The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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Ip j 1 11 IT
You Will Be Won
by the excellent flavor and superior cup
qualities of our new stock of Teas and
Coffees They are of the finest growth
and will please the most particular con
noisseurs in such articles Our lady pa
trons in particular toll us that the temp
ting aroma of both Tea and Coffee while
brewing in one of the great charms of
these two brands No fancy priceshow
ever The highest grade of Tea and
Coffee at very moderate prices
took for Saturday Snaps at
I B Doyle
Phone -17
Morning subject The Beauty cf a
Finished Life Evening A Young
Mans Choice
Morning subject A Wonder Unto
Slany Evening The Little Boat a
Woman Built
Advertised Letter List
The following mail matter remains
uncalled for at tbe McCook postofiice
March 11 1910
Bator Fannie Blood Mr Georgo A
Cook Mr Chas W Clark Mr A M
Edwards Win H Forrester Mr Frank B
Greco Mr George C Esq Herndon H H
Rassel Miss Ida P 3 Staples Mr Walter
Stocutn Mr R
Clark Mr Charlie Haas Carrie
Irving Mr Bob Kennedy Mr Chas L
Kelley Elmer Swanson Fred
Saaasan Nora Tnttle Mr Will
When calling for these please say they
were advertised -
Lon Cone Po tmaster
The Ladies Aid society of the Box
Elder church met with Mrs T S Dra
per Tuesday tbe occasion being a fare
well dinner and sewing bee Those pres
ent were Mrs D C Shaw Mrs J A
Modrell Mrs F C Tyler Mrs Maud
Harrison Mrs S C King Mrs Charles
Mnndy Mrs F Lorenz Mrs S Bur
chert Miss Edith Morey and Rev F C
Tyler Mr and Mrs T S Draper are
about to leave the community to make
their future home near Holdrege They
will be followed by the best wishes of
their many friends
Bo You Need Harness
Then look over our line of everything
for the horse Agents for the Whipple
Humane Collars
McCook Hardware Co
Childrens Gingham Dresses 29c
Nicely made with piping and embroid
ery trimming The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Seed Barley For Sale
We have some very choice barleycare
f ully selected
McCook Hardware Co
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Typewriter ribbons papers etc of
6ale at The Tribune office
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
My Property On Lower
Main Avenue
3oooOnethird Cash
Balance on Easy Terms
Write For Particulars to
2322 Walrond Avenue
Kansas City Mo
Mathushek Sons Price Teeple H
P Nelson Bush Lane Story Clark
Concord and many others
Call and see my stock
H P Sutton
McCook Neb
Died of Her Injuries
A sister of James Roberson of the
South Side was struck by a Fairview
street car Lincoln February 22nd sus
taining injuries from which she finally
died last Sunday Deceased was 63
years old and very deaf hence did not
hear the car gong Death was caused
by nervous shock although one leg was
broken Mr Roberson had recently
visited his sister hence could not get
away to her funeral Tuesday of this
For Sale
320 acre relinguishnient and lease on
school section 960 acres in all
160 acres 8 miles of town a snap for
some one
A fiue 3 TO acre claim 9 miles nf town
See L E Barger room 3 over Mc
Si 00 Taffeta Silk For 79c
Regular 100 black taffeta silk costs
you only 79 cents in our store Perfect
in lustre weave and strength We ask
you to compare The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
are troublesome at the best Often they
lead to serious complications and there
fore should not be neglected You will
find our cough cure effective
A McMillen Druggist
For Sale
Ten room house reception hall all
modern conveniences cement walks etc
Full block in fruit and shade trees A
large barn and hen houses Easy terms
A C Ebert
Have You Selected
a buggy If not see our Velie buggies
and let us supply you
McCook Hardware Co
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Ontional payments No cash com
mission required
S -
P S Heaton
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 3c smoke
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
I am agent for the Spirella corset
Ladies desiring to purchase one will find
J me at 501 west 3rd street Phone red
136 Thulia Molinder
j jHiTTirriylliri1MJfrr Trii
Council Proceedings
The city fathers met March 2nd all
Building permits were granted Snoko
Phillips for a swimming pool and
John Morris for a two story stone and
brick building
Reports were filed by the police judge
and weigh master
Bills as follows were allowed
