The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 05, 1910, Image 1

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It is an Ircivitation to Tea
i JSasrp
D B Doyle
nn If
w to Coffee with ub because we know
that when you once sample these match
Hess brands you will be a life long custo
mer for both The strength and flavor
of both account for their popularity
among Tea and Coffee critics And it
ico8 not take so large a quantity of eith
er in order to produce a most satisfacto
ry and cheering oup of Tea or Coffee
Look for Saturday Snaps at
Phone 47
Morning subject Mortals and Im
Morning subject Discoveries at the
End of the Road Evening A Per
son for Every Place
Morning subject The Proofs of Im
mortality Evening The Immediate
Morning theme Empowered or Pow
erless Evening The Quickened
iLife Baptismal service at the close
B Y P U subjeot Christian Graces
I Peter 4 11
Rev M E EverBzof the German work
will go to Germany and Russia in the
Interest of the German Congregational
hurch in this county Advance
Reading Room Now Open
The ladies of the W C x U wish to
unform the public that it is largely due
to the McCook Commercial club that
jHcCook now has a rest room the club
agreeing to provide the room if the
Sadies would furnish and take care of
siho room It is now ready and open to
tho public every day exoept Sunday
All are welcome Women who have
come to town to do their trading and
who have little children with them will
find a very comfortable resting place
Basement of the Commercial hotel
Entrances on Main avenue and on C
street east Welcome
McConnells Wall Paper
Is in a class by itself You can not
snake comparison with other stocks in
this part of the state because there is
no similar one We have paper that is
unusual in quality design and distinc
tiveness a selection if all that is best in
all this years papers
There is pleasure and profit in pur
chasing from such a stock especially
when you know you can not beat our
price anywhere
L W McConnell Druggist
For Sale Cheap
An almost new high wheel lawn mow
r with grass catcher Only used part
of one season Commercial Hotel
Lawn Swings
We sell them
McCook Hardware Co
Everything in drugs McConnell
McCook Portrait
Styles and Methods
Really New
1st door north
Commercial Hotel
I Phone red 428
J lie
Lincoln Nebraska April 20 1910
General Order No 6
1 It is one of the -duties of the
Nebraska National Guard to keep
alive the spirit of patriotism Its
purpose is to teach men how to live
as good citizens as well as to die
like heroes
2 Jt is a sacred duty to treas
ure the memory of those who hav
ing served their country well as cit
izens and soldiers have passed to
their reward
3 Company Commanders will re
port at once to commanders of local
posts of the Grand Army of the Re
public for duty on Decoration Day
Monday May 30 1910
4 Orders of Post commanders or
chiefs of ceremonies of the Grand
Army of the Republic when not in
conflict with the regulations govern
ing the Nebraska National Guard
will be obeyed
5 Blank ammunition for saluting
purposes will be forwarded by the
Quartermaster and need not be ac
counted for or taken up on returns
by company commanders
6 Arms and ammunition will be
carefully inspected and extreme care
taken to guard against accident
7 Company commanders will make
report of this tour of duty and will
forward to this office the names of
all men who fail to report for duty
unless excused
By Order of the Governor
Official Adjutant General
Act Asst Adjutant General
McCook Scored Second
While it would have afforded The
Tribune greater joy to have been able
to report the winning of a first prize by
McCook in the State Deolamatory Con
test in North Platte last Friday even
ing nevertheless we have much pleasure
in recording the creditable fact that our
representative Miss Gertrude Morrissey
won the second prize in the dramatic
class This is no small distinction
when it is considered that the work of
selection had in all three classes been
reduced to a fine point and that talent
of a high order was represented in each
of the three classes So wo congratu
late Miss Morrissey and felicitate the
McCook high school
Grand Union Tea Co
Mrs H M Pinity is again in charge
of the business of The Grand Union
Tea Co and is now displaying and sell
ing the companys line of goods in the
store room on east B street rear of De
Groffs store All old customers will be
pleased to learn this fact It is hoped
that many new customers may learn to
appreciate and enjoy this companys un
excelled line of goods Eggs taken in
exchange Goods delivered when de
For Sale
My residence on 5th street E 8 room
house furnace heat two lots Thirty
