1 I A3 na i t - b u N liffnfffffW llIIIMHUIIlin No 6 15 i 14 H 10 No 1 3 Time Card McCook Neb jjSCj MAIN LINE KAHT DEPAET Central TIii 1135 p u 500 A M 550 A M 705 a M 4JM 1 M WW ft MAIN LINE WEHT UEVAUT MouuUiriTimo 1220 1 M 5urr850pm I ii i iri 9i i a II 1 IMlEBIAL LINE No 170 arrives Mountain Timo Nol75deimm 1142 v M 005 A 1230 A M iii5 A m JtiO a M 15 p m 015 a m Sleeping dining and rocliniuff rlmlr cars Seats froo on through truins Tickot9 sold and baggage chocked to any point in tite United etatos or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets cail on or write D F Hostetlor Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Matt Law ler was out from Omaha a day or two this mid week Dispatcher T B Campbell is with his brother Joe at Long Beach Calif Mr and Mrs Guy Tomlinson re turned first of the week from their Omaha visit Conductor and Mrs H R Childress entertained a visit from the stork first of the week The Burlington gang of carpenters closed their labors in Oxford by re modeling and improving the freight house office and platform Locomotive engineers in Germany if they have run their engines ten years without accident receive from the government a gold medal and 500 in cash Mi s Fannio Frantz arrived from Niagara New York this week and will accompany Mr and Mrs C D Noble her uncle and aunt on their viait first of next week to the western coast Conductor Elmer Hawkins was let out of the service end of last week presumably for failing to protect the work train he was in charge of near Axtell recently from an extra f reign which ran into his train with some damage For the year ending June 30 1910 Culbertson station handled 28130527 pounds of freight receiving for freight and passenger business a tot al of 5942849 Culbertson shipped out 414 carload lots and received 21S carload shipments The foreman of the roundhouse and his clerk Mr Klein and Mr Edmond son respectively are having a new of fice built more in keeping with the great Burlington route The shant has done duty many years and now that Jim Hill seems to prosper it was thought best that a small portion of his wealth be used to keep up the reputation of the Burlington as the road that does things Akron Pioneer Press Engineer and Mrs Hugh Brown and Miss Bertha Brown left Thursday for Colorado City for a visit of sev eral weeks with Mr and Mrs S M Bayles and Mr Browns father Mrs Bayles was formerly Miss Ada Ham mond of this city From Colorado City they will go to Encampment Cheyenne and other points in Wy oming for visits with Mrs Browns parents and sisters They expect to be absent about a month Hastings Tribune Passengers on Train 15 Monday night at Arapahoe were treated to an unusual experience when the irate women and a few men of that town loaded a male and two females of that burg onto the train with direc tions not to return After the unde sirables had been placed on the train the women took every opportunity to inform the passengers on the train of the character of the trio who had just been compelled to leave that town All three had been caught in fragranle dolk to The trio had just money enough among them to get the bunch to Denver whither they went There are a few others in Arapahoe which the people propose to run out of town it is stated Sam Omaha No 65543 This splendid Jersey bull sired by Omahas Prince Pogis No 51637 dam Snow flakes Best No 168354 will be found at my place in East McCook during the season This animal was bred at the Nebraska Uni versity farm and is regis tered in the American Jer sey Cattle Club New York He is solid color black ton gue and switch C W DEWEY Keeper I Engine 1911 is over drop pit for usual repair I They gave the 1772 st new pilot beam this week Tto 318 is undergoing oxtensivc round house repairs I Allio Koyes of Hastings visited Mc Cook frendti mid week Gus Hudig hobnobbed with the poli ticians in Lincoln Tuesday The big drop pit will bo completed this week and it will bo a dandy The high pressure eylindors on the j 2923 received new bushing this week j Scotty returned to work Tuesday aftor a month a absuncd with a red card on the house Mr and Mrs Gary Dolo of Denver spent Wednesday in the city guest of Mr and Mrs A C Wieho leaving on I for Denver They have been at a family reunion of the Doles at Tamora CONVENTIONS MEET DEMOCRATS AT GRAND ISLAND REPUBLICANS AT LINCOLN COUNTY OPTION IS THE ISSUE Republicans Adopt County Option Plank and for a Direct Legislation Democrats Reject County Option and Endorse Eight Oclock Closing Law wfz y tv t v vf yfc m r j r VOTE ON COUNTY OPTION Republican For 558 Against 276 Democratic For 198 ifc Against 647 The republican state platform re views achievements of the party and endorses the work of its leaders Favors the creation of a non-partisan board of control for state insti tutions Endorses county option Favors redisricting the state for legislative purposes Endorses direct legislation