The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1910, Image 2

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    2 HIV H HIS Si yS3 meSIIIjII 6 f
3 GSuarasafee of LSgM9 Seeifp
Pure Wholesome Fo m
W E McKillip had Hold his farms to
Mr McQuilton for 841000 and will have
a stock sale soon and then mow to
Cambridge where ho owns residence
John Clouae and Ed King are euh
proud papas of baby boys
Mrs Dr Premer of Haigler is here
Tisitine her parents and friends for a
few days
About a dozm members of the Chris
tian church here went to Edison last
Wednesday evening
Homer Borden of Atlanta has se
cured a position in Mr Nelsons hard
ware store
Roy Hunt returned from tho Eastern
part of the state last week
Mrs G W Jones and Howard went
to Cambridge Tuesday
Will West was in our village Friday
1 tst
parents F A Hodgkia aud wifa Sun
The siries of meetings at the M E
church ihvi closed for the present
Lo 1 Walton has finished the big cellar
for the new farmers store and work on
ihe foundation wili be commenced at
Miss Ella Webber has resumed her
position in the Bartley telephone office
Capt Bogardus Again Hits the Bulls Eye
The world funous rifle shot who holds
the championship record of 100 pigeons
in 100 consecutive shots is at present
living at Lincoln Illinois Recently in
terviewed he said I have suffered a
long time with kidney and bladder trou
ble and have used several well known
kidney medicines which gave me no re
lief until I started taking Foleys Kid
ney Pills Before taking Foleyss Kid
ney Pills 1 was subjected to severe back
ache and pains in my kidneys with sup
pression and oftentimes cloudy voiding
While upon arising in the morning I
would get dull headaches Now I have
taken three bottles of Foleys Kidney
Pills and feel 100 per cent better I am
not bothered with kidneys or bladder
and once more feel like my old self All
this I owe solely toFoleys Kidney Pills
and always recommend them to my fel
low sufferers
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not bevond the reach of medicine No
medicine can do more A McMillen
Why does Great Britian buy
its oatmeal of us
Certainly it seems like carrying
coals to Newcastle to speak of export
ing oatmeal to Scotland and yet every
year the Quaker Oats Company sends
hundreds of thousands of cases of
Quaker Oats to Great Britian and
The reason is simple while the
English and Scotch have for centuries
eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a
regularity that has made them the
most rugged physically and active
mentally of all people the American
has been eating oatmeal and trying all
the time to improve the methods of
manufacture so that he might get that
desirable foreign trade
How well he has succeeded would
be seen at a glance at the export re
ports on Quaker Oats This brand is
recognized as without a rival in clean
liness and delicious flavor 51
Would Have Cost Him his Life
Oscar Bowman Lebanon Kentucky
CM Babbitt and family visited Mr write8 ij have uged F0ieyg Kidney
1 VVii mother at OotviKfiHi Sun - -
Babbitts Cambridge
Frank Premer visited at tie Park
Brooks hom Sunday It was the
birthday of Park and his father Sev
eral neighbors gathered iarand spent a
pleasant day
Mr Sallices boys are here from the
Eastern part of the state and will farm
some land they own northeast of Bart
ley They reside in town now but will
build on the farm soon
M D Hobbs is moving from tbe farm
northwest of town todiy into the John
Ritchie property
Miss Mae Smith was on the sicK list
one day this week
Every farmer should test his seed
corn There seems to be much of the
corn that is not good enough to plant
but good to feed
G W Jones has dismantled the old
McCollum hotel and is using the lum
ber in the building he is erecting The
foundation is being put in now of con
Dr Arbogast attended the Roller
wrestling exhibition at McCook Mon
day night
R R Hodgkin and family visited his
Kemeny and take great pleasure in stat-
ing that it cured me perm mently of kid
ney disease which certainly would have
cost me my life A McMillen
Had Him Fssi
Cynieus It is impossible for a -woman
to keen a se ret Hehpecke I
dont know about that My wife aud
I wore engaged for several weeks be
fore she said anything to me about it
Philadelphia Record
Not Merely Fractured
Does your new baby break
rest muck
Break it He pulverizes it Ex
Opium Is used as a medium of ex
change In some parts of China
far children safe sure No opiates
One Moment
Whos the
Town Buster
f P orders
The citizen who sneers at his own
