The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1910, Image 3

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Business Office Station
ery is Our Specialty
Particularly Fine Line of
Writing Papers in Boxes
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Letter Files
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
Invoice Files
McCook Views in Colors
are a Leader with Us
McCook Lodco No 135 A F A M meets
every first and third Tuesday of the month at
800 p mt in Masonic hall
Lon Cone w M
Chaeles L Fahnkstock Sec
Occcnoxeo Council No 16 R S M meets on
the last Saturday of each mouth at 800 p in
ii Masonic hall
William E Haet T I M
Aaeon G King Sec
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Claeence B Gray H P
W B Whittakeb Soc
knights teuplab
St John Conimandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
David Magner E C
Henry E Culbeetson Rec
eastern stab
Enroka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p mM in Masonic hall
Mrs C w Wilson W M
S Cordeal Sec
MODERN woodmen
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Jdlids Kdnert Consul
HM Finity Clerk
No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230t m in Morris hall
Mrs Caroline Kunert Oracle
Mes Aegusta Anton Rec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Temple
Maurice Griffin Treas MSJennings MW
C W Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tuesdays of each month at
800 p m in Temple building
Anna E Ruby C of H
Mrs Cabbie Schlagel Rec
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets on the first and third Saturdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Hdsted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F E
Golden Rod Lodge No 2S2 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
each month at 2 oclock
Mes Grace Husted Mes Lena Hill
Secretary President
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
second and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClcbe Sec
C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T
meets fht and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eagls hall T E Huston President
F G Kinghorn Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pre
Feed Wasson Fin Sec-
Floyd Beery Cor Sec
Stationery Department
McCook Division No 623 13 of L E meets
jvfry second and fourth Sunday of each
ttt 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Kubnett F A E
Young America Lodco No 456 B R C of A
jioets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
in Morris hall at730 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodce No 407 B of B M I S B of
meets first and third Thursdays of each
month in Eagles hall
Jno Seth Pres
Juo LeHcw Cor Sec
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall
J N Gaarde C C
C A Evans Ii R S
McCook Lodgo No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall
B J Lane N G
H G Hughes Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L Walker W Pres
C H Ricketts W Sec
Branch No 1278 meets first Monday of each
month at 30 p in in carriers room postollice
G F Kinghorn President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Eagles hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thurfdajs of each mouth at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of oach
month in Morris hall
Mes W B Mills Commander
Haeeiet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A- R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Morris hall
Wa Long Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
belief corps
McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the second and fourth Fridays of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
MaeyWalkeb Pres
Ellen LeHew Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs J A Wilcox Pres
Mas J G Schobel Cor Sec
McCook Temple No 21 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p in
M J Cordeal M E C
Edna Stewart M of R C
1 he 1 nbime
It is Just One Dollar the Year
President Tells How He Enjoys Strolls
t Busy Streets
Talking as 1l lie were merely a
friend who had dropped in for a short
chat and not the president of the
United States Mr Taft recently re
vealed much of his personal side to
the newspaper men of the capital at
tin informal reception given him at the
National Press club in Washington
Prepared for a stroll along Pennsyl
vania avenite and several of the other
busy thoroughfares of the city which
he took after he left the club the
president declared he found much
pleasure In walking and looking in the
shop windows lie said he enjoyed
seeing some person give him a Jong
look and then look away while the
nest person would give a second look
then poke his companion in the ribs
and In the dignity paid by Americans
to high office call out Ilello Taft
Speaking of the White House and its
duties the president said there was a
sense of isolation in life there that
nobody just drops in on one in a
neighborly way but all the callers
come by engagement
As to getting tired out with work
the president said that the preparation
of messages for congress was the
in discussing the qualifications for of
fice of men recommended or rather
the claims they could make as to why
they should be appointed was not real
Host Who Entertained Colonel Roose
velt In Africa Says So
W N McMillan who entertained
former President Theodore Roosevelt
on his ranch near Nairobi East Africa
