The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1910, Image 6

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L s g e
SiHor aa
Glean Your Cream
Separator with
Not only the quickest and
easier cleanser you can use but f
also the safest because it con
tains no caustic or alkali no
danger of tainting the milk
QSs fefe GSasases1
is hygienic and Ster
ilizes as well as cleans
Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all round cleanser It
I Ssrs PMshSs
and is the best cleanser to use
in the kitchen and through
out tSte house Avoid de
structive caustic and add dean-
czs and do all
your cleaning with
this one handy me
chanics Cleanser
Koia washing
What is Lire to Vou
To the preacher lifes a sermon
To the joker lifes a jest
To the miser life is money
To the loafer life is rest
To the lawyerlifes a trial
To the poet lifes a song
To the doctor lifes a patient
That needs treaties right aloag
To the teacher lifs a school
Lifes a gcod thing to the grafter
Its a failure to the fool
To the man upon the engine
Lifes a long and heayy grade
Its a gamble to the gambler
To the merchant life is trade
a picture to the artist
To the rascal lifes a fraud
Liie perhaps is but a burden
To the fcan baneaifc the sod
Life is lovely td the lover -
To the player lifes a play
Life may be loai cf troable
To the the bay
Life is bat a los viatica -
To the man Vizo lob his work
Lifes an evorlasti effort
To shun 4uy to the sLirlr
To the earnest Christian Tr orter
Lifes a stoiy ever jrewx
Life Is what we try to Kaic It
Brother what is life to jcii
VCe nererhasitats wj gcaraatae
Lily Fatent fkrai r a jthe McCpoS
Flour and Peed Store 1
The Cow
The dairy cow if able to express
herself in a way which the human
family would comprehend might well
lay claims to being mans best friend
She might establish such a claim by
calling attention to the fact that
from her product and from her car
cass man manufactures more of the
necessities of life than from any
similar source She furnishes these
necessities to him from infancy until
such a time as temporal things are
no longer associated with his exist
ence and she does it ungrudgingly
and constantly
products 7OOOjW0 was from butter
18000000 from eggs and 40000000
from poultry The one state of Ne
braska is producing more than is pro
duced and purchased by the 3500000
people in Japan Sioux City Tribune
A Few Short Weeks
Mrs J S Eartell Edwardsville 111
writes A few months ago my kid
neys become congested I had se
vere backache and pain across the
kidneys and hips Foley Kidney Pills
promptly cured my backache and
erected the action of my kidneys
rhis was brought about after my us-
lug them for only a few short weeks
2U I can cheerfully recommend
StJbscrifce for the Tribune
mraaculate Conception Academy
- Hastings Nebraska - -
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and Child
ren Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic
Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New buildings
with modern improvements Conservatory of Music and Art Studio
Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and Preparatory Departments
For year books containing full information address
Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Nebraska
iNTnii jltiiillriiiffti fei Maikfefeag
The Old Cheshire Cheese
the Heart of London
A Noblo Fcstry t Ic end It Was
Sampled by Such Men as Glacsccono
Dickens Thackeray Tcnnyccn
lope and Whtsilcr
Nearly all Americaus when thty go
In addition to contributing to mauc to London make It a paint to bit thii
necessity and his pleasure the pros- tjuuint old tavern in the heart of the
perity of an agricultural community 1 newspaper and printing business the
more closely identified with her than Old Cheshire Cheese to partake of
with any other of the domestic ani
mals The horse is quite essential
in tilling the soil but where necessit
requires it the sturdy son of a cow
can take his place as he has done in
every agricultural section on earth
The horse can only furnish labor and
can only return a profit to his owner
ing satisfactory grain crops It is
when conditions are right for return
ing satisfactory grain crops It is
a well known fact that the dairy cow
is the salvation of the fanner in
times of poor crops as she is able to
convert the rough crops which are
never a total failure into dairy pro
ducts which always have a cash
In addition to this she furnishes
skim milk and butter milk for the
calves pigs and poultry and fertility
for the soil without which a farm
becomes less valuable each year ana
the whole country le3s prosperous