The citizen who belittles local en
The citizen who scoffs at home im
The citizen who buys his household
goods by mail
The citizen who gets his job print
ing done outside
That mans THE TOWltf BUSTER
-- 3
Ruse by Which Ht Escaped Arrest
and Had Hi3 Debts Paid
Many amusing stories are told of Joe
flames a comedian of the time of
Charles II sometimes called Count
Haines II is srald that he was arrest
ed one mornirg by two bailiffs cr a
debt of 20 when he saw a bshn to
whom he was related pasi ah g in
his coach With ready rcrjuu he im
mediately saw a loophole for escape
and turning to the men he said Let
me speak to his lordship to whom I
am well known and he will pay the
debt and your charges into the bar
The bailiffs thought they might ven
ture th as they wore within two or
th ie yard of the coach and acceded
to tho request Joe boldly advanced
and took off his hat to the bishop His
lordship ordered the coach to stop
when Joe whispered to the divine that
the two men were suffering from such
scruples of conscience that he feared
the- would hang themselves suggest
ing that his lordship should invite
them to his house and promise to sat
isfy them The bishop agivid Mid
calling to the bailiffs he said You
two men come to me tomorrow morn
ing and I will satisfy you
The men bowed and went away
pleased and early the next day wait
ed on his lordship who when they
were ushered in said Well my men
wnat are tuese scruples of con
Scruples replied one of them
We have no scruples We are bai
liffs my lord who yesterday arrested
your cousin Joe Haines for a debt of
20 and your lordship kindly promised
to satisfy us
The trick was strange but the re
sult was stranger for his lordship
either appreciating its cleverness or
considering himself bound by the
promise he had unintentionally given
there and then settled with the men in
Decision In a Case of a Vomi
With Two Husbands
There was a Chinese judge named
Wang who was as wise as Solomon
Before Wang two men and a woman
appeared The older man was the wo
mans first husband lie had gone to
the -wars and been reported dead Now
he returned alive to claim his wife
But she meanwhile had married the
younger man who refused to give her
up hence all three came before Wang
that he might decide this Aruly difficult
Yang Ki said the judge to the wo
man which of these two men made
the better husband
Both were perfect husbands my
lord judge Yang Ki modestly replied
So the judge told the men tht lie
would keep the woman by him for a
week examining her thoroughly and
a -week hence he -would decide the
case Well the week passed and the
two husbands came once more before
tho judge lie shook his head gravely
and said to them
The woman Yang Ki has died
There is no case Let her original hus
band take the body away from my
house and pay for the burial
Ho not I said the original hus
band And so saying he darted from
the court and was soon lost to view
You then said the judge to the
other man must stand these burial
Yes the man answered that is
just and I will give this woman who
was good and kind the finest burial
my purse will allow
The judge clapped his hands Yanu
Ki blushing and smiling entered the
courtroom in a rich dress of gold bro
Take her said the wise judge for
you and not the other merit her love
and service
How the Rash Comes
In measles a rash appears on the
fourth day of the fever It is first
seen on the forehead face and neck
afterward over tho whole body It
consists of raised red spots In scarlet
fever the rash appears on the second
day of the fever commencing on the
upjer part of the chest and neck
whence it spreads over the body In
smallpox an eruption is seen on the
third or fourth day on the face neck
and wrists Iu chicken pox the erup
tion is made of small blebs In typhoid
fever the rash rarely shows itself be
fore the seventh day of the fever The
spots are rose colored and they disap
pear on pressure
Diplomatic Politeness
There are two kinds of politeness
politeness to yourself and politeness to
AYhen you come home late at night
for example even if you are very
tired always remove you hat and coat
before getting into bed It is little
attentions like this that constitute you
a gentleman At the same time do
not disturb your wife if you can pos
sibly avoid it It is the height of
rudeness to awakeu a sleeping lady
Thomas L Masson in Lippincotts
Mr Golding So you want to marry
my daughter Do you think that you
can support her In the style to which
she has been accustomed Jack Win
someNo sir but I cau support her in