The republican party of Nebraska has declared for county option This fall it will go before the people of the state with its candidates endorsing that issue as a further regulation of the liquor traffic and pledging the re publican candidate for governor to sign if he is elected The party also declares that the people should have a right to vote on a constitutional amendment referring to direct legis lation or initiative and referendum non partisan control of state institu tions and the hearty endorsement of the activity of President Taft in his NORRIS BROWN United States Senator from Nebraska insistence on needed legislation The county option plank was recommend ed by the committee as was also the administration plank and the non-partisan board of control The direct legislation plank came before the con vention as an appeal from the major ity of the committee The convention was absolutely in the hands of the county optionists Little had been heard about direct legislation but when the appeal from the committee came It secured almost as strong endorsement as the county option plank Two days of nard work by the men who would have had a compromise or would have had the platform silent on the liquor question did not move many of the delegates from their position Two hours in the committee on resolutions failed to move the majority of one member from an insistence on a straight plank declaration Speeches in the conven tion against the measure were listened to with much impatience The word ing of the -lank which was adopted the night before the convention as a sane and moderate one was finally forced through the convention by an overwhelming majority and amid scenes of wild excitement and en thus asm i y W iwwm u W We Fit t We Satisfy MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Frank S Vahue was a city visitor Tuesday Mrs Eliza Dudek is visiting in Fulton Illinois Mr and Mrs D M Huet were Lincoln visitors Monday Dr Hart was called to Culbertson yesterday on veterinary work C A Larson of Stratton was in the city last Friday on business Miss Elsie Houser of Trenton is a new employe in the First Rational Bank Miss Theressa Gatewood has been visiting her uncle Clatie Burgess near Daribury Mr and Mrs C E Bailey arrived home early in the week from their trip west J E Kelley arrived home close of last week from trip through Yellow stone park A ten pound daughter was born to Mr and Mrs E V Sovern on last Thursday night Mrs Clara M Randel has returned to Beverly after a residence here of a few months Robert Miller agent at Riverton has been assigned to depot work at Herndon Kansas Ernest Gross spent last week in Haigler and is in Colorado and Wy oming this week Mr and Mrs B H Stewart ar rived home Sunday from their out ing in Iowa for a month Mr and Mrs Worthy Snider are home from a visit in the mountains and to relatives at Haigler Miss Edith Waite returned home first of the week from attending school at Crete Doane college W J Krotter was down from Pali sade Monday arranging to have som plumbing work done on his home Irvin Hewitt late helper at Cam bridge has been transferred to Or leans and promoted to night operator Charles Bonham was up from Leb anon last Thursday afternoon busi ness drawing him to the county cap ital L G Schobel and Marjorie met Mrs Schobel Sunday at Minden on her way back from Indiana They all returned home Sunday night J L White the distinguished Cur tis barrister spent a few of the clos ing days of last week in the metro polis making a personal test of the water Mr Haworth formerly with E M Day has returned from Washington Kansas and resumed a chair in Days barber shop The family is expected later on Mrs T B Campbell arrived home Monday from visiting her daughter Mrs Frank Humphries down in Kan sas Mrs H has been quite ill but was left much better J W Boyd departed last Friday night for Pocatello Idaho where he has been offered a position in the boiler department of the Oregon Short Lines big shop in that city Mrs Victoria Tosh who was visit ing relatives in Wray this week was called to her home at McCook Wednesday night by the serious ill ness of her husband Wray Wrattler Rev and Mrs Robert F Paxton of Staples Minnesota are the proud par ents of a baby boy who arrived at their home on the 20th Mrs Pax ton will be remembered among the people here as Miss Florence John son I carry a complete line of hair goods Switches puffs and curls made from your combings L M CLYDE PHONE 72 Ill W B St UP STAIRS The time has come when we want to sell all that re mains of our seasons stock of clothing To do this we have lowered prices When you buy from us a 2500 stit of clothes for 2000 you save 500 of real money Our prices are at no time high prices Hens shirts 48c and up Size 32 34 and 36 coat and pants suits at HALF PRICE only a few left 1 i ne prices we maKe win soon ciear our store or our sea- A sons stock L DeGroff 117 Main Ave