The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 28, 1910, Image 1

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Sim tPf
You take pains
to malco tho
children look
nice just for a
day Why not
pres orvu tho
memory of
tbeir prittinoss
by means of our
3 Photographs
Our pictures
either of indi
viduals or
groups are so
excellent that
they rival the
steel engraving
in softness and
far excel in
faithful por
trait u r e the
work of the
skilful artist
E ScMl Kimmell
Sst Door N Com Hotel Red 428
To Trade by McCook Land Co
320 acres to trade for mdse
160 acres to trade for house and
32 acres relinguishment near
SuoiL town running water improved
Stock of hardware to trade for
Routt county lands our specialty
Sce under Citizens National Bank
Stunned But Not Seriously Hurt
Mina Beard of East McCook was
stunned by a lighting stroke last
Wednesday but not seriously injur
ed She recovered in a little while
sad without any after effects
For Sale or Trade
Several good second hand thresh
ing outfits I will trade for stock or
2antL 21 3ts M M Brumley
Stratton Nebr
-And youll see why we sell so many
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1
3br the unexcelled Barrington Hall
ooffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
Ser pound
Suitable for any and every purpose
colors and one quality the best
When its paint go to AlcConnell
-Ml the good kinds
Piano Tuning
I can tune pianos up until Sept 1
bone 89 or black 344
Water the Birds
During the heated and dry season
provision should be made for water
cr the birds Every property owner
should arrange for drinking places on
xsls premises otherwise some of our
birfi friends may perish Water the
Jonn Cashen Auc oneir
Ssdianola Nebr Dates booked at
National Bank
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Sfary Harrison nurse Phone black
Subscribe for the Tribune
llcConnell fills prescriptions
Safer to leading men whom I hare con
ducted sales of all kinds for
City Fathers In Action
The mayor and all councilmen were
present at the session of the city
council Monday night
The fire committee was authorized
to purchase from the Eureka Fire
Hose Mfg Co of New Jersey 300 feet
of 2 inch fire hose at 80 cents
per foot said hose being guaranteed
to stand 400 pounds pressure and for
3 years as to workmanship and mater
Petition of 93 citizens worded as
follows was read and referred to
the fire committee
To the honorable mayor and city
council of the city of McCook Neb
We the undersigned residents of
the city of McCook would respect
fully petition your honorable body
order the removal of the storage oil
tanks of the Standard Oil Co and
that they be requested and ordered
to remove the same forthwith from
their present location on 1st street
east to some place outside of the city
limits of the city of McCook as we
consider them a menace to the safety
of the lives and property of our citi
Following bills were allowed and
warrants ordered issued on proper
funds in payment
McCook Water Works Co
W M Hyatt
N J Campbell
Frank Cain
Council met in adjourned session on
Wednesday evening all present
General bills as follows were allowed
J W Boyd 50 09
W WBarritt 3 00
Mrs H Brown 54 00
S C Beach 87 50
Viaduct claims as follows were dis
posed of
James Shepherd 500 disallowed
Mary E Simmons 81000 allowed 120
Jacob Frank 8600 disallowed
L C Blount 8400 allowed 850
N J Johnson 8400 allowed 865
Mrs Lula Easton 81000 allowed 8140
Minnie Snyder 8700 disallowed
City attorney was instructed to inves
tigate the state of affairs in money cen
ters to ascertain if water works bonds of
the city of McCook can be floated
The water committee was instructed
to investigate and ascertain from com
petent municipal engineers the cost of
plans surveys estimates etc for a city
water works plant for this city
stimulates cools and cleanses the
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
Small debts accumulate rapidly
Small savings do likewise Begin to
save something today Deposit it in
the First National Bank
j Look for adv of big sale on back
I Palisade has carried bonds for a
water works system
McConnell for drugs
Petition of citizens of McCook con
cerning the McCook Water Works
Co was read and referred to the
water committee
Petition is in words as follows and
is signed by 125 citizens of McCook
To the honorable mayor and city
council of the city of McCook Red
Willow county state of Nebraska
We the undersigned citizens and
property owners of the city of Mc
Cook Red Willow county state of
Nebraska for the reason and because
at a regular election held by the city
of McCook wherein the proposition
of the city owning building operating
and issuing bonds to pay for a city
water works was regularly submitted
to the voters and by them authorized
do hereby most respectfully petition
the mayor and city council of said
city of McCook state of Nebraska
to take such steps at once as are
necessary or required by law to sell
said bonds and build said city water
On motion the mayor was author
ized and empowered to employ compe
tent and reliable person to make an
investigation and inspection of the
McCook Water Works Co plant at
this place and report all essential
facts to the city council
Application of the Folden Advertis
ing and Bill Posting System for per
mit to erect certain metal bill boards
in the city was granted
Adjourned to meet on Wednesday
evening July 27th 1910
County Board of Health
The county commissioners in ses
sion Wednesday morning organized
a county board of health with the
following membership C B Gray
F S Lofton Edward Sughroue L M
Higgins and Dr S C Beach C B
Gray is chairman and L M Higgins
is secretary of the board The board
organized Wednesday morning adopt
ed the rules of the state board of
health for their immediate direction
