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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1910)
N J f I 4 TWENTY EIGHTH C - i Bring Your List Here anil you will get well served with he very best qualities of Groceries We ieep a fresh stock constantly on ianiJ and guarantee the purity of eery article we handle We want n to try our groceries because we Stnow you can not match them any where in town at such positively prices To prove this just fa var us with a trial order Hoolc for Saturday Snaps at THE BEE HIVE SL B Dovle Phono 47 McCOOK COMMERCIAL CLUB 9EeHng on Tuesday Evening is Well Attended New Board of Directors Chosen John Cordeal the New President The McCook Commercial club elected sarrrssw board of directors Tuesday eve ofirg quite a fair representation of the tmanibership participating The new board is constituted as 5nws JL Barnott ELP Sutton tjLEr Fahnestock jIL E Kelley XE Cordeal ST Gaardo MLZJawritson L W N t H P Waite F A Pennell H C Clapp C H Boyle H W Conover J E Ludwick Li Thorgrimson McConnell T3ie club on motion authorized and fcnsfr acted the census committee com gussd of M Lawritson L Suess and TTijKiorgTiinson to confer with the city emcacil concerning the matter of secur fnzg acensus of the several additions sur axnasrdinsr the city but which are not Uncorded as sub divisions of the incor fjcrrstjon On behalf of the rest room committee HI J Clapp reported that the commit Ets had secured the front basement aanrca under the Commercial hotel at month and that the committee fiisd raised sufficient funds by among the business and profession tiHnicn of the city to finance the project year That the ladies of the W C T U had furnished and were taiagcare of the rest room Junior Normal The time of season is coming now tyen the citizens begin to think of tkxs opening of the regular annual session of the Junior Normal school Gas of the important things is the securing of accommodations As a class Junior Normal students are not SiFs money spenders and many like to economize as much as possible in thear expenses Those who would liks to room or board Junior Normal students should call up Miss Bett cer xr Supt Taylor over the phone ox drop a card in the postoffice In dlcntions are for a large attendance ttiils year Zlie session will open June 6 and Sasfc until July 29 Special attrac tions for the teachers have been pro xriSecl for the institute week begin 3xbEg June 13 This will be the week aZ largest attendance Catholic Bazaar The Catholic ladies will open a ba SCTfcT iu Menard hall Tuesday May 17 vs i oclock for sale of aproos bonnets atJE In the evening there will be a 5aace for the young and cards for others Hffiach will be served free in the eve- Baby Caps and Bonnets dfust received a splendid line of head opeer for the babies in mulls lawn3straws silks including crocheted ones Also fea corded white washable sun hats and tfte little sun bonnets 20c to 1 The SStompson D G Co Utmost value Need a Binder ZE so give us an order now for a Steering the best all around machine am the market McCook Hardware There is satisfaction for everybody in nx wall paper stock We are showing aisoperb line of papers which will in tisesst you even if you are not ready zSo paper L W McConnell Druggist Of the Bret Hartc Type Do not make the mistake of think ing that the new play As the Sun Went Down is a typical wild and woolly drama of the sort that the stage has had so many Instead it is a clean cut story of a type that en dears Bret Harte to lovers of hu manity interpreted by Arthur C Als tons company in a sincere digni fied appreciative and intelligent way Geo D Baker wrote this play and he is consistent and he has the bulge on the average western drama by never being impossible It is a play almost entirely of western types simple and direct in story and heart reaching The company is headed by Estha Williams and she is supported by a first class cast including Edwin Walter W A Whitecar Victory Bateman Flora Byam Margaret Mil lar Arthur Chatterdon Geo A Cleveland Arthur W Bentley R F Sullivan William Taylor and others of equal note At the Temple Theatre Monday May 1G Prices 75c 50c and 25c McCook High School Debates Two debates are booked for the Mc Cook high school in the immediate future The first one will occur on tomorrow Friday morning The second one on Thursday of next week the 19th These debates will be given by the class in argumentative English Judges will be provided to determine the winners Subject to be debated Friday is Resolved That congress should im mediately provide for the further strengthening of the navy Hazel Barbazette and Roy Scott will affirm Glenn Rowell and Adaline Koller nega tive Next Thursdays debate will be on the subject Resolved That the fed eral government should grant financial aid to ships engaged in our foreign trade and owned by citizens of the United States Affirmative Lorene Calhoon and Helen Schwab negative Xiynn Arnold Fred Grimm and Joseph Moore The