The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 17, 1910, Image 6
Real Estate Filings Tbo following real estate filings have been mndo in the county clerks office Paul P Smith et ux to Charles X Turner wd to 33 31 in 1 So Mo Cook 70000 Sarah A Jurvis wid to Jonathan 3 Sams wd to shfawqr 34 in 4 and seqrneqr 1 in 5 3 28 6 000 00 Charles E Eldred etux to Cbas II Boyle wd to hf int niifnwqr 17 4 30 400 00 P P McKenna ot ux to Chas II Boyle wd to nwqr 20 1 30 100 George Keitter Jr to E W Harris wd to t neqrnwqr 18 3 27 100 William Poh ot ux to George D Stulken wd to 8 in 1 South Mc Cook 100 Lincoln Land Co to Edward I Flitcraf t wd to 5 in 3 7th Mc Cook 22500 Marshal Britton to Edward G Williams wd to w hf sw qr 28 and bf9Mir 29 2 29 1200 00 John W Daily et ux to Henry N Graham wd nhfneqr 13 1 28 2 100 00 Rosa Roitor at cons to Thomas J Ruggles wd tn 7 8 9 in Indi anola 1 500 00 Irving R Andrews et ux to Ray mond T Ely wd to 7 and s hf 8 in 18 Indianola 950 00 Charles F Lohn et ux to Adam Frick wd to 8 in 6Gth McCook 1 500 00 Lincoln Land Co to Martha A Jones wd to 8 in 4 2d McCook 175 00 Arthur B Wood et ux to George S Myers wd to pt ee qr 28 3 24 9 000 00 Albert G Bump et ux to Wm F JNioweg wd to 4 in 25 2nd Mc Cook 50000 Ernest M Stewart to Burris H Stewart wd to 3 4 in 11 2d Mc Cook 1 0C0 00 George W Jones et ux to Peter Nelson wd to 15 in 53 Bartley 3 500 00 Edith V Fowler et cms tWG Bower wd to shfnwqr and nhf swqr 14229 4 500 00 Jame3 J Caion ec ux to CarlosL Padgett wd to n wqr 26 4 27 7 000 00 William Tuttle et ux to Frank Stillman wd whfswqr 23ptne qr 27 pt nhf 26-3-29 9 500 00 Ehz J Spencer t j James cbaol wd to 1 iu 17 Iodianola 800 00 A Familiar Figure Is Gone The death of Jules Merle Sun day morning March Gth 910 re moves a familiar figure from our streets where his quaint greetings have been heard for the past few years Since early in January he has been ailing but the seriousness of his condition was known to few hence his demise was a surprise to most Jules Merle was born in Lyons France on July 1G 1831 and came to this country about sixty years ago He received a liberal education and had traveled Extensively over the world had a retentive memory and had been a great reader before his eyesight failed several years ago He taught French in this country for many years and was a most interest ing conversationalist He was mar ried to Mrs Emma J Bartholo mew Evans in Oconto Wisconsin about forty four years ago to which union nine children were born only one son Charles Merle of liiis city and a step son Arthur J Evans of Wichita Kansas survive him Mrs Merle his wife died in Chicago in 1903 and he has made his home with his son in this city since then He was a communicant of the Ro man Catholic church and a short ser vice was held at the home Sunday night ahout 10 oclock Rev Father Patton officiating and his remains were sent early Monday morning to Elkhart Indiana accompanied by his son Charles for interment by the side of those of his wife and children NOTICE I am satisfied that there aie 200 00000 worth of chattel mortgages on file in the County Clerks office which have been renewed or paid off and the original has not been re leased Now all Grantees of said mortgages residing in Red Willow county will please take notice that all such mortgages remaining uncanceled on April 1st 1910 will be added to your Persona1 schedules according to the laws of the state of Nebraska T A ENDSLEY County Assessor Cj ti k iC H W IF Ife 2f Wk Hk k IS THE SUCCESS of oar STACKER which oztends af cor it is half way up with the load and is oper ated with ono horso Also our Patd PUSH EAKE and Denver Mado MOWER Our Clients and Competitors Acknowledge Tiiia 225000 invos tod in our factory to back onr goods Our elegant illustratedprinted mat ter and urices delivered at vour station sent free for the asking Al CERTIFICATE and SOUVENIR FEEE THE PLATTNER IMPLEMENT CO k DEPT 7 DENVER COLO If- zCiy mention thi3 paper ufo v MfciK nTTii gm AmK lgTrvwyi9TftaTr V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Green Cshr DIRECTORS Franklin A McMillen R A Green G H Walkins Vernice Franklin i The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 liUtiJiUUULiUliJLfcUUI tAArt riuMdiJUidUUUUUiai STANSBERRY LUHBER CO Everything- in L At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o er McCOOK NEB t D W COLSON FIRE INSURANCE AGENT I have Residence and Business Properties for Rent Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333 McCook Nebraska HIGHPRICED McCOOK Living expenses have advanced 50 percent in the past few years but you can get the BEST OF ALL KINDS OF COAL at the SAME OLD PRICE of the Bullard Lumber Co Phone No i i M O McCLURE Mgr i His Perfect English Did you ever notice anything pe culiar In Professor Ws speech In quired a friend of the professors Why no I dont think 1 did Well he would never be guilty of saying what you said just now He wouldnt What did I say You said l dont think I did Is there anything out of the way about that Yes You didnt say what