The elimination of the dairy cow
would necessitate an almost revolu
tionary readjustment of mans tastes
and requirements It would mean un
sold suffering and hardship Of course
she will not- be dispensed with but
her value can perhaps best be ap
preciated by contemplating such a
She will continue to be mans best
friend as long as the human family
exists and will keep on supplying him
with his greatest needs just as she
has done througif all the ages
Riohes of Ncbracka
Nebraska a little more than 200 by
400 miles in extent containing 15000-
iC00 acres of land with only one third
of the area in cultivation produced
last year agricultural anjj manufac
tured products worth at the market
value 650000000 A full average corn
j crop would have raised this aggregat
to 700000000 This means appro
ximately 7G0 for each man woman
J and child in the state Of this tre
mendous income mostly from food
jis famous pudding
It is the Londoners delight when he
gets back to Fleet street to make a
rush for the pudding and It i s almost
the last tiling ho eats before leaving
It Travelers in the Sahara have seen
mirages of that pudding and during
the Boer war the men shut up in
Ltidysmith and Mafeking dreamed ol
it at regular intervals
Precisely at 1 oclock p m Tom con
veys the pudding from the first to the
inuiu floor It is a big pudding and
the price of it is just 2 shillings that
is to say a feed of it is 2 shillings us
much as you please as many shares as
you ask for cut aud come again all
for 48 cents of American coin Cheap
aye- and oh how good it is It is
worth crossing the Atlantic to get a
suiff of it and the aroma lingers in
the memory for many a day
Iigi The dimensions are Kalstaffian
It is a round earthen vessel something
more than two dozen inches deep with
a diameter of about eighteen inches
A noble pastry my masters
When it is placed upon the service
table aii elliptical white crust meets
the hungry
ze Tom and his
midons take their places in front fac
ing the host who knife aud spoon in
hand poses with gentle diguiry and
benignant mien It is a moment of
solemn thought when every man hopes
that his portion will be larger than hi
friends and that he will be blesrod
v ith an abundance of gravy Vvt
they ought from years of acquaintance
with the host to understand that his
hand is as steady as his judgment is
No more and nothing better for one
than for another He waves his weap
ons and the first onslaught is made
The room is full of a delicious steam
bearing with it the concentrated es
siu of ambrosial substances Tfca
attests suiff it up and murmur choice
blessings on rite cook the original in
ventor the house and the host -It is
a time when men feel good one to
ward the other
One smell of that putldiug mak
the whole world kin This famous
pudding which has tickled the palates
of thousands is thus compounded
A crust of flour water and suet
Shwps kidneys
Mushrooms freshly gathered
Pepper and selt
But it is the boiling that does it
similation of the variety of constitu
ents are jierfect the result Is bliss
There is a story told of one eminent
litterateur who had seven helping of
the puddiuicand still yearned for more
and there is another remarkable nar
rative of four tuen who ordered a pud
In the lnnd of the peso and other
The land pt the picturesque gay
Theres a Job that 1 sigh tor until
1 am breathless
I long for the snap held by Diaz
the Deathless
Neer a fear does he have when he
starts his campaigning
For votes hes not stooping ca
JollpK nor seining
Ho knows that no srotTers ivltn
scorn dare assail mm
If some one starts In why caram
ba just Jail lilmr
No root backs to tear und no fool
friends bad speeches
No enemys country with cat
calls and screeches
No mugwumps to flatter Into a de
But everything falls Into place
with precision
O land of tortilla and eke the x
You teach us the height of your j
own four years folly
Were stormy and petulant How It S
would school us
If we only had Diaz the Deathless
to rule us A
Arthur Chapman In Denver Re-
Wonderful Tarcst Work Achieved
British Invention
A nev cannon with liquid sprino
which is said to have achieved unpre
cedented results Is shortly to be de
livered to the Kritish war office front
the Btsvriek firm of Sir W E Arm
strong Whstworth Co The expert
ments which have recently been car
Vied out at Silloth Cumberland are
said to- have resulted in the weapon
answering every call made upon it
and to have more than realized the
expectations of the inventors
The gun is a 14K pounder similar
in make to the latest pattern breech
loading guns with the exception that
in this latter springs are used in the