public has a cordial invitation to attend these debates The St Paul Way They have a unique way of doing it up in St Paul this state In the published notices by the city clerk of applications to sell liquors the names of the 33 petitioners are all printed This relieves the temper ance people of the duty of letting the general public know It may be illuminating to Tribune readers to read the names of a few of the St Paul petitioners Joseph Przyby slawski E Merirnadus Charles Gug genmos Anton Stepanowski Matej Suchanek Joe Spenaowski Edward Budzinski Martin Skibinski Joseph Ksianzek Anton Andrezejewski These are a few of the easy ones The list of course is linotyped Too Much Wet The breaking of a water pipe in the office of Dr J A Toren a few days since caused a damage of per haps 15000 to the paper stock etc of li W McConnell on the ground floor and in the cellar below Gauze Underwear for men women boys girls children babies for everybody Extra sizes too Union suits shirts drawers pants long sleeves short sleeves no sleeves high necks low necks 5c to 125 each The xhompson D G Co Utmost value For Sale My residence on 5th street E 8 room house furnace heat two lots Thirty shade and ftuit trees Good barn and hen house Fine cement walks In quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills or at residence Phone black 105 Commencement Books All the new ones and a number of standard works suitable for graduation time We have many other suit able gifts L W McConnell Druggist For Sale Alfalfa seed cane seed millet seed alfalfa hay and wild hay Prices very reasonable Phone cedar 2352 J B Colling McCook Nebraska Cultivators We sell the famous John Deere line None better McCook Hard ware Co FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf Hay and Alfalfa For Sale by SBKankim Phone ash 3631 24 tf c00 Adjourned Session City Council Adjourned session of city council was- held on Monday evening All present Ordinance No 194 was passed and approved under suspend ed rules This ordinance changes the meeting nights of the council from the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month to the sec ond and fourth Monday evenings of each month An appropriation resolution was adopted and approved and appears in full elsewhere in this issue The city attorney was authorized to draft an ordinance regulating the matter of electric wiring This ord inance is expected to cover the li censing of wiremen and for inspec tion of their work Bills allowed Welsbach Street Lightg Co 154 00 McCook Electric Co 82 00 Adjourned to Wednesday May 11 Adjourned session on Wednesday night all present C G Horton filed petition and bond for box ball alley Referred to city attorney Proposition of county jailor to feed city prisoners in county jail was ac cepted at 15c per meal and 15c per bed for each prisoner Bills allowed as follows F A Roland surveying 50 00 Mrs Marie Ploussard board 10 88 C Naden Co Treas taxes 29 16 The council is revising the present occupation tax which will engage their attention for some time Adjourned to meet Friday evening the 13th Opens First of Next Week C C Porter who recently pur chased the bottling business of Elza Odell and sons is now engaged in lining up his machinery and pre paring for business To the machin ery of the McCook works he has add ed that of the Cambridge bottling works the latter business being closed This gives him ample ma chinery of all kinds needed to equip him thoroughly for the extensive business he expects to do at this place William Buss late from Williams port Penna is here installing the machinery and will be the local manager Mothers Day Not a few white bouquets worn in McCook last Sunday marked an ob servance of one of the sweetest in spirations of the day Miss Anna Jarvis indeed had a happy thought in originating the day Surely none can resist the call to give mother living or passed on before one day in the year a special thought be it in the form of a letter a word a flower or in tender memory Farmers Attention I will pay you cash for all of your sweet or sour cream at Weidenhamers Candy Store basement Temple Theatre building GEORGE MARLING Algr McCook Branch Fremont Creamery Co Nebraska Piano Buyers Save 8100 by buying direct Write at once for piano catalogs and special introductory prices and terms This is the house which has been supplying most Ne braska pianos for nearly 40 years Strongest guarantee Over 30 leading piano manes to choose from Big player piano catolog now ready for mailing Address the Knight - Campbell Music Co Denver Colo Dept A 28 4t Exclusive Agents Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCook for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20 25 and 35 cents per pound For Sale All or part of my alfalfa and fruit farm Call or phone black 292 W M Morrisey New Waists and Skirts the washable kind in large variety at The Thompson D G Cob Utmost value John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank For Sale New