you meant at all You didnt mean that you didnt think but that you thought you didut Professor W is so careful tuat ue says exactly wuat ue means and nothing else You do not mean that you do not think when you say that hut that you do think that such and such Is not Nearly everybody does that so It sounds queer when people speak as the professor does and say I think I dont instead of l dont think 1 do as the average Individual would say Another of the professors idiosyncrasies is to say Til not where you or I would say I wont All those little ways sound queer but theyre ab solutely correct and irreproachable The professor uses more perfect Eng lish than any one else I know New York Tress Bribery In English Elections Bribery is a term which every candi date for a seat iu the imperial assem bly dreads for the law visits offend ers against it with very heavy punish ment and more than one politician has realized that the game is not worth the candle The would be M P must be very careful not to give lend or promise money or moneys worth to Induce an elector to vote for him or abstain from voting for an opponent Neither must lie pay the days wages of any voter or give him money for railway fares or loss of time If he does and is elected the candidate loses his scat and both he and the recipient of his ill advised gift are liable to twelve months imprisonment or a fine not ex ceeding 200 Even treating the wives or relatives of electors may constitute an offense and the quantity is Imma terial if the intention is corrupt The withdrawal of custom from a tradesman if done with a view to af fecting the mans vote constitutes un due influence for which the punish ment is the same as in the case of bribery Pearsons Weekly The Australian Stock Whip The stock whip in the skillful hands of the Australian is not only an article of the greatest utility but also a for midable weapon Owing to its great length the lash varies from twelve to thirty feet aud the shortness of the butt which measures only eighteen inches it is an -extremely difficult and awkward thing to wield and the be ginner is apt to hurt himself if he does nor exercise care when practicing A well trained stockman however can hit a cent every time at ten paces dis tance and with the dreaded lash in his hand cracking like pistol shots can keep a mob of wild cattle in check If used with full force it will cut through skin and tlesh like a knife says the Wide World Magazine but unless a beast shows distinct vice the stockman uses it more for the purpose of instill- ing fear than of causing pain It can also be used as a bolas a Patagonian form of the lasso and an adept can catch and hold a beast by causing the lash to curl around its legs Luck of Peacock Feathers The peacocks feathers superstition is nothing like so common as it used to be Perhaps Whistlers celebrated peacock room helped to break it down At any rate peacocks feathers are or dinary enough articles of decoration in many happy and placid homes There are shops in London that keep large stocks of them and you may buy these bringers of misfortune at a shilling a bundle Did the superstition originate because of the reported pride of the peacock on the pride shall have a fall theory or is it that the eye of the feather is supposed to see un desirable happenings which somehow get published upon the housetops One rather feels that the beautiful tail was natures compensation to the bird for giving it the most abominable of all voices London Chronicle An Insinuating Missive He was a German student and this was the letter he addressed to his un cle Dear Uncle A very strange thing hap pened yesterday I went to see a friend of mine at the bank who knows your handwriting very well and he thought you were ill as I had not lately presented any checks signed by you He begs to be remembered to you as also do I and you might let my friend see your signature again If you are very busy you might send a blank check and I will fill it in Yours affectionately KARL Unusual Dont you like the book No I think the heroine Is a most impossible creature Is that so Yes She doesnt appear to have a tingle gown of some simple material that enhanced rather than hid her graceful figure Exchange The Worried Manager Whats the trouble asked the im presarios friend I cant keep my people down to their own lines of work The prima donnas will kick and the ballet wont Washington Star The Installments Patience They say she got all her furniture on the installment plan Pa triceShe did She has had four hus bands aud she got a little furniture with each one Yonkers Statesman The man who cannot blush and who has no feeling of fear has reached the acme of Impudence Mennnder When John Brown Wouldnt Pol Manear Is a favorite cast near Balmoral castle and was nlwajs held as tlie special preserve of John Brown who was the personal attendant of the late Queen Victoria John was an en thusiastic and Inveterate fisher and often the royal larder was indebted to his prowess for Its supplies of spring salmon when the