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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
I V gentlemans SHOE TWENTY NINTH YEAR w STYLE is the very best Dont buy until you have seen ours Viersen Osborn 113W B Repairing Williams Walsh Wedding Wednesday morning of this week ac 530 oclock Rev William Patton O M I of St Patricks united in marriage Miss Mary Agnes Williams of our city and Mr James W Walsh of Wymore in SL Patricks Catholic church Miss Alice Benjamin presided at the organ playing the wedding march and during the solemn connubial ser vice Miss Williams is the accomplished daughter of Mr and Mrs J S Wil liams of our city and the groom a highly esteemed young business man j A ot wymore A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony served at the Williams home The happy young couple left on No 9 same morning for Pueblo and Denver on a short wedding trip After October 15 they will be at home in Wymore Mrs Luck Mr and Mrs Buckman of Denver Mr and Mrs Hickey of Fairbury Nebraska were out-of-town guests at the wedding The Tribune adds its heartiest con gratulations and well wishes Old Settlers Meeting The Old Settlers Association of Red Willow county will hold their eighth annual picnic on Brookside farm near Red Willow Sept 15 1910 Mr W S Fitch Pres Mrs Kate Thomas Sec Enjoy A November Breeze while getting a shave hair cut sham poo etc Such a luxury is assured all who patronize E M Days barber shop with its electric fan and other up to date equipment Farm Loans Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25tL IT HAY - BE SPORT to have some of those funny country pictur es taken but you dont want to give them to your friends When you pre sent any make the gift one of our artistic Photographs Then it will be given a place of honor Then it will be shown to all visitors with pride and friendly c o la ment Then it ill remind the recipient of you as you are when you look your best and love liest E Schell Kimmdl PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER 1st Door N Com Hotel Red 428 - Death Again Invades Family Mrs Robert 0 Drath of Hcrndon Kansas died ia Beaver City last Sat urday Mrs Drath who is a sister of Mrs Fred Schwab and Mr Louis Suess of our city had been visiting her mother near Crete and being very ill sought to get home Her husband who is president of the fcink of Hurndou met her at Oxford returning home but found it imper ative to take his sick wife from the train at Beaver City where she was taken to a hotel and aid sought from a half dozen or more physicians all to no avail Typhoid pneumonia was the cause of death The remains were taken to the home in Herndon Kansas and on Tuesday afternoon interment was made The deceased spent her early hood days here when her father the late Rev William Suess was pastor of the German Congregational church 1 of this city The husband and four children the oldest 12 years of age survive her 1 Tenderest sympathy foes out to ail the relatives of the departed in tais sad hoar of bereavemerjt Mr and Mrs Louis Suess and Mr Fred Schwab of this city attend the funeral Mrs Selnab was with the sister at death rl E S G Plzriz The M E Sunday schcol will have a picnic on Saturday September 17 at the pumping station grove We invite all to fill baskets and to come to the picnic Bring along the chil dren and add a day of happiness to their lives Committee Buys the Palisade Store Miss Allie J Peck of our city has purchased the millinery stock of Mrs Anna Parker of Palisade She an nounces September 9th and 10th the opening dates in Paliade Puhlid -School Opened Monday from thpro slip npfpntpfl n nnsitinn school which position was held with credit until a year ago last June at which time she was elected as teach er of Latin in the McCook high school but did not accept owing to the fact that she wanted to go to the university and work out her Masters degree This she did and wsir jrranteiri tha Masters ripsrrep hv i of 05 mcj0ft She then went to the i last spring Miss Bailey is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and has the department of mathematics i ing a good part of Mr Archers course j in college he was an assistant in the science laboratory and was considered a very able instructor by the profes sors in charge He won honors in various phases of athletic work in college having -won three foot ball letters three tennis letters and two i basket ball letters I Miss Claire Thursby has charge of the department of Latin Miss Thurs i by is a graduate of the high school of the class of 1902 Antigo Wis She then attended the Northwestern I University two