McCook f T H D Strunk of The Tribu e force left Tuesday night for Pawnee City on c visit ot a week or so f Mrs J H McManigal of Redlands Calif is here on a visit to friends and relatives in her former home Mrs Vina Wood is just home from a visit to her old home in Hamburg Iowa She reports an epidemic of fatal and virulent scarlet fever ob taining in that town Mrs D W Crouse of Seward and Mrs J P Crouse of our city mothei and wife of J P Crouse of our c departed end of this week for Colo rado and the mountains on an outing Misses Mayme and Florence Ander son of Seward Nebraska have been guests of Mrs J P Crouse part of the week The young ladies were home ward bound from spending a few weeks in Colorado and the moun tains Rev G B Hawkes and family of Sutton left last Monday the 18th for a vacation trip to Caldwell Idaho where they expect to spend a month with Mr Hawkes father Rev W S Hawkes who is in charge of the work there John Dunbar spent a few of the closing days of week gone in the city visiting friends John is now manager of a shoe store in Shenan doah Iowa and was on his way east from a short vacation in the southwest Web McCIain left for Pocatello Idaho last Friday night If things look good to him he may invest in real estate in that section which is an irrigated country and developing and prospering nicely now according to those interested in that section Mr and Mrs N A Pettygrove and son Ed left Tuesday for Idaho They will be joined at McCook by their daughter Mrs Koller and daughter Adaline The party will visit Twin Falls and various other points and will be absent about three weeks Orleans Standard Harry Woolard has returned to work in the postoffice after a short ab sence while threatened with pneu monia E J Brady was summoned home from vacation to work during Woolards indiposition Crossed wires last week had the Tribune state that Brady was the sick member of the force which was erroneous Mr and Mrs A H Robertson and daughter of Lincoln Avere guests of Mr and Mrs C M Matson close of last week They departed on No 10 Sunday night for Lincoln Mr Rob ertson is circulation manager of the Nebraska Farmer and Mrs R is a sister of Mr Matson The were homewardbound from a short out ing FOR J5ALE FONTETC FOR SALE Lots 23 and 24 block 9 Cheap Inquire at this office FOR SALE 6 room house nearly new on easy terms Enquire at 307 E 6th street or see DORWART BARGER FOR SALE All or part of my alfal fa and fruit farm Call or inquire W M Morrisey Phone black 292 FOR RENT House of seven rooms and bath room Inquire of Mrs H M Tyler Orleans Neb 2S 2ts ENQUIRE NOW Ozark fruit lands Ranches farms and summer homes Best and cheapest in the world Free literature K F Woley 733 N Y Life Bldg Omaha 2S 3 FOR SALE Six milk cows Phone red 3S1 WANTED A competent gill for general housework Inquire at this office FOR RE XT Furnished room very reasonable 70 1st st R FOR RENT My residence furnish ed or unfurnished or would hell JIo e and buggy for silo also Phone black 64 Tno W Jones FOR RENT Phone red Ht One furnished room Engines 1930 00 and 1331 are in the white head Engine 1763 is down on her whpels and will go out of the backshop end of week James MoAdams and Peter Miesen were up the Imperial line Wednesday on a business trip Conductor T H Stafford of the Denver Brush run has resigned frbm the service Engineers George Campbell and Roy Ililer have been working the local goats this week Ililer reported that George over worked the 1331 Large and Small Jobs are equally well looked after We are ready at short notice to fix all leaks or other repairs in your plumb ing or in your heaters and stoves All Jobs Thoroughly Understood and after we are through with them you will find us the best men who ever did the same work for jou and we do it cheap MiddletonRuby Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr l3h 4 I C J RYAN Phone 22 JOHN E KELLEY UT0RJY ATLAWand BOXDED BST2C7ki Mccook NkhkaiXa tfitAfcriit if Lincoln Lttul Co nui irfc t A nt r OlLof iu Po ttofJIee he idiiit BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood j Hail Fire and Wind Insurance 4 4- Written in First Class Companies 4 f v v -4 BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER - m A fc fc I fc t tJ Lumber and Coal Thats Ail But we carcmeet your evt ry need in these lines Jrom our large and complete stocks n all grades Barneit Lumber Co Phone 5 W1WW1W 1 T 4T an f 0W 1S ie tme tofiN Your Coal Bins by LrA so doing you save 50c Per Ton and are in sured of fuel next winter when the coal shortage comes During june and julv we will sell coal at 50c per ion less than the regular price Place your orders now and avoid being disappointed next winter BULLARD LUMBER CO Phone no i a BM Come to the BM Market FRESH APPLES PEARS PLUMS AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS NEW TOMATOES POTATOES CABBAGE BEETS AND SWEET CORN EVERY DAY Highest Cash Price for Cream D MAGNER Prop