The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1910, Image 2

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mm 11 in i ii iiiihiwuihiih iiim miiiimimiii mmiiiiiiTimirnijwiiiUBMa mwmmi
Srv KRici
S t kI B rh s Wei pI a H
2r FxYtT GAcLLitf CLAvw CU - --
Jh this food you get all of the nutritive properties stretched
v - r
party in Nebraska this fall
States of America a
I H5
ttaa in each state for all -state ques 1 - Ai
tfons a national association composed as
f state ascociations
in national affairs
and yoa will be feeling finer tha
a fighting rooster and the neighbo
will commeEt on how well you loou
Lincoln Journal
First Postal Bank
Washington will have -one of tin
I first experimental postal saving ban
to ue -established under the post
saying bank bill according to an a
The American Pharmaceutical As 1 nouncement just made at tke pof
sociation in national convention at j office department The committc
Rlcbmond Va again placed itself en of government omciais wmen
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
have been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
Lewis R Corbin to Charles
Masters wd to pt 9 10
11 in 18 Indianola 1450 00
E W Harris et ux to Charles
Masters wd to pt ne qr nw
qr 18-3-27
1 00
Charles E Correll et ux to
S K Brown wd to e hf w
hf e hf 33-3-28 20000 0
David A McCullough et ux to
Peter J Colling wd to 7 in
1 Welborn add So 00
Is Life Worth Saving
Mrs Mollie McRaney Prentiss
Miss writes that she had a severe
case of kidney and bladder trouble
and that four bottles of Foleys Kid
ney Remedy cured her sound and
well She closes her letter by say
ing I heartily recommend Foleys
Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of
kidney disease It saved my life
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure
any case of kidney and bladder trou
ble not beyond the reach of medi
cine No medicine can do more
The worlds most successful medi
cine for bowel complaints is Cham
berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrh
oea Remedy It has relieved more
pain and suffering than any other
medicine in use Invaluable for chil
dren and adults Sold by A Mc
Millen Druggist
rtMin MiiiiP flT
Tk Wsw thi PspEola Are Made bv lha
Hard Wcrhers
In descriWrg Vriii industries Mr
Hume GlLii j the Veil tc
Persia and Tur ixh Arabia tells niws
the -beautiful enrprts ot taatKdtmttfsr
i are made of v Uhii
chlnery uf any kind The wary Ls
on a loom vrhteh i merely
nine The woof- consist- of short
of combined cereals Wheat Kice uats ana jacuzcy tUremIS woven nwl knotted byTmod
without the aid w lien si
iry it
Ask Your Grocer
Dix i n Rheumaism
TEMPERANCE CDLUMN Rheuniatiem makes its presence
CdHCte4 b the KcCcox W C T P
manifest in that way It comes liko a
thief in the night and it stays like
an out-of-town visiter who is with
ii w is liiiibed it Is pivi d tightly to
the rest- tf the hf nuaus f a
comb inserted luto iht warp
Tiu weayer does not see the pat
tetni as hi worv for in sits with the
reverse side ol J he web toward him
fhe looms are srinmlly kept in an
underground Aaiilled itMim often with-
water runuipg through the center At
each lowa tbrce or four workers sit
you for a summer rest aau recreation i accord u the size of tw carpet
Hs influence the hones wither
Marra the words tnat were
and the spirit is fumbled and
td by the president of the Nation- uroud
A WhoiesaleLiQuor Dealers subdued You cry for help and the
tin - undertaker Bears you ana is encoar j
- J - nnkf Vin mnn a nfl -
ftetus go into politics heart ana5u m yu - - of a tJny gM wlwie mer WPrt
il so as to release our business J few days Dp not dsspair there is wwbluR away so fast 1 could baruly
raore hope for a man so aeourgea The
fj om Uie poiiticai game - foIIow hlir upvewvuts un naor
iktwr fiinhwer of our United i than is for the Democratic was walking up and down he mow
Toeicatliug ut iustrmtions to the wu
v i Mmmta tha mhisa flit TO Hit It SOUUWU 8 ttnrriDlC Ill
- - -
o t
UTnnmiiiiiKiv 2vi wt - tin u -
week after week in this dark gloomy
cellar kept hard at it by the over-
lis Marvelous Mechanism and the
Power That Moves It
Wo hear much from time lo time of
the wonders of this or that compiicat
fed aud intricate machine but there
are few pieces of machinery more mar- j
