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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
ffft iai3E8fB85B5teL t1 wtmth1ifi fAfrSTfhfB feESWi miw By F M KIMA1ELL SrsJTsrjiiJT jj v J r J Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at potolllce McCook Nebraska as second class inuter Published weekly Advertised Leiter List The following mail matter remains uncalled for at tho AlcUook postoftice March 18 1910 LETTKU9 Guyar A Harzel W W Hall Orie Hadley Mrs Byrdie D Krauser Miss Hilda Rettelis J C McDermit CIihh Peterson F E Smith J B Smith L Walker Mr and Mrs Roy CARDS Hughley Mrs Tom Murray Charles Moore Mack Ver Valln W Weaver E R Williams Mrs Rema When calling for these please say they were advertised Lor Conk Po tmaster IflDIANOLA Last Fridav evening the Masons and their families were given a banquet which was largely attended The Indianola Orchestra celebrated St Patricks night with a big dance at the opera house The A O U W lodgd held a smoker in the hall Saturday evening Refreshments were served and a good time was had by all present The Wets held a caucus Friday night and nominated William Fritch for Mayor Arthur CrabtreeCouncilman of 1st ward John J Strunk Councilman of 2nd ward- Indianola base ball team played Pump kin Hill Sunday The score being 10 to 11 in favor of Pumpkin Hill Carrie Schoenthal of Bennett Nebr is here visiting her brother Dan and family Preston Rollins is out this week on the road with his brother Cal getting pointers on salesmanship Tom Minnick of Cambridge was a city visitor the latter part of the week Susie Colling visited relatives in Mc Cook Monday Albert Norman was out in the country last Sunday looking over a Dairy farm Joe Murray of McCook spent Sunday with the home folks Alarming Symptoms My wife has taken up the use of Indian clubs what do you think of that doctor Well really If my wife began the use of any kinds of clubs I should consider them alarm ing symptoms Father McDIvitts Sudden Death Dr and Mrs W E McDivitt were called to Lincoln last Wednesday night by news of the sudden death of the doc tors father who passed away before they arrived in Lincoln on No 6 Thurs day morning While the father had not been in very good health for some time his condition was not considered serious On the diy of his death he attended to some matters of business in the morning ate a hearty dinner but was claimed in a few hours afterwards by acute pneumonia He was engaged in the real estate business a man of much energy and push iu his line and highly esteemed by a large circle in the capital city where he resided for many years Interment was made in Lincoln on Saturday afternoon The deceased was active in church and lodge work and there were a wealth of floral tributes from friends in these circles au specially handsome and large piece from the people who occu pied the same business building The bereaved ones have very tender sympathy of many friends here and in Lincoln Dr and Mrs McDivitt returned home on Sunday night R F D WO 1 Will Sheets and brother-in-law from Bartley are here moving a house for Mrs J I Lee from West McCook to 4th street east Miss Pearl Vandervort of Indianola is visiting her aunt Mrs J I Lee and will remain a couple of weeks Mrs Chas Evans health is very bad and she expects to go to Denver soon for medical treatment and change of climate Willard Walker is expected back the first of April to work for J I Lee This will be his fourth season and the ice customers are anxious for his return Mrs McDougalis taking treatments at the Waconda Springs Kansas C B Fowler loaded a car of house hold goods etc for shipment to his now home in Utah His family expect to follow Saturday Again it is not too late to order your trees and shrubs if done in the next few days We can furnish Cannas Tulips Crocus Phlox Coleus Caladiums and Dahlias alsoSalvias Petunia Pany and Asster plants McCook Greenhouse Those Poignant Regrets When a man in church gets ready for the contribution basket and finds his smallest coin is a quarter the bad taste In his mouth last3 all through dinner Atchison Kan Globe rwr - To morrow and Saturday is your last opportunity to buy joyous raiment for Easter It is with a feeling of confidence that we invite you to inspect our stock of coats suits and skirts dresses and waists In spite of the heavy sales of the past week our showing is com plete as we have been constantly ordering fresh goods Many new styles will be shown for the first time tomorrow You have learned to look to us for style authority This marvelous Easter display will increase your confidence The fit the finish the careful adaptation of style to material the excellence of fabrics the refined taste shown in every detail all indicate the high grade of artistic skill always found in our garments I This label is your assurance that the garment bearing it is of auth oritative style the material of pure wool the workmanship of the highest quality It is also a guarantee of two seasons of satisfac tory service These Faultless Garments can be found only at our store Back CombsHair Ornaments Braid Pins Collar Pins Belts Fans and air exceptionally complete line of Easter Gloves Await your early inspection i i krivftfAnFWTglgJKjHrffffi H rS MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE F S Vahue whs in from the road over Sunday Mrs H P Sutton went in to Oma ha Tuesday night on 6 on a visit to hrr sister Miss Ruth Campbell returned last Friday from her trip to Atchison Kansas Miss Blanche Berky of Cambridge was a guest of McCook friends last Friday A H Peacock has moved to the city and will make this his headquarters for the Fairmont Creamery Co Miss Bklle Stephenson departed Monday for Oberlin Kansas called there by