The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 07, 1910, Image 1

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X J v
Ttfihk K 4
A Growing Girl
V ArivIA J
changes more
rapidly in ap
pearance than
anybody olso
One day sue is
a child tno
next quite a
young lady
there is
a young girl at
your house
keep a record of
her develop
ment by a ser
ies of
Bring her
here todav and
so start the ser
ies with photo
graphs of the
highest artistic
merit Youll
be glad you
have them in
years to come
Shell never be
ashamed to
have you show
1st Door N Com Hotel Red 428
A Sane Fourth
H an absolutely colorless event
less Fourth may be properly denom
inated sane why McCook had it
Many people had to pinch themselves
occasionally and to require the assur
ance of their neighbors that the day
was in fact the Fourth
There was little decoration and
but a minor individual discharge of
fireworks Business was suspended
during part of the day and quite a
number went elsewhere or to neigh
borhood celebrations or nearby
proves and quietly picnicked
Subscribers For Chautauqua Tickets
There are a few subscribers for
Chautauqua tickets that 1 have not
been able to call personally on yet It
would be a great favor if you would get
all ready to take your tickets and I will
send some one to deliver the ticket be
fore Wednesday If that is not conven
ient call at either one of the three drug
3tores and they will give you your tick
ets before Wednesday morning
Chas W Taylor Local Agent
There Are No Better
washing machine than the One Min
ute or Motor but we have others as
low as four dollars Let us show
you washing machines
exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo
tor the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
jier pound
On Bargain Square
We offer a number of good sized
telescope suit cases canvas covered
for 69 c each The Thompson D G
Co- Utmost value
by using
Money With Cows
a Sharpless or DeLavel
separator Dont postpone tins as we
tave separators all sizes and prices
against scarlet fever by procuring
sood disinfectants We sell them
A McMILLEN Druggist
Those Linen Laces
-are wonderful bargains at 5c per
yard See them at H C Clapps
Jloney To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Our cold cream never grows ran
ckL Price 30 cents
L W McCONNELL Drussist
Not the ONLY but the newest and
best f uruished four - chair barber shop
in the city Bruns Barber Shop and
Baths 112 Main street
McDonnell fills prescriptions
Befer to leading men whom I have con
ducted sales of all kinds for
Judgment For Red Willow County
The well known fees case the
case of Red Willow county against
Hans I Peterson ex sheriff of this
county charging unlawfully convert
ing fees belonging to said county to
his own use came up in an adjourned
term of district court June 27th in
this city before Judge Orr upon the
demurrer of the defendants and
judgment was rendered in favor of
Red Willow county and against Hans
I Peterson A D Johnson Wm H
Ackerman C G Wilhelm E A
Phillippi A G Bump H Barba
zette P Walsh and H W Parker
and each of them in the sum of
52081 together with seven per cent
interest thereon from date and costs
of suit
This information is offered by the
county attorneys office as disposing
of a matter of considerable moment
which has been a source of no little
comment in the county since the case
was first opened
When you paint its a satisfaction
to know that your money and labor
are well spent They are well ex
pended when you cover your build
ings with pure lead zinc and lin
seed oil Paint that looks well when
applied can be had anywhere
Paint that will look well three or
Tour years hence is not so easily
will look well in six or eight years
and even longer We are in a posi
tion to make the strongest possible
claims for this paint and will stand
jack of it
L W McCONNELL Druggist
On Bargain Square
means not in regular stock goods
taken from regular stock and put
in a separate place which we call
Bargain Square These offerings
- -
are worth your watching as the
prices made are only a part of their
value One item that we put on to
day is 15 doz Boys dark colored
doubled seamed shirts for G 8 10
and 12 years at 19c a piece The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
A New Captain for Co M
Second Lieutenant J Roy Weiden
hamer has been elected captain of