velous than that of the common watch
j A watch it may lie stated as a s
era piopositlou is tne smallest most
cecord as dvocalang fee abolition of 1 working -on plsns for the establfc deiicate instrument of the same
- - - j j1 J Vwllirfn 4 n 1
Knocks That Fail
The government chief chemist says
that ice cream is very injurious to
the youth of the country during the
heated term The next thing some
scientific iconoclast will be holding
forth on the deleterious nature of the
moonlight excursion germ and the
dangers of the park concert microbe
And the youth of the country will con
tinue in these germ inviting ways an
will survive as it has done since ro
mance and ice cream were invented-
Baltimore American
Teething children have more or les
diarrhoea which can be controlled by
giving Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy All that is
necessary is to give the prescribed
uose after operation of the bowels
more than natural and then castor
oil to cleanse the system It is safe
and sure Sold by A McMillen
Chamberlains Stomacb and Liver
Tablets gently stimulate the liver
and bowels to expel poisons cleanse
the system cure constipation and
sick headache Sold by A McMillen
Lily Patent Flour when once usee
none other will satisfy you
TmtTr nt in nil ment of tfee system oeueves taa
American drugstores one of the banks should be direct
of the pesttnant
the eye
Drl David - Starr Jordan president
general so that tte committee m
f Lend Stanford University in a
receTaddres keep in constant toucb witb its o
declared that the blood
ai artT and mrtlreJ ehanfff
f coHege men vhose lives are iosti -
by reasons of dissipation is upon the
beads of the authorities in institu
tions of higher learning where use
f intoxicating liquors is permitted
The temperance movement in Ger
many is making rapid strides as it
was bound to do The most efficient
f industrial nations Germany is sure
to find out not only that excessive
beer drinlting dulls the intellect and
injures the physique but that even
what many Germans have regarded a
moderate regular drinking has that
effect Employers of labor who have
utilized the services of north G3rman
and south German workers do not
hesitate lo say that the wits of the
iormer are quicker and clearer and
to lay the difference to the greater
beer drinking in the south
New efforts will be made by Chi
sago and Cook county saloon keepers
to suppress the growler trade
among the children if the plans of
fclie District of Cook Liquor Dealers
Prctec ive Association of Illinois are
carried oat At the thirty first an
nual convolution of the 01 gsnizaticn
condemnation of the practice of sell
nig beer to children sent to scJons
by their parents formed one of the
principal parts of the address of the
president They are really trying to
te good but Satan would make as
sood a success at it
According to the estimates of
committee each postoffice in tL
country will have to keep an avera
of two ledgers which will necessita
the keeping of from eighty tliousan
to one hundred thousand ledgers ai
the employment of about four thou
and book keepers
VVili Compel Owners to
The members of the Colorado stat
board of stock inspection commission
ers see in the recent decision of th
Colorado supreme court an opportur
ity to at least force the cattlemei
to dip their stock Under the decit
ion if the cattlemen do not dip theii
stock the members of the board ca
dip the animals and charge the ex
pense up to the cattlemen This tiic
members of the board say they will
do They say that where it is known
that a man absolutely refuses to dip
his cattle they will send their own
stock inspection commission dip the
cattle and compel the owners to pay
the bill Often times the trouble will
amount to almost as much as the val
ue of the cattle Wray Wrattler
j ber of parts that Iras ever been de- j
I vised About 175 different pieces of j
j material enter into iln construction
and upward of 2400 separate opera-
tions are comprised iu its manufacture
Certain Of the facts connected with
Its performance are well nigh incredi
ble when considered as a whole A
blacksmith strikes several hundred
blows on his anvil in a day and as a
matter of course is giad when Sunday
comes but the roller jewel of a watch
makes every day and day after day
