The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 26, 1910, Image 1

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Bring Your List Here
and you will get well served with
the very best qualities of Groceries
Ve keep a fresh stock constantly on
tiand and guarantee the purity of
every article we handle We want
you to try our groceries because we
inow you can not match them any
where in town at such positively
3ow prices To prove this just fa
vor us with a trial order
Iook for Saturday Snaps at
D B Doyle Phone 47
5 There is no better or more
refreshing drink than
- All flavors C R Wood-
worth Druggist
Sudden Call of Mrs E E Magee
Mr and Mrs Kimmell were sum
moned to Aurora Nebraska Sunday
morning on No 2 by telephone mes
sage announcing the sudden death
of Mrs E E Magee Saturday night
at 915 oclock Mrs J B Meserve
mother of the departed arrived from
Los Angeles California Wednesday
Jand the remains were taken to Lin
coln Thursday for interment in Wy
uka cemetery
Mrs Magee will perhaps be better
known to Tribune readers as Edna
Taylor Meserve having been for
years a resident of McCook and a
teacher in the public schools as
Was her husband Mr Magee who
survives her together with two
young sons Bruce aged six years
and a baby boy four months old
E Schell Kimmell Vent down to
Aurora Wednesday morning to at
tend the interment in Lincoln
Mrs Meserve and Mrs Kimmell
will remain in Aurora a short while
before returning to McCook
Very tenderest sympathy goes out
to the bereaved ones
Five Hundred and Whist
Mr and Mrs A McMillen enter
tained a company of young folks at
their home last Friday evening
Five hundred and whist occupied the
earlier part of the evening after
which refreshments consisting of
salad sandwiches and cocoa and
brick ice cream and cake were
served The event was one of much
social pleasure
Large strong hammocks just what
should be on your porch or lawn
We have different styles and prices
sill of which are very comfortable
Come in and lookhem over L W
SlcConnell druggist
Cream Batiste 32J4c
- also tan red and dark red bright
pink and grey Drapes softly wash
able 32c The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
Electric Power I
Those who want ELEC
TRIC POWER can purchase
rnoters from The McCook Elec
trie Co at cost plus freight
Day service will start on or
before Jan 15
Let us figure on your power
We will furnish day current
McCook Elect Co
A F and A M Meeting
Special meeting of McCook Lodge No
135 A F A M Tuesday May 31 at
S p m Work in M M degree
By Order of the W M
C L FahxestoCk Secy
Post Season Offering at the Temple
Theatre Both a Thespian and a
Financial Success
The presentation of St Elmo
last Saturday night drew out the
theatre going people of McCook in
such number as has been equaled
only by the opening night many
out-of-town people also availing
themselves of the opportunity of wit
nessing this excellent production
The company is perhaps the strong
est with the George Amusement Co
just closing an eastern tour and ful
filled the expectations of the theatre
patrons to a remarkable degree In
deed many expressed a desire for a
return engagement next season
The story is too well known to re
quire comment as to plot and such
embellishments as Miss Hayward
thought necessary for a popular
dramatization rather added to its in
terest Both company and manage
ment are to be congratulated on the
success of the attraction
For Medical Association Meeting
Tke local committee of the Repub
lican Valley Medical Association met
Monday evening to outline plans for
the entertainment of visiting dele
gates to the meeting which will be
held June 30 in the Masonic hall
in this city A morning and an
afternoon session will be held Fol
lowing the afternoon session the doc
tors will make an automobile tour of
the city and in the evening a ban
quet will be spread in the Masonic
banquet hall
Arrangements are being made for
the accommodation of nearly a hun
dred of the profession and the local
committee is leaving no stone un
turned in their effort to show the
hospitality of our people and set out
the advantages of McCook as a con
vention city
The association numbers in its
membership physicians from Oxford
3o the Colorado line
Happy Kodakers
There is something about kodaks
that seems to gladden the heart
What pleasanter pastime can one
have than seeing Natures beauty
If you would like to join the ranks
of the kodakers call in and see our
line of