shade and fruit trees Good barn and
hen house Fine cement walks In
quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills
or at residence Phone black 405
Lest You Forget
We now have a complete line of latest
designs in wall paper also have special
books with select pattern from which
to order if not suited in stock Our de
sire is to please
A MoMillen Druggist
Imperial Branch Couple Married
Rector E R Earle officiated last
Friday evening at the home of Mrs
William Jeffries in the marriage of
Mr Frank Graves of Hamlet and
Miss Nellie Kriebel of Palisade
Pasture for Horses and Cattle
On sections 15 and 16 Valley Grange
precinct at 40c per month for cattle
and 50c for horses 14 4t
Albert Ebert
You Can Apply
Keystone more easily than oil paints
and the surface will be covered without
showing laps and brush marks
A McMillen Druggist
Window Shades 25c
The same best grade of Holland the
same old price The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Hay and Alfalfa For Sale
by SBRankin Phone ash 3681 24 tf
Note the advertisement of the Mc
Cook Machine and Iron Works Co in
this issue
Death of Henry H Pickens
The Tribune has but brief news of the
death of one of Red Willow countys
early settlers Henry H PickenB His
serious condition has been known for
some time and his death was not unex
Death claimed him Monday of last
week April 25th at Escalon v ali
fornia and his remains were laid in
Oakdalo cemetery near that place on
April 27tb
This paper has for a quarter of a cen
tury accounted the departed one of its
choicest friends Something like two
years since be and his estimable and da
voted wife moved to California in the
hope of improving their health and
lengthening the span of life in that more
genial clime but in his case it was not to
be so and the Beads already sown soon
blossomed in death
We have not at hand at this writing
data of an accurate sort but in a gener
al way the late H H Pickens has been
indentified with the early settlement
and development of Red Willow county
having lived more than quarter century
on a farm a tow miles southeast of Mc
Cook He was one of the early com-
missioners of the county He was a
man of staunch ideals and a friend of
finest fiber He is survived by a wife
whose devotion to her husband has been
an inspiration to all who have had the
pleasure of their friendship
The Tribune freely adds its deep and
genuine sympathy for the bereaved but
courageous wife
Provisional Programme
Some features of the Decoration
Sunday and Day programmes have
been arranged
Comrade E R Earle will deliver
the Memorial Sunday sermon
Rev ffm T Gatley of Cambridge
will deliver the Decoration Day ad
The members of J K Barnes post
No 207 G A R hope to have the
co operation of the ladies of the Cir
cle and Relief Corps Sons of Veter
ans all soldiers of the Spanish-
American war teachers and pupilsj
of the public schools members of the
various orders the churches and of
the people of McCook and surround
ing country generally in their exer
cises both on Sunday and Monday
Captain Scott and company M will
head the march to the cemeteries
for the decoration of the graves of
veterans and others
It is the hope of the old soldiers
to make this Decoration Day a mem
orable one
Complete program next week
Received Medals for Marksmenship
At the summer encampment at Ash
land last summer company M engaged
in the range shooting together with the
other members of the regiment and
The Tribune is pleased to note that a
number of our men were awarded medals
for marksmenship They are as follows
Lieut Judd Kay Lieut J R Weid
enhamer Corporal Geo Burgess Mu
sician Clifford Burbridge and Privates
Frank and Fred Was3on W C Cum
mins and Max Scott
Now Located at 5io Main Ave
McCook Neb
It Pays to Paint
If you use Sherwin Williams Paint
It is the most economical paint to use
because it spreads further for the gallon
and costs no more to put it on than an
inferior paint which will not last so
long or look so well
Use S W P and you are sure of
quality and satisfaction
L W McConnell Druggist
Paper With Economy and Satisfaction
Select your paper from McConnells
stock where you can get just what you
want at any price you wish to pay and
in any grade paper
Gas At 90c per looo
Thats all it costs you when you have
a Quick Meal gasoline stove Try one
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
All or part of my alfalfa and fruit
farm Call or phone black 292 W M
The McCook Machine and Iron Works
Co announce their readiness for busi
ness Works located in the former
electric plant building
The Tribunes New Linotype
The above represents- The Junior
Linotype installed in The Tribune office
