The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 01, 1910, Image 4

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    Better Start
An early t tart and a defi
nite plan goes far toward
assuring success to the
young man or woman
starting out in life No
need of being stingy
neither should you be a
spender The sensible
and easy method of creat
ing a fund for your future
needs is to open an ac
count with this bank do
posit whatever you can
each week or month
Stick to it and in time
your success will bo as
sured Better start now
you will never regret it
McCook Nebr
j -
wk pikp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Entered nt postoflico McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
0 R Barton renominated for state
auditor without opposi ion at the late
primary baings as his best claim for a
second term in that important state
office a good and faithful record from
hs first term For eight years Barton
wa grand recorder of the A O U W
of Nebraska and was well and thorough
ly grounded in business methods and in
system When he assumed the office of
state auditor ho at once began system
atically and earnestly to give that im
portant checking office the business ap
pliances and facilities and color the
place demanded How well he has
succeeded is admitted by all familiar
with the situation It has been his
high ambition to give the people of
Nebraska an independent and thorough
ly efficient adminstratinn wthout bias
or favoritism or dictation Being a
practical and enthu iastic msuran e
inai it has been his special pleasure to
see that the pe pie of Nebraska are pro
tected by demanding that only depend
able insurance companies do business
under state charier Having been faith-fu-
and having made good the peop e
should remember him with a safe reel
The brewers distillers and allies
small and great have in the defeat of
Shalleiiberger added another political
scalp to their bloody belt Sheldon
Bryan Shallenberger They now
hope to foist upon the state of Ne
braska one Jim Dahlman a cheap pol
itician af the booze brand If suc
cessful this fair state would be in
for one of the most disgraceful
epochs In its history Dahlman has
apparently tut one trait of character
ta entitle him to co bideration his
brutal Mataul franknjs j uT expres
sion in favor of the liqilor traffic
and his pernicious activity in its fa
vor The temperance people the re
ligious and moral elements of the
state those who hold as dear and
valuable law enforcement and civil
and civic progress and betterment
should respond to this bold challenge
and should give the liquor traffic bio
for blow If the elements in all
the political parties who favor county
option will join in a sturdy earnest
campaign for C H Aldrich the re
sult cannot be in doubt there wont
be enough brewers or corporations
money in Nebraska to win for Dahl
man But remember the campaign
against Dahlman must be one of
W C T U Set Fountain
The ladies of the W C T U
placed their drinking fountain in
front of DeGroffs on east B street
Wednesday This represents a hard
struggle upon the part of the ladies
in raising the funds necessary and
special credit belongs to Mrs Inglis
in the wind up The fountain is hanr
some and sanitary and a credit to
the city which through its city au
thorities should have put the foun
tain up itself The city pays the
water tax however The fountain is
also attached to the sewer system
Paint or Wall Paper
We have just what you want and
it is to your interest to see us before
3347 M
makes matters worse
1 R Z G3 Bh IBM PI E9B
But Ganodian Counted Squad
Inspector Performed Feat
Nino Months Spent Traversing Top of
Continent to Report on Route From
Hudson Bay to Mackenzie River
Swimming Deer Blocked Passage
Down River Pelletier Reports
A policeman with n beat 3347 miles
long through a wilderness that yielded
progress only to canoes and over ice
fields passable only with dog teams
and sledges that in effect was Inspec
tor E A Pelletier of the royal north
west mounted police who with Cor
poral M A Joyce and Constables It
H Walker and P It Conway spent
nine months in traversing the top of
the continent to reaffirm Canadian
Jurisdiction over that area and report
on a feasible route from Hudson bay
to the Mackenzie river
The story of their performance is a
recital of simple pluck and exploring
skill a matter of fact carrying out of
orders without the lure of a prize like
the pole
While the royal northwest mounted
police is everywhere accepted as prob
ably the last word In police efficiency
the popular conception In the United
States of the individual unit of this
corps is a trimly uniformed Tommy
Atkins sort of mounted soldier giving
attention to the suppression of bad
men and gun fighters and protecting
the settlers from violence All that
the police do but more
Advance Guard of Civilization
They are thrown out far ahead of
the northward advancing line of set
tlement When civilization catches up
