N ft 1 L iL if It 8 - nn n i i i i i i nil ri i n s w 1 I S3 11 1 9 4 i Why Stay Where Your Crops are in Danger of Being Damaged by Wind - Cw J I 1 tfJy i Jin 1 1 1 1 If- 999h1R5SBW mk mk eb Look to the Future What hav the dinners of yesterday to do with to morrow Why spend awi1 time turning over old straw Regrettable Dontcherknow Te exchange editors make me Sired exclaimed the self worshiping 3oeL Here they are crediting a 5oem of mine to some fellow named Syron C W DEWEY Auctioneer McCook Nebraska Will cry sales anywhere any time at seasonable prices Dates made at the Sirst National Bank or phone Eed 3S1 Attention Farmers I am in a position to do surveying as Ststas orders come in Call at County Surveyors office in the Court House or send orders to F A ROLAND C E McCook Neb nerupCfi e and Dry Weather TLI NEW SUPPLY HERE We have plenty of hard -coal nut stove and egg sizes New supply just arrived BARNETT LUHBER CO A Night Alarm Worse than an alarm of fire at night as the metallic cough of croup Careful mothers keep Foleys Honey and Tar in 4he house and give it at the first sign of sxnger Foleys Honey and Tar has saved many little lives No opiates A KcMillen Happiness Happiness means to be with nature t3 see it to commune with it Tolstoi TST NG IS THE SUCCESS of our Pafd 1 it is half -way up with tlio load and is opor ated with ono liorso Alo our Patd PUSH RAKE and Denver Mado MOWER Our Clients and Competitors Acknowledge This 225000 inves tod in our factory to back our goods Our elegant illustrated printed mat ter and prices delivered at your station sent f roo for the asking Al CERTIFICATE and SOUVENIR FREE THEPLATTNER IMPLEMENT CO DEPT 7 DENVER COLO Kindly mention this paper IT Patronize Home Talent It Pays ytvM m HI v Last month a merchant a thousand miles from Chicago wanted to place over his store an electric light sign he had heard about In Chicago Made a special trip there for specifications 8Bd terms Too high Mr Merchant returned home and in cidentally told the local electrician about his troubles Mr Home Electri cian replied that he could reproduce the Chicago sign with Improvements at a price that suited And he did so JUST THINK THIS OVER WILL yam i Storms CO1E WEST to La Junta Colo where a crop failure is unknown Be your own rain maker 40 acres of La Junta Irrigated Land will re turn you more clear money than the best quarter section in Red Willow County Come where Alfalfa and Melons are the home builders and mortgage lifters One crop of Cantaloupes will pay for your land and leave you a surplus Our lands adjoin a town of 7000 people on the transcontinental R R and the Irrigation System is not proposed returns Beets COMPLETE Our water rights are the best in the west Small grain 50 per a Watermelons 75 to 100 per a Cantaloupes 100 to 40 per a alfalfa 5o to 75 per a and adverages 7 tons per acre Come with us Tuesday April 5 and let prove the above facts Round trip including Hotel bill 3000 If we cannot prove the above statements to your satisfaction your expenses will be cheerfully refunded Call or write HL KENNEDY McCook Neb At Once Dont Delay Jewell Gasoline Stoves are sold in McCook by H P Waite and Co d HsT3 ik S Do It Now BETTER THAN GOLDEN EGGS Figures Prove That Product of Prize Hen Was Far Greater Than That from Fabled Goose Recently a hen was exhibited at Wilkesbarre Pa and took all the prizes as the best of her kind So im portant did she grow In the liuu ol me noiaers mat her owner was offered 10000 for her but re fused it At about this time the hen laid an egg and that it might be evi dent that she was a producer as well as a show bird her owner allowed the product of her labor to remain in the pen with her This was a tactical blunder for the egg was purloined shortly and has not been seen since Now there is a well known story to the effect that a goose of the dim and distant past once laid a golden egg Taking it that the historian was sure of his facts this goose of fame has no such claim upon renown as has the Wilkesbarre hen Here is a bag of gold containing 10000 in the treas ury at Washington which visitors are allowed to lift to get the idea of just how heavy that much money is It weighs something like thirty pounds Now if the egg of this hen with the prospect of being hatched into a creature as valuable as the parent is estimated as being worth one tenth as much as she is the stolen egg would be worth 1000 which amount of money would weigh three pounds or as much as two dozen eggs So the egg of the Pennsylvania hen is worth 24 times as much as the greatly touted goose egg and deserves fame in accordance Big Turtle Caught with a Light Rod L L Betts John Miller and H J Saxon made one of the most remark able fishing catches yesterday ever re corded The gentlemen went out on the yacht La Poupee and while trolling about Mr Betts hooked into a 150 pound loggerhead turtle The monster put up a game fight and for fully two hours It was nip and tuck between turtle and man but the man triumphed as nearly always he does and his turtleship was hauled aboard and brought to port The cap ture of the turtle Is remarkable first because they seldom take a hook and second because Mr Betts had only a light rod and reel and slender tackle and was not prepared to undertake such a killing It was skilled ma nipulation of the reel more than any thing else that made the capture of the turtle possible Miami News-Record The Old Man in the Belfry Is Dead John Denham known for many years as