this week upon which we propose in
future to do the composition of the
paper aa our operator becomes increas
ingly proficient in the work of handling
the machine which will in time enable
us to give to our readers more local news
in the promptest manner
There ara but few Buch machines
among Nebraskas weekly newspapers
and consequently we shall with greater
familiarity with this time saving work
producing machine be able to largely
increase our facilities for producing such
a newspaper as the growing needs of
this city requires and for the prompt
execution of a wider range of book and
job printing
Nebraska Piano Buyers Save 100
by buying direct Write at once for
piano catalogs and special introductory
prices and terms This is the house
which has been supplying most Ne
braska pianos for nearly 40 years
Strongest guarantee Over 30 leading
piano makes to choose from Big player
piano catalog now ready for mailing
Address the Knight- Campbell Music
Co Denver Colo Dept A 28 4t
A Few Staples
Am A 2 bu grain bags 23c Peerless
carpet warp 25c best table oil cloth 15c
best apron gingham 6 1 2 best prints
512 yard wide 8100 taffeta silk for 79c
childs rompers 25 childs gingham
dresses 29c mens stout overalls 44c
The Thompson D G Co
A Delay Means Dissatisfaction
Because the best papers are being
sorted every day and if you are going to
paper it is to your interest to see our
permanent colors exclusive designs and
independent papers at once
L W McConnell Druggist
White Bed Spreads 79c
8125 S140 105 8190 8250 83 25
S375 in hemmed fringed and scalloped
borders Best values possible at clos
est cash prices The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
For Sale
A late model Velie touring car elec
tric lighted and fully equipped guaran
teed in first class shape Sold at a big
bargain if taken soon
Lock box 772 Holdrege Nebr
On Bargatn Square
We offer 35 pairs of ladies shoes
odds and scuffed for the nominal price
of 49c a pair Are you interested The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
Cream Separators
See the Sharpies Blue Bell DeLaval
Omega and Domo all high grade ma
chines and guaranteed
McCook Hardware Co
Your 1909 occupation tax now
a year past due must be paid at
once The schedules will remain
in the hands of the City Treasur
er at the First National Bank un
til Wednesday May 11 1910 at
nine oclock a m and at that
time all unpaid schedules will be
turned over to the City Attorney
for collection
By order of the City Council
For sale
Second hand typewriter at a bargain
Rev Francis E Iams
Baoy Chicks
far sale Phone ash 36S2
McConnell for drugs
Spring time is Kodak time
L W McConnell Druggist
Eclipse lawn mowers are easily ad
justed and self sharpening no tools
necessary McCook Hardware Co
rib tit
As the Sun Went Down
which is announced for its first appear
ance hero at the Temple theatre Mon
day May 16 is a new play by Geo D
Baker and it will receive marked at
tention for the reason that it will bo
produced under the direction of Ar
thur C Aiston a manager who has giv
en numerous plays of merit and has pre
sented several excellent stars hia latest
productions having been Tennessees
Pardner At the Old Cross Roads
Jane Corcoran in 4Protty Peggy Hnd
other piays
Ab the Sun Wont Down has receiv
ed praise in every city it has visited
The company is one of merit and is
headed by Estha Williams who has the
support as such excellent people as Ed
win Walter W A Whitecar Geo A
Cleveland William D Taylor Victory
Bateman Arthur E Ohatterdon Ar
thur W Bentley R F Sullivan Flora
Byam Margaret Miller and others of
equal note
While the play is one of Western at
mosphere it is cot of the wild melo
dramatic type but one whioh tells a
story which combines great heart inter
est intense situations and is full of
bright and taking comedy lines
The production is complete in every
detail Manager Aiston whose record
haB been to produce only the best of
plays carefully and completely sceni
cally mounted ana always having a
first class company has in As the Sun
Went Down a new lay which will
probably more than duplicate the great
eight years success of At the Old
Cross Roads
Managers McConnell and Pennell wish
to announce that this will be the closing
attraction of the season and hope all
theatre patrons will avail themselves of
the opportunity to see a good clean
western drama which comes well re
Teddie C Cain was born in Indi
ana August 1 1885 Died in Mc
Cook Saturday April 30 1910 He
was married to Miss Clara Higgins
June 1907 -To this union was born
one child Chester Teddie aged 15
months He was living on a farm
at North Platte at the time that he
was hurt by a horse an injury from