with their outposts they move on
Not many years ago the southern
portions of Manitoba Alberta and Sas
katchewan were distant fields even for
the police
Since Captain Bernier a Canadian
explorer discovered coal in Melville
island the police are pushing a patrol
in that direction If the coal is worka
ble and settlement or prospecting that
arctic neighborhood is forthcoming the
police with a well ordered system of
justice will be on the ground first
Only once were the police ever out
stripped by settlement and that was
when gold was discovered in the Yu
Inspector Polletiers duty ou his lone
ly patrol reveals hardships that have
no place in pictures of smart quads
and trim barracks with which the pub
lic is familiar Daniel Boone rather
than Tommy Atkins is represented
by the far flung outposts of the po
lice although perhaps it would be
more appropriate to compare the in
spector and his men with the early
Started at Saskatchewan
The patrol began at Fort Saskatche
wan and proceeded northward partly
by steamer and partly by canoe to
Great Slnve lake Skirting the shore
of this great body of water in canoes
the travelers turned their course al
most east toward Hudson bay and
made their way by river and lake with
many portages through almost unbro
ken wildernesses afflicted with the in
sect pests for which the north woods
are notorious
The party arrived on the shore of
Hudson bay with the expectation of
being able to lay aside the paddle and
ease calloused shoulders from the por
tage But the sailboat which had been
provided was wrecked and the police
were obliged to delay at Fullerton un
til winter snows permitted a start
with dog trains for the south The
trip from Fullerton which is on the
sixty second parallel of latitude to
Churchill 400 miles south was at
tended by many hardships
The amount of game observed by
the patrol was wonderful Describing
the journey from Artillery lake to the
Height of Land Inspector Pelletier
Aided by the sails we were making
good time but were delayed by large
numbers of deer crossing at various
points We must have seen between
20000 and 40000 The hills on both
shores were covered with them and at
a dozen or more places where the lake
was from a half to a mile wide solid
columns of deer four or five abreast
were swimming across and so closely
that we did not like to venture through
them for fear of getting into some
No Dry Clothes or Beds
The inspector continues
The worst feature of a long jour
ney like this we were forty three
days in a country where no fuel is
to be procured is the absolute Impos
sibility of drying clothes bedding
etc The moisture from the body ac
cumulates and there are no menns to
dry clothing to get rid of it in any
way and every day sees it harder to
put on in the morning and the bed
harder to get into at night until both
bedding and clothing become as stiff
as a board from the ice
It is a very uninviting task and
disagreeable procedure getting into an
icy bed at night and the same thing
in the morning getting into icy clothes
Sleeping with ones clothing on oi v
Alexandra Gives Away Her Elaborate
Court Wardrobes
The English queen mother Queen
Alexandra does not intend ever asiaiu
to wear colors and has given away
many of the costly and elaborate gar
ments in the royal wardrobe which
she will never use She will wear the
becoming small Mary Stuart bonnet
with the peak in front aud hanging
veil behind for some time to come
when out of doors but indoors she
usually wears a white crape headdress
with a white crape collar and broad
cuffs of the same material
Queen Alexandra has left the pre
cincts of Buckingham palace only twice
since her widowhood but has taken a
good deal of exercise in the beautiful
Roumania Enforces Reforesting
Foreign lumber firms which possess
and use up the forests of Roumania are
to be compelled to pay a tax of G an
acre as security that the denuded wood
surfaces shall be again reforested
Welsh Steel Liked In Britain
The total yearly output of iron and
steel in south wales Great Britain is
900000 tons of which only 200000 tons
are exported showing a heavy home
We were crowded In the cabin
Not a passenger could aleep
it was mldniKi on the waters
And a atorniwas oh the deep
But no word about the tempest
Oozed from out our pallid lips
We were all too tuny banning
The Iniquity of tips
Tls a fearful thhiK In winter
To be shattered by the blast
And to hear the rattlinK trumpet
Thunder Cut away the mnst
But this poem of our childhood
Paints a scene thats somewhat
Far more fearful are the stewards
And their wholesale holdup game
Everywhere a fellow wanders
Smiling stewards haunt his path
Table stewards stateroom stew
Stewards of the deck and bath
Stewards meet you stewards greet
From the time you step aboard
Planning how to separate you
From your much depicted hoard
Men may talk about old Black
Men may talk of Captain KIdd
But to neither of those worthies
Need tho steward lift his lid
They were more or less successful