These cameras are wonderfully easy
to operate and even the lowest
priced ones take good pictures We
have everything you need in kodak
supplies at the lowest price and guar
antee fresh goods at all times L
W McConnell druggist
A Double Wedding
Invitations are out to a double
wedding the parties to this happy
event being Mr Raymond Peterson
and Miss Nellie Campbell and Mr
Charles A Campbell and Miss Anna
Peterson All the parties live in
the Osburn Frontier county neigh
borhood The date of the wedding
is June 1
Decoration Day
Flowers of every description Cape
Jasamine the waxy white fragrant
flower for Decoration Day Peonies
roses and carnations all colors and
white daisies Call red 214 and ask
for prices
March Johnson Props
A Man Wanted
Wanted A man who has finished
a house with cheap varnish When
he needs a varnish again he will in
quire for Chi Namel at McConnells
Students Vocal Recital
The students of Miss Elva Barber
will give a private vocal recital at
the home of Mrs LeRoy Kleven on
Friday evening
Hemp Carpets 35c
Reversible durable moth
The Thompson D G Co
of muslin underwear at H C
Clapps Get your share
Long Sleeve Apron 65c
at The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
College I
R A Terry of Caro Mich
will on May tho 28th give a
public domons ration on dross
making in Monta Cristo Hall
McCook Neb
Mr Ferry haB make this
work a life study and all lad
ies who are interested in well
fitting gowns should not miss
this demonstration as there
will be goo s cut and fited on
a living model and a talk tell
ing how to fit all styles of
gowns Special interest is giv
en to Dressmakers and High
School girls
School Will open on the fol
lowing Monday OVER
j j ijt j ji j j J
Commencement Exercises
Annual commencement exercises
of the High School were held in the
High School Auditorium Wednesday
evening For the first time in a num
ber of years there was no admission
fee charged Before the time of
opening the auditorium was filled
Special credit is due the pupils of the
schools who gave the vocal musical
Following is the program
March Onward Eilenburg
Overture The Smugglers Bride Bohm
I Tp OrcliGstrix
Sng To Thee Our Country Eichberg
Pupils of sixth seventh eighth grades
Song Selected High School Girls
Glee Club
Class Oration Things are not Always
What They Seem Dr CN Dawson
Selection from Royal Chef Jerome
K P Orchestra
Song Morning Invitation G A Vasio
High School Girls Glee Club
March Greetings Sutton
K P Orchestra
Mayors Proclamation
As Monday May 30th 1910 is a
day set aside by our National Govern
ment in memory of those heroes who
gave their lives for the preserva
tion of this country I appeal to all
citizens to assist the G A R Post in
observing this day I kindly ask all
places of business in the city of Mc
Cook to close between the hours of ll
oclock a m and 4 oclock p in
on the above date
McCook Public Building Bill
The state papers recently publish
ed a statement that Senator Burkett
had introduced a bill for the erection
of a federal building at McCook A
bill for this appropriation was intro
duced by Congressman Norris early
in the present session and is being
carefully looked after by him with
a good prospect for its passage
The judge should be a better adver
You Must Get a Move on You
Hurry to McConnells wall paper
room and make your selections and
have the paper laid away so you
will be sure of getting just what you
want Every day the paper is being
picked over and if you select now
we can make a special order for you
if you cant find in stock what you
Fined 25 and Costs
T J Caraway of Curtis was up be
fore Police Judge Heaton Wednesday
evening charged with being drunk
and disorderly His fine was fixed
at 2500 and costs which he has
thus far failed to pay evidently pre
ferring the hospitality of our offi
for pleasure comfort and use We
have couch chair and swing ham
mocks at very low prices for the
quality Let us show you A Mc
Millen druggist
We Are Serving Ice Cream and Ice
Cream Soda
with all the accessories Give us
a call and we will please you A
McMillen druggist
The Tribunes Birthday
With this issue The Tribune pass
es into the twenty ninth year of its
Large Hair Nets 5c
at The Thompson D G Co Utmost
One of the Enjoyable Social Affairs
of the Early Spring
Monte Cristo hall was a merry re
sort last Friday evening on the oc
casion of the dance given by the
young ladies of the city who have
enjoyed the courtesy of the young
men of the Fortnightly club during