last June passed through Kansas City
Mo recently on his way to New
York He had been visiting on the
Pacific coast
While at my ranch Colonel Roose
velt did not read an American news
paper or magazine said Mr McMil
lan lie continually refused to dis
cuss national or international politics
although many residents of the neigh
borhood questioned him on these sub
jects I am here for pleasure was
his answer to one and all When I
return to the United States I will say
what I think about the situation
Colonel Roosevelt is a fair shot
not an extraordinary marksman con
tinued Mr McMillan Kermit is a
better shot than his father as Colo
nel Roosevelt admits to every one ex
cept Kermit He is afraid it would
make the young man think too much
of himself to tell him so It does not
however take any wonderful marks
manship to hit an elephant or a rhinoc
Carnegie Explorers Discovery May Be
the Piscatory Missing Link
A tin box marked Handle With
Care arrived at the Carnegie insti
tute in Pittsburg the other day con
taining a specimen of scaleless aquatic
life called popularly a fish with legs
found by Dr John Haseman at Ma
noas Brazil
The specimen received said Dr
Holland director of the institute is a
scaleless animal which is blind lias a
dorsal cartilaginous cord instead of a
true skeleton has teeth in a small
head mouth on the under side and a
protruding jaw and a dorsal skin flap
resembling a fin apparently the link
between the salamander and a fish
The discovery is most important to
Dr Haseman found the specimen at
the junction of the Rio Negro and the
Amazon recently while on an explor
ing trip for the Carnegie institute
President Tafts Advice to Boy So
prano Who Desires to Be Tall
Albert Hole the English boy so
prano called at the White House the
other day to see President Taft al
though he owes allegiance to King Ed
ward Albert is only about three feet
high and one thing which he greatly
desires is to be tall He told the
president that and got this advice
Well Albert you want to eat lots
of pudding That will make you tall
Albert said he would
Monument to E H Harriman
A monument to the late E H Harri
man the railroad financier will be
erected in Orange county N 1 by
the Orange County Horse and Road
Improvement association of which Mr
Harriman was president The asso
ciation is now winding up its affairs
and its balance in the treasury will
be devoted to a permanent recognition
of the services of Mr Harriman in the
development of good roads and his
efforts in behalf of breeding blooded
Offer of 200 For University Emblem
A prize of 200 has been offered by
the authorities of Cornell university
at Ithaca N Y for designs for a new
university emblem The designs may
be heraldic in character in the form
of a shield or escutcheon and experts
in heraldry may pass upon them The
competition will be open to any per
son it not being limited to alumni of
Cdrnell Hniversitv
Wills a Farm to Illinois Town
The will of the late James A Cun
ningham of Yincennes Ind sixty six
years old who was recently killed
while hunting in Idaho bequeaths a
1100 acre farm at Emison in Knox
county Ind and 20000 in cash to the
town of HooDeston 111
pan american
Institution to 8b Bonded by
United States Government
To Have Branches In All the Repub
lics Unanimously Favored by Our
Southern Neighbors Angragate of
Their Estimated Loans During Next
Twenty Years S65000C030
That a Pan American bank with
branches at the capitals of the South
and Central American republics and
headquarters In New York eny is the
safest and most direct way for Amer
ican capital to participate in bond
dotation is the consensus of official
opinion in Washington
The supporters of the project in-
hardest he was called on to do that u - upunac
fi i c i i J f note All declare there is no limit
tiiivt Ul 1UUI UUUIO il Uil UL OfCUt
to the gilt edged opportunities which
the southern continent offers to Amer
ican capital and only diplomatic lim
its prevent them from stating in so
many words that their respective coun
tries would rather borrow from the
United States than abroad
The Hondurau loan of approximate
ly -1000000 through John P Morgan
last August is the first of the so called
Pan American loans to receive official
approval from the state department
While behind this approval there is
the spirit of the new diplomacy which
forces finances to the fore Secretary
Knox is following his fixed policy of
eliminating Europe from Central and
South American affairs a policy that
is not distasteful to the American re
publics if admissions made by well
posted officials are a criterion
Will Borrow 650000000
A canvass recently made shows that
the extent of these financial operations
is of large proportions The amount
involved is estimated at J30000000
The sums that make it up will be bor
rowed progressively during a period of
twenty years
Semiofficial figures obtained show
that the loans will be divided as fol
Argentina 200000000 Bolivia 33000000
Chile 173000000 Ecuador 50000000 Hon
duras 30000000 Panama o0000000 Peru
00000000 Venezuela 20000000 with the
remaining 0000000 taken up by the
smaller republics in this category Colom
bia 3000000 Costa Rica 10000000 Do
minican Republic S000000 Guatemala
10030000 Salvador 12000000 and Uru
guay 5000000
Panama will probably require more
than 30000000 especially when the
canal is in full operation owing to in
creases in land values and the neces
