The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1910, Image 5

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P v
Time Card
McCook Neb
W I 15 0j - a - - Ej M
NJ ContralTirno II t5 p m
7 745i m
r00A u
I rri
J 942 r m
10 rm
No 1 Mountain Timo 1220 p m
j v--- 1142 p m
5105 a M
12t A M
lfi a m
9W a M
No 176 nrrivosMountuin Timo i4r p m
No 175 departs 045 am
81oepiriff dining and reclining chair cars
Boats froo on through trainB TickoU sold
and baggage chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or writo D F Hosteller Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakoley General
Pnnsun fr Agent Omaiia Nebraska
Engineer John Marshall takes marked
pleasure in the only R5 on the system
S D Hughes has added a comfort
able porch to his Main avenue resi
Fireman Frank Humphreys is visit
ing his mother who is very ill at Atchi
son Kansas
Conductor Tom Malen was over from
Republican City Sunday spending the
day at headquarters
Mr nnd Mra T B Campbell went to
Atchison Monday night having bpen
called by the serious Illness of a friend
Tom Malons headquarters are now at
Republican City instead of at Hastings
where bis layover has been for a long
wiped the brick dust off his cady took
a long deep breath deliberately closed j
the cavern in several bohunks faces
R E Love is viHiting the folks in
Pilot repairs were made on the 371
this week
Fireman J M Henderson is visiting
in Red Cloud
Engineer Chalie Starr is visiting in
Omaha this week
Fireman C M Hnre has been visiting
in Hastings this week
Engineer Louis iVoilgon is in Bloom
field Iowa attending court
Engine 322 received some minor re
pairs to pilot cylinders etc this week
The dog engine Barney Lowis famous
No QH is in the shop for an overhaul
Cliff Uurbridge has gone to work in
the bolt dejnrtruent of the blacksmith
Engineer A P Walters is back from
Holdrcg Where ho has beer relieving
Enginem Runberg
Grover Griffith of Holdrege is
now express messenger on the Mc-Cook-Imperial
The cement foundation is in for the
new steam driven air compressor which
will be installed before long
An auction of second hand overalls
will shortly be announced by Charlie
Langston and Will Dungan
A fox lathe has been sent here
from Havelock It is intondsd and
equipped for fast work of small kind
Clyde Shirley is beyond expression
he cant make an audible sound For
tunately Clyde is of the male gender
Engineer George Oamptell who has
been relieving Archibald is laid up with
Several bricks from the roundhouse
resultintr from cination
n sorp arnf va
fell on General Foreman McArthurs i
i Engineer Con lost who has been
back the other dav without serious
j i switching in the Denver yards came
UiUIUlU 1UU UlltllS UIJUI1 uiiiuiiy
down to headquarters and home end of
last week
Engine 2858 on No 1 Tuesday was
while Langston hid behind the ponys j as fine as a fiddle and as handsome as
tank to smile audibly
Sam Lyon was born in Virginia in
1848 and died at the hospital in Pueblo
February 25 1910 after an illness of
only two weeks The funeral was held
at Denver on February 28 and inter
ment mndo in the Riverside cemetery
J M Lyon of this place and his sons
Will and Ray of McCook attended the
funeral The deceased was one of the
pioneers of the Republican Valley in
Southwestern Nebraska coming here
in 18GS For the past twenty years he
had made bis home in Denver He had
no children but leaves a faithful wife to
complete lifes journey alone Trentc n
an Akron belle Charlie Milligan was
excusably proud of her
Lindoo the pipe man will be on the
job in a few days to do some extensive
pipe work hero This is no pipe dream
and Lindoo is the candy boy for the job
P H Cobb agent at Funk is the
inventor of an actylene gas lighting
machine which he is patenting He
is now on a brief vacation installing
some plants in Holdrege and vicinity
Conductor Fred D Griffith of the
Holdrege Cheyenne line won the
Chalmers Detroit touring car in the
Omaha Daily News voting contest
with nearly a million votes to the
HAVE just received large consignments of spring
- goods in their Hardware Harness and Farm Ma
chinery Departments They wish at this time to call
especial attention to the famous
Molinc Line
of Disc and Pipe Frame Harrows Plows and Listers
toowell known to require any recommend from them
hut in the
Lay By Listed Corn Cultivator
they have a machine they wish an opportunity to
show to every farmer who plants corn They also
sell that hest of all seeding machines the
Superior End Wheel Disc Drill
and wiU have a supply of them on hand in a few days
Call and see them hefore huying anything in their
Picnic Cornmltlee Pleeis
A mooting of the committee for the
second annual railway mens picnic was
held in the master mechanics oflicc