years and the Univer sity of Wisconsin two years from Tnose who have attempted to pre serve the original flavor of a good joke in the repeating will appreciate tee writers embarrassment at the thought of attempting a description seriatim But the acclaims of the hundreds who lined Main avenue pro claim it a dinger in black face cap itals Headed by the inimitable Little German band the married tribe and the single warriors the sexless and emasculated umpire the lady snake charmer the dray load of charming single rooters Johnnie Morrissey of McFaddens Pasture and his fractious and mirth provoking ele phant the washing machine fully guaranteed for a life time the T R specimens etc etc each and all in turn swept by and received The McCook Public schools opened preciative applause iUonaay witn an enrollment ot sv6 pu iyuo sne noius Dotn a university certificate and state teachers certifi ii i i ir i n which in the llbur high school from she was afterwards promoted to the j principalship of the Wilbur high cate She taught for one year m the high school at Cambridge Wis For the last three years she has had charge of the Latin at Two Riv er Wis The following is the assignment of grade teachers Central building Miss Powers Sth A class Central building Miss Skjelver Sth B and 7th A classes Central building Miss Martha Abel th nnivprsitv of Nriiraska last June I 7th B and Gth A classes principal The of the high school does not teach any particular line of work J but usually takes up the odds and Central building Miss Amy Kautz i ity of Nebraska and completed the I 4th A and B classes I course there in 09 and accented a -Miss JLstliei laucy is not new to the McCook schools having taught about two and a half months here 6thA and 6th B classes ends after the department teachers i uuimuS oa UulDC -have lst B and 2nd B classes- filled up their program of work Miss Emma Perry teacher of Eng lish in the McCook High school is I herself an alumna of the high school j here having graduated in the class I East building miss Laura aicuu len principal 5thA class East building Miss Agnes Jones 5th B class East building Miss Anna Hannan East building Miss Susanna w aru 3rd and B classes- A position as assistant principal of the i TWmnrt hvi cohnni f East building Miss Phoebe Waite to 2ndA and B classes pils of whom 100 were in the high encounter on Burlington field between brought to a final period their an school Ail positions m tne graaes fcne married and the single Pythians were filled time and on ac- some ago Aad this tme it was different The count ol the late resignation of the Benedicts nad brought their pitcher Latin teacher in the high school that tQ weU Qnce tQ0 often and the position was not filled in time for the Probationers smashed it 8 to 0 Ye the teacher to begin work this week dejtks a g0Q3e egg And hitherto Supt Taylor has been teaching Latin an uabroken record of subgtantial vie this week tories The is Sarah A new principal Ryauj with tfle ball game ended the at of Lincoln Neb Miss Ryan gradu j ternom program and victors and vic ated from the University of Nebraska jtims sought resfc fm the festivities in 1S93 Following her graduation for j a number of years she was principal which university she graduated in of the east ward school at Holdrege i McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING SEPT 8 1910 TROBATIONERSIHE WINNERS Benedicts Drink the Dregs of a Shut Out Defeat at the Annual Pythian Contest THE PARADE WAS A GENUINE DOODLEDINGER The Concert Vaudeville and Ball Game Drew Record Breaking Crowds and Produced Interest and Enthusiasm of Same Vintage Monday Labor Day was annual Pythian Play Day Besides it was a recoi d breaker in more than one re spect From the opening street par ade to the concluding feast it was just one good tiling after another The day opened in the afternoon with a parade which for originality and eccentricity of conception and burlesque skill in production excelled any previous efforts of the enthusi astic and fecund artists who annually take a hand in presenting this item of entertainment and amusement I orming in the city park the line of inarch was down Main avenue and on of the evening The evening program opened at in tersection of Main avenue and C street with a brief but acceptable mu sical program by the Little Ger man band and a string quartette the concert being preliminary to the array of vaudeville stunts which en sued There was an improvised stage a large covered furniture van served for a dressing room some stage effects from Menard hall com pleted the setting The Jeffries Johnson set to fairly set