Bullard Lumber Co S 395
A McMillan 1705
Rodgors Modrell 6 35
P M Kimmell 850
A C Ebert 1250
J M Henderson 2700
Fred Schlagel 5500
R M Osborn 6500
John Ekstedt - 5880
McCook Electric Co 7100
Welsbach Street Lighting Co 15100
Adjourned to meet Friday evening
Friday evening all present
Complaint having been filed by Frank
Cain against William Y Johnson al
leging that Johnson kept his minor son
in his saloon as a bartender came up
before the council W R Starr
puarea ior jonnson v
After a due hearing the council is
sued an order revoking Johnsons
A bill was allowed Dr J D Hare for
Council adjourned
Piano Talk
I will save you money on uny make of
Why can I do this
I buy for cash car lots pay no rent
and do not employ expensive salesman
Sell on 1000 per month no interest
New pianos 150 00 large size fully
On pianos for which others have been
getting from 27500 to 30000 1 make a
price of 21000
BUY AT HOME If anything gets
wrong with your piano it can be looked
after at once If I do not save you
money on any make do not buy of me
Factory agent for Chickering Bros
Federal Court News
Judge T C Munger opened federal
court in our city Monday With him
wero George H Thummel clerk of the
federal circuit court R C Iloyt clerk
of the district court A II Lane assis
tant district attorney and Win PWar
ner U S marshal
Report of Referee Gus Norborg of
Holdrego in re G W Godfrey was read
and confirmed but bankrupt was not
In ro U S vs Barton bootlegger de
fondant was assessed penalties and
costs and discharged
In ro Garner vs Indianola Yellow
Ochre Co the case was dismissed
Court adjourned to meet some time in
May or June to take up several cases
pending Among them being the Bar
tholoma case
This action is for damages in the sum
of 20000 against the Burlington John
Bartholoma was killed at Red Cloud in
November 1903 E B Perry of Cam
bridge is attorney for tho dead mans
Dentists Meet in Oxford
Four of McCooks aentists Drs II J
Pratt R J Gunn E O Vahue and J
A Colfer met with tho S W Nebraska
dentists in Oxford Tuesday in regular
association session They report a fine
and worthwhile meeting There were
thirty one members of the association
present The next sessiou will be held
in Cambridge in July
Cheer Up
A person soon yearns to cross over
the River when they get a bad chronic
complaint of the liver Take Nyals
Liver Pills theyll regulate that youll
smile and be happy youll laugh and
grow fat
C R Woodworth Druggist
Udell Sells to Porter
Elza Odell has sold his bottling busi
ness and equipment to C C Porter the
well known bottling man from Holdrege
who is planning on locating in a build
ing near the Palmer house
Pocketbook at Congregational church
Contains thimble and 6mall amount of
change Owner can have same by pay
ing expense
Easter Novelties
Larger assortment and better value
than ever before
L W McConnell Druggist
Lot For Sale
Fine residence lot 75x110 north end
of Main avenue Shade trees and sewer
Dr C L Fahnestock
Our perfumes and toilet waters are
the best perfumers can make We
select only their most popular odors
so you are always sure to get something
decidedly nice when you purchase these
articles of
C R Woodworth Druggist
Make up a list of what you need for
spring house cleaning and let us sup
ply you We have everything in that
line from soap to wall paper and paint
C R Woodworth Druggist
Adopt a system today that will enable
you to save a certain percent of your in
come Deposit all you save in the First
National bank where it will work for
you day and night
If run down or if you have any skin
eruptions or other evidence of impure
blood the remedy needed is McConnells
Sarsaparilla Compound
My family driving horse is for sale
Black in fine condition any lady can
easily and safely drive it J GStokes
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs F L Sohwab Thursday March
Driving Park Stockholders
At a meeting of the stockholders of
tbe McCook Driving Park association
last Friday eveningthe following officers
and directors were chosen M O Mc
Clure president Elmer Kay vice-president
Ray Light secretary Walsh
treasurer board of directors CB Gray
H P Waite L A Fitch L W Mc
Connell W M Lowis David Magner
R J Gunn Power was reposed in the
hands of the board to fill all vacancies
Another meeting will be held soon on
call of president to decide the future
course of the association
If your spring improvements are to
include repainted or rofinished wood
