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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1910)
i I 5s - I V r TWENTY NINTH YEAR LADIES Are you tired of being told by those who do Dot understand white draperies that white does not take well Give us a trial wearing your most be coming 1 i g h t dress You will be delighted Our Well Equip ped Photo Studio has turned out nothing but winners so far Fact is its the only kind we allow out of our hands Give us a sit ting and allow us to pose you and you can be sure of the best photo of your self you ever had R Schell Kimmell PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER 1st Door N Com Hotel Red 428 We Remind You TChat the following are our regular prices for these items of common use Mos quito netting oc Am A 2 bu bags 23c Siest table oil cloth 15c Mens stout shoes 190 Mens dress shoe 275 6 big red or blue hdfs 25c Mens stout blue demin overalls with bids or with out44 cents Jackets the same Boys double front and seat bib overalls 41c Childs rompers 25c to 50c Boys wash suits 50c to 1 Gauze underwear 5c to 125 Best table oil cloth 15c Best prints ufc 1 yard wide black taffeta ailk 79c Feather pillows 65c to 165 Big Smyrna rugs 165 Buff table da mask 35c Red ditto Bleached damask 40c to 135 Bed sheets 60c Slips 135 doz White quilts 79c to 375 Muslins 5c up Your money will go the farthest in our store The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value Off For a Vacation Little Paul McKay and a young playmate a son of Frank DeLong 3eft the city last Friday without notice for Colorado Neither of the lads was clothed or provided with omeans for such a journey After causing their parents much uneasi ness the little fellows were located sit Wray Colorado hungry and ready to return home which they did on -Sunday evening Married a Denver Couple At the Mfthodist parsonage Mon--day July 1910 Rev Bryant Howe performed the marriage ceremony of Mr Thomas T Cox and Miss Mir iam E Barker both of Denver They -arrived from Denver on No2 and re turned home on No 1 same day Mr Cox is general manager for the Rocky Mountain Petroleum Co 3604 Fox street Denver will be their home Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent ia McCoo or the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound GUARD YOURSELF against scarlet fever by procuring disinfectants We sell them A McMILLEN Druggist John Cashen Auc coneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at JJcCook National Bank Woney to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Xot the ONLY but the newest and best f uruished four - chair barber shop in the city Bruns Barber Shop and Baths 112 Main street Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 2SS McDonnell fills prescriptions C M MATS0N Auctioneer Hofer to leading men whom I have con ducted sales of all kinds for Thone 57 CUT RESTATTRAHT - - -V 8 More About the Case It has occured to us that possibly the report raado in last weeks issue of this paper of the case of the coun ty of Red Willow against H I Peter son and his bondsmen does not fully and fairly present to the public the controversy involved in the action Upon further investigation we learn that the only question involved was the right for the sheriff to retain mileage fees earned by him and is a matter of the construction of the law governing sheiffs fees passed at a ecent sesion o f the legislature This law provides That the sheriff shall on the first Tuesday in Janu ary April July and October of each year make a report to the board of county commissioners or supervisors under oath showing the different items of fees EXCEPT MILEAGE collected or earned from whom at what time and for what service and the total amount of fees collected or earned by such officer since the last report and also the amount collected or earned for the current year and he shall then pay all fees earned to the county treasurer The conten tion being on the part of the sher iff that under this statute he not be ing required to make any report of his mileage fees that it was not the intention of the legislature that he should pay them over to the county that they were not treated as other fees by the legislature but rather in the nature of expenses and that it was their intention that he should re tain them to reimburse himself for his traveling expenses while the county contends that he should pay them over to the county although not required by the statute to make any report of them We also learn upon inquiry that in stead of the decision made by the dis trict court disposing of the matter as stated in our former issue that bond to supersede judgment of the dis trict court was immediately filed and that transcript has been obtained for the purpose of securing the decision of the supreme court upon the mat ter which will have to be secured before the matter is settled So far as we have been advised this is the first case to be brought in