The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 03, 1910, Image 1

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Let Us Help You Out
if you are in doubt as to where to make
the most profitable Spring purchases
Wo have gone to much expense and
troublo to provide for our patrons the
nowest lines of Spring articles and the
store is redolent of Easter freshness
Wo ask you to pay us a visit of inspec
tion which we are sure will lead to
purchases when you discover the kind
of rare bargains that we are now offer
ing to prudent and far seeing buyers
Look for Saturday Snaps at
D B Doyle Phono 47
Topic for March 6 Man
Lecture at 8 oclock p m subject
Argentine Republic S A and Its
Missions from personal observations
of the pastor during three years of mis
sionary work there
Morning subject The Pathos of
Gods Love Evening The Valua of
Morning subject The Sifting of a
Man Evening -A Neglected Para
dise This will be the second sermon
lecture on the Madeira Islands
Inspected High Schoo
G A Gregory state inspector of nor
mal training in Nebraska high schools
spent Monday in McCook inspecting
our high school It is gratifying to
learn that he found conditions for a fa
vorable report to the states educational
A smooth comfortable skin in March
is something McConnells Cold Cream
It keeps the skin from chaps at all
Price 35 cents
Married Ttvo Denver feople
Tuesday afternoon Rev Bryant of
ficiated at the marriage of Mr Frank
Curry and Miss Helen Stanhope both
of Denver The groom is engaged in
business there They departed for
home Wednesday
Money to Loan
at low rate of interest on well improved
farms occupied by the owner
J E Kelley McCook Neb
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Reglna Vacuum Cleaner
is a good thing We give free trial
Price 25 McCook Hardware Co
For Rent The National hotel Mc
Cook Nebraska For particulars see
or write C G Bosworth Prop
Typewriter ribbons papers etc of
sale at The Tribune office
LTsa 91 Patent What for Be
cause it is the best
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
My Property On Lower
Main Avenue
3ooo Onethird Cash
Balance on Easy Terms
Write For Particulars to
2322 Walrond Avenue
Kansas City Mo
5Iy Agf
McCook Won at Trenton
McCook won 2 to 1 at Trenton Inst
Friday evening About twenty five pu
pila and citiz3ns went up to Trenton in
the morning and this number was aug
mented in the early evening by many
more in a special coach
Miss Adaline Koller Miss Helen
Schwab and Ray Scott represented Mc
The question was Resolved That
labor unions are as a whole beneficial
McCook was on the negative side
The judges were County Supt L W
Colebank of Stockvill Rev Purdy of
Oulberttion and Principal P M Spease
of Danbury
It is to the special credit of the Mc
Cook debaters that they are the only
ones who have won on the negative side
of this question
Their work is declared very effective
and worthy the compliments extended
by those who have had tie pleasure and
opportunity of hearing them
For the people of Trenton there is due
grateful appreciation of their fine hospi
tality and courteous treatment
Fun and Amusement
Last evening a good house showed
their taste and appreciation by applaud
ing repeatedly to the coon meledies
quartettes and choruses that were given
by the Culligan Hockwalds minstrels
in the opera house On account of the
washout the company could not got out
of town and so were compelled to pro
long their engagement here by playing
again this evening before another ap
preciative audience in spite of the in
clement weather Their voices and
their makeup were peculiar to their
nativity and especially so was the voice
of the tenor clear soft and unusually
melodious in his Silver threads among
the gold The altos and leading
voices exhibited rare strength and as a
musical treat there still remain fresh to
the mind such songs as Take you
time Some time some day Im
not the man I wish I had a girl
Way down in my heart I got a feelin
fo you I will be there and others
Lompoc Daily Calif
Declamatory Contest
The date for the McCook high school
declamatory contest has been definitely
scheduled for March 26 Saturday It
will be held in the Temple theatre
The handsome medals given by Mr
Barnett are now displayed in H P
Suttons window McCook should dis
play such esprit de cot s as to make
this contest an event of first import
With liquid smoke The modern meat
smoke comes in liquid form and you
apply it with a brush No bother
keeping a hickory wood fire going under