the old man of the belfry and for 40 years elder and trustee of the Church of the Sea and Land is dead He was a familiar figure on the East Side and his time was solely devoted to the amelioration of the lot of the poor Mr Denham was born in Scotland in 1826 and came to New York in 1860 working for many years thereafter as a tailor He became el der and trustee of the church and when he retired from business fifteen years ago he took up his residence in AUDIENCE Singers Selection of Ditty for an En core Was Too Manifestly In appropriate During the present musical season much popularity has been gained by a little song with the odd title It Is Not Raining Rain to Me Its Raining Violet It is a tuneful bit of melody and has been used for encore poses with great success It was dur ing a recent recital that the quaint bit attained real distinction The af fair took place at the Rittenhouse on a wet blustering evening and as the night wore on the storm Increased to the proportions of a blizzard The wind arose until its roar blended weirdly with the music ana the Inter missions were punctuated by boister ous clatterings of hailstones against the windows During the tenor solo by Paul K Harper the storm reached the height of its fury and the applause which followed his effort was mingled with shrill echolngs of the storm kings wreath As the singer arose for an encore a perfect deluge of rain smote the win dows and when the orchestra struck up the tinkling prelude of the familiar air a smile broke over the audience went the torrent out side shivered the audience It is not raining rain began the tenor but it was too much for even the politest of audiences and a storm of laughter followed that even in eluded the soloist Pittsburg Gazette Times IRISH VS ITALIAN METHOD Former Is Decidedly the More Effec tive Taking the Related Incident as Proof Rev Sanford Culver Hearn pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church Yonkers is relating a street car incident which concerns a conduc tor an Irishman and an Italian Each had given a dime to the fare taker but had received no change I wanta da nick complained the Neapolitan Youve got your nick No more nicks for you See And the con ductor moved to the rear platform The Italian sat meekly in silence but the Irishman employed different tactics He went to the doorway Gimme five clnts change said he to the conductor Youve got all the change youre going to get was the retort See here exclaimed the Irishman you may play that chune on a hand organ but you cant do It on a harp Gimme five clnts And he got it Judge He Could Not Recommend It The editor of the Plunkville Argus was seated at his desk busily engaged in writing a fervid editorial on the ne cessity of building a new walk to the cemetery when a battered specimen of the tramp printer entered the office Mornln boss said the caller Got any work for a print I have answered the editor You happened in just right this time Ive got only a boy to help me in the office and I need a man to set type for about a week I have to make a trip out west You can take off your coat and begin ight now I start to morrow morning All right said the typographical tourist removing his coat What road are you going to travel on The X Y Z mostly Ive never been on It Know anything about it I know all about it Ive traveled It from one end to the other What kind of a road is it Punk said the printer in a tone indicative of strong disgust The ties are too far apart Youths Compan ion Russian Wheat Production An enormous crop of wheat has been grown in Russia this year plac ing that land for the first time at the head of wheat growing countries Its harvest of 783000000 bushels exceeds that of the United States by 26000000 bushels and is greater than its own previous record by about 100000000 bushels The development of wheat growing has been most rapid along the line of the Trans Siberian railway As th home consumption is small in proportion to population this has made Russia one of the great sources of supply for the rest of the world France consumes much of the wheat that it grows The present price of wheat in the United States when placed against the surplus product of Russia makes it more difficult for this country to hold its place as an ex porter of that cereal Unfairly Taken Up John W Gates was discussing his address before a Methodist confer ence wherein he advocated hard work and condemned cambling The papers said Mr Gates with his good humored smile are taking me up for that address Ill have to be careful what I say Ill have to be as careful as the young Altoona viveur who was sued for breach of promise because at supper after the theater he asked his lady friend if she would have a little lobster Has a Balloon Record The Hon Mrs Assheton Harbord Is an Englishwoman who has a balloon record not likely to be soon equaled by any other woman She has crossed the English channel in a balloon and has made over a hundred ascents be- the belfry of the building so that he sides taking part In six balloon races I CUTLETS WITH BOILED ONIONS Recommended as One of the Dest of Luncheon Dishes for Family j or Guests Required Nicely trimmed cutlets two or three Spanish onions half a pint good thickened gravy one carrot pep per and salt one ounce of butter After having trimmed the cutlets and taken off all the superfluous fat arrange them in a copper frying pan previously heated Season well with pepper and salt add some butter Cook the cutlets