The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1910, Image 7

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Enow Wliat
Clothes ScienceMeans
JATHER a technical term to use
for Clothes but when vou learn its trim
meaning you will see how it describes Clothcraft Clothes
F E Whitney
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Walter Hosier
Prompt Services Courteous
Treatment Reasonable Prices
Phones 13 and
Black 244
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
The makers have in
vented 207 different applian
that reduce the cost of producti ji
to a minimum So you can now
pet Clothcraft Clothes at a third
Ls than other clothes of equal
high grade That is Scientific Tailoring
It means economy and satisfaction foryou
We make a special feature of
Clothcraft Clothes They are guaran
teed pure wool and will hold their style
and shape until their last day
All Wool Clothes 10 io25
This is your invitation to come in and see our great gathering of Clothcraft Clothes
C L DeGroff Co McCook
Hughes Crescent
Cottage Paints
are sold in McCook by
Summer Coal
Try our Pea Co il
for summer use
Its All Coal
We carry a regu
lar stock of coal
and can meet all
your needs Phone
Updike Grain Co
What Happened
To Jones
And a lot of other
People Is Described In
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
lilts ilas frifrop
Congbegational Preaching at 11
and S oclock Sunday school at 10 a
m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at eight oclock The public is cor
dially invited to these services
Rev R T Bayne Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
xlbans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m Com
mucion 1st Sundajs 11 a m 3rd Sun
days 745 a m each mnuth All are
welcome to these services
E R Earlk Rector
Chki tian Sunday - school at ten
oclock Preaching 2nd and 4th Sun
day mornings and evenings C E at
7 oclock Elder F D Hobson
Catholic Order of services Mass
30 am Mass and sermon 103 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sundaj
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
Bryant Howe Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Preaching at 11 a m and 745
p m B Y P U 645 p m Prayer
meeting and Bible study on Wednesday
at 8 p m A most cordial invitation is
e nded to all to worship with us
Francis E Iams Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GostavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in church
corner of E and 6th street east every
Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans
oordially invited
Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Not So Black
The devil isnt as black as he Is
painted A good bit of his blackness
has been rubbed off on the people
who have tried to investigate the truth
of that comforting proverb New
York Times
Foleys Kidney Pills are antiseptic
tonic and restorative and a prompt
corrective of all urinary irregulari
ties Refuse substitutes A McMil
MnaM tmitu
ISriAM whose
thrilling story
naif a Chance is
attracting so much
attention has been
a mil nd tin world
several times and
his friends never tin
of hearing of his
m a n y experiences
Crossing the Hue
wit on the part of
crude repartee overheard by Mr Isham
on a recent trip
We simply dropped a day threw it
overboard going to Japan and today
we picked it up coming back loftily
explained the captain of a Pacific liner
to his fair neighbors at the dinner ta
What day was It you dropped
asked Miss Pert at his right
Tuesday maam
But the day you have picked up is
Monday wash day So you havent
reully picked up the day you lost
nave you now He tried to lind a
fit answer but coughed a little and
she clapped her hands Bur Ill tell
you what you could do captain Its
really a shame to let that poor day go
wandering around all by itself and
you might advertise for It when you
get ashore
In his new book The Indian and
nis Problem Francis E Leu pp for
mer commissioner of Indian affairs
says the problem has now reached a
stage where its solution is almost whol
ly a matter of administration Mere
sentiment has spent its day the moral
questions involved
have pretty well set
tled themselves
What is most need
ed from this time
forth is the guid
ance of affairs by an
independent mind
active sympathies
free from mawkish
ness an elastic pa
tience aud a steady
Besides as soon
as an Indian of
either mixed or full
l t
ak GvPSi
P E leupp
blood becomes capable of taking care
X - -V
w d howells
and does it ou a i
schedule He might
save a lot of time
if he dictated but
this he refuses to
One summer after
Mr Howells left for
Kittery Point Me
his secretary had
as follows Mr
Howells is in Eu
rope and it is im
practicable to reply to your Inclosed
communication This was the only
way to give Mr Howells a vacation
Mr Howells during his working sea
son does most of his writing in the
early morning hours He usually keeps
i tt
f s
i iLrX
c a rf
- r t iHiwfr irn gi hwBiiiTu
SE of the most
houses in the
world is the Loudon
residence ot Mrs
Patrick Campbell
the actress whose
recent entrance into
v a u 1 e v i I 1 e has
aroused so tu u It
interest md com
tiieut It is in its
nr furulshnieiu tnit
F S ISIIAM the iisisseliirers is tile Caillllbell residence uwi its Hlli
-- a
said to get on the nerves of the Pacific t distinction Each room in the house
ocean captains and here is a bit of
w sT
represents a uilTerent country and
within each room are gathered the