a good deal better style than you lived
in the first five years after you were
married Somerville Journal
An Easier Dose
Johnny The medicine aint so nasty
as it useter be mommer Im gettiu
used to it Mommer Do you take a
whole spoonful every hour Johnny
Nom I couldnt find a spoon so Im
usin a fork Cleveland Leader
a e t vs- -
-7 -- riM
The Story of a Shipwreck in the
English Channel
Wind and Wave Battered the Ship
Till Only a Shattered Hulk Re
mained A Battle Against the Ele
ments That Ended In Defeat
We had weathered the western is
lands and entered latitudes where the
prudent mariner shortens sail and
keeps a wary eye on the barometer
for the seafarer may talk lightly of
mountainous seas off the Horn but not
of a winter gale in the mouth of the
English channel when the coast is
strewn with wreckage from the Lizard
to Beachy aid his imagination accus
torcd in vast expanses of lonely sea
pictures all sorts of craft jostling one
another in dangerous proximity
A favoring gale from the northwest
not more vicious than the ordinary
north Atlantic gale had kept the ship
lively all day and set all hands figur
ing on pay day It was not until the
afternoon watch that the weather out
look became really threatening Moun
tainous walls of green water swung
out of the darkness and buffeted her
aside as they passed Fierce squalls
smote her in rapid succession envelop
ing her in a smother of spray heeling
her until the yardarms dipped in the
crests of the waves
At eight bells the wind lulled and
hauled a point to the westward then
hurled itself against the ship with ac
cumulated fury There was a sudden
confusion of flying cordage over
whelming seas hammering upon the
decks and the cannonade of canvas
stripped from the spars and blown like
thistledown to leeward
Relieved of her top hamper she stag
gered erect dripping like a half tide
rock and shaken with the shock of the
seas pounding her sides Halfway on
the upward oscillation she poised
checked by the renewed onslaught of
the gale as if by the impact of a mate
rial obstacle Rags of canvas stream
ed from her empty yards Every wire
of her rigging twanged and stretched
under the strain
The deck round the mainmast heav
ed and was starred with white fissures
running along its well oiled planks
The heavy steel spar dimpled on one
side then buckled and crashed over
board in a tangle of wreckage
The ends of severed wire whipped
the air and twisted shrouds sawed to
and fro along the ruined bulwarks and
struck showers of sparks from the tor
tured iron work The hatch covers
were stripped from their coverings
boats smashed to firewood Mid all the
intricate superstructure of the vessel
swept and broken Shouted orders
were blown back inaudible to the men
cowering under the break of the poop
and useless if audible
What seamanship could contrive was
done Men worked for their lives find
ing a foothold on the sea swept deck
hacking the jagged ends of iron wire
But the day of cutting wreckage adrift
is gone with wooden spars and hemp
en cordage Although the plates gaped
and rivets started the heavy spar held
fast alongside pounding against the
iron hull as she rolled in that trough
of the sea
A couple of spare spars were lashed
together and launched with infinite
danger through the gap in the broken
bulwarks But no improvised sea an
chor could hold her to windward amid
the tumult of such a sea She was
no longer a ship but a ruined fabric
crushed and sagging to leeward under
the weight of the elements
Morning brought an abatement of
the fury of the gale Standing on the
poop surveying her shattered hulk
her skipper turned quietly to his mate
and asked Is the port lifeboat sea
Carpenter reports that it is sir re
plied his subordinate
The skipper stood for awhile in si
lence uoting the sluggish life of the
deck under his feet Suppose weve
got to leave her he said What dye
It is the sole occasion where the mas
ter mariner will deign to consult and
be advised by his inferior officer
She cant float much longer sir
replied the other sympathetically It
might be that in his time he too
would require to seek similar advice
Ah said the skipper heavily and
I saw her launched lie crossed over
to the teak fife rail and laid his hand
on it fondling it affectionately All
right mister he said at last Were
right in the track of shipping Pass
the word along to put a bag of biscuit
aboard and fill the breakers with wa
ter Pall Mall Gazette
Short and to the Point
One of the shortest speeches record
ed in forensic annals is that of Taun