riding lister or will trade A Brunke MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING MAY 12 1910 Danbury Won Again Tho basket ball game last ovoning between Danbury and McCook high school was won by the Danbury toam tho score being 9 to 8 Tho high school team was weakened by tho absonce from the game of Miss Vera Fitzgerald with an injured arm It was a fast game The high school line up was Kather yn Griffin center Ora Stewart and Mabel Hegenberger guards Theresa Gatewood and Vera Fitzgerald fore wards Lillian Schmidt took MissFitzgeralds place in first half the latter receiving a sprained wrist Beulab Mitchell played second center in last half First half was played with five the second half with six players Game was played on the high school grounds Superb Tonsorial Parlor Mr E M Day has about completed his improvements and now presents to his patrons one of tho best appointed barber shops in Western Nebraska His four chair equipment is new and modern throughout His case is of golden finished quarter sawed oak with handsome French plate glass and the barber chairs are of the latest pattern A largo ceiling electric fan has been provided for the comfort of patrons in warm weather Added to the unexcelled shop equip ment Mr Day has bath facilities which complete his full preparation to fill every need of the public in his lino Stratton Won The Hitchcock county graded schools have an annual contest in reading and spelling A handsome silver cup is awarded to the school winning each year Also a beautiful silk banner donated by the ladies of Stratton is awarded that school pass ing the highest average in the eighth grade county examinations Much in terest in the county is shown over these contests Supt and Mrs Tay lor with Miss Christine Hollister went to Trenton last Friday as judges in the contest Stratton won both prizes though Trenton excell ed in spelling Whist Club Reorganizes The Thursday Whist club ladies met at the home of Mrs A McMillen Monday evening and reorganized for next year Mrs Walter Stokes suc ceeded Mrs McMillen as president of the club Two new members were voted into the club Later in the evening the gentlemen of the club surprised the retiring president Cards were played for a season and refreshments were served before the separation The club will be known in the future as the M D Whist club Grand Union Tea Co Mrs H M Finity is again in charge of the business of The Grand Union Tea Co and is now displaying and sell ing the companys line of goods in the store room on East B Street rear of De Groffs store All old customers will be pleased to learn this fact It is hoped that many new customers may learn to appreciate and enjoy this comp anys unexcelled line of goods Eggs taken in exchange Goods delivered when desired For Sale 320 acres 14 miles from McCook 7 miles from Traer Kas This is a fine tract of land and well worth 2500 an acre Improvements fair Plenty of fence School only a few rods On R F D Must be sold quick Address for price and fur ther information TRAVIS W BENJAMIN St Francis Kans Fortunate Again We have been able to secure another supply of our remarkable 8100 quality of black taffeta silk which we are putt ing out at 79c yard We want to sup ply everybody Have you had your share The Thompson D G Co Ut most value Company Ms Weekly Hop Company M announces its regular weekly hop for next Saturday even ing in Armory hall formerly Men ard hall The price is 75c The K of P orchestra Corporal Lloyd Jen nings manager Cream Separators We sell Sharpies Blue Bell De Laval Omega and Domo all guaran teed McCook Hardware Co WANTED A boy for general work at the Bon Ton Obituary of H H Pickens Escalon April 29 Henry Pickens who was ill for several months died Monday evening at his home in Es calon A large number gathered at tho M E church at 10 oclock Wed nesday morning to pay their last tribute of respect to Mr Pickens The school children marched in a body to the church each carrying flowers Mr Pickens always had a pleasant word for the children and tears were in many eyes as they took their last look at the face of the deceased Rev U L Walker officiated The remains were taken to Oakdale for interment Cor Record Stockton Calif Died in Escalon Calif April 25 1910 Henry H Pickens was born in Pike county 111 Dec 1 1841 Was married to Martha A Wood in St Louis Mo Dec 10 1879 Lived in Red Willow county Neb until three years ago when he moved to Cali fornia His home has been in Esca lon for the past two years and eight months where he made many friends who did everything that kind loving friends could do to cheer and com fort him in his last sickness The children have ministered to him in every way possible They had the best medical care and nursing but all in vain He was honored by all business closing for the funeral ser vice which was held in the Method ist church The church was beau tifully decorated with flowers The floral offerings of friends were re markable even for this land