the past winter Almost a score of
couples participated in the affair
which evidenced the skill and taste
of the gentler sex in its every de
Of course hearts were the decora
tive detail and red hearts at that
with red crepe paper to boot every
There was a cosy corner done
in grape vines the gentler sex are
sometimes pictured as clinging
creatures At any rate it was pretty
and feminine
There was a refreshment booth
presided over by Mrs H P Waite
and Mrs Leroy Kleven chaperones
The colors in the booth decoration
were red and white
There was a four piece orchestra
to supply the terpsichorean inspira
The young ladies called for their
gentlemen guests of the evening
White Bed Spreads 79c
to 375 Stork pants for babies 25c
Opaque window shades 25c Boys
blue denim jackets 35c Childs
gingham dresses emby trimmed for
29c Rompers 25c to 50c Childs
parasols 10c to 75c Mosquito net
ting 5c yard Bleached and unbleach
ed muslin 51c Best prints 5Jc
Best oil cloth 15c yd 36 inch black
taffeta silk 79c Mens suits 500
to 1650 Boys washable suits 50c
75c and 100 Boys double front and
seat bib overalls 44c Mens stout
blue overalls plain or bib for 44c
Jackets to match Silk petticoats
399 to 500 Heatherbloom petti
coats 85c to 250 The Thompson
Dv G Co One price plain figures
cash only
For Sale
320 acres 14 miles from McCook
7 miles from Traer Kas This is a
fine tract of land and well worth
2500 an acre Improvements lair
Plenty of fence School only a few
rods On R F D Must be sold
quick Address for price and fur
ther information
St Francis Kans
All Citizens
As we have purchased a road leve
ler and expect to use it in the alleys
we must insist that all alleys are
cleaned at once and kept clean The
alleys are intended for traffic and Ave
expect to work them same as the
streets Please give this prompt at
Memorial Day Postoffice Hours
On Monday May 30 the McCook
postoffice will observe Memorial day
and will close for the day at 1 p
m City carriers will make the morn
ing delivery only There will be no
delivery on rural routes All mails
will be dispatched at the usual hours
LON CONE Postmaster
You May Be Too Late
If you dont select your wall paper
soon you may be too late to find ex
actly what you want in stock but we
will be glad to make a special order
for you Come now and see our wall
papers L W McConnell druggist
Another Fine Rain
This vicinity was blessed with a
fine rain last Friday night the pre
cipitation amounting to about an
inch coming too gently it was prac
tically all conserved
Lace Curtains 85c to 650
per pair In white Arabian red
green Curtain stuffs per yard at
12 c to 50c Brass curtain rods 10c
to 25c The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
f Jl J j J4 J J J g j 4 Jt tyt T J y J J J f J
Buy a hammock take life
easy let the other fellow do
the work Hammocks We
have them at all prices from
100 up They are now on
display come and look them
over C R Woodworth Drug-
Members of the Rebekah Degree In
S W Nebraska Meet in McCook
Members from about a dozen
lodges of the Rebekah degree met
in McCook last Friday evening in
a district gathering Lodges at
Trenton Haigler Cambridge Lexing
ton Culbertson Indianola and Bart
ley were among those represented by
Emma L Talbot of Omaha state
secretary of the degree was here
in person and with the assistance of
the staff from Cambridge gave the
degree work of the order in fine
form The Cambridge team is re
garded as one of the best drilled in
this part of Nebraska About twenty
members of that lodge were here
A delightful social hour or two fol
lowed the work and then refresh
ments were served by the local Odd
Fellows and Rebekas who provided
their visiting brothers and sisters a
splendid spread
There were in the meeting about
one hundred Odd Fellows and Re
bekahs and it was an early morning
hour before adjournment
Middies Will Cruise Shortly
Midshipman Earl F Enright writes
from the U S naval academy at
Annapolis Md that the middies
there are about to engage in a prac
tice cruise of several months They
will leave Anapolis on June 5 going
directly to Plymouth England where
a special train will convey the boys
to London town for a weeks stay
From England they go to Marseilles
France and from there to Gibralter
Spain Tangiers Africa the Madei
ra Islands off the coast of Africa
and then the boys will be homeward
bound stopping a week at the Azores
and another week at Solomon Island
in Chesapeake bay This brings
them home about September 1 when