the meat if you use the modern meat
McConnells Liquid Smoke 25 cents a
Harness and Collars
Every thing for the horse Be sure
and see our line before buying We are
the agents for the famous Whipple
Humane collars they save sore necks
and shoulders
McCook Hardware Co
are troublesome at the best Often they
lead to serious complications and there
fore should not be neglected You will
find our cough cure effective
A McMillen Druggist
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
For Sale
Property with 8 room modern house
at 412 Cth street east
For Rent Office Rooms
Two desirable ones now vacant In
quire of McCook Hardware Co
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
A McMillen prescription druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
I am agent for the Spirella corset
Ladies desiring to purchase one will find
me at 504 west 3rd street Phone red
136 Thulia Molindee
It is a good thing for you to figure out
carefully just how your money goes and
then to consider how it will grow when
once you begin saving systematically
It will earn you 4 percent annually at
the First National Bank
Passed to His Reward
In the death last Sunday afternoon
about threo oclock of Mr I F Clapp
there passed to his reward a Christian
gentleman of the truest typo a grand
old man to know whom was an inspira
tion His lifo rang true Sinco early
boyhood ho has been an earnest and
and efficient worker in the Congrega
tional church
Sinco his son H C Clapp has resided
here the father and his most estimable
wife have made frequent visits in Mc
Cook and all who mot them were warm
and admiring friends Their last visit
covered over a years time in the hope
that Nebraska sunshine might stay his
failing health But such was not to be
the happy result For some weeks it
has been too evident that the end could
not much longer be averted
Brief service was conducted Sunday
evening about ten oclock at the sons
home from which the remains were af
terwards convoyed to train 6 for ship
ment to the old homo in Allegan Mich
for burial H C Clapp accompanied
his mother with the remains The pall
bearers were Messrs R D Rodgers W
W McMillen F M Kimmell Emerson
Hanson Albert McMillen T B Camp
The home funeral was conducted in
the Allegan Congregational church on
Wednesday afternoon at two oclock
The sorrow ones all have tenderest
sympathy of many McCook hearts
I F Clapp was born near Allegan
Michigan in 1838 In 1862 was mar
ried to Delora Sherwood He lived in
Allegan the 48 years of their married
life and for 40 years was a businessman
of that city Departed is survived by
his wife and two sons Dr F C Clapp
of Grand Rapids Michigan and H C
Clapp of our city
Rather a Fizzle
The wrestling event advertised for
Monday evening did not draw much of
a crowd and financially was somewhat
of a fizzle Dr Roller the principal at
traction of the evening had a severe
cold and hence did not appear on the
program For sufficient reasons not
mentioned the preliminaries were not
fast enough to catch up to the program
and there were none
However Asbell of Kansas City made
three attempts to throw Dr Ducray of
the Nebraska university and George
Gion He downed the doctor in thirty
minutes and George Gion in twenty
minuter but failed on the third bout
which was with the doctor hence lost
the match This was doubtless a good
exhibition of the game but withal the
affair was not satisfactory to the audi
ence which evidently expected more
and perhaps something different
Send In Your Corn
The high school pupils are engaged
in testing samples of corn as to their
germinating qualities several samples
are now in process They will appre
ciate it if the farmers of Red Willow
county will send them samples for test
Good Bungles
are a pleasure Let us show our new
Vilie buggies and fit you out for the
summer McCook Hardware Co
Lot For Sale
Fine residence lot 75x140 north end
of Main avenue Shade trees and sewer
Dr C L Fahnebtock
March Johnson have purchased the
Morrissy greenhouse The boys now
have the only greenhouse in the city
and will be able to give McCook the
best possible service in that line j
My family driving horse is for sale
Black in fine condition any lady can
easily and safely drive it 3 GStokes 1
McCook Has a Branch Organization of
Laymens Missionary Movement
Rev Dr Batton and Mr J A Piper of
Lincoln were in the city Monday and
perfected a local organization of the
great Laymens Mis3ionary Movement
now spreading over America
County Judge J C Moore was made