recoil apparatus These have lepn
done away with completely in the new
weapon and a liquid which is the
firms patent and air have been su
stitutetl in the recoil cylinders
By this means it has been proved
possible for the gun to remain in the
same position while ten shots are Ie
ing fired The gun needs only layiiitt
once to insure this fear and while th
i experiments were in progress ail rue
shots hit the object aimed at In fact
five of the shots went through prac
j tkrally the satin hole in the bullseye a
i remarkable result never achieved he-
I fore in the annals of gunnery
In place of the two recoil cvlinder
oh the ctin farriage which carries the
j running out rrds and springs there are
i five chatnlxTS containing tlw licaid
and air
Lat Chief Justice Also Smoked Cheao
Cigars a
Tije New England boiled dinner and
For at least twelve hours this heaven other disheslike nork ind iptns
seut pudding is kept slowly simmering i ed codfish and pumpkin pie best
Iu an immense cojper specially con
strucled for the jjuvposc It must not
Iwii quickly but the same tempera -
jwaled to his appetite It was said in
Washington that the Fuller Saturday4
night dinner was baked beans aud
ture he kept up the whole pericd The nothing else aud this story is told
ft oak assumes a juicy tenderness the One evening the chief justice
sparrows a some bly foygetting that it was Saturday
pant Fptrit has suggested although I asked a distinguished English jnrist
sparrow pudding is not to be despised Limine to dinner with him When the
are seethed to the bone and you j beans came on the Englishman prompt
can chew up each little songster with- j ly declined them Mrs Fuller showed
icmt an effort tue kidneys are soft and some embarrassment whereupon the
mushy and offer uo resistance to the Englishman amiably said ever
digestive organs and the oysters de- j mind Ill make it up in the wct
spite their lengthened cockuig are not j course Put good Lord exclaim 1
leathery The amalgamation and as- rhe thief justice there isnt any other
course And there wasnt
In addition to beiug a very small
eater the chieT justice was a moderate
smoker of modestly priced cigars lie
was saiid to smoke the same kind of
cigars as far as they were obtainable
that he smoked when he was
ding of the regulation size and finished hiS hard to establish a living law
it among hem business in Chicago in the old days
1 Pierpont Morgan praised the Ht id Iie Ws attached to these
ding and Theodore Roosevelt was de-
lighted with it Lord Beaconsfield be- j
stowed his approbation thereon and
Gladstone thought it far superior to his
famous three - courses Dickens
Thackeray Meredith Swinburne Ten
nyson Trollope Whistler Leigh ton
Sala Phil Jlay all sorts of the best
of men of their day have fed upon the
pudding and it no doubt helped Ufc
inspire thoir work
Apjwrently any cook can fashion it
mix it ti it boil it Let any cook try
it Lots of cooks have tried it but the
results have not been satisfactory
There was a man who once ran the
Jd Cheshire Cheese and in his day
the pudding lirst achieved its great
fame When he sold the old hostelry
and took a house in the financial dis
trict he announced that the same pud
dingthe same in every respect would
be served every Saturday
Many of the Cheeses old patrons
came around to celebrate There was
the size but the aroma was wanting
there were the identical materials but
the Havor was not in them It was not
the same not a bit of it There was
something missing It may have been
the shades of the departed great ones
of a bygone time And so it is that
today the famous dish of the Old
Cheshire Chete tastes as of old and
its devotees cannot be seduced by any
designing invitation based upon just
as good simply because there Is noth
ing just as good Philadelphia Ledger
Thoughts are mightier than
strength of hand Sophocles
cheap cigars by ties of sentiment and
tender recollection and that nothing
else would taste so good to him
Caesar Dogs Modeled on Kings Pet
Now the Rage
The Teddy bear has been supplanted
in Loudon by Caesar the late kings
do who has beeu reproduced in toy
form as the newest plaything for chil
dren He has been copied as faithfui
ly as -possible with his rough coat
made of plush and all his joints mova
ble Attached to his collar is a medal
lion with the inscription I Am Cae
sar which King Edward had en
graved on the silver medallion the
original Caesar always wore fastened
to his silver collar
Meanwhile the real Caesar is quite
unconscious of his fame and is resting
at Sandringbam until he goes with
Quern Alexandra to Denmark Ha