intending to modify and add to as de
quired and Dr Beach and Sheriff
Higgins were at once charged with
the work and instructed to give the
same searching and heroic attention
throughout Red Willow county
that is so distressing is the fore
runner of more serious trouble un
less you take immediate steps tc
strengthen your digestive organs A
few doses of
will overcome the difficulty prompt
ly These tablets stimulate the
weakened organs into healthy action
and at once supply active principles
to the gastric juice that may be
temporarily lacking We guarantee
the remedy
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Oberlin Connects With McCook
The directors of the Beaver Val
ley Telephone Co went over to Mc
Cook last Thursday and made a deal
whereby the Oberlin Telephone Co
purchased the Cedar Bluffs exchange
and party lines of the Beaver Valley
Telephone Co The Oberlin Co will
also build a toll line here and connect
with the Bell Telephone Co at Mc
Cook over the Danbury toll line
Danbury News
East McCook Dwelling For Sale
And vacant lots Good water
Prices reasonable Terms easy Call
at residence corner B and 10th street
Free for 20 worth of cash checks
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Farm Loans
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25tf j
v v v v v v v v I K
to its natural color by the
use of
Nyals Hair Tonic
The change is slow usual
ly taking from one two
weeks At the end of that
time the hair is restored to its
natural color and has a health
ful and glossy appearance For
sale at Woodworths 50c
Died In Denver
George son of Daniel Kraft of
our city died in Denver last week
A sister Mrs C C Sellen of north of
town attended the funeral returning
home on 10 Saturday evening De
ceased was formerly employed here
as a boilermaker He was working
In a brick yard in Denver and his
death is attributed to an accident in
the yard A wife and three or four
small children survive the unfortunate
Enjoy A November Breeze
while getting a shave hair cut sham
poo etc Such a luxury is assured all
who patronize E M Days barber
shop with its electric fan and other
up to date equipment
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Keep your powder dry and trust in
the Lord As you will experience no
difficulty in keeping anything dry
just now perhaps you might as well
cut in all your spare time trusting in
the Lord
Ours is the Nayals store Buy
Xyals remedies obtain satisfaction
or your money back
Look for adv of big sale on back
Wright Wrong- Again
Fred Wright the young man who
was convicted in district court over
a year since for numerous forgeries
is again wanted by several McCook
merchants not for forgery this time
but for obtaining goods under false
Wrights first offense consisted in
a number of forgeries of checks in this
city For this he was convicted and
one of the several counts was sent
to the penitentiary at Lincoln for five
years Five other counts were for a
while held against him but were at
a recent term of court taken off the
docket and quashed
Wrights latest offense is receiving
goods under false pretenses Issuing
his own personal checks and in most
instances receiving small balances in
cash in payment of bills owing by
him to local merchants We are ad
vised that some ten or fifteen indivi
uals in the city are losers in various
amounts none of them fortunately
in considerable sums
After Wright had served about a
year under his five year sentence
he was on petition of friends in this
city released by Governor Shallen
berger on parole
Last Saturday he failed to report
to his sponsors disappearing from the
city and presumably is still at large
Shortly after his disappearance
became known that several McCook
merchants held his personal checks
in various small amounts and that
no money was to his account in th
Wright had receievd some money
from England during this summer
and the fact that he was a liberal
buyer and paid for his goods gave
him a credit among those he dealt
This last act places Wright among
those who would rather be a crook
than not a fact The Tribune regrets
the more on account of those who
have done heroic work to give him an
opportunity to make good
Modern service in the compounding
of recipes prescriptions and all sorts
of labratory and pharmaceutical work
requires training experience and
equipment and above all requires
the sense of responsibility to the pub
lic Our equipment is modern our
methods are up-to-date and by keep
ing up to every advance in pharmacy
we have demonstrated our regard for
the interest of the public Prescrip
tions filled day or night and deliver
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Big Railroad Picnic
The Burlington is cooperating with
the other Colorado railroads in J
ranging for a big picnic in Denver i
under railroad auspices It will be a
mammoth affair It is quite possible
that the McCook band may be in-
eluded in the musical attractions of
the event which is calendared for
August 20th
For Sale
One of the most complete threshing
outfits in Nebraska consisting of one
25 horse Gaar Scott plowing engine
one 36 60 new model separator Gar
den City feeder weigher tanks and
all attachments 2S 2t
C A LARSON Stratton Neb
For Sale
One second hand Reo auto in good
Five houses and lots for
sale or trade Also 120 acres bot
tom land for sale or trade Phone
red 381 C W Dewey
Corns Hurt
Why not try a good corn cure
The kind we sell
And we are treating we
have been treating all this sum-
mer and are still treating
the people of McCook to the
best ice cream ices sherberts
and cold drinks that can be
had any where We dont
except any body in Hastings
Omaha Denver or any where
else Come join the crowd
some afternoon or evening at
our fountain and be convinced 5
Look for adv of big sale on back
The End In Sight
