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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
I P rxM t m Wouldnt You Like to Hitcli Up to a DEERE II ttiZ krT - 5 IA ISC t f f55A T SING this spring pressure harrow you get your soil pulverized tlnrouxlily and hi ecn I H 1 tlilion to iruu Jhe biggest corn crop you ever raised The extraordinary flexibility of uio uccre iviotiei ub 10 spring pressure insures uiorougn cum vauon 01 every hard or uneven spot It leaves small middles and cuts out dead furrows This excellent narrow meets all demands Built in all sizes from four to nine feet width with 10 id or 20 inch discs Our famous hardwood bearings cll soakcd straight oil tubes with spring plugs to exclude dirt steel shanks set edgewise for greater clearance One piece heavy high carbon steel frame Steel levers and racks for angling gangs Double leaf oil tempered seat spring Scrapers of swinging type greatly improved over all others Stub pales for set over hitch and convenience in storing Nolliinij slighted but all details fully and practically worked out rnd keen nosted Wehavebut Ss7 - - -9 en - 0W WAM A 0cc briefly mentioned some of the jfZ2 strong features above Or drop us a iwst card and wo will l ltSfejg2t promptly send detailed proofs free Deere goods are of the KSSPsSsSSa sianuara ana saiisiy tne most exacting ask ior our szza seieciunr curinc anu lesunc ine seeu as wen as tSSSssbrv planting treated in a small space fully illus- iSSra Crated The book for the man who wants bet- A Zr v jJU Y4t ffvmw I IriAftll A l 9 a m Wnntvt v 1 mf lxltfjv 1 Wy free McCook Hdw Co Phone 31 Time Card McCook Neb 1 MAIN LINE BAST DEPaET No Central Time 1135 p m 7 745 r m 16 500 am 12 70 a m 14 942 pm 10 530 P M MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No 1 Mountain Time 1220 p M 3 1142 P M 5arr850pm 13 905 A M 15 1230 A M 9 fi15 A M 7 930 A M IMPERIAL LINE No 17S arrives Mountain Time 345 p M No 175 departs 045 am Steeping dining arid reclining chair cars aoats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage chocked to any point in the Uuited States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick et call on or write D F Hostottnr Acont McCook Nebraska or L W Vaklry General Posoner Acnt Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Mrs T L Rodstrom and Mrs M H Hammond were Holdrege visitors Wed nesday Aent George Scott of Brush whp down to see the warm one9 Wednesday evening Fred Archibald spent the closing days of last week with his father over on the Orleans St Francis line Matt Lawritson and Emerson Hanson departed on last Saturday night for the Big Horn country to be absent all week The Daily Problem Are you Interested in what Is in table rapping No I am m re in terested in what goes on it Balti more American Ho Girls Dont be concerned because of your lack of good looks says a writer Its the real dope girls Take it from us that a freckled skinny girl with a codfLL complexion who can draft a design fur a toothsome mince pie Is head and shoulders above the peaches-and-cream beauty wt dont know a flour sifter from a ba eball mask West B street A Dr Johnson Story Dr Johnson had some ideas on edu cation especially on that diversion known as learning a piece by heart One day Mrs Gastrel set a little girl to repeat to him Catos soliloquy which she went through very correct ly The doctor after a pause asked tlv child What was to bring Cato to an end She said it was a knife No my dear it was not so My Aunt Polly said it was a knife Why Aunt Pollys knife may do but it was a dagger my dear He then asked her the meaning of bane and antidote which she was unable to give Mrs Gastrel said You cannot expect so young a child to know the meaning of such words He then said My dear how many pence are there in sixpence I cannot tell sir was the half terrified reply On this addressing himself to Mrs Gas ml he said Now my dear lady can anything be more ridiculous than to teah a child Catos soliloquy who does not know how many pence there are in sixpence Pepys and the Comet They were watching a comet in Pepys day though Halley at the time was but eight years old My Lord Sandwich this day says the diarist Dec 21 1GU4 writes me word that he bath seen at Portsmouth the comet and says it is the most extraordinary thing he ever saw Again on the 24th Having sat up all night till past 2 oclock this morning our porter be ing appointed comes and tells us that the bellman tells him that the star is seen upon Tower hill so 1 that had been all night setting in order of my old papers in my chamber did now leave off all and my boy and I to the Tower hill it being a most fine bright moonshine night and a great frost but no comet to be seen Later the same day however Pepys saw the comet which now whether worn away or no 1 know not appears not with a tail but only is larger and dull er than any other star Wanted Knicker There is room for a new Invention Bocker For instance an alarm clock to strike the psychological mnmanf THE FIRST CLOCKS Ono at Padua That Was a Wontler of Mechanism It was we are told in 1309 that the first clock known to the world was placed in the tower of San Eustorgio In Milan The greatest astonishment and ad miration were manifested by crowds who flocked to see the timepiece In 13 14 a clock was installed in the pal ace of the nobles at Padua This was a wonder of mechanism indeed for besides indicating the hours it showed the course of the sun the revolutions of the planets the various phases 0 the moon the months and the Cetes of the year The period of the evolution from the clock to the watch was seventy one years not so very long all things con sidered and the record of the first watcli is 13S0 A half century later an alarm clock matlo its appearance This we are told was looked upon by the people of that age as un in strument prodigieux The fortunate possessor of this clock was Andrea Alclato a councilor of Milan The chroniclers have placed on record that this clock sounded a bell at a stated hour and at the same time a little wax candle was lighted automatically How this was done we are not told but it must not be over looked that until about seventy years ago we had no means of obtaining a light other than the tinder box so that the Milanese must have been cen turies ahead of us in this respect Not much progress was made with the watch until 1740 when the sec ond hand was added London Globe TEMPTED HE