volving the questions here raised and we are informed that some of the adjoining counties have been waiting the result of this case before settl ing with the sheriff which other counties have allowed the sheriff to retain his mileage Miss Purvis Married A quiet wedding was celebrated in Fremont at 330 p m yesterday when Miss Florence Purvis a former Fre mont girl was married to Dr S F Price of Saratoga Wj o The weddin occurred at the residence of Miss Purvis brother J N Purvis the rooms being tastily decorated with flowers Rev I W Corey performed the marriage service After the serv ice the couple left almost immediate- j ly for Saratoga where the groom is a prominent physician and business man He is a state senator and well known through the country Miss Trie Vioc frt enma fimo lioon teaching in Saratoga and in Idaho Springs Colo Tuesdays Fremont Herald To Trade by McCook Land Co 320 acres to trade for mdse 160 acres to trade for house and lot 320 acres relinguishment near good town running water improved Stock of hardware to trade for land Routt county lands our specialty See DORWART BARGER of fice under Citizens National Bank Can File Till the 18th The secretary of the state having taken such action County Clerk Skalla announces that he will receive filings for primary election candidates up to midnight of Monday July 18th Some have considered Saturday July 16th at midnight as the latest filings could be made Cut in Two Ladies 500 Jacket Suits of wash able suiting reduced to 250 Laven ders blues greys and tans in plains and in stripes Buy your tub suit here and use the rest of your money for something else The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Lost I Rubber rim off my buggy wheel Finder rewarded W E COR WIN JHcCoJorh HENRY F TOMBLIN A Brief Biography and Obituary of an Early Settler of S W Nebraska Henry F Tomblin was born in Carleton N Y March 22nd 1835 and died in McCook Nebraska July 11th 1910 From early youth to young man hood he farmed in the state of New York Was united in marriage to Josephine Parsons Feb 27th 1861 from this union were born three children all of whom survive him Mrs J F Forbes McCook Neb Mr F F Tomblin Denver and Earl C Tomblin of Beatrice Neb Mr Tomblin moved from New York state to Emerson Iowa in 1873 en gaging in the lumber and hardware business from Emerson later on mov ing to Indianola Neb in April 1880 having located on a homestead in the near vicinity From Indianola he again moved to Arapahoe Neb where residence was maintained for many years He entered the service of the U S as a private in Co D 151st regi ment of the state of New York on President Lincolns first call for volunteers serving throughout the entire war and was regularly mus tered out at the close He was part of that great body of soldiery which was with General Sherman in his first historic March to the sea Shortly after the close of war he was duly converted and became a communicant of the Presbyterian church of Carleton N Y his wife having been a member of that body IS BEING STAMPED OUT Vigorous Quarantine Measures Be ing Carried On Warn ing to Citizens The City Board of Health are wag ing a determined war against scarlet fever in McCook and are carrying out severe measures to enforce quar antine regulations All children not sick are to be kept in their own yards and under no circumstances allowed on the streets Rules have been printed outlining the measures to be follow ed in the sick room and quarantin ed premises and an inspector has been engaged to see the same are enforced violations to be punished by fine or imprisonment One obstreperous patient has al ready been arrested and more arrests may follow Every good citizen will report vio lations of the laws other citizens will be compelled to respect the laws Scarlet fever is a dangerous dis ease and even a light case of it may terminate fatally or may prove the means of a neighbor catching the dis ease Now show you are a good citizen and help to eradicate this disease S C BEACH M D Inspector Board of Health Republican City Caucus The Republican electors of the four election districts of Willow Grove precinct will meet at the race track Monday evening July 18th at 730 oclock for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Republican county convention to be held in McCook July 20th 1910 and for the transact ion of such business as may proper ly come before the caucus J R McCARL H W CONOVER A B WOOD WM WOOD Precinct Commiteemen Ladies Oxfords Now 119 We ofier 25 pairs of ladies black vici oxfords of our 175 line for 119 and 17 pairs of 200 tan ones for 129 Al so childrens 150 tan- oxfords for 99c 1S0 ones for 119 and 210 ones for 119 Oxfords are good yet for nearly three months The Thompson D G Co Utmost value NOW Every child in McCook should own a No 1 Brownie They take a pic ture 214x214 and are just the ma chine for a child to learn the art of photography with 20 worth of our cash register