The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 21, 1910, Image 4

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r f iii
Better Start
An early start and a defi
nite plan goes far toward
assuring success to the
young man or woman
starting out in life No
need of being t tingy
neither should you bo a
spender Tho sensible
and easy method of creat
ing a fund for your f uturo
needs is to open an ac
count with this bank de
posit whatever you can
each week or month
Stick to it and in time
your success will be as
sured Better start now
you will never regret it
McCook Nebr
t mvmwm mmmi
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
Frontier county Republican state
delegates are instructed for county
Harvards population according to
the 1910 census is 1102 The 1900
census gave them 849
Palisade will vote on a proposi
tion to give that town a water
works system July 23rd with a fair
prospect of winning
I shall do my duty in this cam
paign as I tried to do it before and
I believe it to be my duty as a cit
izen and as a democrat to do all in
my power to save the democratic parly
from the domination of the liquor
interests and their allies V J
The burden of the vociferous cry
of Big Business and the Interests
generally is Let us alone Hav
ing set the machine to their liking
it is quite to be expected that they
dont wish anything else to readjust
it If there is any change to be made
they and not the people wish to
gest and make the change It is the
cry of all who have plenty and are
acquiring more EASILY
It looks now as though both part
ies would declare for the initiative
and referendum and the recall in
their platforms and that county op
tion and other such questions will
be settled in that way It will take
a little longer to get to it in this
way but we are getting along pretty
well the saloons are going pretty
fast under city option at present
County option is absolutely just if
city and state option is just and ever
salconists now admit the Slocumb law
is a good measure though they fought
it bitterly ar -e Uie it was pas d
hose who opioe county option are
simply not in favor of any farther
legislation on the saloon question
they are stand patters As Bryan
says there is absolutely no argument
against county option Blair Pilot
A more or less famous citizen of
our state is having a quite impossible
time just now pleasing people Some
people in particular Before he an
nounced a bold and brave stand for
county option he was not quite sat
isfactory to either Democratic or
Republican temperance advocatesr
Since lining up with the water wa
gon people he is distinctly out of
favor with the wet goods fellows
When Bryan announces any change
of heart on any subject he is as
sailed and denounced as erratic and
impracticable When he fails to do
what all honest and progressive and
intelligent people should do change
his position on occasion sufficient
he becomes a moss back And yet
Mr Bryan is withal one of Ne
braskas most honorable honest man
ly upright progressive citizens An
honor to his state and a credit to
his creator
A small house in the vicinity of the
gas plant has been secured by the city
for a detention hospital
McConnell fills prescriptions
For Representative Announcement
to Voters
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for renomination to the of
fice of representative of the G5th
district subject to the will of the
Republican voters at the coming
primary election
If elected I will use my influence
and vote for county option law and
will always vote for the peoples
choice for United States senator with
out regard to my individual prefer
Call for Republican State Convention
The republicans of the state of
Nebraska are hereby called to meet in
convention in the city of Lincoln on
Tuesday July 2Cth 1910 at 12 noon
for the purpose of adopting a plat
form and selecting a state central
committcs and for the transaction of
such other business as may proper
ly come before the convention
The convention shall be made up
of delegates chosen by the republ
cans of the respective counties of the
state at the regular oelegate county
convention in the manner provided
by lav on the basis of one delegate
for each 150 votes or the major frac
tion thereof cast at the 1908 elec
tion for O C Bell republican nomi
j nee for presidental elector Said ap
1 portionment entitles Red Willow
J county to eight delegates
It is further recommended that no
proxies be allowed and that the dele
gates present from each of the respec
tive counties be authorized to have
the full vote of their delegation
In accordance with the rules of
the republican state committee cre
dentials of delegates to the conven
tion should be filed with the secre
tary of the state committee at least
five days before the date of said con
The members of the county cen
tral committee for each county who
are to conduct the 1910 campaign
must be chosen at the delegate coun
ty convention which elects delegates
to said state convention and reported
at once to the state committee
Signed Myron L Learned
Vice Chairman
Signed Clyde Barnard
Dated at Lincoln Neb June 1G
Republican County Convention
The delegates to the Repblican
county convention met at the race
track McCook Wednesday afternoon
J F Cordeal was made chairman
and F M Kimmell secretary of the
LonCone1 F 1 G - Stilgebouer and
F M McFadden were constituted the
committee on resolutions to whom all
resolutions were submitted without
On motion Hon G W Norris made
chairman of the state delegation and
a committee on state delegates was
formed by a representative from each
of the precincts represented in the
convention They reported the fol