has settled down once more to an or
dinary existence and consents to eat
and drink thanks to the ministrations
of the veterinary surgeon who has
been untiring in his efforts to keep tile
little dog alive and well
Straw Rides In Autos
Automobile straw rides are Wash
ingtons new hot weather fad Two
gasoline trucks of high power were
seen on the Washington Baltimore
pike recently on their way to the Mon
umental City The usual quota of
cow bells watermelons
girls were aboard
und giggling
Plenty of Them in McCook and Good
Reason for It
Wouldnt any woman be happy
After years of backache suffering
Days of misery nights of unrest
The distress of urinary troubles
She finds relief and cure
No reason why any McCook reader
Should wiffer in the face of evi
dence like this
ATi q A HT WJlcnn 0A V Rnpnriit
Capital ttock paid up
- r - t t i i i i
ot McCook Neb sass My back nurvo fnud
bothered me for years and there was
a dull ache across my kidneys and
loins The pain in my back became
worse when I exerted myself and of
ten I had headaches and dizzy spells
I could not stoop and there were
of kidney complaint in evidence On
a friends advise I finally procured
Doans Kidney Pills from McConnells
it ummmmm mamm iwwi - - - t
fc J IDHIHI Pltip Ml m HHl PIHME n
HcCook Co operative
Building Savings Assn
of McCook Xobraskn on tbo ttthday
of Juno 191D
Undivided nrolits
Othur liabilities
s 151500 00
riril i3iiirw iiK 4 K23 CO
tork iimus VZZi el
Cash i iSri
Dnltrirmptit interudt
Kxpensus aud taxes paid
1 If 4 ojfzit4ttttk2
811 SI
21 00-
Total wsrsana
S 1539tt 11
4C57 2ft
Total 1WWJ
Receipts and expenditures forthoyoar ondinsr
JuuoIX 1010
Rnliinrn on linAl Julv 1 1809 Q H
2S8tt CO
14W1 22
ini nJT
i mterosi premiums uuu uuos
many other disagreeable symptoms nreireiil
I Tax Sale Redemptions
70830 at
Total -
Loans raJS 8
drug store and I soon found them to J suiSkmeii slks Sj
be just what I needed This remedy I Cash on band af SZ
Tax Sale Certificate
strengthened my back and kidneys jut on matnrod stock
and before long effected a complete j
Statement given June 26 1907
Re endorsement
On June 21 1910 Mrs Wilson
said I am pleased to verify the
statement I gave in 1907 recommend
ing Doans Kidney Pills This rem
edy is a specific for kidney com
For sale byall dealers Price 50
cents Poster MUburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the iiamo Doans and
take no other
Everything in drugs McConnell
Total 5 70000 31
Statu of Nebraska Red Willow Counts bs
I F A Petmell secretary of tli abow aaraed
tatoeiatiottdo solaiunly swear that the forepo
iob statoaiont of tlw condition of said Aseoola
tinui truo and correct to tlte best of my kaowv
da and IM P A 1bxkki Secretary
Sttbeerthed and swru to Lefore me thi 22nd
da of Jol 1810 S Oordkai
bau1 Notary rubho
Approred II P Waitb
F ii KlMMEJ1
It Mtt18
Soreness of the muscles whether-
induced by violent exercise or injury
Is quickly relieved by the free appli
cation of Chamberlains Liitimen
This liniment is equally valuable for
muscular rheumatism and alwnjw af
fords quick relief Sold by A Mc-
Mfllen Druggist
Gasoline Stoves
are sold in McCook by
H P Waite and Co
ju j jij 6nuLS irvustf
Watch The Progress Of
Farm Development in Wyoming
- The Richest Undeveloped State in the West
QO WITH ME on one of our j ersonally conducted iandseekeis excursion i
The Big Horn Basin
ihe first and third Tuesdays of each month and see what the farmers ir
doing on these new lands where the Burlington Railroad is bnikKog n v
Iiaes where new towns offer splendid business openings in all fines of tmtlr
and profession
EXAMINE THESE LANDS PERSONALLY with me I will help yon to pick
out the best I am employed by the Burlington Railroad for this very pur
OUPHOMESEEKERS TICKET allowsyou 25 days withstopoverseverywhere
in homeseekers territory ample time to examine the lands and 3pend a few
as fishing in the mountain streams if you like See the irrigated tends
where the ditches are built by the government and also by the private com-
rinics and the Monde 320 acres free homesteads all oo one trip
Write for it today
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Landseekers Information Bureau
- 1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb
r t i f f f
150 Value
for 100
V Fbaxklix Pres G H Watkiks Vice Pres
R A Gbeen Chr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCock Nebraska
Paid Up Capitai 5000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A MeMillen R A Green
G L Watkins Vernice Franklin
friiLjfrAtfdAitiAU ntri
are sold in McCook by
i yilf lilt f it Htf itohrf fctfirf H il JiLIUjm J