The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 04, 1910, Image 6

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August 20th Is the Date for the Big
Picnic and Demonstration in Den
ver and Lakeside Colorado
Elaborate arrangements are mak
ing for the great railroad mens pic
nic etc in Denver and at Lakeside
Colorado This big event is attract
ing no little interest among 11c
Cook division railroad men who are
represented on the different commit
tees by Supt E S Koller Master
Mechanic II E Culbertson and Chief
Dispatcher W P Pate
This event originated in the thought
tank of members of the American
Railroad Employes and Investors as
sociation but has been extended to
include all railroad employes Hence
it will be one of the greatest rail
road mens demonstrations in the
west this season
The purpose of the gathering is
stated as being the encouragement of
better relations among employes and
the public
The day will open with a parade
under F M Jones marshal of the
day forming at union depot at 1030
a in in the following order
Platoon of police
Chairman parade committee and staff
The employes of each railroad
forming a division headed by a band
and carrying United States flag and
banner of their road
Division commanders mounted all
others on foot Each division will be
divided into companies of one hun
dred men each under command of a
captain Divisions taking precedence
in order of seniority as a railroad in
the state
The line will march as follows
From Union depot up 17th street
to California on California street to
1 5th street up loth street to Coif ox
avenue disband at Colfox avenue and
take street cars for Lakeside
A reviewing stand will be erected
at the 1J5 th street eiftrance to the
court house from which parade will
be reviewed by the governor mayor
and other cit3r county and state offi
cials the presidents vice presidents
and general managers of the rail
roads the president of the Employes
and Investors association the chiefs
of the railroad organization Messrs
C S Hoskins and Geo Davis who
were engineer and fireman respect
ively of the first passenger train en
tering the city of Denver Visiting
railroad men from other states are
cordially invited to participate in the
Program of field sports called at
100 p m at athletic field at Lake
Tug of war between teams made
up cf picked men from all depart
ments of the different railroads
First prize 2500 second prize 15
Lineup of tug of war teams to be an
nounced later
Base ball game immediately after
tug of war between the D R G
team of Fueblo and the D R G
general office team of Denver
Program of speaking Speaking
will begin in the theatre at Lake
side at 500 p m
Addresses by Mr P H Miorrissey
who is the national president of the
American Railroad Employes and In
vestors Association and for many
years the head of the Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen Hon John F
Shafroth Governor of Colorado and
Hon Robert YV Speer mayor of Den
The Burlington company has closed
a contract with the McCook band
which will be the Burlingtons offi
cial band for the event H P Sut
tpn director announces that he will
place a fine bunch of musicians in
Denver for that event not as large
as he has on some occasions but the
same old Sutton quality
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska July 2Gth 10
The board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment present
C 13 Gray F S Lofon and Edward
Sughrou county commissioners and
M G Elbert deputy county clerk
The board proceeded to view road No
433 petitioned for by Jacob Swartz and
others in Driftwood precinct
On motion the board adjourned to
meet July 27th 1910
C B GRAY Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
By M G ELBERT Deputy
McCook Neb July 27th 1910
The board of county commissioners
mot pursuant to adjournment present
C B Gray F S Lofton and Edward
Sughrouo county commissioners and
M G Elbert denuty county clerk
A motion was made by Lofton sec
onded by Sughrouo that a county
board of health be created with follow
ing membership The three members
of the county boird C B Gray F S
Lofton and Edward Sughroue the
sheriif L M Higgins and Dr J3 C
Beach Motion carried unanimously
The following claims were audited
and allowed and the clerk was instruct
ed to draw warrants on the respective