432000 impacts against the fork or
157GSO000 blows during the eoulse of
a year without stop or rest some
i15300000 blows during lie space of
twenty years the period for which a
watch is usually guaranteed to keep
good time
But the wonder of it does not cease
here It has bceu calculated that the
power that moves the watch is equiva
lent to onlv four limes the force used
in a fleas jump The watoii power is
therefore what might be termed the j
equivalent ot a four llea power One j
horsepower would sullice to operate
270000000 watches
Furthermore the balance wheel of a j
watch is moved by this four flea power
1 43 100 inches with each vibration or
innSv i miles continuously in one year
Not much oil is required to lubricate
the little machine on its 3500 mile
run It takes only one tenth of a drop
to oil he entire machinery for a years
service Harpers Weekly
Duck by Duck
An old farmer had brought twenty
ducks to the market to sell and after
the usual amount of haggling insepa
rable from a bargain of that descrip
tion managed to dispose of the lot to
a dealer
Thats 30 shilliugs 1 have to give
you said the dealer as he proceeded
to count it out
But the old chaps strong point was
not arithmetic and lie was not satis
fied with this mode of payment
Noa noa he exclaimed Ye
bought them at wan an six apiece
- - T 1 1
r trfc
t i8f
seemed to understand it nerfectlv When President McK
to protect usa uiaaa am tnax cue sypujm muy m OTersper held inxis hand a in Puffalo and the do
a fiirthai rirwrran TSirn TUTTTJffPJJOiiL -
be further ciegged wita nitrogenoa
waste Drink the juice of Ismons ant
During a prolonged session of the j orange at primes azae m nc
Wria Chamber of DepuUes un- water every aay jwjbp we excr
not omitting to do a lo
tormented eider and soda were used organs busy
aitaad f the beer wine and of deep breathing Drink copious
pagne of a few years since
AnAn tbian 4TirA VlliTinVftd TUlleS
ot Qisniieq water- ana tresi m i
Lord It will take some time to pro
-- nm tjov Art iace results but
T 0 lknow the pain wil
wt town the last one Marshall
TeXj having been voted dry recently
y two hundred majority
The Breweries of Vienna produced
about ten per cent less beer in 1909
than in 1908 Two large breweries
m Gratz one third less The rise in
the price of beer and an unfavor
able economic situation are given as
T - jw
How British
nEVBIt for an
Jj instant is the
British empire
without a monarch
tuil panoplied with
reigning iwwer
The king is dead
Long live the king
is not an idle cry
It embraces in its
first phrase the
lamentation of the
people over the
death of the old
ruler and In its sec-
KIXO GfcOKGE V om thcir eXUitation
Sometimes the Workers consist of one over rue accession oi tue new y au-
miiD and two children ami occasional- action of a constitutional
ly tiu owner uses boys arid girls jjj Ple a old as the empire the heir
for the weaving parent lieconies sovereign at the mo-
1 sat on tin hich stool by the i Je ntnt ot the sovereigns deatn o or-
ficia proclamation no taking of oath
no coronation is necessary though ail
these follow iri due time
Upon the death of a president of the
United States the nation is left with
out a
expeditiously as possible Go to coherent jumble but the child Pni takes the oath of aace
M urxu
tors had given
paper from which he was apparently up ltope Theodore Roosevelt his con
readinjc out instructions It was some- stilutional successor was hunting in
thing like luisr a wilderness Roosevelts rapid ride
To No 1 three blue threads oac back into civilization to take the oath
white two green No 2 four yoHow of office is well remembered Cut
nno id n on tM h fhilrl vsr Klinr Edwards successor would have
pealuig after the master the become king and the British empire
j tions advpu As it was ail said in a would have had an official head lm-
h J nltfliMl mniintiiii thi itsnlf v- nudintplv linmt Kdwnrds death no
Traj wWn W
iuags ana
Are Crowned
d to jbe city reading the proclama
tion at Charing Cross aud Temple
Bar where the lord mayor was await
ing them and the high bailiff of West
minster retired Here a barrier had
been created The rouse dragon pur
suivant of arms dismounted urd de
manded admission to the city for the
purpose of reading the proclamation
of the accession of the king Having