ton afterward a judge Charles Phil
ips an Irish orator had made a flow
try speech in an assault case
Taunton who was for the defend
ant said in reply My friends elo
quent complaint amounts in plain
English to this that his client has re
ceived a good sound horsewhipping
and my defense is as short that he
richly deserved it
The Boy and the Bear
nave you ever heard the story of
Algy and the bear asked a boy of his
father Its very short Algy met a
bear the bear was bulgy the bulge
was Algy London News
I do not know of any way so sure of
making others happy as being so one
self Sir Arthur Helps
Dickcm One Made Two Bad Breaks
tho Samo Evening
Charles Dickens once wrote to a
friend I have distinguished myself
in two respetls lately 1 took a young
lady unknown down to dinner and
talked to her about the bishop of Dur
hams nepotism in the matter of Mr
Cheese I found she was Mrs Cheese
Later I expatiated to the member for
Marylebone thinking him to be nil
Irish member on the contemptible
character of the Marylebone constit
uency and the Marylebone representa
Two such mishaps In one evening
wore enough to reduce the most bril
liant talker to the condition of the
three Inside passengers of a London
bound coach who beguiled the tedium
of the journey from Southampton by
discussing the demerits of William
Cobbett until one of the party went so
far as to assert that the object of their
denunciation was a domestic tyrant
given to beating his wife
Much to his dismay the solitary wo
man passenger who had hitherto sat
a silent listener remarked
Pardon me sir A kinder husband
and father never breathed And I
ought to know for I am William Cob
betts wife
Mr Giles of Virginia and Judge Du
val of Maryland members of congress
during Washingtons administration
boarded at the house of a Mrs Gib
bon whose daughters were well on in
years and remarkable for talkative
When Jefferson became president
Duval was comptroller of the treasury
and Giles a senator Meeting one day
in Washington they fell to chatting
over old times and the senator asked
the comptroller if he knew what had
become of that cackling old maid
Jenny Gibbon
She is Mrs Duval sir was the
unexpected reply
Giles did not attempt to mend mat
ters as a certain Mr Tuberville un
wisely did Happening to observe to
a fellow guest that the lady who had
sat at his right hand at dinner was the
ugliest woman he had ever beheld the
person addressed expressed his regret
that ho should think his wife so ill
I have made a mistake said the
horrified Tuberville I meant the lady
who sat on my left
Well sir she is my sister
This brought the frank avowal It
cant be helped sir then for if what
you say be true I confess I never saw
such an ugly family in the course of
my life Youths Companion
It Has Only Two Letters Yet It
Not Easy to Define
To define one word in the English
language one modern dictionary takes
eighteen columns of small type And
this solitary word upon which the dic
tionary bestows sucli a wealth of elu
cidation is one that hardly anybody
except a dictionary maker can define
at all The ordinary educated Eng
lish speaking persous knowledge of it
could be expressed in about half a sin
gle line
This fecund word is of If you
were asked to define it unless you
are a dictionary maker or of an allied
trade probably you would have to re
ply Of Why of just means of
You might add defensively I always
comprehend perfectly what it means
when I see or hear it and can use it
correctly in speech so what do I want
to define it for anyway
But if you were a child your actual
mastery of or would stand you in
no stead whatever You would be set
to digging out and memorizing the
things the dictionary had to say about
it or the driest and least informing
of them as for instance that in some
cases it is such a kind of preposition
and in other cases some other kind
and that prepositions have such and
such properties when they dont have
some other every bit of which you
would absolutely and forget
at the first possible moment Look
over a childs grammar or language
lesson with its ghastly array of use
less bones Saturday Evening Post
Persian Prayer Rugs
About 200 years ago small embroid
ered rugs were largely made in Per
sia chiefly at Ispahan These were
prayer rugs and on each of them near
one end was a siua embroidered
mark to show where the bit of sacred
earth from Mecca was to be placed
In obedience to a law of the Koran
that the fcead must be bowed to the
What He Wished to Know
Heres an article in this magazine