checks will get one of these Brownies free L W McCONNELL Druggist Farm Loans Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 2 5tf A McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JULY 14 1910 for many years previous After locating in Arapahoe Neb Mr and Mrs Tomblin affiliated with the M E body of that place later on being taken into regular communion and fellowship On moving to Denver some two years since membership was trans ferred to Grant Avenue M E church of Denver with which body he was a consistent member until the end came Mr Tomblin was an unobtrusive unostentatious conscientious type of man a true exemplar of the God fearing American citizen Ever loyal to his friends and char itable towards those who differed from him in either conduct or opin ion his character can be summed up in this terse expression He always rang true to the best that was in him Brief services were held at the Forbes residence Tuesday afternoon Rev Bryant Howe in charge and Rev R T Bayne assisting The remains were taken on train train 10 Tuesday evening to Arap ahoe for interment which occurred on Wednesday morning after further simple services in charge of the Methodist pastor of that place Fred F Tomblin of Denver was in attendance upon the services Members of J K Barnes post of this served as pall bearers to the train Tuesday afternoon and members of the Arapahoe post acted as pall bearers at the burial in that city Wednesday morning Dr J A Gunn and the late Hen ry F Tomblin were prospectors in the Black Hills country thirty years ago Telephone Line to Oberlin General Manager Pratt of the Ne braska Telephone Co Benton of the Oberlin company J L Newman Bert Everist S E Ralsten J L Sims and others of the Danbury line are in the city today figuring to gether on the new line from McCook to Oberlin Benton wants a through line but others favor the use of the McCook Danbury line now built and the extension from Danbury to Ober lin The line will be built at any rate Tnere is a probability that McCook will eventually become the headquart ers for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas in the tele phone business with adequate head quarters etc Subscribers for Chautauqua Tickets An effort is being made to get a later date for the chautauqua If this effort fails all money will be refunded in full for tickets purchased The Redpath Chautauqua System people are pleased with the attitude of McCook toward the Chautauqua this year and will do eve y thing in their power to give us the Chautau qua CHAS V TAYLOR Severed in the Middle A most tragic affair occurred this morning at 211 Main ave An indi vidual named Price was suddenly cut into two parts before help could be called Inquiry disclosed that this Price was the price of ladies jacket suits at The Thompson Dry Good Co Step right in and help yourself at jusl half price 500 suits now 250 Has Sold Elevator V Franklin has sold his grain ele vator at Red Willow to Temperance McCallum of Indianola who has taken charge of the property and is operating the same The McCallums operate an elevator at Indianola Elberta Peaches Car load of Elberta Peaches on track Price 100 for four basket crates For a few days only Will be lowest price this season Let us book your order at once J A WILCOX SON BROWNIES KODAKS PREMOS Which will you take on your vaca tion L W McCONNELL Druggist Reduction in Storage Coal We are making a reduction on coal sold now for storage Take advant age of this cut price See or phone Updike Grain Co Phone 169 COUNTERFEIT DOLLARS buy nothing but 25 cents buys a bottle of blackberry balsam at McMILLENS DRUG STORE To Meet Miss Clifford Mr and Mrs Alex F Drebert en tertained two score young folks of the city last Friday evening at their home on North Main avenue at a patriotic party to meet Miss Marjorle Clifford their niece from St Paul Minn It was an out of doors affair with decorations befitting Chinese lan terns were strung over the lawn electric lights therein providing the illumination A large specimen of Old Glory was displayed at the front of the home At an early stage of the occasion the guests followed the leadings of cords to receptacles affording whis tles bells etc with which to cele brate Refreshments were served at small tables on the lawn the ice cream being in form and color of the Na tional flag Punch was served during the evening A choice display of fireworks was an enjoyable incident of an event replete with clever social items Mrs R B Simmons and Mrs C F Heber assisted in the serving WATER BEING ANALYZED Small Possibility of Infection From That Source Say University Professors Sample of water from the McCook water works has been tken to Lincoln for analysis by professors in the state university The result of this analysis will not likely be known be fore tomorrow The professors in whose hands this matter has been placed state however that there is small probabili ty of infection from this source So the