the illness of ber sister Miss Emma Perry came up from Lincoln last Friday night and was the guest of Miss Edna Waite until Sunday morning Mrs C A Deloy visited in Alma on Tuesday Mrs Deloy her husbands mother accompanied her home on a short visit John Byfield who is finishing his course in the Arapahoe high school spent Sunday with McCook relatives returning Monday morning Miss Clara Rankin went to Lincoln Sunday and on Monday entered the high school in the capital city to com plete her high school course Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett en tertained the members of the Thursday Whist club Tuesday evening of this week Mrs J D Hare won the honors of the evening James Campbell was down from Yuma Colorado Sunday to attend the quiet home wedding of bis niece Miss Ruth Campbell He returned west on Monday morning H II Pickens one of Red Willow countys early settlers now of Escalon California who has been very ill we are happy to note is now improving Miss Merle Miller Roy Green and Baxter Austin all members of the class of 1910 entered the graduating class of the Arapahoe high school Monday Miss Vernice Franklin left Friday night on No 14 for Kansas City After visiting briefly there she will go on to Dodge City Kansas and other points in Southeastern Kansas to be absent two or three months for her health Mrs A A Fish and Miss Tessa went down to Edison last Thursday night to briefly visit her parents before depart ing for Colorado to live They returned to McCook Monday night and contin ued on their way to Denver J day SMSBrerigKr r q cok W C T U The president of the First National bank in a Nebraska town said to a Lin coln man the other day I was formerly an advocate of sal oons thinking that the best way to gov ern and control the business but after our town went dry I found that I wbb badly mistaken I believe a vote to d y would show our town 90 per cent dry I could point to ten men now who today are No 1 good sober citizens and nine of hem have an account in my bank who during license times were drink ing half the time and spent their surpks at saloons Simply could not stand the temptation In Bhort practically everything won in that long and bard fight will be thrown away if the city votes for saloons on April 11 By a large number of citi zens this is regarded as the most serious point involved in this referendum Christian Church Easter Program Easter program given at the Christ ian church next Sunday evening at 830 oclock Song Strains of Victory Choir Reading of spripture Prayer Recitation Hazel McClain Recitation Cecil Graves Dialogue E-A-S-T-E-R Recitation William Jimerson Recitation Daisy Baldridge Song Happy Happy Easter Time Recitation Edna Delong Recitation Lyle McClain Dialogue The Glad Awaking Song Hosanna to the King Choir Recitation Thelma Heskett Recitation Dosie Justice Recitation Sylvia Vincent Dialogue Red White and Blue Recitation Beatrice McClain Recitation Croker J imerson Song Follow the Victor King Recitation Nora Bryan Recitation Maud Tuttle Drill March of the Leaves Vocal solo Recitation Edith Baker Recitation Fern Graves Song God Will Roll Away the Stone Pillars of Fire Great men are the fire pillars in this dark pilgrimage of mankind they stand as heavenly signs evrlasting witnesses of what has been prophetic tokens of what may still be fhe re vealed embodied possibilities of hu man nature Carlyle Ei salens 1 Special Easter Offering Our Millinery Department The Garden of Easter Blossoms Our Spring showing excels any previous eftorts in magnitude vast assort ments of charming models are displayed in an array that should adequately meet every requirement and suit every taste - ife2 X E jiT l ivi i S- e J WJ y i Silk Petticoats to Match the Easter Gown We Have In All Colors at 450 600 S750 and Si 000 Each GENUINE HEATH ERBLOOM PETTICOATS We Sell In all Colors at 1 75 Beautiful Embroidery Flounces at 2 3 and 4 Each Sun Shades for Easter Our selections of Parasols are now in entire readi ness All the popular styles in Plain and Embroid ered effects with beauti ul long handles at unusually attractive prices CLAPP nwaaawawaaawftra Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings mmgmEg3wmmzmmgfeiigmmms23m 222 Main AveiPhone 56McCook Silk fetfmaMlMBMJHE5a A Snowdrift of Neckwear Including a large variety of DUTCH COLLARS Linen Stocks Jabots and Fancy Collars Hosiery in Spring Shades Are found with us in elegant values for 25c and 50c Ho In all the daintv shades S and black for i50 to KJw suu txz7WvLrTwmAmUWi ui y mi - iTiPBMMiMMaaMaBlilMMBMMaMygaaWgWaMWWgMBBMBiWMMiBMBglBiMMMBiMigBawi 1 t HinHManaHBiHiaiBHiHiaiH TEMPERANCE COLUMN Conducted bv Tomatoe Cabbage and Sweet Potatoe plants in an quantity at the McCook Greenhouse Phone Red 214 Good Printing Is the art of putting into another mind what is in your own IT IS A SUBTLE METHOD OF SUGGESTION It is a means or making a favorable impression To have the oest results it must be the best printing That we are prepared to give you WALK RIGHT IN We are sole agents for them in this city Come in and see them WANTED A reliable man in McCook to take subscriptions forsti ckand represent the United Wireless Telegraph Co This is a live proposition and a money maker Address C H Pakker No 622 Bp Building Omaha Neb For Rem Nicely furnished room heat light and adjoining bath room One or two gentlemen two single Jbeds BEACH Phone black GG r12 1st st east Jennings Hughes Co Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Estimate- furnished free Successors to ISurKess fc Son Phone Basement P O building Becker Mayer are the people who devote a large portion of their time to Boys Clothing j r SUlJTT yr- nwio r k i uUATEK CO Rozell Sons Phone 280 West B street - V i V V d 4