been -admitted the rouge dragon was
conducted to the lord mayor to whom
he delivered the order in council after
which the procession was allowed to
enter The lord mayor and other city
otikials tbeb fell into line the pro
cession advancing to the Jloyal Ex
change where the final reading of the
proclamation tooft place The guns of
the tower and in SL James park there
upon fired a salute
For tight centuries the monarch of
England have been crowned in- West
minster abSx y the archbishop of Can
terbury presiding at the ceremonies
which In all instances have been of a
chief executive until the vice- highly elaborate character with pomp
and glitter galore It is toe general
exiKKtatlou that- the coronation of
George V when it comes to pass ac
cording to the royal pleasure will sur
pass in its magnificent ceremonial fea
tures all those that have gone before
But at the present time one can only
get a pi evision of what this gorgeous
picture is to be by looking back at the
coronation of King Edward On that
occasion all London was astir early
and the groat city was a riot of
the first thing yot 1 jUld drafening But there nutter where he might have been at tire cdlors Dense crowds gathered
have utaappeare hi jttIe weaverR sit day in day out the time particularly m the vicinity of we royai
The following day as a matter of palace and Westminster abhey
form King George Y took the oath as sands of throats -uniting in the cry
sovereign The official proclamations God save the kingl
were issued to the world girdling iiagnificcnt state coaches swept by
pire In a few months King George with powdered coachmen and footmen
M5y l Blf vfii
i 3 - V -- V S -Wm
occasion as on this the Prince of
yell jist pay lor mem uucu uy uuck Waeg in tbJ death cliamber A
And duck by duck it had to be- maoHnr - Hl pminoll was
London Scraps
I lUtllu v v I---
How It Is Done
Returning from school the other
afternoon a little girl proudly inform
ed her mother that she had learned to
Well dear said her mother and
how is it done
You see mother explained the
child when you write Hark you
put a hatpin -after it and when you
ask a question you put a buttonhook
In Doubt
Visitor So your boy is in college is
he Mr CorntossleV Farmer I cant
say exactly Hes in ther ball nine
an in ther rowin crew an in ther
jimnayzeeum an in ther domytory
but whether hes ever in ther college
Is moren I kin find out by his letters
Harpers Bazar
Times Changes
Father meditating on times
changes Ah yes the fashion of this
world passeth away Daughter In
deed it does papa I shall want a
new hat next week
Employment and hardships prevent
melancholy Johnson
ed at St James palace the next morn
ing at which orders were issued for
the official proclamation of the new
I ruler Public announcement of the
death of the queen was made by the
1 male members of the royal family the
j irehbishop of Canterbury who is head
I of the Established Church of England
the privy councilors the lord mayor
the aldermen and other otncials ot tne
city of London All these persons and
officials declared the succession to have
come to the high and mighty Prince
Albert Edward our only lawful and
rightful liege lord Edward VII The
following afternoon the houses of par
liament met to receive the oaths of al
legiance and supremacy
At the meeting of the privy council
the king made a brief speech announc
ing his acceptance of the name Ed
ward VII which was published in the
Official Gazette The formal public
proclamation of the new monarch took
place at 9 oclock on the morning fol
lowing the taking of the oath
Reading the Proclamation
A procession of officials headed by
the high bailiff of Westminster with
heralds trumpeters and two detach
ments of horse guards then proceed-
gaBB8WJ5dwtgBaK I
and ins queen Victoria Mary will be
crowned in Westminster abbey amid
splendid pomp and pageantry Yet all
these ceremonies are merely inciden
tal to the accession tiiough regarded
as highly proper and decidedly impor
Official Proceedings
In all probability the course of pro
ceedings followed on the death of
Queen Victoria nine years ago will be
adhered to in the present instance save
that the serious illness of King Ed-
ward necessitated a postponement of
the coronation ceremonies On that
in gorgeous liveries of rod blue