Tho health officers of tho city have
every reason to boliovo that tho end of
the scarlet fovor opidemic is in sight
It has boon a strenuous period and the
tho oxtremo warm weather has made
tho task doubly difficult With a few
notable exceptions tho citizens have
responded to ovory order of the authori
ties and for their cooperation in this
respect tho officers aro deoply grateful
Very fow now cases have developed this
week and quarantines aro being raissd
The one proposition which has up to
this time baflled those in charge of tho
situation was tho source of the infec
tion Limited as the infected territory
has been to tho residonce portion of tho
city proper tho authorities felt that tho
search for the source of infoction was
the all important problem bofore thorn
Tho water supply was suspocted and
invesigatedthe sower system was thor
oughly cleansed tho streets and alleys
wero cleaned as never before and the
source of infection remained undiscov
It is however confidently believed
that the real trouble at least tho prob
ablo source of the later infections was
discovered on Tuesday afternoon by the
cit s health officers when they made
a personal inspection of the Carter dai
ry located several miles east of the city
and found a member of the Carter fam
ily a young man who assists with tho
milking infected with scarlet fever and
in the desqumating stage of the disease
The authorities at once took charge of
the matter and will see to it that no
milk from tho Carter dairy or from cows
now thereon is imported nto the city
until the entire plant has been thor
oughly disinfected and cleansed It is
possible that recent exposures have oc
curred from this source All such caes
should develop within the next ten
days but uutil this period has olapsed
the matter is in doubt It is important
therefor that all cases of sickness be
promptly reported to the health officers
in order that proper inspections may be
made If the citizens will continue to
cooperate with the health officers it is
confidently believed that tho end of the
epidemic is near The health officers
can direct and advise but results can
be accomplished only by and throjgh
the unselfish and hearty cooKjration of
the people themselves
The Board of Health
Work Progresses on Catholic Church
Jasper Northrup of McCook started
work Monday on exterior remodeling
of the Catholic church A substantial
concrete foundation will be built a
concrete coating of one half inch will
be spread over the entire brick work
concrete steps and balustrades will be
constructed and in other ways the
edifice will be strengthened and beau
tified The interior has been improv
ed with steel ceiling and other
changes made When completed the
church will be one of the best build
ings in the city No date has been
set for its dedication and nothing
definite has been given out as to the
permanency of a priest for the par
ish but it is certain that these things
will come in time Benkelman News
On our sticky or poison fly paper
where they belong
A McMILLEX Druggist
Kodaks and Premo Cameras
Headquarters for everything The
all by daylight way
L W McCONNELL Druggist
V v v v v v v v v v v v X v v v Z
- Xow is the time Wanous
k Shampoo Bags are in the
- greatest demand One of them 5
cleanses the hair thoroughly
takes out that sticky
mulation of perspiration and
dust leaving it soft and
- velty 3 for 25 cents at Wood-
worths 5
- I K
It used to be the thing to keep the
blackbirds off the corn but now its keep
the hoppers otT and the blackbirds have
taken the job Without their assist
ance there will be very littls corn saved
in this section
MrFitch and others have complained
that men out in automobiles are shoot
ing them
Tke law is very plain They are in
sectivorous and it will cost you 85 for
each bird killed if we catch you
W E CoKwiy
Four first class barbers at your ser
vice Bruns Barber Shop and Baths
112 Main street
i ii i li 1 1 n aaaigg
Heres Your Chance
DaniH Fortune is likely
to say that any day to tho
man with a good bank ac
count Sho seldom says
it to the man who has
nothing saved up Our
bank is glad to turn good
investments in tho direc
tion of our friends and
will welcome youraccount
whenever you can give it
to us
P Walsh President
C F Lehv V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Jackson Turner
Monday evening at 730 Air Char
les Jackson and Aliss Emma Turner
both of Dickens Nebraska were unit
ed in marriage at the home of Air
and Airs Shirley 405 west 3rd street
The ceremony was performed by
Rev Howe in the presence of the
Shirley family
Air Jackson is a brother to Airs
Shirley and he and his bride drove
from their home to our city on Alon
day and returned the following day
Air Jackson is engaged in the real
estate business at Dickens and they
expect to make that town their fu
ture home
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
See Dorwart Barger Office
basement Citizens National bank
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
Alonday was the hottest day of the
summer Thermometers registered
from 100 to 112 in the shade accord
ing to the individual instrument and
AlcConnell for drugs
At A Bargain
Aly residence at COS west 2nd street is
for sale at a bargain if taken soon
Call at residence or phone red 152
21 2ts C L Wickwire
We have put on the bread wagon
during the hot season for the bene
fit of our customers Those missing
the wagon can get their bread at
either of the leading groceries
C fj -
Reduction Sale of
Summer Suitings
Goods for fall 1910 have already
been shipped from N Y City but
we have a full line of summer suit
ings on hand that we will close out
at greatly reduced prices
We will sacrifice every cent of
profit during this sale which closes
Aug 15th We want to keep our
tailors busy and also turn the cloth