L B II F M ww JTiJijrii The First National Bank of Mccook i8 tho oldest NATIONAL BANK in Southwestern Nobraska and in point of Capital Surplus and Undivid ed Profits00000 tho strongest Wo give you a personal invita tion to make this bank your de pository whether you have a small sum or a large one to lay aside for safe keeping OFIICKKS AND DIICECTOKS M FREES Pkes P WAITE V Pkes - t lJiilJiULl lyASH L THORGRIMSON Asst cash II P SUTTON C II BOYLE By F M KIMMELL L irgest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postollice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly Some newspaper men cannot resist the impulse to go into a conniption fit every time some one comes into their office and subscribes for their paper or payshis subscription and must needs find expression in thanks and a card of gratitude ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofiice March a 1910 LETTEK Both Mr J Frank Comstock J Doyle Mr U FGMrlin HallipGrbic Brele Pyrin Mr Lee CAKDa Curtis Mr Art Fire tack Miss Ogatha Gordon D A Harrison Mr Resin Lockwood E II Miller Mrs Tern McGuiro Mr J A A Richard soi Miss Whpeler Mr H D Willie- Mr J C Warner Mr Paul When tithing for these please say they vvern suHertised Lon Conk P M RF dTnO 1 Gi rman littMt parsonage is now getting its tiui tiint touches paint and etc List Fridy vf i oung folks gathered at limn- of Miss Carrie Fiechtner and bt IpU her celebrate her 18th birthday A Mirpri u on Carrie Little WiJma Broomtield who has been suffering several week paat wih pneumonia is slowly recovering Spring IllPPiln -- v Km 3MM jCTqrasfceaifejj BPgfct y NOTICE I am satisfiel that there aie 200 00000 worth of chattel mortgages on file in tho County Clerks office which have heen renewed or paid off and the original has not been re leased Now all Grantees of said mortgages residing in Red Willow county will please take notice that all such mortgages remaining uncanceled on April 1st 1910 will be added to your Persona schedules according to the laws of the state of Nebraska T A ENDSLEY County Assessor MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McConnell fills proscriptions A McMillan prescription druggist Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office Oliver Rees of Carlton was a city visitor close of last week Mrs Blanchard visited lelatives part of last week Minden Plant sweet peas on St Patricks Day Buy good aeed from H P Waite Co Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Frank Rea1 visited the children who are attending school in York close of last week Emery Simpson recently came up from near Holdrege and will farm the Kealey place in this vicinity II P Wjiite Co have a stock of farm harness which in quality and price will please the careful buyer Call and look them over Ask your grocer for 91 Patent and if you cant net it call up the McCook Mill phoue 29 and it will be delivered at once Guaranteed to be the best Mrs Rosa Overleese of McCook is visiting her mother Mrs E E Wheeler and other relatives and friends in Strang Geneva Signal Mrs S A Rowell returned home last Friday from spending part of the winter in Fort Morgan Colorado with her daughter Mrs U J War ren Our lino of breakfast stuffs h com plete Breakfast foods and pancake flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old Manse the best maple syrup on the market Huber The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are payins the highest cash price for baled alfalfa hay on track For prices and particulars phone 331 C W Dewhy Manager FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale No 6 Remington typewrit er in good coudition at a bargain WM Morrisey phone black 292 For Sale A wheel invalids chair Phone black 117 FokSale in McCook residence and two lots Rnit Rrnt Tron I Phone red 422 17 H I Peterson S room house and 5 acres of land for sule or rent A Brdnke 40 tf 106 Main ave furnished rooms is Here And we must all get busy And we want to tell you we have just received our spring shipment of John Deere Implements This line is so favorably known and in such general use that it is not necessary to dwell on the subject as they are recog nized as The Worlds Best Line While we have a good stock we want to serve you and have the goods ready for you in plenty of time and we will appre ciate your early orders for these SPLENDID IMPLEMENSS But do not forget the cows which give you a profit all the year Come in now and get a Sharpies or Blue Bell Separator and get the profits from your cows sr fjnkQS h f irr i n i alVUvl JL JUI W 0 xJm Phone 31 I West B street 1 EftJKwiMavw1 - na We Make Portraits That are Differant Styles Up-to-date Methods Modern Kimmell Studio 1st door north Commercial Hotel Phone red 428 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Lerov Jones of Indianola was a busi ness visitor Monday H J Cox who has been eaBt for many months is home Mrs Andrews of Cambridge is the guest of her daughter MrsTom McCarl Mrs Emma Dixon was up from Lin coln last Saturday on some legal busi ness Miss Ruth Campbell went down to Atchison Kansas end of last week on a visit Miss Hostetter of Chicago in tho guest of her brother Agent Hostetter and family Frank Stillman of Burlington Kan sas has been here part of the week look ing after his interests J S Stansberry C R Wood worth and C ECone were nt Champion Chase county midweek hunting A F Drebert of the Drebert Cloth ing Co arrived home from Chicago and other points east Sunday night Mrs Bryant Howe is spending the week in Stociville visiting friends She left McCook Monday evening Miss Beth Koberson departed on No 1 Tuesday for Denver where she enters the employ of one of the big stores in that city Miss Edith Waite returned with her mother from Crete end of last week tp remain at home for awhile until her health improves Mrs W A Mitchell went down to Lincoln Tuesday to be absent a few days on pleasure and business judi ciously