the boys will be given a months
leave of absence at home Earl
states that this cruise is attracting
more than common attention in Eng
land and France for the reason that
it has been several years since the
middies have visited either of these
School Census
An effort is being made by the
school authorities to get the most
complete school census possible
Family cards have been sent out to
every family represented in the
school It is desirable that the par
ents fill out these cards and send
them back to school as soon as pos
sible A word of explanation is due
The size of the school census and
total population of the town are im
mediately essential in giving the
town influence in a commercial way
In the state at large we want to
boost for McCook The school dis
trict draws state apportionment
money for every person between ihe
ages of Jix and twenty one in the
school district Every one should
co operate with the school authori
ties by filling cut carefully all
blanks on the cards sent home
Uncle Billy Dead
William L Black known to the
printing fraternity in this part of
Nebraska as Uncle Billy died on
May 16 and on the ISth was buried
in Trenton cemetery He was in his
seventy fourth year one of the old
est active printers in the state
During the past twenty five years
departed has frequently been em
ployed on The Tribune in rush occa
sions We offer a tender tribute to
his memory
Notice of Equalization
Notice is hereby given that the
County Board of Equalization will
meet on the 14th day of June 1910
to equalize the 1910 pesonal assess
ment and will be in session at least
three days as provided by law
County Clerk
A Remarkable Sale
We are having a remarkable sale
on Chi Namel paints and varnishes
If you want the best there is for
your floors or wood work you will
use no other L W McConnell
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is tho exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
An Invitation
Wo invito you to provide
for your future welfare by
starting an account in our
bank Got a good sub
stantial sum laid by Then
if sickness or other misfor
tuno comes you will not
have to worry about whoro
tho noxt meal is coining
from Wo will show you
every courtesy and atten
tion at our bank and will
bo glad to soo you whether
your deposit is largo or
Why not start RIGHT
P Walsh President
C P Lehj V Pros
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughraa P F McKenna
Christian Science
Morning subject Ancient and
Modern Necromancy or Mesmerism
and Hypnotism
Subject of evening sermon Holy
Ground B Y P U topic The
Winged Message
There will be no preaching ser
vices Sunday on account of the ab
sence of the pastor
There will be no sermon in the
morning on account of the union ser
vice at the opera house Evening
subject The Other Little Ships
Taylor Verdict Affirmed
The Nebraska supreme court in
a decision filed Friday evening last
affirmed the action of the lower
court in giving Bert Taylor the
Minden murderer the extreme pen
alty of the law and the date of exe
cution has been fixed at October 28
The case was appealed on some tech
nical errors
New Employes at the Postoffice
Following the resignations of Miss
Vera E Dwyer substitute clerk and
Chas D Hall substitute carrier at
the McCook postoffice Postmaster
Cone has appointed Francis K Hall
as substitute clerk and Martin E
Morse as the substitute carrier
These nominations have gone to the
department for its approval
Entertained at Dinner
The spacious Rector home was the
scene of a very enjoyable social func
tion Tuesday evening when Miss
Cleo entertained a company of friends
at six oclock dinner The event
was fraught with details of a most
delightful character demonstrating
considerable skill and astuteness on
the part of the hostess and others
Ladies Net Waists 175
to 400 Soft mull waists with dutch
collars attached Messaline waists
375 Taffeta silk waists 300 to
500 The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Liquid Poultry Food
guaranteed to cure roup cholera and
gaps For sale by M Walsh
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
v j v
For Stock and Poultry
Lees Stock Tonic sks 72 8LJ5
m pkgs 50
Hog Remedy 75
pail 200
5 Conditions pkgs 25
Worm Powder 25
Egg Mak r 25
Lice Killer 35 60 LOO
Germozone 50
LJugKilier 25
Healing Oil 50
All for scLs by
100000 to Loan on Farms R Woodwokth Druggist
See L E Barger Room 3 over J
I ijjjj
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