rods of the other fish ermen failed to bring them to the bank It is authentically reported among an glers on Deeside that when the queen wanted John he was Immediately at her call except when angling and at such times she would not disturb him The tacit understanding between them is said to have arisen in the following fashion Her majesty one day sent an imperative message to the riverside desiring John to Immediately wait upon her Tell her majesty replied John In his usual Doric that I am rinniu a salmon and I canna come The messenger came back to him in hot haste saying that the queen de sired to see him the very minute Well tell her majesty this time that 1 am riiiniii ti salmon and I winna come And that settled It Albatross and Magpie Birds play a great part in good and bad auguries at sea The albatross is regarded as a harbinger of good for tune and has been immortalized as such by Coleridge in the Ancient Mariner The Rime of whereas the magpie is a bad omen A friend of Sir Walter Scott travel ing by coach to London entered Into a conversation with a respectable looking seaman who remarked I wish we may have luck in our journey Theres a magpie And why should that be unlucky I cant tell you that but all the world agrees oue magpie bodes ill luck two are not so bad but three are the evil one himself I never saw three magpies but twice and once I nearly lost my vessel and afterward I fell from my horse and was hurt Many seamen still believe in water spirits or sprites In Bohemia the fish ermen are afraid to assist a drowning man for fear of giving offense to the water sprite Berlhollet and Robespierre It is said that the celebrated savant Barthollet in the most dangerous times of the republic sustained his fearless love of truth Some days prior to the ninth Thermldor a sandy deposit was found in a barrel of brandy intended for the army The contractors sus pected of poisoning were immediately arrested and the scaffold was already prepared Berthollet however exam ined the brandy and reported it free from all adulteration You dare maintain said Robes pierre to him that that brandy does not contain poison As his reply Berthollet drank off a glass saying I never drank so much before You have plenty of courage ex claimed Robespierre I had more when I signed my re port replied the chemist and here the matter terminated Fiddling and Skating The celebrated violinist Joachim I during a winter residence in northern Germany was in the habit of watch ing the skaters on a fine piece of water beneath his windows until one day it occurred to him to try the exercise himself As he had never yet donned a pair of skates he put himself into the hands of a man who provided skates and instruction in the art on the brink of the water and was soon equipped and started on the ice the master lead ing his pupil Finding no difficulty in keeping his balance under these circumstances Joachim felt sure he could go alone desired his leader to leave him and the next minute was sprawling on the ice on his back Aha said the teacher triumphant ly as he raised his prostrate pupil You see it is not quite so easy as play ing a fiddle The Bridal Wreath The bridal wreath is usually formed of myrtle branches in Germany It is made of orange blossoms In France as well as in the United States In Italy and the French cantons of Switzerland it is of white roses In Spain the flow ers of which it is composed are red roses and pinks In the islands of Greece vine leaves serve the purpose and in Bohemia rosemary is employed In German Switzerland a crown of artificial flowers takes the place of the wreath Not the Usual Kind What a fool exercise fencing must be for women Why so I always understood it was fine Here Maude Binks is taking lessons and she told me yesterday she was learning how to feint Baltimore American Where Authority Ends Rogers is a born leader of men Thousands of them would follow him into the jaws of death Yes but he cant make his two-year-old boy so much as sit in a chair Harpers Bazar A Long Minute Ill be ready in a minute she said to her husband You neednt hurry now he called up some time later 1 find that I shall have to shave again Detroit Free Press No Indeed You Hamericans say we ave no umor said the loyal Britisher but Ill ave you understand sir that Henglish jokes are not to be laughed at 31 Back to the Farm The greatest advertisement over given to western farm lands is contained in the present discussion regarding tho high cost of living Our population nd its demands has increased beyond tho ratio of increased soil products 33r man who owns a farm is surer today than ever beforo of its future valufe and worth to him Nearly a million immigrants come annually to this country The west is increasing in population at tho rato of half a million a year Th man who owns a 50 or 10 acro worn out farm in Europe is considered indepena ant yet The West Offers You 320 acre Tracts of Mondell Land Or 80 acre Tracts of Government Irrigated Land At a Price That Conies Near Being a Gift With tho absolute