of flow ers He lived here but a short time but left an influence that will never be forgotten He died fully trusting in Christ our Saviour While he is at rest our hearts are breaking Mrs H H Pickens and Family Large Attendance Promised The State Sunday School Conven tion which meets in Beatrice June 7-8-9 promises to be the most large ly attended and best convention ever held in the state Not only is this assured by the list of speakers and workers who will appear on the pro gram but also by the state wide in terest manifested in this meeting State workers say that the prospects were never so good for a record breaking attendance as they are this year as evidenced by the large num bers from all parts of the state who have already signified their intention of attending this meeting Beatrice is very accessible reach ed by lines of the Burlington Un ion Pacific and Rock Island railroads and the local committes are prepar ing for entertainment of 1200 or more delegates The meeting will mark a long forward step in Sunday school work in the state and every Sunday school should have delegates at this meeting Danbury Won Last Saturday the McCook high school girls basket ball team went to Danbury and played the city la dies team there Danbury won the game with a score of 17 to 13 Our girls say they received very courteous treatment at the hands of the Danbury people Katharine Griffin Thressa Gatewood Mabel Hegenberger Ora Stewart Vera Fitzgerald and Beulah Mitchell made up the McCook team with Berna dine Haley as substitute The girls were chaperoned by Miss Esther Bailey of the high school faculty SPRING TIME IS PAINTING TIME Protect your house and woodwork with a fresh coat of paint We are agents for a paint that we know will af ford you all the satisfaction that can possibly be had from paint The Sherwin Williams Paint has been used in this city for many years and we can prove to you that it will stand the test Every gallon is quaranteed to be full measure and it spreads farther and lasts longer than ordinary paint L W McConnell Druggist The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Refrigerators 875 up to 2950 McCook Hard ware Co WHY NOT a kodak for the graduate L W McConnell Druggist Money To Loan On Farms See Kozell Sons at clothing store NUMBER 51 The Value of a Dollar Did you over loso your position without warning or become disabled and so boon kept from work for soveral weeks Did you have money to curry you through Tho valuo of a dollar asserts itsolf in timo of misfortune and too often is thought of only in time of need If you would know the valuo of a dollar place a pare of each one you earn in tho bank Then whon you are overtakon by mis fortuno you will havo funds to tide you over and will not learn by bit ter experience what can bo prevented by a little foresight THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrtiErf Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKonna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS CONfi RHO ATIONA L Morning subject Immortality se cond sermon Evoning Tho Prodigal Son METHODIST Moroing subject Faith and Hopo Evening How a Young Man Got Out of Prison BAITIBT Subject 11 a m The Power of a Shadow Evening a special song ser vico and a sermon by Mrs lams EPISCOPAL Sunday May 15th is Whitsunday There will bo a celebration of Holy Communion and Whitsun sermon in St Albans church at 11 a m Evening prayer and sermon at 730 All aro welcome A Farewell Reception The meiribers of the Baptist church gave a farewell reception to Mr and Mrs F D Burgess and family- last Friday evening at the parsonage A pleasant evening was spent with music followed later by light re freshments Mrs Burgess who lias been the faithful organist and chor ister for more than twenty years was presented with a set of silver spoons as a token of appreciation of her long and faithful service Mr Burgess was the recipient of a pair of gold cuff links Their departure for California is regretted by all and they will be greatly missed from among us Filled McBriens Appointment Supt Taylor went down to Holbrook Wednesday night to iill lecture course date for the Dept of University Exten sion JLMcBrien of the department was advertised but on account of tho smallpox situation at the university in Lincoln could not till the date Hammock Season Now is the time to enjoy a good ham mock and we have the hammock you will want All the newest colors and best weaves also the famous La Cross hammocks which are the strongest and most servicable hammock on the market L W McConnell Druggist You Have the Right to expect competent workmanship in pho tography as well as in other professions Fhotography in the last ten years has ad vanced so rapidly that the work of ten years ago looks crude and strained beside it Having studied under masters of the art I am able to give you the advantage of it City quality in your own town E S KIMMELL Portrait Photographer 1st Door N Commer cial Hotel Phone No Red 428