which curj
ed years ago which has kept the kid
neys in good health since can he
relied upon to perform the same
work in other cases Read this I
Mrs D A Jordan of McCook Neb
jays About a year and a half ago
I suffered from kidney complaint
here was a dull hearing down sen
sation through the small of my back
and at times I became so weak acros
my loins that I could hardly stoop
I did not sleen well and this result-
id in a tired feeling when I got up
In the morning Headaches bother
ed me and I was very nervous
Doans Kidney Pills procured at Mc
ConneHs Drug Store improved my
condition as soon as I began taking
them and the contents of six boxes
effected a complete cure State
ment given June 21 1907
The Cure Lasted
Mrs Jordan was interviewed on
June 21 1910 and she said I glad
ly confirm the statement I gave in
1907 recommending Doans Kidney
cure in my case and I am now enjoy
ing good health
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Lily Patent Flour when once uset
none other will satisfy vou
Subscribe for The Tribune
the year
Lincoln Sanitarium
Suipho Saline Springs
Located on our own premlmn and usod
in tho
Natural Mineral Water
Unnurpaesed in the tr a meat of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Liver
MocUrJU Chirgci Addrtxs
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Hob
jx 5vsx56x rs sxisxx
Storage Coal
at Right Prices
We are now making a ru
ductiou on stornKU con I
orders It will puy you to
tnko aclvnntiiKO of tln re
duction Count and m u
us about it IhoiiH UK
Updike Grain Co
Shampooing Hair Dressing
Scalp and Facial Trealment
Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stalrs
R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor
House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line
of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds
210 y2 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341
The Government Irrigated
ar vOtlay the grtitn spots of the country Several frmis are now ready
to homestead and the government surveyor are laying out more new
farms for new settlers who are lucky enough to get on tiie ground in
time to get the choice of these new locations Our new literature just
from the press cells how you can homestead these lands and repay the
Government the actual cost of the water right in ten yearly payments
without interest
CAREY ACT LANDS Several thousand acres of Carey Act Lands just
opened to entry only thirty days residence required The settler buys
these lands from the state and the perpetual water right from the irri
gation company Long time given to settlers to pay for these lands and
water rights
Join our personally conducted excursions the 1st or ird Tuesday of
eacii month Specially prepared Wjoming literature just off the press
Write for it today
D CLEA1 DEAVER General Agent
Landseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb
jbmmbm if anfifcMirttjmjfcjpwMBejuait ommmm
150 Value
for 100
kV rvMMTril3rifiMytryrtrFT7i jWiii v vvvvv vvp
V Franklin Pres G II Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G II Watkins Vernice Franklin
vaui Lti a ii ii 11 i iiiii iiiiij i iitii i i
111 llV il 1 i
Everything in Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices
Phone 5o
t v