Monday evening The following organ
ization was perfected for the event rep
resenting the different organizations
and departments
A C Wiehe chairman
C F Langston secretary
George Willitts Jr O R C
Neal Beeler B of R T
Walter Stokes B of L E
O G Coppom B of L F
George Enoch I A of M
Frank Traver Boilermakers
J M Smith Car department
Lloyd Jennings Store department
Hirvey Snider Tin shop
Roy Kleven Operating department
D F HoHtotler Pass and Freight
O E Pearson Auditing department
A II Smart H E Culbertson J E
Morrissey Committee on transporta
Such a bunch as the above absolute
guarantees that the hecond annual will
be a hummer
Another meeting will bo held in the
same place next Monday evening
There is already a strong sentiment
developing for holding the second an
nual picuic at some point on the Im
perial branch possibly at the Falls on
the Frenchman at Wauneta Quite an
ideal spot too
Engine 1751 is over drop No 2 for us
ual repairs
A set of new flues was placed in the
715 this week
The 133 had some work done on her
cylinders piston heads etc this week
Repairs are being made to the curbing
and brick walks about the depot this
Engine 197G is in the roundhouse for
repairs to her frame which has been
bent and broken
The Oldest Joke
It will be difficult to discover an old
er practical joke than that of the cop
persmith and the maker of brazen im
ages for the temple of Osiris which is
embodied in Egyptian inscriptions dat
ing from the reign of Menes founder
of Memphis who ruled over 7IHJ0
years ago According to ancient rec
ords there dwelt between these two
craftsmen a quiet man whose desire
was for peace and who was sadly dis
turbed by the noisy occupations car
ried on by his busy neighbors He
therefore asked each of them to say
for what sum they would change their
dwellings This they did Each calcu
lated the amount required and he be
iug satisfied paid it over to tlieui
Now lie asked of the coppersmith
where is your new dwelling I
have taken that of the maker of im
ages was the reply And you
queried the quiet man of the latter
whither goest thouV To the house
of the coppersmith
This is one of mauy tales told in all
ages which are woven into myth and
legend and differ only in local color
Bees Recognition of Landmarks
There can be little doubt that so
intelligent an insect as a bee has a
long memory and a keen eye for land
marks This is testified to by the
fact that almost all bees fly by day
whereas such creatures as moths of
no fixed home or occupation fly in
the darkness A bee would be lost at
midnight because it could not recog
nize its surroundings
Correspondent Wants to Know
Heres a funny thing One fly can
spoil all your food One toad can eat
51940 worth of flies in a season
These figures from the secretary of
agriculture We have S000000 flies
in our kitchen during an ordinary
summer day How many toads should
we keep
Alarming Symptoms
My wife has taken up the use of
Indian clubs what do you think of
that doctor Well really if my
wife began the use of any kinds of
clubs I should consider them alarm
ing symptoms
Pneumonia follows a cold but never
follows the use of Foleys Honry and
Tar which stops the cough heals the
lunge and expels the cold from the sys
tem A McMillan
gc3gygif53a Esgrsrei
Spring Shoes
One thing we pride ourselves in is that we have shoes for ALL CLASSES If you
want something in a neat dress shoe or oxford we have it If you want a medium or work
shoe we can show you something that will suit in PRICE AND QUALITY
Before you buy let us show you our line as we know we have quality and prices We
have all our shoes built up special and we have quality put into their
Where Quality Counts We Win
The Model Shoe Store
Fisher Perkins
2oi Main avenue
lafriiA Afc ij tfaAa
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska March if 1110
The Hoard of County Coininii sioiiurs met pur
suant to adjournment present C U Gray F S
Lofton and Edward Sughroiie County Coimnis
sioners and Chn Skaila county clerk
The minutes of the meeting held February 14
1910 were road and on motion approved
The oilicial bond of Simeon R iri sell as
constable for East Valley Precinct was exam
ined and on motion approved and ordered re
corded and placed on file
On motion the resignation or Dr H J Arlio
gnst as County Coroner was accepted
On motion tht resignation of T C Hr Reman
as constable for Willow Grove Precinct was ac
Te corrected annual settlements of the fol
lowing named Overseers of Highways were ex
amined and motion approved and ordered
placed on llle
S V Frye Di trict No 9 Iudianola Precinct
Harvey Springer District No 12 Missouri
Ridge Precinct
The petition of George- Cappell Henry John
son and others asking for the establishment of
a public road was read and considered The