till they are a nice brown on both sides turning them with a knife Have some well boiled Spanish onions ready sliced Arrange the onion on the center of an entree dish in a pile and the cut lets round It Prepare a little good gravy nicely thickened pass it through a sieve make it very hot add pepper and salt and pour it round the edges of the dish To garnish scatter a very little grated red carrot over the onion Rolled Veal Required One pound and a half of veal cutlet from the fillet quarter of a pound of ham or lean bacon two hard boiled eggs quarter of a pound of veal stuffing lemon rind Lay the veal on a board remove the bone and just draw the hole to gether Cover with slices of ham then with a layer of veal stuffing sea son with pepper and salt and grated lemon rind Peel the eggs lay them end to end of the veal roll the veal neatly and sew the flap Wrap in buttered paper and bake for an hour basting frequently Then take off the paper and roast for an hour longer dredge the roll with flour to make it brown basting freely Serve with gravy poured round and garnish with slices of lemon Hand potatoes and French beans with it Pea Patties Make a rich pie crust working the dough but little Cut with biscuit cut ter after rolling the dough out as for pies Fit the circular pieces into pat ty pans and bake until light brown Pour the liquid from a can of peas wash them slightly and put them ov er the fire with only enough water to keep them from burning Cook until dry Prepare white sauce as follows Three lablespoonfuls of butter and one heaping tablespoonful of flour Mix well together and add one pint of hot milk and boil until thick Place each crust on a small plate and fill with peas Pour over the white sauce and serve hot These are appetizing and delicious and will be sure to please all who like peas Fairy Gingerbread Cookies One half cupful of butter one half cupful of milk one cupful of light brown sugar two teaspoons baking powder sifted with one and seven eighths cupfuls of bread flour two teaspoonfuls of ginger Cream butter add sugar gradually then add milk gradually Mix and sift flour and ginger then combine mixtures Spread very thin with long broad bladed knife on inverted pan Bake about five or six minutes in moderate oven Watch carefully and turn pan frequently so that all may be evenly cooked If mixture about edges should cook first cut off and return to oven to finish center part Cut in squares Good Rice Pudding The secret of creamy and tasty poor mans rice pudding which at its best Is worthy of a higher sounding ti tle is a minimum of rice plenty of creamy milk slow baking and fre quent stirring A woman who is an adept at the pudding uses a table spoonful of rice to a quart of milk four tablespoonfuls of sugar and a little salt The pudding is baked slowly for fully three hours and ev ery time a brown scale forms on the top it is stirred in This brown sub stance is what gives the distinctive color and taste to the dish When Spare Room Pitcher Is Broken Every housekeeper knows how im possible it is to replace pieces of handsome china when one piece is broken and usually it is the most important piece of all the pitcher which meets with the accident A so lution of the problem is the purchas ing not of a set but of a bowl and pitcher of clear glassware The smaller pieces may be easily provided in glass and the whole set looks daintily white and clean on the wash stand Icing Set two cups of sugar one table spoonful of butter and two thirds of a cup of rich milk into a saucepan of boiling water and stir occasionally until melted Then place on stove and cook until thick as cream Remove from fire and heat until cool enough to spread Flavor with vanilla White Flour Gems Into one cupful of sweet milk mix the yolk of one egg and a half tea spoonful of salt After moderate mix ing fold in the stiffly whipped whites of thv egg and drop at once into hiss ing hot irons Bake In a moderately hot oven Suet When preparing suet for pudding mince meat etc get a coarse grater which may be bought for a few cents and rub the suet through It This is an easier and quicker method than chopping and insures no lumps being left Biscuits One quart flour bread flour 1 tea- spoon salt one quarter cup butter 1 OOOT rtrtO v We Make Portraits That are Different Styles Up-to-date Methods Modern Kimmell Studio 1st door north Commercial Hotel Phone red 428 i NotKirg EqueJs Old Biateh Cleanser For CleajvirvJ Milk Pedis ard Paivs Cream Separators Kitchen and Cooking Utensils Wet the article sprinkle with Old Dutch Cleanser wash thorough ly with a cloth or brush Rinse well in clean water and wipe or let stand to dry This removes dis coloration corrosian spots and grease such as ordinary cleansers will not remove and does it quicker and easier CleanSpScmbiS ScoursPolishgs It is the best all round cleanser ever discovered and is perfectly harmless It keeps everything about the farm house spick and span and saves a lot of labor 0 r j aV im pRavQiX time expense Avoid caustic uml acid cleaners SjlW mmKuir m Not a mull ing powder 3cs VftW 10 For -v JBo4SLzri VV v at v- kct - r j e Ifter Can F D BURGESS SON Plumber and Steani Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building KcCOOK NEBRASKA OB B J CONN DENTIST Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and Walsh BIk McCook FOR SALE My Property On Lower Main Avenue 3oooOnethird Cash Balance on Easy Terms Write For Particulars to 2322 Walrond Avenue Kansas City Mo