lowing as state delegates and the
convention adopted them J e
C E Eldred W
Cool Colling
E D Perkins and S R Smith
The committee on resolutions re
ported as follows which were adopt
ed with but one dissenting voice in
the convention
We the Republicans of Red Wil
iw - Nebraska in convt nlion
pHige our faith and al
legiance to tho principles if
as t ut forth in our iait nation
i paiii
We the prj sent ad
ministration en the results so far ac
complished toward an r uios
nf cur partys phages to
the people and heartily approve of
the creation of the tariff commission
as a step in the right direction to
ward a just revision of the tariff
We reaffirm our faith in the poli
cies advocated by Theodore Roose
velt while president of the United
States and urge the enactment of
laws for their advancement
We denounce the system known
as Cannonism and the rules under
which it operates to the exclusion of
real representation of thejeople in
the national house of representatives
arid fgcthe benefit of the favored
We heartily commend the patriotic
band of Insurgents who have as their
purpose the overthrow of this sys
tem and point with pride to their
leader Hon George W Norris con
gressman from this district We
commend his every official act and
rejoice in his honor and statesman
We commend him to the voters of
the Fifth congressional district and
hereby pledge to him our hearty sup
port of his candidacy for re election
We resent the action of United
States Senator Elmer J Burkett in
sending into this district under his
official frank anti Norris literature
such as the speeches of Joseph G
Cannon and Frank M Nye
As the county is the unit of tax
ation and on the taxnavprs nf tb
j countyfalls all the expenses of
nal prosecution therefore we believe
that all of the resident taxpaying vot
ers of the county should have a voice
and vote as well as those in the cit-
ies and villages in controlling the li
quor traffic in the county we there
fore pledge our legislative candidat
es from this county to vote for coun
ty option and we give our delegates
to state convention positive instruc
tion to support a plank in the state
platform pledging the party and our
candidate for governor to such a
Ve recognize that the strong arm
of the government should ever reach
out and assist its people in all their
laudable undertakings and as the law
now exists the opposite is in some
instances true therefore we desire
that the revenue laws of the United
States be so modified that no persons
or person or corporation be licensed
for the selling of intoxicating liquors
as a beverage in cities villages or
countries where the same is by law
prohibited and that the penalty for
violation therefore remain the same
to this end we instruct our delegat
es to the state convention to work
for a plank making this the will and
desire of the party
The following members of the
county central committee were select
Alliance Sam Premer Hartley
Bondville H N Colling Indianola
Box Elder
Coleman Charles Squires McCook
Danbury W V Miller Marion
Driftwood Clint Hamilton McCook
East Valley U G Etherton Bart
Fritsch Frank McNeill Indianola
Indianola W A Reynolds Indian
Missouri Ridge John Deveny In
North Valley William Wight Bart
Perry C H Harman McCook
Red Willow F C Smith Indianola
Valley Grange A D Johnston Mc
Willow Grove
1st ward 1st prec J G Schobel
1st ward 2nd prec A B Wood
2nd ward 1st prec E S Howell
2nd ward 2nd nrpc Win Wood
week from New Mexico
Rev F C Tyler and family are
visiting at Wesley Chapel and Spring
Creek this week
Wm Doyle took his men this week
and went up to his ranch in the sand
hills to put up hay
The girls are working hard getting
up their ice cream social for Friday
Mrs T M Campbell met her broth
ers J B and W Y Johnson at her
sisters Mrs G A shields Tuesday
afternoon of last week
Mrs F G Lytle called on Mrs T
M Campbell Monday afternoon
Mrs J K Gordon called on Mrs
Maxwell Wolf one afternoon last
Mrs Geo Harrison visited Mrs
Sam Burchett and Mrs Chas Mundy
last week
We heard the first threshing ma
chine whistle this Tuesday morn
Mr and Mrs D C Little of St Ann
visited their daughter Mrs Thurs
ton Doyle
J B Johnson of Geneva and W
Y Johnson of McCook visited their
mother and sister Mrs Martha John
son and Mrs G A Shields Tuesday
of last week
We understand that Court Years
ley lost about 300 acres of wheat in
a hail storm last week
A good general rain would be ac
ceptable just now on the corn cane
and millet fields
Shampooing Hair Dressing
Scalp and Facial Treatment
Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs
Subscribe for The Tribune
Mrs D W Colson and the chil
Iron are visiting Iowa relatives
W B Whittakcr has gone to Mil- j
waukee on a social business trip
Miss Ruby Charlton of Loup City j
ob is a guest of Miss Edna Waite
Asst Postmaster Gaarde expects
o go to Minden tomorrow on a short
Dr C L Fahnestock arrived home
Monday night from his outing in
Mrs Mary Roacli arrived home
Tuesday right from a visit to Lin
coln frkiids
Mrs Rollo Cathcart is home from
Colorado on a visit to her parents Mr
and Mrs Ploussard
Mr and Mrs C E Baily are visit
ing in Salt Lake City Utah and
other western points
A B Wood went down to St Joe
Tuesday with a shipment of stock
and will return tomorrow
E J Brady of the postoffice force
has been ill and confined to the
house part of the week
Mrs J B Meserve who has been
visiting relatives over in Iowa re
turned to the city Tuesday
Mrs Anton and daugbtors eft Wed
nesday night for Des Moines Iowa on
a visit t be gone several weeks
J W Jones returned Sunday morn
ing after an absence in the eastern
part of the state of two weeks
