The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 24, 1910, Image 8
i imi i i 111 i n iwmwwim w mi i i hm i I i i lit ini i jjmih ijia tsiti HIBM WMHIIWIMHlJhHa HTKjrl j T -S - jt - K - I ll 11 I Ml I I II in I I I I Ml I PI Mll I r tlSiC FM 11 i III m I I 1 1 I W U III 111 i I i I J I I III I I I n - -- 9 j ft K svw Phone 280 I are of lushest grade material fustiest cracJe worltmamhip and cet the best and most satisfactory results Both of the reclly good actual huh iaStf methods of separa ion are found in THE EMPIRE LIBE THEY ARC The Frictionless Empire The Cone Method The Center Feed Empire Disc The Disc Method Perfected In a full range of capacities and azes WHICH YILL YOU HAVE We can show you both YOU CHOOSE the one that SUITS YOU You will be more than BbsEed Make us prove our statements S 2ftASg 2 J C3Z 5 S ft g 8 iVrfViA 5 J W7IAnSL STANDS RSS YEARS I If ijffeffiM OF KNtftyHG HOWl ROZELL Clothers and Furn ishiers of men and boys McCook Steam Laundry Under New Management Satisfaction Guaranteed I 312 W B Street WWMtt BHJfgi DONT FORGET what is due your looks as a careful dresser in STEIN BLOCH SMART CLOTHES which same we have waiting for you in all Spring models and styles Clothes that are stylish with a worldwide style that are all wool and hold their shape Try On Before Easter I ltrnnwwwiiiii vvrfi v vviWvvvvv vwifvrivntwvWWPWiwiivvviWjii Phone 5 faWiV1 1 11 1 HijiViiifitfrti ir tff rif ififfifYnr nliffirfirfifavrdh iijjumwj xnwiiw u3f Tinnuiiiif NOTHING IN THE MARKET SUPERIOR TO THESE Lawn Mowers Rubber Hose Refrigerators of all kinds Also a full line of Insurance Safety Gasoline Stoves Flower and Garden Seeds We invite your inspection of any of the above lines before you make your Spring and Summer purchases Our goods are unexcelled and prices just and reasonable Pnlfr Rrnc WestB St 1 UlU Dl U5 Phnnp 18 SONS 1 1 5 West B St The Updike Grain Co has good seed oats for sale Phone 169 Mrs J Jackson nurse Any one wishing to see me call at No 203 6th st east We never hesitate to guarantee Lily Patent Flour at the McCook Flour and Feed Store The Ira Peterson dwelling has been purchased by Matt Stewart of the Wil low The John Morris frame building on Main avenue is being torn down to give way to a new stone and brick structure We dont say much about it but Nyals little stomach and liver pills speak for themselves Woodworth sells them at 25c Hog dip stock food lice killers egg maker and other preparations for stock and poultry always to be had of Wood worth Druggist M A Spere has sold his crude oil burner business to G A Brunke who will continue the business at the old stand Mr Spere has gone to Grand Island Prices on McCook Flour 91 Patent 145 per Back Anchor Patent 140 per sack 91 Patent in 10 sack lots 1 35 per sack Anchor Patent in 10 sack lots 130 per sack McCook Mills Any of the Nyal Family Remedies you buy is backed up by a guarantee from us Call for Nyals there is no secret about what they contain Ask us about them C R Woodworth Druggist jWEST B STRE E TJ j i I Now Just Before Easter 5 McConnell for drugs McConnell fills prescriptions Uase ball goods at Woodwortbs A McMillen prescription druggist Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 You can get wall paper at McMUIons drug storf Good seed oats for sale Updike Grain Co Phono 1G9 Lily Patent Flour when onco used none other will satisfy you We sell wall pHpor paints oils and varnish A McMillen Drucgist Lily Patent Flour 145 a sack Mc Cook Flour and Feed Store Phone 20 Hubor handles thn CJarhartt gloves and caps also and a full lino of other makes Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 81 a bottle All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store A handsome and spacious porch has beon added to the H P Waite resi dence the past week Received on account Paid out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at the Tribune oflice Per 1000 50c We know it to be a positive fact that Lily Patent Flour is the Best High Pat ent Flour in McCook McCook Flour and Feed Store Sunoay school will be th W C T U subject March 25th at the homo of Mrs J C Moore with Mrs C A Fi jher as leader Sunshine varnish stains are made in eleven natural wood colors Put a little Sunshine in you home For sale by C R Woodworth Druggist We sell the genuine Wrights Con densed smoke for curing meat Ask us for the little book which tells you how C R Woodworth Druggist Ask your grocer for 91 Patent and if you cant get it call up the McCook Mill phone 29 and it will be delivered at once Guaranteed to be the best Get a snnil can of KEYSTONE and uo it as directed and if not satisfactory as recommended your money back A McMillen Druggist Our line of breakfast stuffs is com plete Breakfast foods and pancake flour corn srupand maple syrup Old Manse the best maple syrup on the market Hcber The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are paying the highest cash price for baled alfalfa hay on track For prices and particulars phone 381 C W Dewev Manager If other kidney pills have failed to re lieve you you should try Nyals Kidney and Bladder Pills One box gives re lief sis boxes cures or money back C R Woodworth Druggist We have all the new lines of wall paper in the most artistic designs It will pay any one who is going to paper to see our line before deciding We can more than please you L W McConnell Druggist FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Fob Sale No 6 Remington typewrit er in good condition at a bargain WM Morrisey phone black 292 For Sale My residence and two lots in McCook H I Peterson For Rent Two furnished rooms Phone red 422 17 For Rent 5 room cottage four rooms furnished Shade and lawn MRS J I LEE Phone 43 Wanted To Rent 3 rooms furnished for light house keeping for man and wife Address postoflice box 112 or in quire at Tribune office McCook Neb Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list SgSX5gXSSXsX SSX55XS2X5 T Tft V 1ST W U T tr h C MILJLtiK Bsl Electrical Supplies Fixtures and Wiring 217 W B Street Phone 351 35 S s S g s Lace Curtains The housekeeper with an eye for the artistic always selects DREWS RELIABLE CURTAINS if she has a chance to see and compare them with others The reason is plain to all old customers The Drew line of patterns is selected by a process of eliminationthousands of patterns are inspected and compared and only the snappiest and most artistic are chosenall the undesirable designs are discarded This gives you the cream of the cream to select from And there is a marked saving to you on all classes of curtains Desirable Curtains as low as TSc pair Drew Furniture Carpet Company 214 West B St Phone Black 271 Swifts Is undoubtedly the sweet est cleanest and most wholesome bacon manu factured Procurable at Exclusive Shoes Always the Best Shoes for Everybody Viersen Osborn Expert Repairing 4 113 West B street The White House Grocery Exponents of Good Living Phone 30 L A Paris Prop H l - s f I PA N V