company M First regiment of Ne
raska national guards of our city
to succeed Captain Alvin R Scott
Ray L Huber was chosen second
lieutenant to fill vacancy made by
elevation of Mr Wiedenhamer
Both elections have been approved
by Adjutant General Hartigan
To Trade by McCook Land Co
320 acres to trade for mdse
160 acres to trade for house and
320 acres relinguishment near
good town running water improved
Stock of hardware to trade for
Routt county lands our specialt
fice under Citizens National Bank
Miss Morrissey Assists
This evening Miss Gertrude Mo
of our city will assist Misses
Florence and Ruth Malone and Bes
sie Manning all of Lincoln in a mu
sical and literary recital in Beaver
City under auspices of the ladies
of the Presbyterian church
Garter G Won at Fremont
Carter G owned by William Jef
fries of this city won a race in
three straight heats at Fremont
close of last week making a re
cord of 212 Carter G was also
at Tekamah Mr Jeffries return
ed home first of this week
Cook Stoves and Ranges
you will find at our store a large
line to select from Dont be de
ceived by paying peddlers two
On Bargain Square
We offer 50 ladies gauze vests cf
50 cent quality at 25 cents on ac
count of their color black Very
fine quality with silk tapes The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
H C Clapp Offers
everything in dry goods at one fifth
less than the regular prices See
his ad
Coming Pretty Thick
A young man by the name of May
field had his hand blown off July
4th at Yuma Coio by attempting
to discharge a sky rocket in his hand
The bones were shattered to tHe el
bow The automobile courier who
was sent to his fathers farm south
of Yuma with the sad news learned
that the fathers house had been
struck by lightning and entirely de
It is a good thing to utterly re
lax once in a while and let the world
run itself for a little time There is
no greater aid to entire relaxation
to perfect ease than a good ham
mock This is the kind of hammocks
we have at the right prices
L W McCONNELL Druggist
On Bargain Square
This and coming week you will fin
many odd and broken lines of goods
at very small prices One lot is abdut
30 pairs of ladies scuffed and odd
shoes for 39 cents a pair mostly
size 3 The first comers will carry
these off The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Sleeping Tents
are nice in warm weather We
have 12x14 heavy tents for only 12
This is a bargain for a limited num
ber only
On Bargain Square
We offer a bunch of ladies 500
dress skirts slightly mussed and
soiled for 250 Alterations free the
same as on regular skirts The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
The 1765 is among those getting new
The 1950 and 1061 received their war
paint this week
New tires were given the 1911 this
week and new flues to the 1950
Way car 11253 is up from the J
flower branches for an overhauling in
the local yard
Engine 235S is over the drop pit for
repairs of that nature Also for new
flues brass and cylinder work
LDts of new flue work is going on so
Mac says in order to place the power
in first class shape for the fall business
Conductor E O Scott resumed his
old car yesterday It has been in the
yard for the past month being overhaul
Way car No 14406 is in the yard for
repairs having been quite badly dam
aged in a collision near Atlanta last
The Republican Valley Medical Association Makes
a Record in Its
Greatest Attendance Ever and Strongest Program Presented in
YearsFine Banquet Toasts and General Felicitations
The Tribune feels like congratu
lating the association and the local
committee especially upon the signal
success of the meeting of The Repub
lican Valley Medical association held
in McCook last week Thursday
The attendance totaled between 50
and 75 a record breaker and the
strength of the program offered was
a common source of congratulation
In addition to the doctors of the as
sociation there were present sever
al from outside among them being
Dr Davis of Omaha who commenced
the practice of his profession in this
city in 1885 and who has since
gained a state wide reputation as a
surgeon also Dr Rich of Omaha
and others
The professional session com
menced at ten in the morning and
occupied the rest of the day until
about supper time when an auto
mobile ride over the city gave them
the proper gastronomic condition to
enjoy the splendid dinner spread by