Doard iinds that all owners of laud along the
line of the peoposcd road have given their con
sent thereto in writing on motion same was
granted establishing a Iublic Road as follows I
Commencing at tiie intersection of tin Rurl
ingtou Railroad Right of Way with the east line
of Section lO Ifcl on the north side of said Right j
of Way and running thenco south across said j
track one quarter of a mile nnd terminating at
a point K rods south of said Right of Way on j
said section line said road to be -Id feet wide
and to be locaed all on the west side of said
section line on the land now owcd by George
Cappell said road to be known as Road No iSi
and the Clerk was instructed to notify the Ov
erseer of Highways to open the same
It appearing to the Hoard that the following
described tract of land part of lot i Section
beginning at a point in the east line of the
Railroad Right ofJWuy on said section J50 feet
north of the southerly termination thereof east
199 feet south t50 feet west 199 feet to track
north 350 feet to beginning was assessed by the
State Hoard of Assessment as a part of the
Railroad Right of Way and also locally assess
ed as Real Estate making double assessment of
same the Hoard on motion ordered the County
Clerk to strike such local taxes from the 1909
Tax List
On motion the County Treasurer was instruc
ted to refund to J L Rogers the sum of 200
being the amount of poll tax assessed against I
him in 1909 in McCook City and paid by him
under protest for the reason that he was not of
age until July 1909
On motion the County Treasurer was instruc
ted to refund to A F Clark the sum of 100 be
ing the amount of poll tax asscs ed against him
in 19US mid 109 in McCook City and paid by
Iiim under protest for the reason that lie lias
been a member of the McCook Fire Department
for five years
On motion the County Treasurer was instruc
ted to refund to P P Davis tho sum of 200 be
ing the amount of poll tax assessed against him
in 1909 in McCook City and paid by him under
protest for the reason that he is over M years
of age
On motion the County Treasurer was instruc
ted to refund to Perry ifc Hee Co the sum of CS
being the amount of 1909 taxes illegally assessed
against them in Hartley and paid by them un
der protest for the reason that no deduction of
their book accounts was made from the liabili
ties by the Assessor
The claim of H I Peterson forS1067 for sal
itry as sheriff from January 1st 19HJ to Janu
ary 5 KJ0 was on motion rejected
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and tlie clerk on motion was instructed
to draw warrants on the road fund of commis
sioners district No i levy of 1001 for the same
as fillnws
Samuel Hall road work Willow Grove
precinct -1000
And on the county general fund levy or 1909
as follows
L M Higgins attending court and sum
moning jury
L M Higgins attending J P court nnd
expenses Riley case
L M Higgins boarding prisoners and
expenses 519 25
L M Higins serving road notices No
L M Higgins salary as sheriff Febru
ary 1910 10000
S R Grissell constable feea state vs
Daly claimed atSCG allowed at GCG
C A Rodgers attendance court special
February term 225
C A Rodgers report to state board of
health 450
Elizabeth Rettcher salary February 1910
as countysupeiiutendent 10000
C J Ryan viewing road No -Ill 450
Georgo Fowler janitor February 1910 3000
J C Moore fees state vs Traivor and
L M Higgins fees state vs Traivor and
C A Rodgers fees state vs Traivor and
P S Heatou fees state vs Nancy J
L M Hggins fees state vs Nancy J
Lano 45
Fred Schlagel ftes state vs Nancy J
Lane 210 rejected
C A Rodgers fees state vs Nancy J
Lane - 765
E C Caine Co coal Mrs Vandervoort 1275
W B Whittaker railroad fare advanced
to paupers S55
George W Short estate mdse Mrs Peter
Balius 1000
Barnett Lumber Co coal Mrs Baldridge
and Mrs Jeffers 1635
Billiard Lumber Co coal Dillon and
Mrs Jeffers 1200
Billiard Lumber Co coal court house K5070
Bullard Lumber Co drayage on coal to
courthouse S40
J A Wilcox Son mdse Mrs Stevens
and Mrs Jeffers 23 fcO
B Lehn house rent Mrs Vandervoort 1500
State Journal Co county records and
1910 tax lists 7111
State Journal Co assessors supplies for
1910 15000
Hammond Stephens Co supplies to
county superintendent Ib0
Nebraska School Supply House supplies
to county superintendent 2610
University Publishing Co supplies to
county superintendent 500
L W McConnell supplies 450
F M Kimmell legal blanks stationery
and printing 9J40
F M Kimmell legal blanks stationery
and printing 2sr
Whitney it Hosier drayage on lumber 100
H P Waite Co nails and supplies 391
Jan e McAdams brooms 145
Kelley Bros bolts nails to overseers 160
J H Yarger plastering basement in
court house claimed at 9220 allowed
at 2S00
