L Better Start Now An early start and a defi nto plan goes far toward -assuring success to tho young man or woman starting out in life No need of being Stingy neither should you bo a spender Thosonsible and easy method of creat ing a fund for your future needs is to open an ac count with this bank de posit whatever you can each week or month Stick to it and in time your success will be as sured Better start now you will never regret it First National Bank McCook Nebr am By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postofiice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly The Fremont Daily Herald has sus pended for lack of patronage and will in future appear as a -weekly J Honor to Whom Honor is Due Hon John C Gammill senator from this district made The Courier den a social call Wednesday Mr Gammell was just returning from the Republican state convention and was feeling pretty well over the work accomplished there He says the way is wide open for Republican success in the coming election Johns record in the last legislature stands A No 1 and the people of this senatorial district can do no better than to return this old tried and true exponent and brilliant fighter for Republican principles to his former field of labors in the state senate Nebraska at this time needs all such heroes to help plan formulate and legislate for the betterment of her oncoming thousands of laboring people who depend upon men tried and true to see that their interests are observ ed and protected Now let the people again return this old and trusty servant ot the people to once again represent them in their battles for prosperity Curtis Courier J A V V V V V V V V V V Z V V V vv Fire and Wind Insurance Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN Flour Feed Main av 4tZi1t FOR SALE One three piece mahogany parlor suit upholstered in silk plush One mahogany parlor table Ono mahogany bedstead One mahogany parlor cabinet mirror back and glass shelves One mahogany rocker leather back and seat One Turkish easy chair One couch Boston leather cover tufted One quartered oak buffett Onequartered oak china cabinet One quartered oak dining table Sis quartered oak dining chairs One quartered oak library table Three quartered oak rockers leather backs and seats One quartered 03k chiffonier One quartered oak dresser One quartered oak dressing chair One quartered oak book case One quartered oak ladys desk Ono Vernis Martin gilt iron bed two inch posts Three 9x12 velvet parlor rugs One Monarch range in gcod repair Dishes and other household necessi ties All the above almost new Inquire at TRIBUNE office I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for senator of the 29th senatorial district of Nebraska sub ject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election to be held on Tuesday August 1C 1910 In announcing my candidacy I desire to say that I stand unequivocally on the platform adopted at the Republi can state convention JOHN F CORDEAL For Representative Announcement to Voters 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for renoraination to the of fice of representative of the G5th district subject to the will of the Republican voters at the coming primary election If elected I will use my influence and vote for county option law and will always vote for the peoples choice for United States senator with out regard to my individual prefer ence PRANK MOORE Senator Gammill Lives Here The following item seems to have been hatched by the Culbertson Ban ner Among those mentioned as pos sible candidates for state senator from the 29th senatorial district to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of J C Gammill to Lincoln county is J F Cordeal of McCook Mr Cordeal is well known to the voters of the 29th district as a bright young at torney and would be a credit as senator Senator Gammill has no interest whatever in Lincoln county and has no intention of leaving the ranch on the Medicine where he has made his home for the past thirty years Stockville Republican Faber INDIANOLA Quite a crowd of people came down from McCook Thursday evening to enjoy a swim in the pool and to attend the dance Miss Laura Glandon of McCook is visiting wi h friends and relatives this week Charlie Gentry of Danbury was a Sunday visitor at the Gentry home coming over in his automobile A light shower fell Sunday evening cooling the air and settling the dust Mrs Ea 1 Korb from near Danbury visited with the homefolks Sunday and Monday Work has I egun on the new Caine lumberyard just north of the depot Miss Clara E Hawke stopped off for a few days visit en route from Dc nver to Sutton