the ladies of the Order of the Easter
Star in the banquet room of the Tern
pie at six oclock
Following this daintily prepared and
cleverly served banquet were a few
toasts with Dr W C Bartlett of
Alma as toastmaster
There were responses by Dr B
B Davis of Omaha Dr Rich of Oma
ha Dr Henry Farrell of Axtell
Dr C L Fahnestock of McCook Dr
J O Hoffman of Orleans and for th
laity by F M Kimmell of McCook
which concluded a social session
quite enjoyable
The personnel of the association
represented a fine intellectual man
hood men of standing and force in
their respective communities and the
net professional and social results
garnered could not be inconsiderable
Quite a number of the doctors were
accompanied by their wives which
added to the social side effectively
and gracefully
The menu of the banquet trans
lated into the lingo of the fraternity
iss appended
Stomach Teaser
Jewish Rarebit Emulsion
Chinese Spuds Pills in Capsules
Tomato Poultice Casein Granules
Hospital Rulls Poison
Gall Stones
Ice Pack Taste Remover
Depresso Motors
Chautauqua in City Park
The Big Chautauqua will be
held in the City Park No nicer
pfacecanbe found in -Southwest
Nebraska the real Chautau
aua surroundings The sale of
season tickets points to the larg
est attendance ever This will
be the event of the season for
McCook You cant afford to
miss it Everybody come Come
out and enjoy the evening con
certs in the delightful shade of
the City Park
Mens Stout Overalls 44 cents
Thej are doubled stitched bib over-
alls with swinging arm pocKets
riveted buttons and made of a very
substantial durable and twisted
blue denim Jackets to match them
at the same price Sizes 32 to 46
waist The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
Improvements at Pastime
Manager Harmon has been taking
advantage of the temporary shut
down at the Pastime to make
some improvements on the interior
Calsoming etc
Reduction in Storage Coal
We are making a reduction on coal
sold now for storage Take advant
age of this cut price See or phone
Updike Grain Co Phone 169
buy nothing but
25 cents buys a
bottle of blackberry balsam at
Buggies and Harness
that are fully guaranteed to give
you satisfaction
Get a Blue Flame
Perfection oil stove at the McCook
Hardware Co and do your cooking
and baking easy
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Why not plan on being in McCook
for the big Chautauqua beginning
July 13
McConnell for drugs
Theodore Roosevelt says A
Chautauqua is the most thoroughly
democratic of all American institu
tions Lets all plan to attend at
McCook beginning July 13
rib tine
Sixieth Wedding Anniversary
Happily Celebrated Today
The celebration of the wedding an
niversary of Mr and Mrs G B Net
tleton today marks the sixtieth mile
stone of the road which this inter
esting couple has traveled together
The story of Mr and Mrs Nettle
tons early life reads like a chapter
from an old time book Mrs Nettle
ton was born in Massachusetts 77
years ago and Mr Nettleton in Con
necticut 82 years ago They were
married in Berkshire county Mass
June 21 1850 They lived in Massa
chusetts until 1872 when they moved
to Red Willow county Nebraska
where they settled on a homestead
In Nebraska they had all the trials
of pioneer life to contend with at
one time losing everything they pos
sessed in a prairie fire and having
their crops eaten by grasshoppers
two or three times
Mr Nettleton was the first super
intendent of Red Willow county serv
ing in that capacity for two terms
The family moved to Colorado in 1896
and Mr and Mrs Nettleton celebrat
ed their golden wedding in the Crip
ple Creek district ten years ago
Mr Nettleton is a carpenter by
trade and still spends his time at
the business He is a musician of
ability and has taught both vocal and
instrumental music for years He
still retains his purity and clearness
of tone and can sing better today
than the average young person
Mrs Nettleton has retained the
thrifty habits engendered by years
of life on the frontier and is always
employed at something She has a
liking for fancy work and especially
knitting and has several pieces which
have taken prizes at various exhibi
They have raised a large family of
nine children four boys and five girls
five of whom are now living Mrs
William Fitch the oldest who resid
es at McCook Neb and R F Net
tleton who is in Idaho were unable