various trophies mementos and works
of art which Mrs Campbell associates
pleasantly with her visits to that par
ticular country
Her American room for example is
her music room Everything within it
is American made It has an Amer
ican piano The clock which stands
on a mantelpiece above which Is a
painting by Abbe the celebrated Amer
ican artist is American made The
light dome which hangs over the cen
ter table Is a fixture that was manu
factured in Pittsburg
What are the qualifications necessa
ry to become an American operatic
This question was asked of Hiccardo
Martin recently and he replied
1 should say that provided a young
man is gifted with a
good sinning voice
and he is possessed
ot a physique such
as is necessary for
an athlete and he
has plenty of light
ing blood in him
and he never knows
what it is to be
licked and he lias
such absolute self
mastery tnat he is
cold to snubs indifferent to icy treat
ment and also f be is not so sensitive
a plant that he worries much over ene
mies that he lias made in a mysterious
and most unaccountable manner not
forgetting that he must be willing to
work harder than in any other profes
sion in the world that he must have
so much patience that at the beginning
he can wait a month for an engage
ment and then swallow his disappoint
ment if he does not get it why then
stra te
of himself we should set him upon his I provided he is well supplied with inon
feet aud sever forever the ties which r ev
bind him either to his tribe iu the
communal sense or to the government
This principle is imperative as to both
laud and money Each Indian must
be recognized as an individual and so
treated just as each white man is
America knows no kindlier critic or
more energetic man of letters thau
William Dean Howells During the
past few years Mr Howells has I
eled widely contributing a great deal
of correspondence to the newspapers
and magazines Here is a man who i
does his own work
ui American may uupi if uccimih
a successful operatic tenor
During a recent performance of
Midchannel at the Empire theater
in New York
Miss Ethel Harrymore
was disturbed in the
midst of one ot her
most serious aud
moving scenes by a
commotion iu one of
the boxes People
were talking loudly
a n d excitedly in
French and appar
ently with an inso
lent disregard of the
performance As
soon as she could
leave the stage she
sent her manager to
the box to
It transpired that Clement the Met
ropolitan operatic tenor and a party ot
French friends none of whom under-
some slips printed stood English were in alarm over a
New York woman who was also In the
party and who had been so moved by
Miss Barry mores actiug that she had
broken into a flood of tears which her
French friends not understanding the
play could not for They
thought that she had been seized with
hysteria or some more serious illness
When Miss Barrymore learned the
at work until noon and he does not cause of the disturbance her indigua
work in the afternoon or evening He tion was changed to amusement
never dictates his work often he type
writes Gnding that it is easier to do
this than to use the pen He thinks
too that there is an easier flow of
thought by this method
In From the Bottom Dp the auto
biography of Alexander Irvine a lay
minister of the Church of the Asceu
sion in New York city one gets an ex
traordinary recital of a career that
few men care to tell the whole truth
about The opening words of the text
seem fully to justi
fy the title which
Mr Irviue has be
stowed upon his
The world iu
which I first found
myself he writes
was a world of
hungry people My
earliest sufferings
were the sufferings
of hunger physical
hunger It was not an unusual sight
to see the children of our neighbor
hood scratching the offal in the gut
terways for scraps of meat vegetables
and refuse Many times I have done
it myself
That paragraph will give the reader
the key to the sort of thing he is to
expect If he follows the narrative to
the end through the remarkable se
ries of employments which have led
the author by degrees to his present
position You are warned at the out
set However there are plenty of pic
turesque incidents
William Norris the actor manager
might write a most amusing book en
titled The Troubles of a Manager
he has had so many experiences in
this direction In speaking of them
recently he said
Troubles never come singly to the
producing manager In My Cinderella
tiiri they came in
large and varied
chunks ou our open
ing night in Chica
go One of our prin
cipal members in
the cast sent word
at S oclock just as
the orchestra was
about to be rung
Z i
in that he was too aoiciMS as adonis
ill to appear We had no understudy
no one ready to replace him
At the end of the third week of re
hearsals we thought we would try out
our goat a most important factor in
the cast so the actors would become
used to Billy aud he would hesitate
to butt them without due and just
cause Mr Goat was led to rehearsals
by a cullud gemmen from New Jer
sey Both of them appeared thorough
ly intoxicated I asked the black man
how it happened and he said Oh the
goat and me had a few drinks
My next roundup of goats came
from Central park Mr Goat called on
mo in my dressing room the opening
night and when my back was turued
for a moment he immediately seized
and afe all the grease paint from my
dressing table This delayed the cur
tain while I sent out for more makeup
Romarkablo Feat of That Heroic Old
Walker Edward Payoon Weston