mauve white and gold and there were
flashing glimpses of crimson robes and
white underdrosses within the coaches
Various ambassadorial equipages pas
ed through the thororhfarrs wth tin
diplomats in their oLkirI coaccs
Indian princes in bvillirist array dash
ed along in their cairire of state
The lord mayors splendid coach
drawn by hors w one oi the
But the chief spcc i ff was the
kings procession 011 rue way to r e ab
bey heralded by a J u oi under
tone of joyous a- vc al a g the
rorte The king ad iivci ro e Li the
famous and roya pr
ceded surrouudid and IYf rl by a
guttering retinue f 5i sol
diers from otk oh ttLIc the
sun never set- ri v of royalty
peers and various t hr utiiitnries
Th interior of tin abb resented
a blaze of oor Ti l hIshr of
Canterbury took his s it beside the
coronation ir - te lord high
chanellor seated lrI Kinr
Edward walked ro his h Ir In from of
the throne and bowtd ro Queu Alex
andra who hd entered at th left o
the throne Then he knelt in prayer
The king stood up the archbish
op read the recognition beginning
Sirs I here prpsent unto you King
Edward the undoubted king of this
realm etc A shout -God save King
Edward went up from the brilliant
assemblage With king and queen
kneeling the archbishop read the com
munion service The administration
of the oath followed the singing of the
After the archbishops anointing
prayer the king divested himself of
his outer robe and walked to the an
dent coronation chair where the arch
bishop placed the crown upon his head
The Prince of Wales advanced to pay
homage to his sovereign by kissing the
kings hand
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Oflice Rooms 5 0 Temple bldg
Ollice phono 163 Kes black 121
nittr tti Main Ave Phone 195
i Res 1012 Main Ave Pbone Red 324
CMHee Hoonw 3 mod 5 Wb BHU lUOoc
Indfaiiola Kebr Ptoae 195
Pfcone 34
Commercial Barn
XcCoek Nebr
CW DEWEY Auctioneer
McCook Nebraska
Will cry sales anywhere any time
at reasonable prices Dates made at
First Natl Bank or pbone Red 881
Jennings Hughes Co
- Plumbing Heatfng
saJ Oas Fittuig
Estimates furnished free
Successors to
B ji ge S01
Phone SI
Basement Po
bail I
W O Pofrard and W E KeUey
were Cambridge visitors Sunday re
turning Monday
Mr and Mrs Mitch Young were
called to Witcha Kas Wednesday
on account of the latt rs sister
Mrs T E McDonald arrived borne
Friday from Beaver City where she
has been visiting the last week
Charles Hendrich and Foster Mac
Fee and families went fishing on
the Willow Tuesday
A number from this place went to
Lebanon Friday to see the ball game
between Lebanon and Holyoke Colo
Howard Ruby and Bert Helm were
Bird City visitors Tuesday
Homer Bastian is numbered among
the sick this week
Adeline McDonald and Minnie
Bolph were Marion visitors between
trains Wednesday
Mrs W A Stone arrived home
from the Chautauqua at Bearer City
Ed Hulbert of Wjlsonville was a
visitor in town Tuesday
William Riercets formerly of this
j place but now working in Chicago
came for a short visit Saturday
Dan Cashen of McCook spent Sun
day at home
Hallie and Helen Green came home
from McCook Monday They have
been attending school
John Harrison of Indianola was
over last week on a business trip
O B Woods J W Nutt J L
Newman and Claud Young were
among those who went to Lebanon
The social picnic in Will Randels
woods on Saturday was enjoyed by
all particularly the fried chicken and
ice cream
Louis Longnecker has a very bad
hand from using lye to take off
troublesome warts
Mr Dow and family and Mr Cox
and wife came out to Jacob Randels
on Thursday to go fishing Mr
Cox said when he first heard of
catching fish by hand he thought it
was western brag but when he wad
ed in himself and help get 8 lbs in
that way he had a realizing sense of
its truthfulness
During the storm on Thursday af
ternoon Mr Smith had an animal
killed by lightning and his fence
posts shattered into splinters
Lewis Elmer and family spent Sun
day at Louis Longneckers
The neighbors so kindly putting in
Owens Longneckers crops while he
0 3j3uaq u oq O pomtup si qois i
the county as real estate agents are
using the incident in their advertis
ing showing prospective buyers what
good people we are so those who
regretted taking part can console
themselves by thinking they are pub
lic benefactors
CURS aissasc T t re