entitled How to Meet Trouble said
Mrs Wedderly Shall I read it to
No thank you replied his wifes
husband now to dodge trouble is
the brand of information Im looking
for Chicago News
No Consolation
First Golfer who is beating the cu
rate all hollow Never mind Sanders
You wait till you are saying the bur
ial service over my grave Sanders
But my good man even then it will
be your hole London Opinion
Domestic Bliss
Does your husband ever speak
harshly to you
No Thank heaven my husband
and I are not on speaking terms
Chicago Record Herald
Congrhgational Preaching at 11
and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a
m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock
Prayor meeting Wednesday evening
at eight oclock The public is cor
dially invited to thoso services
Rev R T Bayne Pastor
EiiscoiAL Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m Com
munion let Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun
days 745 a ra each mouth All aro
welcome to thoso services
E R Eable Rector
Catholic Order of services Maae
-30 am Mass and sermon 1030 am
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kikwin O M I
Mkthodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Glass
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer mooting Wed
nesday night at 745
Bryant Howe Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Preaching at 11 a m and 745
p m B Y P U 045 p in Prayer
meeting and Bible study on Wednesday
at 8 p m A most cordial invitation ia
extended to all to worship with us
Francis E Iams Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in church
corner of E and Gth street east every
Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans
cordially invited
RevWm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all tho time Science literature
on sale
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germane
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street WeBt
Delay Has Been Dangerous in McCook
Do the right thing at the right time
Act quickly in time of danger
Backache is kidney danger
Doans Kidney Pills act quickly
Cure all distressing dangerous kid
ney ills
Mrs B Hurley of 201 E 21th St
Kearney Neb says Last winter I
caught a heavy cold which settled on
my kidneys and made me miserable
I was rarely free from a dull aching in
tbe small of my back and the kidney
secretions passed so frequently as to
annoy me greatly I drank large
quantities as I always felt thirsty and
a doctor whom I consulted told mo I
was in the grasp of diabetes Ife treat
ed me for the trouble but I became no
better and was suffering intensely when
Doans Kidney Pills came to my atten
tion I used this remedy and the first
box brought me such relief that I con
tinued with it until completely cured
I sincerely hope that my statement will
be the means of benefiting other persona
afllictedasl was
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at McConnells drug
store and ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y sole
agents for the United States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Mis3 Florence Jacobs returned Mon
day evening from visiting her sister in
Culbertson f jr a few days
C B Fowler contemplates
selling hia
place and moving to Utah to live
C C Ilarless was down from Strat
ton fore part of the week looking for a
farm to rent
C II Jacobs has rented the farm and
will move into the city
A meeting of district No 8 was re
cently held to take action in the matter
of disposing of the school house and
ground in prayer this was touched property It was decided not to do so
dj me ioreneau wueu ine prostration
was made and so the letter of the red and Harry Overman of Superior
law was carried out The custom still are visiting here with relatives
prevails The Persian women who j Bert Overman has left Superior
weave the finest seldom and
prayer rugs
m to snrirl
near Denver
Cl m th
weave anv other kind of rug ine spring
No Substitute
Accept no substitute for Foleys Honey
and Tar It is the best and safest
edy for coughs colds throat and lung
troubles Contains no opiates and no
harmful drugs Remember the name
roieys loney and Tar and accept
substitute A McMillen
A Night Alarm
Worse than an alarm of fire at night
is the metallic cough of croup Careful
mothers keep Foleys Honey and Tar in
the house and give it at the first sign of
danger Foleys Honey and Tar has
a a many mHe lives No opiates
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes snecial blanks
to order promptly and accurately