funds levy of 1909 as follows
Commissioner cistrict No 1
John R Brown road work Miss
ouri Ridge S 4 50
Commissioner district No 3
II N Rosebush concrete exten
sions on culverts o250
J I Lee road work 12G0
S V Fiazier road work 1600
W T Clark road work 5300
W M Hyatt road work 3200
Road district No 4 Box Elder pre
Charles Mundy road work 2200
R O Harrison road work 1200
Claude paulding road work 1200
Charles Dednian road work 800
Nathan Tubbs road work 1500
Geo Younger road work 1G00
Road district No 7 Willow Giove
H K Bixler road work 15 00
W T Clai k road work 3S25
J I Lee road work 2500
G V Korell road work 1200
On motion the board adjourned to
meet August 2nd 1910
C B GRAY Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
By M G ELBERT Deputy
From Sickness to Excellent Health
So says Mrs Chas Lyon Peoria
111 I found in your Foley Kidney
Pills a prompt and speedy cure for
backache and kidney trouble which
bothered me for many months I am
now enjoying excellent health which
I owe to Foley Kidney Pills
A McMillen
To keep jour health sound to
avoid the ills of advancing years to
conserve your physical forces for a
ripe and healthful old age guard
your kidneys by taking Foleys Kid
ney Remedy A McMillen
We never hesitate to guarantee
wily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Ti ih
Immaculate Conception Academy
Hastings Nebraska
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and Chid
ren Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic
Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New buildings
with modern improvements Conservatory of Music and Art Studio
Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and Preparatory Departments
For year books containing full information address
Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Nebraska
If ho has a safe or trunlc
Sorno nice heavy little chunk
How does he transport the junk
Franks It nome
If he has an argument
To make clear whats his Intent
Quick lie follows out his bent
Franks it home
If a ball same he attends
And the baseman Brieves all friends
How will he attain bis ends
Frank him home
To the mansion In the sky
Do not think that he will ly
For himself he then will try
Frankinjj home
McLandburgh Wilson in New York
More Islands Rivers and Canals About
Venice the queen of the Adriatic
with her 157 interlacing canals that
form 118 islands is less of a water
city than is the metropolis of America
for New York has a greater navigable
water front than any other city in the
world The waters within the bound
aries of Venice could be swallowed
up by the currents that ebb and flow
within New York and make no per
ceptible addition to them New York
has just as much moonshine aud lots
more water and though the guitar
and musical voice of the gondolier are
not hoard other voices less romantic
are heard on almost every sort of craft
that floats in water
New Yorks islands are more in num
ber than those of Venice and in Ja
maica bay alone are as great possibili
ties as the lagoon of Venice ever pre
sented for a beautiful city still re
maining possibilities If Venice were
placed in the center of that bay thre
would be more expanse of water
around it than there is now in the
entire lagoon of Venice
In New York city are 204 miles of
navigable water front from the unpre
tentious kills of Staten Island to the
great Atlantic that washes the Coney
Island shore and beaches of Rockaway
Much of the city is islands and what
is not are great peninsulas more than
half surrounded by water
Richmond alone has nearly forty
miles of shore line and Manhattan ha
thirty more miles where bows of tht
CTcatest ships that tloat can reach ovoi
the land Queens and the Bronx hav
fifty miles which embrace the wester
ly end of Long Island sound and thr
winding shores of Brooklyn with the I
irrent Jamaica bay make up the rest I
Parliament of Tiny State Ruled by
The parliamentary procedure of An
dorra the tiny independent state
which lies sandwiched between France
and Spain is of the quaintest kind
Parliament having been called for a
certain day the honorable members
arrive in groups on horses or mules
shed with the usual Andorran foot
gearwhite corded sandals
The Sasa de la Vails serves at the
ame time for palace parliament and
prison not to mention stables for the