Barnett Lumber Co lumber for coUrt
house 596
Perry Bee Co lumber 1363
E G Caine Co lumber 5535
Bullard Lumber Co lumber 14315
C B Gray commissioner service 900
F S Lofton commissioner services and
mileage 2140
Edward Suphroue commissioner services
and mileage 2360
1 IT 7f r TtT i
Spring timeclothes buying time
Have you yet bought your Spring Suit
If you have bought a dress or costume from the bolt have
you inspected our line of new bright fresh Trimmings
Stylecraft Suits-
for Women and Misses
We want to again call your attention to Stylecraft
Not a Fault not a Wrinkle not a Chance to Criti
cize or Improve
The smartest most superb styles to be seen this
season are included in our assortment
Better grades have guaranteed silk and taffeta linings
Price for every purse 2000 2250 2500
Dress Trimmings
We have assembled here an extraordinary showing of
all kinds of Dress Trimmings in a splendid variety of
A spring or summer costume is not complete without
some beautiful trimming You cannot help but make a
selection from our showing
Trimming braids per yard 5c and up
Gilt combinations per yard 50c to 300
Net with gilt extra fine per yard 500
A new stock of Summer Wash Ribbons in an excel
C B GitAY Chairman
Ciias Skalla County Clerk
Courtesy in Young Girls
Young girls are apt to be somewhat
thoughtlessly discourteous and are
quite oblivious of the irremediable
evil often wrought by want of thought
Such girls should bear in mind the
ins 1 lesson in courtesy given by a father
to his daughter My child said he
treat everybody with politeness even
though they are rude to you For re
member that you show courtesy to
others not because they are ladies
but because you are one Home
Rice Market Yields 200000000
The worlds market for rice meas
uring this market merely by the im
ports of the principal countries of the
world amounts to from 150000000
to 3200000000 per annum The im
ports of rice into the principal coun
tries of Europe in the latest available
year amounted to about 82000000
valu into Asia and Oceanica 88
000000 into North and South Amer
ica exclusive of the United States
12000000 and into Africa 6000000
Another Good Old Tar Heel Word
Besides Sampson county Onslow
comes forward as a shipper of Jeru
salem oHk seed The seed in mo
lasses is an old time domestic rem
edy we are told can be swallowed
more v ilifluously under the name of
Juzely ike Charlotte Ohsprvpr
i i 5r
A vf wsl
We can do your JOB
PRINTING of every
Cards Billheads Circulars Auc
tion and Show Bills Pamphlets
lent variety of colors Suitable for belts childrens hair S
ribbons and the narrow sizes are just right for beading
Sizes 5 7 and 9 per yard 3c
Sizes 12 1 6 and 22 per yard 6c
Sizes 40 60 and 80 per yard Ioc
Size 100 per yard 15c
This is just about half usuarcost
Ask to see our line of Womens Neckwear
C L DeGroff Co
Phone 22 McCook Neb
On motion the board adjourned to meet April j C W DEWEY Auctioneer
5 1910 j
McCook Nebraska
Will cry sales anywhere any timo at
reasonable prices Dales made at the
First National Hank or phone Ketl IJ3L
Go Kkt r departed Tuesday nihtt
fur Engle Nob
Neal Quick went to McCook Tuesday
J J Strunk and E Thompson vore
McCook business visitors Tuesday
I M Keardslee and wife camo down
from McCook Tuesda for a visit with
The show Tuesday night in Shorts
opera house was very well attended
but did not prove very satisfactory
Preston Rollins was a liartley social
vi itor Sunday
Marion Dow of Barth y was an Indiac
ola visitor Monday evening
Marguerette Dow of Gault Coo wha
has been visiting relatives here left for
Ft Morgan Monday morning
C H King shipped a car of hogs t
St Joseph Saturday eveuing
Alice Thomas and Jessie Ilolcomb are
the litre devils in the printing oHice
C Junker has accepted a position
with B F Johnson Co of Holdrege
Kjiloicomb and wife are the proud
parents of an 8 pound baby boy born
Sunday evening
Ward Quigley and family left for
Hudson Colo Sunday evening where
they will make their home
iend In Your Corn
Thehigh school pupils are engaged
in testing samples of corn as to their
germinating qualities several samples
are now in process They will appre
ciate it if the faimers of Red Willow
county will send them samples for test
Would Have Cost Him his Life
0car Bowman Lebanon Kentucky
writes 1 have used Foleys Kidney
Remedy and take great pleasure in stat
ing that it cured me permanently of kid
ney disesewhich certainly would have
cost me my life A McMHien
Legal Blanks Here
This oilice carrier all kinds of legal
tj rtly and icui iv
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etai s cr now in This years crop of
Pp- bai ind tomatoes at IIuber8
Law Blanks Briefs Blank Books BEGGS CHERRY COUGH
Labels at Reasonable Prices I SYRUP cures coughs and colds