Terrorizing old time sldps
But the modern ocean terror
Is the steward seeking tips
Dennis A McCarthy in New York
Formerly Waded to
Elusive Channel
Steamboatmeu who have been con
tending with low water in the upper
Mississippi river should consult with
the more ancient mariners in the Mis
sissippi for pointers on the movement
of boats on low water and then start
out to restore navigation on the
Captain William Kelly secretary of
the Mississippi and Ohio River Pilots
society says this is the first season
since ISoG to his personal knowledge
that steamboats have ceased to run
during the open season
In the summer of 1S3G Captain Kel
ly says he was piloting the steamer
Stella Whipple when the water was
four Inches lower than this years rec
ord The boat was towing two barges
as lighters coming down the stream
but got stuck on the crossing at Rob
insous rocks fourteen miles below St
Captain Kelly says he waded into
the river ahead of the boat to locate
the best place to drop the anchor and
pull the boat over the bar The water
was sixteen inches deep and the best
channel was located by wading and
Captain Kelly returned to the boat
without wetting a stitch of his cloth
The method of pulling the boats
over shoal crossings was to carry the
anchor out in a yawl ahead of the
steamer drop it to the bottom of the
river and pull the boat over by a line
attached to the anchor and to the cap
stan ou the boat
When all was ready the passengers
were transferred to the barges to light
en the boat The run was then made
without difficulty till the next crossing
was reached when the anchor and
capstan process of pulling the boat
over might be repeated
No Other Language Spoken at French
Flying School
The connection between aviation and
Esperanto is not apparent yet it must
exist for at Mourmelon le Grand the
great French aviation school nothing
is spoken by the initiated among them
selves but Esperanto
Ernest Archdeacon who has dom
much for aviation by offering prizes I-
an advocate of the universal language
Henri Farman who runs his school for
flyiug at Mourmelon is a master of
Esperanto and among his pupils in
dying M Effimoff the Russian M Van
den Born and Mine Frank are profi
When the days work is over M Far
man will hoist the Esperanto flag over
his hanger and give his pupils lessons
in the language They are of all na
tionalties so perhaps that is one rea
son why aviators have taken up the
Yankee Ingenuity to
Adoption of Plan
Cumbersome Foreign Procedure of
Pass Books to Be Dropped as Soon
as Desirable Machine Is Invented to
Safeguard Monoy Deposits of Public
Says Postmaster General
That the United States will have a
postal savings bank plan entirely dif
ferent from all other postal savings
schemes and that its superiority over
other systems is a tribute to Yankee
ingenuity are two of the facts brought
out in an explanation made recently
by Frauk n Hitchcock postmaster
general concerning his intentions re
garding this new financial feature in
the life of the country
Mr Hitchcock has assured himself
that the groundwork has been laid se
curely for the establishment of the
postal banks
Cash Register Guards Deposits
Although every other country which
has a postal savings bank system uses
the pass book plan in order to keep
track of the deposits of money Mr
Hitchcock after many conferences with
authorities on savings banks has de
liberately cut loose from this scheme
He has decided to adopt a plan which
in the end will depend upon machin
To be more exact the cash register
essentially an American idea will keep
tabs on the deposits of money and will
guard the public against the possibili
ty of embezzlement and theft on the
part of those who handle the sums
turned in to be guarded by the gov
Never before has this plan been con
sidered by any country and all over
Europe there Is now in effect the
cumbersome scheme of handling pass
books AH the other postal savings
plans of the world are practically
It is now up to some inventive genius
to put on the market a cash register
which will do the things required for i
handling the money intrusted to the
postoffices of the United States
Deposit Slips at First
But Mr Hitchcock has not calculat
ed that the cash register system can
be put into operation at once first
because no satisfactory register is on
the market and secondly because the
expense of installing the system nt
once would be too great
For the first six months or a year
there will be used deposit slips han
dled by hand They will be in figures
from 1 to 9 and in addition to these
there will be slips for 10 20 and 30
The 10 20 and 50 slips will bo made
out in duplicate so that there will be
no opportunity for clerks or receiving
tellers to falsify ihem
Only the slips running from 1 to 9
will be made out in Ink as issued and
the postmaster general has figured
that there is slight chance of anybody
incurring the danger of the peniten
tiary for the benefit of falsifying any