combined Mr and Mrs William Hiersfkorn of near Lebanon came over to the coun ty seat Saturday visiting their relatives the K osp brothers until Monday after noon Mias Fay Hostetter returnert from the east Monday and will remnin the rest of the week with her parents after which she will eo to Colorado to tccept a splendid position Judge W H Pratt of the 17th Kan sas district was over from Phillipsburg closing days of last week visiting his daughter Mrs C E Eldred He re turned home on Sunday nght Arthur V Shaffer of the AlmaRec ord was in the city Mondaj looking over the remains cf the Standard aud figuring with Mr Moore of tho Ameri can Type Founders Co on taking over the materials Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee ar rived in the city Tuesday on No 1 from Evanston 111 where they have spend ing the winter with their daughter Mrs Ed Posue They left on No 9 same evening for Indianola to visit their daughter Mrs Will Dolan H C Clapp arrived home Sunday on No 1 from his sad journey to tho old home in Allegan Mich with the ie mains of his father His return was hastened by the fact of his own indis position which was greatly augmented by the dampness of the prevailing weather in Michigan Mrs W S Perry of Lincoln was in the city Saturday making a brief visit From here she went to Harvard where on Sunday afternoon she attended the funeral of a dear old friend Mr Can field well known to many McCook peo ple of the early days He was 86 years of age William Byfield leftMonday night for his new home in California Mr and Mrs Ed Byfield Miss Roxa and John will follow in about a month The Tribune joins their large circle of friendsjin heartily wishing the Byfields who are among Red Willow countys earliest settlers success contentment and prosperity NEW SUPPLY HERE We have plenty of hard coal nut stove and egg sizes rsew supply just arrived BARNETT LUHBER CO stpxas tlie cougH and lieals lun Lovely Easter 5uits lmi ft inl I lit I Of flj f I III M I III AW mm It is with a feeling of pride that we invite our customers to inspect the new arrivals in Coats Suits The Spring Models are all trim smart and beautifully tail o r ed The short suit jack ets smack de cidedly of Paris and New York Every garment is one that we can heartily re commend We feel that this Easter showing will win for us new laurels You have learned to look to us for Style Authority This dis play will increase your confidence Votes Count The campaign for Denver Dry is pronounced hopeful The liquor men sent a representative east to secure money from the brewers and distillers lie returned unsuccessful and reported that the Eastern brewers and distillers said We have troubles of our own And besides money sent to Colorado has never been productive of results Too manj women voters The Public S rving League composed of one hun dred representative Denver women has endorsed the dry movement and pledged its aid Prices on McCook Flour 91 Patent 150 per sack Anchor Patent 8140 per sack 91 Patent in 10 sack lot SI 10 per sack Anchor Patent in 10 sack lots SI 30 per sack McCook Mills J R Neel of Indianola was a Mc Cook visitor Thursday TRY THE PIANO IN YOUR OWN PARLOR BEFORE YOU BUY I Spring Has Blossomed Throughout Our Store Heralds of spring are shown in every department Everything new and fresh now ready for your inspection A PERFECT RIOT OF COLOR all light and joyous in keeping with the season A HOST OF NEW SHADES elusive blues indefinite fawn and grey delicate shades of greens and smart shepherds checks making SPRING BUYING AT OUR STORE A PLEASURE AND DELIGHT i Easter Millinery in Full Bloom Our especial ly attra c t i v e display at Our Spring Opening March n and 12 far surpasses any show i n g ever made in McCook during previous seas ons Handsome New York mod els correct cop ies of Paris de- Pianos 1 signs and the famous original creations from our own work room are now being shown at such exceptionally low prices that you should not fail to call and see them iniyimgp 1 We ask you to come early if you would have first choice of all the new styles models and fabrics as in many cases there are but few and often but one of a kind All Colors in Kid Gloves AH Shades and Lengths in Silk Gloves are found in this department to assist you in completing your Easter attire Trade where you are sure what you buy is right HC CLAPP EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHINGS Phone 56 222 flain avenue McCook of Fare at D Magners Hot Cakes and 3 Star Coffee White Flakey Bread from Pure Gold Flour Cheese with Mixed Nuts Fresh Fish Oysters and Mince Pie Oranges Bananas and Apples 220 Main ave McCook Phone 14 THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies JUST A FEW HOMES CAN POSSIBLY YOURS BE AMONG THEM e n ere LIMITED NUMBER OF HOMES WILL PROFIT The Opportunity of a Lifetime to Secure the Piano You Have Always Wanted at a Reduced Price and on Your Own Terms For the express purpose of stimulating their business at this time of year in this commun ity The Knight Campbell Music Company have shipped a number of their highest guaran teed and best instruments here all of which must be disposed of immediately irrespective of terms or conditions The sale of these instruments to representative families in this section is desired exclusively for advertising the long established Knight Campbell Com panys pianos and their well known Easy Pay Plan the purchase plan which has revo lutionized piano selling in tne West and has brought the immediate possession of a high grade instrument within the reach of even home YOUR NEIGHBOR HAS A PIANO - WHY NOT YOU This Remarkable Offer is Your Opportunity Call Phone or Write J Lo Goodman Monte Cristo Hotel McCook SUCH A CHANCE HAS NEVER CONFRONTED YOU BEFORE NEVER WILL AGAIN BUY WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR AND SAVE MORE ON A GOOD PIANO THAN WILL EVER BE POSSIBLE AGAIN 7w5 iarrsi svw - X v vs y r i