The feat of walking from Los An
geles to New York which Edward
Payson Weston recently brought to a
happy conclusion Is unique lu the an
mils of sport The original program
laid out by the dauntless pedestrian
called for the covering of the distance
from the Atlantic to the Pacific ap
proximately sfS0 miles in ninety
walking days In the race of rains
and sioriie in defiance of heat and
cold undeterred by numerous minor
incidents and in Hie last stages of
the jiniey trudging along lu spite of
a sprained ankle the heroic old walker
has made it lu sevent seven days
Glorious as Is this iiuplisliment
from the point of view f sport pure
and simple it assumes the character
of greatness when it is considered
firM that Weston Is seventv rwo vears
Elf -
r - 5
Hiiokj by American Press Association
old and second that no tempting
monetary prize was held out to the
old man as a reward for his heart
breaking feat
The transcontinental walk was made
by the aged philosopher and athlete
not for mouey nor yet for fame but
as an object lesson to the youth of
America of the beneficial results to
be attained through walking Weston
has crossed the continent as the apos
tle of the gospel of walking
This achievement would tax the
physical resources of a young man
and is nothing short of wonderful
when we realize that it is the work of
one who has exceeded the Biblical al
lotment of years Weston is some
thing more than the mere performer
of a pedestrian stunt He is one of
the finest examples iu the whole world
of what orderly living sensible diet
and judicious exercise will do to pre
serve a good constitution to the enjoy
ment of a rugged old age
The aged pedestrian at seventy two
tramping sixty and seventy miles a
day without serious fatigue Is worth
more as an example to the rising gen
eration than all the Marathon runners
that ever abused the priceless possi
bilities of human legs
President of National Democratic
League Directs Many Enterprises
The recent Jeffersonian banquet un
der the auspices of the National Demo
cratic League of Clubs has brought
much into prominence of late the pres
ident of that organization Colonel Wil
liam C Liller of Indianapolis lie has
had an active and interesting career
Although a lawyer and journalist by
profession Colonel Liller is engaged iu
other pursuits Besides being presi
dent of a large mail box corporation
that is doing business in every state in
the Union he is director in other mer
cantile industries and active in the
promotion and development of water
power plants and irrigatiou projects in
Washington and Idaho He is a
tive of Kentucky having been born in
Louisville in 1S7S and after being edu
cated in the public and private schools
of that city and in the University of
Tennessee settled in Indianapolis
Colonel Liller was the organizer and
founder of the National Democratic i
League of Clubs and bus civen freely
of his time and finances iu making it
a large and powerful organization
Being a young man who enters into
any work he undertakes with the
greatest enthusiasm the league is ex
pected to grow rapidly in membership
and influence uiIer his management
The National Democratic League of
Clubs has now established twenty one
state leagues or federation of clubs
and enrolled a membership of over
023000 among its members being
some of the most prominent men In the
Follow this advice
Quaker Oats is the best of all foods
ft is also the cheapest When such
men as Prof Fisher of Yale University
and Sir James Crichton Browne
LLD FRS of London spend the
best parts of their lives in studying
the great question of the nourishing
and strengthening qualities of different
foods it is certain that their advice is
absolutely safe to follow
Professor Fisher found in his ex
periments for testiifg the strength and
endurance of athletes that the meat
caters were exhausted long before the
men who were fed on such food as
Quaker Oats The jiowcrs of endur
ance of the non meat eaters were
about eight times those of the meat
Sir James Crichton Browne says
eat more oatmeal eat plenty of it and
eat it frequently g
Thats All
---- --
But we can meet your
every need in theso
lines from our large
and complete stocKs
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
yjyqyyF w w vwrrrrm
Mike Wal
1 V V V P V 1
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across tlnCrtrtlr l
street in P Wuleh buililiw IWVUUtS
Snrr imW p v fl i ft v v v ryyifrtrww
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 AlcCook Neb
Office over ElecricThcatre on Main Ave
WiuAfitVJlMil iltfctM
Dr Herbert J Fratl
KKOivrnRED okdi ati
Office 2I2Mainav ovr MrfonwIPs
DruK Store McCook N o
Telephones Office Wfi
If rsidencc Black I -I
5t v WVv Tft r t r r i v i t t r1 v wwi
R H Gatewood 3
Oflice Koom 1 Masonic temple 4
h Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 9C
Dr J A Golfer
Room Pcstoffics Blildog
rhPCVK3Ai 3n I BEflBb W1 t sJt
Trade PIarks
Copyrights c
Anvone sendlnc a sketch and description may
fjnlcklr ascertain our cpr n free whether aD
invention Is r niba 7 ritevable Communica
tions strictly coiitldcrtlal HPiDEOOl on Patents
sent free Oldest auency for pecurnspatents
Patents taken throush Munn Co recelTC
spteiul notice without charge la the
cietimic mumi
A handsomely HutratPd weekly Jjireest cir
culation of any scientific Jn nul Terms J3 n
year four months L Sold by all newsdealer
MUNN New York
Branch Office C35 F St Washington V C