sity of improving the adjacent terri
tory on both sides under the republics
Officials including the diplomatic
representatives of the above named
countries do not deny that these loans
cannot very well be carried out with
out the aid of a Pan American bank
whose rate of exchange can equal that
of London and Paris It is said also
that it will not be one of the obliga
tions of the lender if the lender be an
American bank to pay in gold as the
new bank would have arrangements to
honor any other currency at full mar
ket value
Needed For Panama Canals Success
That the United States cannot very
well hope to make a commercial suc
cess of the Panama canal without such
a central international banking institu
tion is another admission made by of
ficials It is cited that Great Britain
has the advantage of branch banks at
Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt in
order to have every banking facility
with which to carry out its enormous
traffic through the Suez canal Com
pilative statistics based upon the ton
nage that goes through the Suez and
which will find it more convenient to
use the Panama canal and other data
furnished by the department of com
merce labor and navigation of the Eu
ropean governments show that the
Panama canal will not have to wait as
long as the Suez canal did to reach its
highest development It will mean
only two years at most to rearrange
travel schedules shifting the routes
from the Mediterranean to the Panama
Tolls and other charges besides
drafts and general exchange of com
mercial paper made necessary at two
ports of the importance that Colon
and Panama will reach as soon as the
canal is in operation make it neces
sary diplomats say for a bank of un
limited possibilities to be in operation
at either of these cities And such a
bank could very well be the Pan-American
bank operated by the wealthiest
banking intcts of the United States
as for instance the Moriran svndicate
whose branches in the European
money centers give them every advan
tage in Europe without dislodging
their gold reserves at headquarters
Owinr to the delicate relations be
tween the southern republics and the
likelihood that trouble may always
arise to sway to a certain extent the
credit or financial standing of any
of them it is said that the bank would
have to be an institution bonded by
the American government which
would thus be responsible for its ob
ligations It would also guarantee the
banking syndicate the protection of
the United States which isthenueleus
of the so called partnership between
the state department and financiers in
terested in the Pan American bant
His Lifo Was Saved by tho Chief of
the Quiah Tribe
The author or Heroes of Modern
Crusades the Rev Edward Cillint
M A at one lime inusur of Harrow
school says in his book Ilia he had
years ago l he privilege of meting the
king of the Juiah country Teltl Agu
inasong at Harrow The Qtiluli king
had been educated at St Augustines
college Canterbury and was able to
lecture to the Harrovians in good Eng
lish In his lecture he told a quaint
story which brings one nearer to the
weird lives of the Qulahs a small ag
ricultural and trading tribe of inof
fensive characters on the west coast
of Africa
In my country said the king we
have no prisons therefore if a cul
prit is brought to me 1 must chop off
something an ear or two a hand or a
foot and he goes home a sadder and
a wiser man Just before 1 left for
England a chief came to my hut
bringing a prisoner
What has he done friend I
He is a dangerous witch O king
He can turn himself Into an alligator
Pooh Nonsense I dont believe
that old fashioned stuff
Oh but we saw him do it down
by the big river
Indeed Well chief tell me all
about it You saw him yourself
I did We were hunting by the
banks of the river with our rifles
when all at once we saw a big alliga
tor lying on a rock in the river The
witch man was lying asleep In a ham
mock some fifty yards away Oh the
dangerous creature he is
Well king do not laugh with
your eyes like that for I am speaking
the truth I put up my rifle to shoot
the alligator but to our great fear as
soon as I fired this fellow rolled out
of his hammock and fell on the ground
and rubbed his back and swore he
was hurt
Now O king if this witch had
not been inside the alligator how
could he have been hurt when I fired
Gentlemen concluded the king I
see you are laughing with your eyes
but it is very difficult to rule over a
people untaught and given over to
What did I do Why if I had left
him free they would have killed him
as soon as I had gone on my ship so
I saved his life by chopping off his
left ear
The Game Vastly Different From That
of the Ninth Century
Chess is but a game a pastime a
relaxation but it has at times ab
sorbed the faculties of the intellectual
in every clime Perhaps the greatest
eulogy on the game was the remark
of Sir Walter Raleigh I do not wish
to live longer than I can play chess
It is certain that those who do not
lay the game are quite unable to
form any conception of the high intel
lectual delights experienced by the
chess enthusiast
The origin of chess has been sought
in vain The fact is the game has so
changed developed and improved
down the course of centuries that in
its present form it would not be rec
ognized by its inventor if there ever
was one The oldest chess problem on
record is thought to be that contained