Mrs S B Rankin enjoyed a brief
visit from a cousin Mr Kimerer of
Dover New Jersey this week j
I W Spaulding of Box Elder and j
S D McClain of this city went to i
Denver last Friday morning on a
visit i
Herman Pade was called to In-
dianola Friday night on undertaking j
work in connection with the Cramp
ton death
Fowler Wilcox was down from Den
ver close of last week looking after
his land and stock interests in this
Weller DeGroff who has been here
Tyrone Nels Lundstrom Cambridge fr0m Oberlin Ohio for a few weeks I
departed on No 10 Saturday evening
went in to Omaha Sunday
night to meet his cousin I H Saw
yer 2nd vice president of The Brown
Shoe Co of St Louis
A G Higbee the farm machinery
representative departed on Saturday
night for Chicago and Moline to
be absent a little while on busi
ness and pleasure bent
Mrs George Meeker and Miss Marie
of Lincoln were guests of Mr and Mrs
C H M eker close of last and early
part of this week returning home from
a Colorado trip of a couple weeks
Mr and Mrs H B Wales of Pali
sade formerly of Coleman precinct
this county were in the city Monday
evening on their way to Fairbury
and other points east on a visit
Miss Francis Martin went to Or
leans Wednesday for a few days
visit with friends after which she
will visit her brother George and
family at McCook Harvard Courier
Mrs J A Perkins and daugh
ter of Kansas City are guests of Mr
and Mrs E D Perkins Mrs Per
kins is a sister of Mrs R M Os
born and a sister-in-law of E D Per
Miss Marjorie Clifford who has
been the guest of Mr and Mrs A
F Drebert for a few weeks and ad
ding to the social life of the city
departed on Tuesday morning for her
home in St Paul Minn
Mrs Viola Ballew departed Monday
night for Excelsior Springs Mo to
look after a big hotel recently leased
by herself and daughters and which
is now in charge of Miss Bessie Pet
erson her daughter
John Schleich of Pocatello Idaho
has been visiting friends and relatives
in this city and vicinity the past few
weeks John has a fine position in
Pocatello is doing well and is great-
for I
Mrs Miller of McCook came to
Cambridge Tuesday morning to visit
lio rln nrlif ii ATc ATTi tutc Oov M
bridge Clarion
Mr and Mrs Clias Weintz will
leave next Monday for Los Angeles
Calif on a visit of a few months
McCook witn tneir son JoIin an engineer
On motion the committee will met Ford Wanamaker left for McCook
at call of retiring chairman of the last week to assist in conducting a
central committee for the purpose of roomiS house which his parents re
electing chairman secretary and centlJ purchased Imperial
suier of the committee and to fill
all vacancies in the committee Mrs T F Rowell went down to
Ater listening to speeches by C Kearney Saturday morning to visit
D Ritchie and C O Whedon of her daughter Mrs Harry Jones and
coin tho committee adjourned to enjoy the Chautauqua season in
that city j
BOX ELDER i A- Peacock has resigned his j
J A Modrell and family are riding Psition with the creamery company j
in a brand new carriage these days and witn Mrs- Peacock has returned i
Chas Bolles and wife visited J to Lenox Iowa His successor is on
K Gordon and wife after services tne territory j
Sunday j J R McCarl was in Lncoln Friday
Pearl Campbell went home with and filed the name of Congressman I
Lela Draper after Sunday school Sun- George W Norris of our city for re
day morning j nomination as congressman for the
Mrs Hughes a sister of Mrs Fifth Nebraska district
Thurston Doyle arrived here last
iawB saVj
Farmers do you
need a wa2on
We appeal to your good judgment when
we ask you to buy a
New Moline Weber
or Birdsell
because these wagons are the best made of the BEST SE
LECTED MATERIAL by skilled workmen and it is easy
for you to see these points of superiority and every user
recommends Ihem
We are selling these wagons at
1000 Reduction
as we need the room for other goods and
you can save 1000 now
It will pay you to take advantage of this sale if you are
going to need a wagon within the next year or two as- wag- I
ons are going up all the time
Hardware Co
Phone 31 McCook Neb
L v r j
Ed Sawyer of The Model Shoe Reduction Sale Of
Summer Suitings
Goods for fall 1910 have already j
been shipped from N Y City but
we have a full line of summer suit
ings on hand tlfat we will close out
at greatly reduced prices
We will sacrifice every cent of
profit during this sale which closes
Aug loth We want to keep our
tailors busy and also turn the cloth
into cash LINEBURG CO
Filing For Nomination
The following filings for nominatio
have been made in Red Willow coun
For representative Frank Moore
of Indianola Republican J W Hoppe
of Bartley Democrat
For County Attorney C D Ritchie
of McCook Republican Sidney Dodg
of Marion Democrat
County Commissioner W N Rog
ers of McCook Republican S S
Garvey of McCook Democrat and
W J Fleischmann of Perry Democrat
Pure drugs and chemicals at
Stimulates cools and cleanses the
skin By Lo Talcum 25 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Four first class barbers at your ser
vice Bruns Barber Shop and Baths
112 Main street
Congressman Norris returned home
Sunday morning and is in quarantine
with his little daughter who is ill
ly in love with that city and country with the scarlet fever
I carry a complete line J
hair goods Switches puffs
and curls made from your
combings L M CLYDE
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix alt
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with iheia
you will find us the best men Trie
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Neon
gv ti H I I t
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber 0
Phone 5
i i