which he never recovered
He was brought up by Catholic
parents and was baptized as a Cath
olic before his death at his request
On account of the opposition of his
wifes folks the remains were taken
to the Methodist church and were
afterwards buried in Longview cem
He leaves many friends in Mc
Cook to mourn for him for he was
a good and true boy to his parents
and a kind and loving husband to
his wife who will ever cherish his
memory He leaves a father moth
er sister and brother to mourn his
loss While they all feel deeply af
flicted they feel that he is at rest
with God and they all trust to see
their dear one some time He is
laid to rest near his three brothers
and one sister who rest in peace in
adjoining Calvary cemetery
An Unusual Occurrence
The McCook division enjoyed the un
common distinction April 26th of hav
ing every train on the division on time
Of course this is not an unprecedented
happening but an unusual one and
caused the local management to receive
the congratulations of the officials high
er up
Lace Curtain Samples
On Bargain Square we offer fifty
traveling mens samples of lace curtains
at the trifling price of 35c each Right
now is the time Get your share The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heatox
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
The attention of those interested is di
rected to the advertisement in this issue
of Martin Hanson D V S veterinary
surgeon of Indianola Nebraska
McCook now offers this section of
Nebraska the advantage of a thorough
ly equipped machine shop and iron
works See advertisement
Get your wall paper now from Mc
Connells immense stock Early choice
means larger assortment
Fob Sale All or part of my alfalfa
and fruit farm Phone black 292 or
call W M Morrisey
Full line of base ball goods at the
McCook Hardware Co
Buy your wall paper of McConnell
Value of a Dollar
Did you ovor loso your
position without warning
or bocomo disabled and
so boon kopt from work
for several weeks Did
you havo monoy to carry
you through The valuo
of a dollar assorts itsolf
in tinjo of misfortuno and
too often is thought of
only in timo of nood If
you would know tho valuo
of a dollar placo a part
of each ono you earn in
the bank Thon whon
you aro overtaken by mis
fortune you will havo
funds to tide you ovor
and will not learn by bit
tor experience what can
bo prevented by a little
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Released Purdy on Bail
Friday of last week through his
attorneys Ititchie Wolff James C
Purdy convicted at the last term of
court for unlawful cohabitation but
recently released from prison by the
supreme court applied to the dis
trict Court of this county to be re
leased on bail Judge Orr continued
the hearing on the application to
Tuesday of this week when the ap
plication was granted and Purdy was
released on bail as prayed for
Card of Thanks
We are deeply grateful and thank
ful to the members of the Modern
Woodman lodge for flowers and to
all the friedns for assistance and sym
pathy during the illness and after the
death of our dear one
Mr and Mrs Frank Cain
Mr and Mrs John Easton
Save Money
by buying a new Perfection oil stove
saves you half on tho co9t of fuel
A McMillen prescription druggist
Seed oats for sale by Updike Grain Co
You can get wall paper at McMilleus
drug store
Buy field garden and flower seeds
from HP Waited Co
Play ball and buy your base ball
goods of Barney Hofer 21 4t
Restores the original brightness Chi
Namel L W McConnell Druggist
Havo your eyes fitted correctly
H P Sutton- Optician
Preserves while it beautifies S WP
L W McConnell Druggist
PaysicalEducationwil be the W
C T U topic for tomorrows meeting
All grades of Oxford flour and each
sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour
and Feed Store
If you feel you want to be shown in
the matter of quality go to the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum oc smoke
The Snerwin - Williams Paints for
every job gives the best satisfaction
L W McConnell Druggist
For good service and prompt delivery
in hauling and draying of all kinds call
up Monte Cristo Cafe Phone 2G9
Special shoe repairing this month
Mens half soles 60 cents Opposite the
Temple theatre B Krisler
Use Red Cedar Flakes when packing
away your furs or woolens Better than
moth balls L W McConnell Druggist
Charity begius at home Be charita
ble to your home Paint it with Bradley
Vrooman Pure Paint It never disap
points you Sold by Stansberry Lumber
Co McCook Nebraska
1909 real estate taxes become
delinquent May 1st and draw in
terest at 10 per cent from that
date21 4t
C NADEN Co Treas
Pastime Theatre
Ladies Souvenir Day
Next Saturday Matinee