entry less than 10
French Mayor Objects to Knickerbock
ers For Female Flight
The mayor of Etampes France has
views of what a woman aviators cos
tume ought not to be and when he
saw Mile Abukais one of the aero
planists at the Etampes meeting wear
ing jaunty knickerbockers with bril
liant stockings he gasped Then he
had the police issue a summons
against the lady
Mile Abukais flew every day during
the week and each day she wore
knickerbockers and stockings despite
the mayors disapproval Each day a
fresh summons was issued When
Mile Abukais appears for trial she
may be fined
Meanwhile the jocose French news
papers are demanding that the mayor
shall state just what costume air wo
men should wear in order that rural
propriety may not be shocked
Inoculation Serum Prepared by Pa
risian Scientists
Nothing is too small for the atten
tion of the Pasteur institute in Paris
provided it is connected in any way
with infection It appears that the
canary suffers from a sort of marsh
fever communicated to It by an Insect
known as the codex Dr Rous the
head of the institute has told the
Academy of Science that the bacillus
of this fever has been isolated and
a scrum made to inoculate other ca
Canaries vaccinated with this serum
proved comparatively immune against
the attacks of the codex while non
inoculated birds suffered severely when
Few Picture Shows In Cape Town
There are ouly two moving picture
shows In Cape Town South Africa
and the entertainments are of a some
what higher average than those given
la the smaller cities of the United
States The evening shows are pack
ed to overflowing
frtV 2 if SHHilF k
a n csssi hf ujyisfrzSj I
The practical value of the rail brace which is an important
feature in ELIBYEHICLES is becoming- more and more appreci
The seat is braced so that the strain is equalized between
the back and the seat end preventing- opening- of seat joints at
the corners
The illustration demonstrates the strength of this seat
bracing and shows how superior features in construction are
studied so as to bring the finished product
The best Vehicle Construction on the Market
We arc here to show you anil explain to you other important points
of the Veli Vehicles
Phone 31
For Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
For Secretary of State
For Auditor
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
For Treasurer
For State Superintendent
For Railroad Commissioner
For Congressman 5th Dist
For State Senator 29th Dist
For State Representative 65th Dist
For County Attorney
For Commissioner 3rd Dist
McConnell for drugs
Tennis goods at Wood worths
Get your photo supplies of McCon
nell druggist
The pain of sunburn stops as soon
as you apply McConnell s Fragrant
Lotion 25c
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
The only place in town where you
can buy the Sherwin Williams paints
is McConnelFs Druggist
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
The Intermission In Temple theatr
building for the Judge Norris 10c ci
gar and Novum Templum 5c smoke
DONT WAIT Buy your kodak
now and have a lifetime of pleasure
with it
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Diarrhoea cholera morbus and
cramps are speedily stopped with Mc
Connells Blackberry Balsam the
sure relief for summer bowel trouble
McCook Neb
WANTED Dress making Quick
and neat service guaranteed 1 3
409 East 4th st
FOR SALE Dwelling house in
South McCook Three lots barn
wind mill tank etc A C Harris
Herndon Kansas
FOR SALE Team of young work
horses Percheron horse and mare
3 and 5 years old J W Peabody
4 miles directly south of McCook
FOR SALE 320 acre improved
farm good four roomed house barn
hen house good well all under fence
120 acres under cultivation
Phone 05G Wray Colo
FOR RENT Four furnished or un
furnished rooms Inquire at No
1002 2nd street east
FOR RENT Two unfurnished front
rooms 307 2nd street W
FOR RENT Groom dwelling In
quire of J MIIenderson SOS 2nd st E
FOR RENT 4 room cottaye with
gas and gas stove Phone black 376
MONEY will rent a nicely furnish
ed room at the residence of Dr
Beach I2 1st street E Men only
need apply Light heat bath and
WANTED Cosmopolitan Magazine
requires the services of a represent
scription renewals and to extend cir-
ative in McCook to look after sub
culation by special methods which
have proved unusually successful
Salary and commission Previous ex
perience desirable but not essentiai
Whole time or spre time Address
with references H C Campbell Cos
mopolitan Magazine 1789 Broadway
New York City l 2t
Chris Helm was down from Red Wil
low yesterday Mr Helm has 223 acres
in broom corn this season and savs he
has a good crop Cambridge Clarion
Not Quite Clear
I gave a hint to
Binks that In go
ing into that
enterprise he
was skat
ing on thin ice What did he do
Oh he tumbled
Before the Crowned Heads
There Is a rule that one must never
turn ones back on royalty Then
my manners are all right whevener I
meet four kings in a Jackpot I always
back out