the gathered multitude vociferous ly wild the bout ending like the FREE ribtttte OLD SETTLERS ANNUAL REUNION It Will be Held at Brookslde Red Willow Thursday Sep tember 15th The annual picnic of the old set tlers of Red Willow county and that includes all who have lived in the county twenty years or more will be held on Thursday next Septem ber 15th at Brookslde near Red Willow It is greatly desired that there shall be a large participation in this event Following is the pro gram c Music Prayer Rev Bryant Howe McCook Music Address Hon C H Aldrich Music Old Settlers Rouud Table Memorial to Members Departed Vice Presidents Business Meeting Election of Officers Mrs Kate Thomas Secretary W S Fitch President FREE Mrs Maude Smith Will Give tn tlio lioll wnimrc in Hip Rurlinotnn hinnV in Mip ntimiltn Mnn nF tlla Poll COHiplete free leSSOHS On a IlOIllC vards fcalin hv the Seneeamhian treatment that will insure a perfect The audience was for some time compaction remove wrinkles black- fufther electrified with rare and ueau pi set me same re- Morrissey and George Scott and th talented confrerees succeeded in making their escape But not yet was the day ended Later the Knights their wives their sweethearts and fraternal guests and evening to meet those who fail to see her in their homes She will also be glad to meet ladies from the country at my store She is teaching the use of the VELVETINA TOILET SPECIALTIES ciuy iiiarsna1 uiuugu inuveu to leuia lo tne laet tuat it was me urai had to discharge his duty i the company produced the play this There were several auto loads over season and they were not entire from Oberlin lodge Hearts that Beat as One Mr Hugh Kelly a id Miss Maude Lu cile McBrayer were happily wedded n Wednesday moning at 4 30 oclock at the home of the brides i arents Mr and East building Miss Viola Dougan at 3 nMnnk a m nt tho rpsirlencp lst A and B classes of her C0Usin Mrs Marshall on north East building Miss Cleo Rector 6th street east Some three weeks prep A and B classes since deceased was taken ill with West building Leanora Dougan phoid fever on the shurtleff ranch Principal and music supervisor j southwest of the city and FrPd v Arrher has oharjiP of the was soon science and athletics Mr Archer West building Miss Iva Gatewood removed to the city where she died graduated from Hanover College lM A West building El I over ind in the class of 1910 Dur 1 i a ano u classes Caffrey 3rd West building Miss Mabel Winters 2ndA and B classes West building Miss Lillian Moore lst A and B classes classes West building Miss Millicent Sla by prep A and B classes South school Mrs Mae Douglas prep A and B The following is the assignment janitors Howe Smith has charge of the high school building William Ran kin of the east ward and Chas Cal vert of the west ward CHAS W TAYLOR Superintendent as above stated familiar with their lines etc All in all however it was a fairly satisfactory season A Card To the many kind friends in our Mrs Josephs McBraver on 2nd street very Kna m ineir worus 0l sympawy east the ceremonv being performed in in the man v beautiful flowers that the presence of only the immediate came and b yur own Presence you tires by Eev Brvant Howeof the wno know us wil1 believe us very odist church Following the cerem ny grateful for this your kindness in our and congratulations a sumptuous wed- sorrow in the loss of our baby Gene diner breakfast was served i It was all so kind of you and comfort- The young couple departed the same inS t0 us- We Pra V that our Fathers morning on No 2 for Harlan Lnva onanand of blessing may rest on you short visit to the grooms mother They will return in a few days and begin housekeeping in the Norris dwelling where they have furnished apartments awaiting them These young people have grown from childhcod in our city and a host of well wishers and friends will join The Tribune in wishing these estimable young people happiness and prosperity They will be at home after Oc ober 15th Death of Mrs Ed King Mrs Ed King died in this city last Wednesday morning August 31st The remains were shipped on Wed nesday night to Humboldt Nebraska where they were interred on Septem ber lst Deceased was 20 years and 20 days old at her death and leaves a hus band and one child five months old The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store M NUMBER 16 One Dollar doos not make a fortune anymore than ono swallow makes a spring But ono dollar deposited an a start on a bank account may moan n fortune in time just the same as the one bird indicated that spring is coming After you liavuinndu the atari it is only necessary