in an ancient Persian manuscript at
tributed to Caliph Kalifen Mutasin
Billah who reigned in Bagdad A D
SV to S42 But the reader would have
to learn the old rules before it was
intelligible For example the queen
could make a move of only one square
at a time and that on a diagonal but
a queen promoted from a pawn was
allowed to make a move of two
squares diagonally The bishop had
no power over any square except the
third from which it stood on its own
diagonal line but it was allowed to
vault over any piece that happened to
be between In short it was a totally
different game Chess in the precise
form in which we know it and play it
today is a comparatively modern game
London Strand Magazine
Amending a Proverb
There are a lot of silly proverbs
knocking about Take for instance
If pigs had wings they would fly
Now this is absurd if you like Do
you know what sized wings a pig
weighing eighty pounds would require
in order to fly They would measure
about thirty yards from tip to tip A
nice state of things to keep pigs in an
aviary with wings of that size The
proverb would run much better
If pigs could fly
Pork would be high
Loudon Scraps
The Right Way
Little Willie liked ice cream but he
objected to turning the freezer One
day his ni rher was agreeably sur
prised to tird him working at the
crank as if hi life depended on it
How did you get Willie to turn the
ice cream freezer she said to het
husband I offered him 2 cents to d
it and he wouldnt
You didnt go about it the right
way my lear replied her husband
I bet him a eent he couldnt turn ii
for half an hour
Pretty Ancient
YtTiat is the oldest form of litera
I dunno but I guess some of tn
musical comedy jokes must reach ba k
pretty nearly that far Cleveland
Plain Dealer
Adams Kick
Eve What makes you look so cross
Adam I wish you wouldnt be so loud
In your dresses It isnt necessary for
you to pick the most highly colored
autumn leaves New York Press
John W Wolf mal Kied 11 outwork
nro down in Alnbittna looking for land
Jvnn Clark wife and hnhn nro hero
from Council Muffd Iowa visiting with
the homo folks Mr and Mrs SWClark
and Mrs Clements
Charles Hnrtwell wifo and children
nro hero from Council liluM viaiting
Mr nnd Mrs Clark
Mr and Mrs Sol Stilgobouer ncd Mrs
Ruby were over hist weik from Uno
bury viniting with Mr and Mrs F G
FoHter Stilgehouer recently bought u
flue farm three miles northwest of Hurt
ley of D J Richmond This i8 nicely
located for a beautiful home
Cliff Sipe wni over from Our huryono
dny last week to vihit Lib phn nts Mr
and Mrn Jam- Sipe
Frank DoaU wa down from Iiidiunohi
thia et U looking niter his intone is in
our buttling biug
Mr and Mis John Ritchie and Mr
nnd Mrs R It Ilodgkut ami children
viHittd Suiiduy with Mr and Mir Win
Bush Jr
The work on tho G W Jonen build
ing in being rubbed tlnte men dnjn by
from fj to 10 huuu It will be a model
building when completed
Clair ilikmnn has secured a position
in the Shoemaker meat market
Ibe Citizens hotel is having a fine
businns and patrons are well ph nsed
with the fine
The ice passed down tho river without
doing any damage to the bridges over
the Republican here
Prof Ccckel sent over to Danbury
Saturday to attend the county teach
ers nhsocintion
Guy GritMil also went- ovt r tu attend
the county pflliiit coiiw M wiiii li wia
hld at thu bame lime and place Guy
was winner in tlm agim ft 2
other contestants Tins is itiu btcond
time Hartley las won in the rj oiling
Mrs Ruby Hindmau was over from
the Reaver last Snlimhi visiting her
parents Mr and Mis AxteJl
Mr Fidler lt a horse Saturdaj It
had been their family pon for eard
Mr Sbippee is miming concrete blocks
for the new store room being erected by
Durbin West Tho foundation will
be in this week
A pleasant party war held at the homo
of Mr and Mrs F A llodgkin laut
Sheriff Iliggins was down from Mc
Cook last Saturday
Mis Eula z II went to StockvilJe
Monday to open a millinery storw
CWRogers moved on his farm south
of Marion Tuesday last
O li Woods is having a tnssel with
the smallpox this week
S R Messner who has been in Arkan
sas for the past three weeks arrived at
home Wednesday
The Danbury Rand went to Marion
Wednesday to play for the Odd Fellows
Herbert Stone came in Wednesday
for a visit with his uncle W A Stone
Mrs Joe Dolph is improving this
Miss Iietcher county superintendent
of schools arrived Thursday to attend
the Teachers Meeting which was held
here Saturday
Several of the Lebanonites wore up
Saturday at the teachers meeting
Mrs M M Young came home Sun
day from McCook where she has been
for the past week
The Grammar Room had a party atT
E Noes place Thursday night
There was a I well pleased audif nee
out to hear Miss Viva Wright and Dr
Beach Saturday night
E L Redbern state chemit was
here Wednesday to examine the medi
cine that was in the fire of tho Robinson
Robinson drug store He saj that
the medicine is all O K
Anderson Graham departed Friday
for Arkansas on a business trip
Mr and Mrs B X Leisure arrived
home Friday from Lincoln where thoy
have been taking medical treatment
Gaylie Miles will give a basket supper
at her school Fridav evening March 11
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron eaa 2nd Sewer P De Srass
Gooas Pumps an 3oJerT rr -rungs
EsVmates Furnished Free Base
ment o Postofice Suia g
JB m w i i -or
is isi Ba uscr
DENTIST -bonk n2
Offica Rooms 3 and 1 Va h KK McCool
SYRUP cures coughs and colds