members steeds After stabling the
animals on the ground floor the mem
bers ascend to the hall of deliberations
change their sandals for shoes and put
on the oflicial costume a long black
sort of robe and a huge three cornered
hat These when not in use hang in a
row on pegs at the bottom of the hall
The next proceeding is mass in the
chapel tiny and bare dedicated to the
Holy Ghost then comes a meal served
on an oaken table without a cloth and
eaten off antique pewter plates Be
tween every two members stands a
huge porron and each drinks in turn
out of this pitcher In this home of
archaicism everything is done accord
ing to tradition Even the daily menu
is the same today as it was centuries
St Johns Wort Spreads Over 20000 I
Farming Acres
Just thirty years ago a woman at
Bright Victoria planted in her garden
a few seeds of St Johns wort sent her
from the old country The womans
intention was to have one or two of
the plants at hand for medicinal pur
poses The hardy weed however soon
spread beyond the garden and before
nny one had grasped the magnitude of
the evil it had been carried by cattle
along all the main stock routes and
jumped the Victorian watershed into
It has now completely taken posses
sion of something like 20000 acres of
agricultural land and the agricultural
department of Victoria is spending
thousands of pounds in the endeavor
to eradicate it some of the methods
tried costing nearly 30 an acre
Arizona Aviator to Haul Machinery In
Dr J J P Armstrong has contract
ed with Arthur Williams an aviator
of Douglas Ariz to convey placer
mining machinery from Douglas to a
property in the Chihuahua mountains
in Mexico The distance is about 300
miles The machinery is such that it
can be carried only in 100 pound lots
Williams owns and operates a mono
plane This is probably the first con
tract calling for the commercial use of
a heavier than air machine
Miss E L Todd Who Has Built Her
Own Biplane
While the fair sex abroad Is rnkluj
a prominent part in aviation Americ
has a feminine pilot of the sky win
has gone them all a few better in thb
direction She is Miss E L Todd ol
New York who has uot only built hei
own machine but proposes to pilot it
herself In a number of races this sum
mer Ilcr air vehicle is a biplane oi
novel design and thirty feet in length
exclusive of the small llexible piano
These extend two feet on either skit
and are operated by steeling lines con
uected to the aiaturs seat Tin
twelve foot double horizontal plane in
front of the plane which controls tin
angle of the descent or ascent is con
trolled by a wheel which also by i
different movement acts on the reai
rudder The steering wheel and it
post have in fact a quadruple action
right left forward aud backward
This of course much simplifies the
management of the winged ship
One feature of Miss Todds aeroplane
commends it as a war machine Ex
clusive of the engine it weighs little
more than 20 pounds and can be read
ily taken apart for man mule or wag
on transportation Miss Todd is a
short gray haired woman who con
veys an extraordinary impression of
vitality and alertness in her every
move For several years she has de
voted her time and money to aviation
and is the organizer of the Junior Aero
club a flourishing organization with
scores of youthful enthusiasts enrolled
The Smallest Typewriter
The inventors have astonished u
with a watch little larger than a penn
and all sorts of other freak miniatures
and now conies the smallest typewriter
in the world so
small that it can be
slipped into your
waistcoat pocket as
easily as a time
piece and carried
just as convenient
ly In fact it is
in the shape of a
watch The letters
on this tiuv writ
ing machine make their mark under
the pressure of the knob within the
ring and the writing is done on a strip
of glued papM Considering its size it
turns out surprisingly good work
Worlds Tallest fylan Soon to Visit
This Country
AVhen Fedor Manchow the Itussian
giaut came to this country a few years
ago his great height aud bulk caused
no end of astonishment but now we
arc to have a visit from another hu
man skyscraper who it is said can
even look down upon the Russian He
is Prince High Henry and two men
of ordinary height and build can fit
into his trousers
According to the figures given out
by hN manager this giant stands over