ATE A Story of Heinrish Heine and a Toothsome Lyons Sausage Returning from a journey to the south of Kra nee neinrich Heine met a friend a German violinist in Lyons who gave him a large sausage that had been made in Lyons with the request to deliver it to a mutual ac quaintance a homeopathic physician in Paris Heine promised to attend to the commission and intrusted the delicacy to the care of his wife who was traveling with him But as the postchaise was very slow and he soon became very hungry on the ad vice of his wife both tasted of the sausage which dwindled with every mile Arriving at Paris Heine did not dare to send the remainder to the physician and yet he wished to keep his promise So he cut off the thin nest possible slice Avith his razor wrapped it in a sheet of vellum paper and inclosed it in an envelope with the following note Dear Doctor From your scientific inves tigations we learn that the millionth part of a certain substance brings about the greatest results I beg therefore your kind acceptance of the accompanying mil lionth part of a Lyons sausage which our friend gave me to deliver to you It homeopathy is a truth then this little piece will have the same effect on you a the whole sausage Your HEINRICH HEINE Ughettis With Physicians and Cli ents Old Time English Elections In old time England each constitu ency gave its representative in parlia ment a horse to carry him to West minister and also paid his expenses on the road These expenses together with an allowance for each day spent on duty at the house of commons gen erally at the rate of SO cents a day were refunded in one lump sum when the member returned home at the end of the pariamentary year Sir F De laval totaled seven votes in an attempt on Andover in the general election of 17GS An item in his election agents bill is typical of the reckoning he had to pay To being thrown out of the George inn Andover to my legs being thereby broken to sugeons bill and loss of time and business all in the sorrice of Sir F Delaval 500 Lord Llandaff won Dungurvan in 1SGS The item 547 whisky caused him to protest faintly Begorra said his election agent if ye want to squeeze a pippin like that yeH never do for Dungarvan Spring and Easter Footwear We wish to give everyone an invitation to call and see our line of Pumps and Oxfords for men women and children We have new styles arriving daily by xpress Get ready for Easter by buying a new pair of pumps or oxfords Ask to see the new Dull Kid Instep Pump KYTYTTT1 Our Motto 4 Style Quality and 3 t Fit 5 l3X t s j MTTTTTYTT rTTTVTTTTTTT YT H Shoe Repairing Specialty MJLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM pisrns The Model Shoe Store 201 Main avenue III CCmStSBBw j yPtfi Tis Tt Ladies will You Invest 18 20 2250 25 or 30 For a Suit What share in your Summer pleasures does your suit have The majority of well dressed women seek quiet refine ment in their clothing simplicity is the key note It is to be found here in abundance New length skirts and jackets short jackets prevail in light weight diagonals fine Serges Scotch Plaids and Nov elty Suitings Note the soft roll collais and the unique pocket and bot tom trimmings are novel touches Examine this Faultless Feminine Apparel fen Wl a fa r Phone wWW No 22 The Geese Were Ducks The following little incident tooli place awhile ago at a Northeastern station in Yorkshire Some geese had strayed on the rail way and were observed by a traveler who fearing that they might be ruu over said to one of the porters on the platform Who owns the geese my man Thems Ducks the porter replied Again the question was asked with the same reply Somewhat annoyed the traveler called the station master and told him the story stating that he full well knew the difference between geese and ducks The station master laughingly re plied The man is quite right Those geese are Ducks They belong to Mr John Duck the farmer Loudon Tit Bits Rose to the Occasion Mr Kajones who happened to step Into the parlor while looking for a book was just in time to see some body slip hastily off somebody elses knee Ah Bessie he observed pleasantly this is a merger is it Or is it a limited partnership Neither papa said Bessie recover ing herself instantly George is my holding company thats all Chicago Tribune The Best She Could Do Weve got to cut down our ex penses said Woodby We are living in a style that makes everybody think my income must be twice as big as it is Well his wife replied what more do you want seeing that there is no chance foryou to double your income Chicago Record Herald The Fidgety Bachelor But why do you put your friends things in the dining room Oh he is so used to restaurants that he wont enjoy his dinner unless he can watch his hat and coat Louis ville Courier Journal The Curious Pair Mrs Rubba I wonder why that wo man keeps watching me so Mr Rub ba Perhaps shes trying to find out why you are staring at her Philadel phia Press Pretty Slow Howell Ro well is pretty slow Powell Slow Hell make a snail look as if it had been exceeding the speed limit New York Press Deepest Hours of Sleep The period of deepest sleep varies trnva 3 to 5 oclock BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds iWWMIi il l ibXr jgr ti I i ff I r SI 1 k hi JE 1 n iSiili I m Men Grasp this Opportunity If you want smart clothes clothes that radiate Style clothes that absolutely hold their shape all wool material coats with nun breakable fronts and in the nobby two or three button styles BUY THESE Blue Serges neat Mixed Worsteds Cheviots 15 to 2750 Xtragood clothes for boys wear twice as long as any others Reefer Russian Suit Knicker Suit Sailor Suits 4 to 750 McCook Neb g65Xs Uyerstocked By an error of the wholesale house our stock of EASTER POST CARDS and of EASTER BOOKLETS and NOVELTIES is heavily overstocked and rather than return same we have decided to give the people of flcCook and vicinity the advant age Hence while they last will dispose of many of them AT HALF PRICE i I a I Easter Flowers We will have the only true Japanese Lilium Longiflorum ever shipped to McCook These are much superior in strength of plant and size of flower to the ordinary Bermuda grown Easter lily They will be on display at L W McConnells drug store Carnations Roses Violets Sweet Peas Pansies and Potted Plants at Easter prices McCook Greenhouse 1 f TRIBUNEjStationery Dept Main Avenue i Phone Red 214 HARCH JOHNSON Props I