people of McCook may rest fair ly comfortable on that line WHAT DO YOU DO FOR HURTS Any strain bruises or injury to joints or muscles should be relieved at once and relieved promptly both to relieve needless suffering and to prevent permanent harm For all these troubles as well as rheu matism and neuralgia NUMBER 13 LINIMENT is the latest most modern and most effective remedy Nothing else like it nothing else that does the same good or does it so quickly Price 25 cents L W McCONNELL Druggist Fumigation of Mails On account of the scarlet fever epi demic in McCook the post office has been ordered to fumigate all outgoing mail in accordance with the postal laws and egulations This will cause a delay in the dispatch of the mail as it must he fumigated for a per iod of eight hours The railway postal clerks have been ordered to receive no mail at their cars or from the letter boxes at the depot for all the mail must go through the process of fumigation at the postoffice LON CONE PM The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers Reduction in Storage Coal We are making a reduction on coal sold now for storage Take avant age of this cut price See or phone Updike Grain Co Phone 169 McConnell for drugs Received on Account Paid Out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at The Tribune office Per 1000 50c We can give you excellent selec tion of the most desirable wall paper just now There is no necessity of delay when you order your wall paper here L W McCONNELL Druggist Mrs J P Nies has returned home from St Joseph where she has been taking an extensive look in the i erv creations and otferings for the fall and winter season in anticipation of re turning to the trade in the fall The merchant who persists in do ing business without advertising in the legitimate newspaper way re minds the writer of the farmer who attempted to fatten a lamb on pine apple ice One job is about as easy as the other rib tine NUMBER 8 Heres Your Chance Damo Fortuno is likely to say tlMt any day to thy man with a good bank ac count She seldom says it to the man who has nothing saved up Our bank is glad to turn good investments in tho direc tion of our friends and will welconio youraccount whenever you can give it to us THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh Preaidont C F Lehn V Pros C J OBuien Cshr DIKECTOnS J J Loughran P F McKenna An Explanation Delinquent subscribers to newspa pers often wonder why the editor and his office force are so insistent about subscriptions in arrears The following article clipped from the Des Moines Daily Capital will ex plain why a subscriber in arrears gives the average country editor the night mare Editor Fay of Lyons la has been called to Washington City because his subscription list is not as well paid up as the law requires He will have to explain to the govern ment officials why he has not com pelled his subscribers to pay up ac cording to postal rules An inspector had visited him two months previous and his list was said to be pretty thoroughly paid up but evidently it was not sufficiently so It seems a little tough that country editors have to be hauled up before the govern ment under the charge of violating federal laws just because they do not eternally keep dunning their sub scribers for the small sum they owe on subscription but its like the end of the world no man knows when it cometh and no editor knows what day an inspector may pop in and ask to see his list And if too many sub scribers are behind on their paper it means trouble with the government It puts an editor in such shape that he is compelled to force his collection unless he has an unusually prompt paying list of subscribers Miles of Wheat Fields The Tribune had the pleasure of an auto ride Tuesday afternoon up the Driftwood for about ten miles with J F Cordeal It developed the fact that that section has miles of small grain most of it cut and soon to be threshed The bundles seen iu the fields indicate a fairly good aver age yield over that part of the coun ty and when the large acreage is tak en into the consideration many thousands of bushels of small grain will be harvested Only a Slight Blaze There was a small fire in a hay stack in the Cain livery barn yard Sunday morning on east B street but a few buckets of water extin guished the blaze before it had got ten under much headway and con sequently there was no damage of any moment The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huher is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 See Dorwart Barger Office basement Citizens National bank Youll probably want to avail your self of the opportunity to select your wall paper from our stock Surely you can find just what you want L W McCONNELL Druggist We have put on the bread wagon during the hot season for the bene fit of our customers Those missing the wagon can get their bread at either of the leading groceries BARBAZETTE McConnell for drugs