to attend the celebration today
which took the form of a picnic at
Prospect Lake
Mrs Gaddy of 1026 East Costillo
street C A Nettleton 818 East San
Miguel street and Miss Elizabeth
Nettleton who lives with her parents
were present to enjoy the delightful
The Nettleton family enjoys the
distinction of four living generations
being represented by Mrs Nettleton
her daughter Mrs Fitch aged 56 her
grand daughter Mrs Fred Adams
aged 25 and her great grand daughter
Miss Mildred Adams aged 3
hi buying your papers before you
have seen our papers or let us fi
gure on your papering We have as
large a stock as was ever shown in
this part of the state and many in
dependent patterns We can show
you papers for any room in the house
in either cheap or good quality pa
papers and know we are in a positioi
to save you money See and be con
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Reduction in Storage Coal
We are making a reduction on coal
sold now for storage Take
age of this cut price See or phone
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Every Thing in Dry Goods
and ladies furnishings is reduced
from 20 to 507o next week at H
C Clapps
Better Buy Those
table clothes during H C Clapps
One Fifth Off sale
McCook Chautauqua begins July 13
See special chautauqua advertising
in other columns of this paper
Get that season ticket now and
save 50c per ticket See Supt Chas
W Taylor secretary
Wall paper and paint A large
stock of the best quality
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The Farmers
Busy Season
Thesn aro busy times
on the farm The farm
ers working day lusts
from daylight to dark and
leaves him little time to
got to town If any of
you however got any
sum of money and wish
to deposit it just send it
in by mail You will re
ceive full credit for it
iust as if you handed it
over the countor Dont
run the risk of keeping
your cash around the
house oven fora few days
when you can so easily
put it in the bank
P Walsh Presidont
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OUkikj Cahr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
The regular services will be resum
ed again Sunday
Morning subject Why I Think
Christianity has never been tried
I preach on this subject to answer
if possible the questions in the minds
of some regarding a statement made
a few weeks ago by myself from
the pulpit Evening subject Does
it Pay
Christian Science
Subject for Sunday morning July
10th will be Sacrament
Morning theme Paradoxes of Christ
ianity Usual evening services li
Y P U topic What is Christian
Citizenship The Lords Supper will
be observed after tho morning service
Usual morning and evening preaching
services and other regular services of
day and coming week
Keeper Found With Intoxicants In Her
Possession and Pleads Guilty
and is Bound Over to Dis
trict Court
The disorderly house of Laura Hughes
on the west sido was raided by the pol
ice Wednesday night by order of
Mayor Huber Policeman Philip Trout
was the complaining witness Blue
Ribbon beer to the amount of 93 bottles
was taken and destroyed Pleading
guilty the prisoner was placed in the
county jail in default of 51000 00 bail
The case was tried before County Judge
In case of lack of bail Madame
Hughes spent the night in the county
Dodo Nono
The proposed production in Mc
Cook by local talent of King Dodo
has been passed up by those promoting
Updike Grain Co Phone 169 fthe enterprise on account of the ex-
KDcciva finrnrinl rlomnrnlci of thri5r ill
Large Four Passenger
Lawn Swings
at 3S00 delivered and set up You
can take comfort in one of them
the east who control the rights and
costumes and other etceteras essent
ial to the proper production of the
comic opera
On Bargain Square
We offer about 40 pairs of misses
red lace hose for 9 cents These
are a broken lot from regular stock
and have sold at 15c and ISc accord
ing to sizes Price on Bargalit
Square now 9c a pair The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
Gasoline and OH Stoves
can he used a good part of the year
with comfort and economy Save
your health and strength by getting
one now at the McCook Hardware
100000 to Loan on Farms
See Dorwart Barger Office
basement Citizens National bank
Liquid Poultry Food
guaranteed to cure roup cholera andl
gaps For sale by M Walsh
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97