Mr Sams returned from California Sunda morning He was also at Reno and saw the ligh and hf s been kept busy telling about it Quite a crowd wer t down to Cam bridge Sunday to attend the Chautau qua some renihining and others return ing home on No 5 No 5 was detained quite a while on Tuesday night because of something going wrong with the enaine No lis engine had to give them a start Mrs Unger was quite badly burned Monday She was blacking the stove when the bla king caught on fire She becam frightened and threw a bucket of water on it thus driving the flames onto herself One side arm and hand were burned A number of our town boys have gone up to Curtis to camp by the lake for a week or two R F D No 4 It is dry in more ways than one on route four Mrs Harm Smith will go to Denver Friday on a visit Clarenca Baker is working for Harm Schmidt William PicMum is hauling otf toma toes by the bushel Milton Clark has a field of alfalfa that is seeded fine Mrs A P Cathcart died early Sun day morning W G Dutton O J Schmitz Wallen and Hoyt are all threshing this week All you can hear is the hum of the machine all day Robert Noeee is putting up alfalfa this week Also is S B Rankin Suit Case Parasols 89c Our 135 jointed handle parasols are now closing out for 89 c each Their utility and good materials rec ommend them at sight The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value The4 Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone Is 97 G E Thompson was called to St Anthony Idaho close of last week by news of serious illness of his aged mother He returned Monday leav ing the mother better and improving though in her Slst year Kodaks and kodak J Connell Druggist supplies Mc- C3S58 A QUICK CHANGE Tho Sweat Taffy That Cams After the Cold Roast Say Jen said Kutlc the brunette with white side combs iu her hair I see Mamie bus bleached her hair again Aint it terrible Yes perfectly awful replied Jen nie She asked me if I would do it if I were she and I said yes Dont she look perfectly dreadful and it getting streaked already You could tell iu a minute it was bleached tin roots are so dark Sure 1 noticed that responds Katie And say did you see the rag of a dress she had on yesterday And Its 8 1 gracious Looked perfect y dreadful diunt it Perfectly dreadful echoed Jennie Well she wanted a pattern and I gave her the oue of that dark blue silk I had three years ago said Katie You did Yes I did Oh And the hat she was wearing con tinued Katie Did you get your optics on that Yes Perfect sight wasnt it Where did she get it Oh down at the Moodys I helped her pick it out was Katies reply Why why here comes Mamie now she continued Hello Mamie you dear sweet thing How nice you look too darling for anything Yes indeed added Jennie Yon do look perfectly charming Say lets all go and get some soda And the three friends walked away together New York Times The PROCRASTINATION Habit of Putting Off Doing the Serious Things of Life Much of the uuhnppiness and im providence iu life is caused by early habits of procrastination habits con tracted unconsciously perhaps when character is in its formative stage and nt the very time when most attention should be given to the untrained na ture It is so easy to fall into a happy-go-lucky way of living so easy to jog along unconcernedly doing the things which suit us best and perhaps which count for the least and leaving undone all the acts and unspoken all the words and unexpressed all the thoughts and unused all the advantages which are really so essential to a better under standing of ourselves and the wonder ful life being lived about us What a bright world of promise ful filled this would be if responsibility could only be made half as attractive as some of the minor diversions which seem to furnish so much pleasure to their partakers If the hard places could be made soft the rocky roads smooth and ditlicult undertakings easy there would be small need for putting off from day to day the task of fulfill ing any task whatever As it is with the cerrainty that happiness unalloyed is not within the grasp ot man and with the knowledge that sorrow and trouble must come at some time int each of our lives it seems strange that for all our weak human uature we cannot learn the lesson that pro crastination teaches and benefit there by An Office Business Only A young man called at the office of a justice of tbe peace and with some hesitation made known bis business v bicb was to be married The jus tice replied that he thought he could perform the service and asked if the young man bad his license Yes sir the youth replied Well where is the young lady She shes at her