nine feet in height and is built in pro
portion weighing 400 pounds He
wears the largest hat made for any
man in the world and his boots neces
sitate about seven times the amount
of leather used for the average per
sons boots nis socks in respect to
size resembling trousers have to be
specially woven for him
McCook Citizens Testify for the Pub
lic Benefit
A truthful statement of a McCook
citizen given in his own words should
convince the most skeptical about the
merits of Deans Kidney Pills If you
suffer from backache nervousness
sleeplessness urinary disorders or
my form of kidney ills the cure Is
at hand Read this
Charles Weintz of McCook Nel
says My back ached constantly cv
f I lifted or stooped I had sharp
pains in my loins The secretions j
from my kidneys often contained sedi
ment and the passage were irregular I
and painful A tired feeling was in
evidence when I got up in the morn
ing convincing me that my kidneys
were at fault After trying a number I
of remedies without being helped to j
any extent I procured Doans Kid
ney Pills at McConnells drug store j
and they entirely removed my trouble
I have since advised other kidney suf
ferers to take this preparation and in
every instance it had done good work
Several years ago I publicly endorsed
Doans Kidney Pills and at this time
I gladly do so again
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Foley Kidney Pills
Tonic in quality and action quick
in results For backache headache
dizziness nervousness urinary irregu
larities and rheumatism
A McMillen
Kodaks and kodak supplies Mc
Connell Druggist
rnrrrrnTT i nwgirm l l
u st
flcCook Co operative
Building Savings Assn
of McCook Nobrnskii ou the s0th day
ofJimu 1010
5 Ifit VXl I M
Firt MortBHKi Loans
Siocklon g
Cash y5 25
DolitiqupiitinteroU r rr
Kxtwifeesmid taxo pnl jj
DulitHiiieut uwwMiient -1
Total 101079
Capital ttock paid up 3 KJ16 1
IloMirvo fund 7nr v
Unlimited profit i4
Othur liabilitim ni M
Total lfilUW4a
Itecoipt and cxpoiidituru fortlio jear endinj
JuiioZW 1910
Balance on hand July 1 1P09 2I40
Duos frSTiw
Interest premiums and flues
Loans repaid fiiiii
Tax Side Redemptions b5
Total 0NJ 31
Loans SgS
Kxpfiises JrJ
Stock redeemed t
Cash on hand
Tax Salo Certificates JSt 8
Int on matured stock 3
Total 70909 31
State or Xebrnxkn Hed Willow County ss
I F A Ieiinell cecretary of the above numed
Hbsocintionilooleiiinlyswinr that tho forofjo
im statement of thecoiiilition or said Assocn
tionis true and correct to tho host of my fcnowl
oiJkh and belief F A Tennklu Secretary
Subcrilieil and sworn to before me this 22ndl
day of July 1910 S Cokdeal
heai1 Notary Public
Approved II I Waitk
K M Kimmum
V H Miiis
Ill buying a cough medicine dont
be afraid to get Chamberlains CougU
Remedy There is no danger from it
and relief is sure to follow Especial
ly recommended for coughs colds and
whooping cough Sold by A McMil
Lily Patent Flour when once usee
none other will satisfy you
Subscribe for the Tribune
R W JlcBRAYER Electrical Contractor
House and Store Wiring a specialty Complete line
of Fixtures Shades and Supplies of all kinds
2 1 0 y2 Main Ave Office phone black 433 Res red 341
zrszw3zrjvjswsmiLiij3i j jutmiiimvimxa
Phone 5o
iO 1 HE EAST Besides every day special tourist rates to east
ern cities and resorts as well as diverse route tours of the east
including an ocean coast voyage there are special rates Au
gust 4th to th inclusive for the Knights Templar Conclave at
Chicago and from July 2Sth to the 31st for the Knights of
Pythias Encampment at Milwaukee and on September 13th to
the 17th inclusive for the Grand Army Reunion at Atlantic City
ESTES PARK COLORADO Just north of Denver Colorados
finest recreation region soon to be a National Park Ask for
ful descriptive booklet
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS ist and 3rd Tuesdays to west
and northwest localities Get in touch with the undersigned
and let us help plan the most attractive and comprehensive
tour at the least cost
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
150 Value
for 100
feTTT Wh V V IN HI iilIMfrBi JlM1 lTi1 P i 1 IV i I VV V THVlf TTtIPr15
V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G II Watkins Vernice Franklin
fit in hi jiiii i itiiti 1 1 j tUi A frf i tnUi tiiititutti tutvi fi y
Iverything In Lumber
At Live and Let Live Prices