work polished stained grained or
painted floors outside painting paint
ing of porch floors or furniture painting
of buggies or wagons or anything slse
we have just what is required to pro
duce proper results We handle many
important paint specialties not carried
elsewhere in this locality and want an
opportunity to explain their merits
to you
L W McConnell Druggist
Prof Macdonald Resigns
Prof George R Macdonald science
teacher and athletics instructor of the
high school has handed his resignation
to the beard of education effective at
once He left for tho eastern part of
the state this morning on business
We now have a large line of wall
paper from which to select Latest do
signed and colorings Let us show you
before purchasing
A McMillen Druggist
25c Window Shades
of opaque full size 3 feet wide and 6
feet long for 25c notwithstanding the
much mentioned rising prices The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
Gasoline Engines
We haye them in the Chore Boy at a
price that you all can afford Come and
see them running at
McCook Hardware Cos
Hay For Sale
Loose wild and baled hay and alfalfa
hay for sale
Ed Flitcraft phone
Washlng Machine Time
is now Let us fit you out with a One
Minute or Motor and make work easy
for you McCook Hardware Co
Come to the
the one that turns
out the most refresh
ing and sparkling
drinks in the city
The Bon Ton
For sale at a sacrifice if taken 6oon
my residence Hot water heat modern
Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox
If you want something in stationery
we have it Spring styles are now in
L W McConnell Druggist
Tomato celery and cabbage plants
should be started early Buy good seeds
from II P Waite Co
i For Rent Furnished room modern
Inquire at 219 Main ave or phone 326
A McMillen prescription druggist
McConnell fills prescriptions
A Carload
of Trees
We have sold a carload of trees in and around McCook
for delivery about April ist which means we must go to the
Nurseries for packing in a few days
If you are in the market for anything in our line even
for one tree or one rose bush why not call us up We have
our money invested here with you and will give you our per
sonal guarantee that you will receive good thrifty stock This
means you owe it to yourself as a business proposition to call
us up instead of trading with strangers
Remember it costs nothing to ask for prices and that
this carload is all sold and not shipped to be sold
McCook Nurseries
and Greenhouses
Phone red 214
A Regrettable Occurrence
Tho most regrottnblo occurrence in
tho history of the McCook public
schools was that of Monday ovening of
this week when tho entire twelfth
grade tho class of 1910 to bo marched
into Supt Taylors oflico in tho high
school building and announced tho re
tirement of the class in a body from the
Tho action taken is said by membors
of the class to bo tho culmination of tho
denial and refusal of sovoral desires and
requests of tho class
At this juncturo The Tribune does
not intend to go into a discussion of tho
merits of the caso which from overy
aspect seems to bo most deplorable
That tho pupils are supported in thoir
action by their parents must bo plain
from the fact that but one member of
tho class has returned to school and
complied with conditions imposed
The majority of the members of tho
class have announced thoir purposo to
enter the Holdrego high school for the
balance of tho year and tho completion
of tho course
Two pupils left for Holdrege this
morning and seven more expect to fol
The Tribune cannot refrain however
from saying that it feels that the mattor
could have been adjusted differently
without serious loss of dignity or disci
The Tribune stands for just laws and
authority and for righteous and reason
able discipline Governments and
schools and homes cannot exist without
Change of Date
Mrs Heald state president of the W
C T U will give an address in tho
Baptist church Friday ovening March
11 Admission 15 cents All school
pupils free She will also meet the
ladies at 230 in the afternoon of tho
same day and at the same place
We are very desirous for the ladies of
McCook to meet Mrs Heald and ex-
tend a heartyinvitatioii to all to come
and hear her Mrs Heald will not dis
appoint you She is a sweet gracious
woman of charming personalty and has
her cause earnestly at heart
Come every one who is interested in
the cause of temperance
A PHI That Will