fathers Well bring her here Shed rather be married at home squire And you expect me to go there and marry you Yes sir If you please Young man said the justice this office of mine is like a department store We sell matches here but we dont deliver them at the hnue Youths Companion Cats and Dogs According 10 a Fiem li investigator domestic animals n certain amount of reasoning power often act upon reli ex notions am can associix ideas from which they draw intr ences Doirs and still more so cats t says learn to imitate the voice aim movements of their masiers or uns tresses He has noticed old watchdogs which when they barked had peculiar intonations which resembled the voico of their masters Cats try liy the wa in which they cry to make iheir iims tresses understand exactly what tiiey want Appropriate Styles Thai eliiruiioiiist believes in dress Ing the part for any recitation now do you ineanV Why when she read the story about the sailors deserted on the lonely is land she wore a costume of maroon and at her lecture on Celtic wit her dress was trimmed with Irish point Exchange Bad Combinations Rambo 1 have a pair ot glasses at home that make me see double Bald winYes Ive seen you using them One is a beer mug and the other is a whisky tumbler Chicago Tribune The Particular Sex A blind girl lately discarded her af fianced lover because a confidential friend informed her that the young man squinted Philadelphia Ledger Never quit when failure stares you in the face A little more energy often j changes a failure into a great success b BARTLEY George S Durbin made a business trip to Lincoln fore part of the week returning home on Tuesday Freedom reports an inch and a half of raia Sunday night Quite a number of people from here are attending the chautauqua at Cam bridge this week Mr and Mrs AF McCord returned home from Missouri Thursday even ing where they have been visiting the past month A L Hopwood of Vinton Iowa came in Monday evening for a visit of a few days with his son Littell Mr Ricker a cousin of Dr llathorn whom he has not seen for 48 yearscamc in from Wisconsin Sunday to mike tbe doctor a visit It is needless to say that the doctor was surprised and pleased as he had not heard of him since 18G2 and did not suppose him to be living Ray Hindman returned Wednesday from his trip to the Sand Hills Advertised List The following letters cards packages remain uncalled f Big August Shirt Every 100 waist goes for each 7 Ever 125 waist goes for q each O V Every i 50 waist goes for 1 f each lly Every Si 75 waist goes for each 1 V Ever 200 waist goes for each 15y and at the postoffice Advertised ongAugust 4th 1010 Letters Mister Harley Bradley 5 Mrs Anna Coyle J McMaines Mr Jesse W Mc Keurley Mr Jesse Ray 5 John Snook Mr Dan Toof Mr Roy A Tibbetts Miss Grace Wood Cards Miss Corine Baker Mr Jesse TBurt Fred II Butt Mr Ernestf Commons Miss Bessie Ducker Mr J HJohnson Mr Fred Lane Mrs John Manners Miss Gladys Niter Miss MarielShocky Mr J D Thorn Mr O B Wilson Six letters for Greeks all foreign When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster JUST PERSONAL MENTION Miss Fae Condo who has been the guest of her cousins Mrs W H Browne and family left last Tues day for her home in Monticello In diana Dr E E Cone of Oxford and Dr D S Palmer of Holdrege were up last Saturday night to hold a consul tation over Mrs W S Tomlinson who has long been very ill Miss Winnie Browne and Edward returned Tuesday morning from a delightful weeks outing at the guests of a party of friends from Denver Phone 56 mmmmaaKKKKBKm i5 Waist Sale August i the month for White Shirt Waists and we make it possible for you have your share by offering our entire stock of waists at the following great reductions for One Week Only August 813 Inclusive Every 225 waist goes for each P lyy Every 250 waist goes for 1 on each 10V Every 300 waist goes for v each JL27 Every 400 waist goes for cC each W Every 500 waist goes for c each OOy And we offer all our Silk Satin and Net Waists at JUST ONE THIRD OFF Call and lay in a supply of waists during this one week of bargains W L K L DRY GOODS MILLINERY and LADIES FURNISHINGS 222 Flain av McCook Neb I You Make Money with New Wagons Also extra Boxes Spring Seats and End Gates at Special Low Prices Come in and get fitted out McCook Hardware Co Phone 31 McCook Neb - and tight boxes in fact enough grain can be saved in mar keting a crop to pay BIG INTEREST ON YOUR INVEST MENT Besides this we are selling the highest grade wagons at a 1 000 Reduction because we need the room And -as we bought these wagons right wearegoing to GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT r T i