to adopt rule of saving a ce tain prt of your income REGULARLY to lay by a substantial sum Suppose vou decide o save one fourth or ono iifth of every dollar that comes into your hnds wouldnt that give you an excellent start in it yoar or less We would courteously ask you to consider this bank when selecting a depository for your money We will be glad to see you at any time and explain any Ioints that you do not understand THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lkiin V Pres C 7 UBkikx Cshr lMKKCTOS J J Lougbran P F McKonna real inpersonations theatrical thrills sults as can be Sotten bv oins to an anS vocal and instrumental numbers expensive masseur She is now QUICK PAIN of rarest vintage But even good ing these instructions in the homes CURE of our town and wIH be at store thfngs have to come to an end some y There is need in every home at time and finally reluctantly Johnnie next Saturday Sept 10 afternoon one time or aiIotner for a reIliefiy that will quickly relievo pain Having such a remedy on hand for immediate use is sure to save a lot of suffering NO 13 LINIMENT gives almost instant relief from pain assembled in the castle hall for the I No other Soods are equal none It is a generai household internal and nice tnem ana we tne external imye remedy for pain that does concluding particulars After a brief season of social chat and music the banquet room seemed to focus general interest and soon around the festive board wor all as sembled and busy with the generous spread of the free handed open- ive sale for this localityV - L W McCONNELL Druggist One in -Three Good Sanford Dodge and vcompany apj peared ill the TeriVple theatre lastr hearted boys of 42 A few toasts and week in three performances large The next chapter was the deadly responses seasoned the feast and audiences marking each appearance as much as any remedy can do does more than most and costs so little without it Price 25 cents L W McCONNELL Druggist Sudden Death of Baby Carman All hearts go out to Rev and Mrs B Carman in the sudden and The opening play Nero the Glad- tragic death of their baby Gene nual affair for 1910 iator was but fairly well produced aged about one year and six months Catch that kid Faust drew the largest house and jn Minden last Thursday afternoon The arrest of Mr Morrissey the was far and away the best of their at i45 oclock The little one se theatrical manager was the one touch repertoire well done and effectively cured a tablet a heart stimulant of pathos Johnnie didnt have the staged The closing number The kept in the home for Mrs Carmans simoleons to meet the demands of Three Musketeers was the weakest use and swallowed the same Medi the ordinance on licenses and the of their offerings due undoubtedly cal skill was summoned as soon as it was discovered the baby had tak en the medicine but the child died within a few minutes of the arrival of the doctors despite their efforts School Supplies We carry a full line of tablets slates lead and slate pencils ink fnrmpr fiplrl nf lnhnr who wnro sn I scnool aistrjCls we can iMve a spe all Mr and Mrs M B Carman Kenneth Frank and Dorothy Minden Neb Law Firm Dissolves The well known law firm of Bovle Eldred dissolved this week by mutual consent and agreement Mr Boyle retir ing and Mr Eldred continuing the busi ness in the old quartets and retaining the present equipment Mr BoUe still has large interests in city and country which will have his personal attention for some time at least Shake a little of our foot powder into your new shoes and you will avoid the us ual spell of blisters and soreness of feet Price 25 Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber Is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone Is 97 oohn Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at McCook National Bank Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list rulers pens and pen holders To cial price A McMILLEN Druggist Piano Tuning I can tune pianos up until Sept 10 Phone 89 or black 344 LEWIS B LUDWICK C W MATS0N Auctioneer Refer to leading men whom I hsue con ducted ale of all kind- for Phone 57 CITY RESTAURAUT Iai Sick Room Needs can be fully suppliedfrom here We carry a complete assortment of hot water bags sprayers douches bed pans and other appliances We have everything for the invalid from the rubber pillow to make him comfort able to THE MEDICINE THAT WILL CURE HIM If there is anybody sick at your house call on us for anything needed in the way of DRUGS OR SICK ROOM HELPS Youll find our service prompt thor ough and reliable and our prices very moderate A MxMJLLEX Druggist