In all cases o constipation torpidity
of the liver biliousness headache di
gestive disturbances or other ailments
due to a sluggish clogged condition of
the system
Liver Pills
are an effective remedy All the dis
agreeable features of pill taking is avoid
ed oy taking these They are small
easy to swallow They have more value
j than old style pills and produce more re
sults Keep them on hand and take
them whenever you dont feel just right
L W McConnell Druggist
To be held in the Baptist church un-
Jdtrthe auspices of the W C T U
Friday evening March 11 at 8 oclock
Mrs Heald state president of the W
C T U will give an address on legis
lation Also short address by local pas
tor Special music by chorus choir and
solo by Mrs Heald
Do not miss it It will be very in
structive and entertaining
Price of admittance 15 cents
The New Dress Goods
contain cream serges hair line cream
mohairs on cream ground black and
white checked mohairs and diagonals a
line of cream and other 32 l 2c batistes
besides numerous single suit patterns of
the latest novelties See us for style
quality price in dres3 goods The
Thompson D G Co One price plain
figures cash only
For Rent
Two desirable office rooms in Electric
theatre building Enquire at
McCook Hardware Cos
Hunters Take Notice
No hunting will be allowed this sea
son on our lands 3 2t
Ferguson Kelley
Old Trusty Incubators
are reliable We sell them at factory
prices Let us fit you out
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
5 room house S E Corner New
See L E Barger
Try Anchor Patent if you want good
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only 1
Use McCook Flour and patronize the
home miils 91 Patent and Anchor Pat-
For Sale First - clas3 household
goods in good condition E C Olday
1 123 D street Phone Red 232
The Man Who Starts
in Business Today
must have money or credit
to bo successful ho should
have both
Tho real starting point of
any business is Tho time at
which ono begins systematic
saving If ho begins right
ho opens a bank account and
gradually builds up both his
account and his orodit
If you begin now it will
bring your day for starting a
business of your own that
much tho nearer
Openan account with us today
P Walsh Prosidont
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
A News Trio
Mrs Mary Rowell has rented her
homo in town to her niece Miss Graco
Rowell who will occupy it with her
mother while Mrs Rowoll will take up
her abode with her parents Mr and
Mrs D A Stroup on Indian creek
Burlington Agent W C Hanson and
family returned Monday from thoir
trip of a month in Florida which they
enjoyed to tho fullest W C captured
a small alligator while there and shipp
ed it to C L Ketler of this city but
when the gator found out to whom it
was consigned quietly swallowed a
dose of knockout drops and expired
Any way it was a leathern corpus
when it reached hero
The section house at Laird burned to
the ground Saturday night The house
was occupied by Section Foreman Eldon
Raichartand family and they barely
got out with their lives They lost all
their furniture and wearing apparel
Mr Raiehart and family are Dundy
county folks and their friends regret
their misfortune Mrs Raiehart camo
to Benkelman Sunday afternoon and
took up her abode with F P Raiehart
until other quarters can be arranged
Benkelman News
Republican Caucus
The Republican electors of tho city of
McCook are called to meet in caucus at
the County Court room Friday evening
March 18tb at 8 oclock for the purpose
of placing in nomination candidates for
City Treasurer
City Clerk
City Engineer
Police Judge
Two Members of City Council
Three Members Board of Education
and to transact such other business as
may properly come before the meeting
Signed 11 P Waite
C W Barnes
E F Odborn
Lon Cone
City Central Committee
Eggs For Sale
Eggs 3c each or 82 per 100 from full
blood Plymouth Rocks the Thompson
serain Mrs J W Burtless
Phone cedar 1331 or address route 3 4
Money rents an elegantly furnished
room lighted and heated One or two
persons single bads Have a look
Beach 512 1st street east
David Diamond has had his fcton
building on West B street near tbe Pal
mer house quite thoroughly repaired
and overhauled
Use 01 Patent What for Be
cause it is the best
Everything in drugs McConnell
Good seed barley for sale
Phone ash 3682 Mrs S
E Christian
By the Catholic Ladies
St Patricks Night
March irth
Menards Hall
Full Orchestra Tickets 100