certainty that thoso lands will bo beyond tho reaeh of rt homesteader in a few years It Will Pay You to Get Hold of a Western Farm for yourself or your son beforo it is to lato Get in touch with anfc D CLEM BEAVER General Agent LandSeekers Information Bureau Room 6 Q Building Omaha Neb TRIED AND PROVEN There is a Heap of Solace in Being- Able to Depend Upon a Well Earned Reputation For months McCook readers have seen the constant expression of praise of Doans Kidney Pills and read ahout the good work they have done in this locality Not another remedy over pro duced such convincing proof of merit Samuel Garret Main St Minden Neb says My wife Buffered from kidney trouble for a number of years despite all her efforts for relief Dull pains in the small of nor back would at times seize her and make it almost im possible for her to move When she stooped she would become very dizzy and spots would appear before her eyes She was restless at night and during the day would feel tired and worn out Last fall Doans Kidney Pi Is were brought to my attention and I procured a box for my wife advising her to use tLem She did so and was restored to health and strength Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at McConnells drug store and aak what customers report For sale by all dealers Prico 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y solo agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other RED WILLOW Mr and Mrs Will Randel went from Sunday - school last Sunday and took diuier with Owens Lougntcliuis folks Walton Randel was sick with the pro vailing cold Mrs Louis Longnecker and two child ren spent the latter part of the week with Mrs Lewis Elmer returning home on Saturday evening Mr Rider was over on Friday getting wheat for sowing Little Alice Longnecker has been quite sick witn enlargement of the liver but is bettor now Mr Hess Bellair has sold his place to Frank Foleys Kidney Ri nipdy will cure any case of kidney or huider trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine Xo medicine can do more A McMillen Do Yoa Wast to Help Boom This Town C0N5TRcTED j M g If you do youll subscribe for this pa per regularly and advertise In it But If you dont youll sneer at our efforts for town improvement If you dont youll order your job printing from some outsider If you dont youll borrow your neigh bors copy of the paper to read DO YOU OR DONT YOU I If you do joull assist the editors in i advertising the place If you do youll patronize home j tries including the printer illliiP W3WisS Plant the BOUNTIFUL V I r1nnHnyl V filXOi1t QpDIC I la yogff garden No mattcrwhat ebe youve decided to plaatUtcse five should certainly find a place In your zardeiu Kwect Corn TTliHo Stcitcnn Just as sw5tjji J fine In flavor as tho cU BlacI Mexican without its J objectionable color Goodyleldcr matures early stj remains caioc lunccr jhm Vol a Cabhact Never equalled for uniformity a Growth shape of head ind hardness Hasfew osts2a reaves Set out la July will mature soH headsin October iUcalur price IC w Musk joon iluncarlan Pineapple Finest Ca vored sweetest and most aromatic of all muaJc melons Flesh deep red Kcsularprlcelcw Klondike Onrumber a to 7 Inches long extrenaety i early very proline DarK crcen sooa snape naosc prolltable sort for shipping lleeular prleo 1 Be J Neiv Corelexs Tomato Lanje size kIodo snaps bright red strong grower and big cropper Avepg weight 12 ounces Itccular price lOo 55c collection for 39c This excellent assortment Is worth 55c butwo wfij 1 send it to any address postpaid for SSc 1 rnmnlctc line of best quality vereeafete t and Hover seeds Nebraska I growncAlfalfa and all varieties of Clovsr I ana urass sccas nonaera stuwusew potatoes etc Write to day for free catalogue GERMAN NURSERIES i SEED HOUSE Bgz2cS 5 BEATZK v i ijtjr irv j Mm SM 55iK si3 A Night Alarm Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the metallic cough of croup Careful mothers keep Foleys Honey and Tar 5a the bouse and give it at the first sign of danger Foleys Honey and Tar has saved many little lives No opiates A McMillen Office overEIectric Theatre Rooms 6 A 7 Dr W B Ely M D Practice Limited Specialty Diseases of the Rectum Piles Fissure Ulcer etc OHico Hours 9 a in to 4 p Phone 126 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTSS McCook Nebraska BftAent of Lincoln Land Co and of Me Cools Waterworks Office in Postoffice building Midclleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Koom Two over McConnells dron store McCook Nebraska F E Whitney Office First Boor South of DeGroffs Walter Hosier WHITNEY HOSIER Draymen Prompt Services Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Phones I3ana Black 244 FRED WIGGINS AUCTIONEER will cry you sa 1 e 9 aay tim any where Bills post ed in tbo Sappa coun try and tin cups fnr nished for your free lunch with o u t extra charge Terms 310 first 1000 or less 1 per cent on all sales r u li ning over 31000 Dater made by Th Danbury News Danbury Nebr F0LEY3H0MTHC stoos the ccmglx and Heals Iang 0 I J1 1 r rd 4 v v