chairman of the local organization An
executive committee was chosen as fol
lows W M Rozell of the Baptist
church R D Rogers of the Congrega
tional church O E Pearson of the
Methodist churn H H Miller of the
Christian church and C W Barnes of
the Episcopal church
The organrzation will still further be
perfected by the selection of delegates
from the several churches to attend the
great laymens gathering to be held in
Lincoln March 15 17
The meeting was held in the Congre
gational church parlor in the afternoon
This movement of the laymen of Amer
ica is one of the most encouraging in
the history of missions and large results
are confidently expected
Regent Couplands Address
Those who failed to hear the address
of University Regent Coupland before
the high school last Thursday morning
missed an excellent instructive and
stimulating talk by an earnest and prac
tical man We regret that more did
not profit from the opportunity
For Sale
My residence on 5th street E 8 room
house furnace heat two lots Thirty
shade and fruit trees Good barn and
hen house Fine cement walks In
quire of E H Doan at McCook Mills
or at residence Phone black 405
We now have a large line of wall
paper from which to select Latest de
signed and colorings Let us show you
before purchasing
A McMillen Druggist
f Get An Old Trusty
incubator now at the McCook Hardware
Co at factory prices and make the hen
business pay too
Hay For Sale
Loose wild and baled hay and al falfa
hay for sale Ed Flitcraft phone ced
ar 3682
Come to the
the one that turns
out the most ref resh
ing and sparkling
drinks in the city
The Bon Ton
One secret of success is to have some
money ahead with which to grasp your
opportunity when it comes What a
comfortable feeling to know that you
have a little money in acheckingaccount
at the First National BnnK
For sale at a sacrifice if taken soon
my residence Hot water heat modern
Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox
Tomato celery and cabbage plants
should be started early Buy good seeds
from II P Waite Co
Scott Bennett of Quick has purchased
the Byfield ranch of V Franklin
McConnell fills prescriptions
A Carload
of Trees
We have sold a carload of trees in and around McCook
for delivery about April 1st which means we must go to the
Nurseries for packing in a few days
If you are in the market for anything in our line even
for one tree or one rose bush why not call us up We have
our money invested here with you and will give you our per
sonal guarantee that you will receive good thrifty stock This
means you owe it to yourself as a business proposition to call
us up instead of trading with strangers
Remember it costs nothing to ask for prices and that
this carload is all sold and not shipped to be sold
McCook Nurseries
and Greenhouses
Phone red 214
The Young Bartley Burglars Are Now
Serving Tune In Lincoln Pen
Robert Traivor and James Bailey ap
peared before Judgo Orr in a special
term of district court Inst Friday and
pleaded guilty to burglary and were
each given a eentonce of two years in
the penitentiary at Lincoln
These two young bums burglarized
the Btore of A J Crawmer of Bartloy
Tuesday of last week They wore ap
prehended on Thursday and had a pre
liminary before Uounty Judgo Moore
The amount of goods taken aggregated
125 Traivor gave Denver Colorado as
his home and New York city was claim
ed by Daily They were in the neigh
borhood of 21 years of age and could
properly bo catalogued as bums of the
kid order
Change of Date
Mrs Heald state president of tho W
C T U will givo an address in the
Baptist church Friday evening March
11 Admission 15 cents All school
pupils free She will also meet tho
ladies at 230 in tho afternoon of tho
samo day and at the same place
We are very desirous for tho ladies of
McCook to meet Mrs Hoald and ox
tend a heartyinvitation to all to como
and hear her Mrs Heald will not dis
appoint you She is a sweot gracious
woman of charming personalty and has
her cause earnestly at heart
Come every ono who is interested in
the cause of temperance
Spring is natures time for purifying
the system and no doubt nature is able
to purify the man who lives close to na
tures laws Consequently we must un
do our own work All during the win
ter you have been eating the solid and
perhaps indigestible foods foods that
have made your blood thick and slug
Purify your blood now with
McConnells Sarsaparilla
To be held in the Baptist church un
der the auspices of the W C T TJ
Friday evening March 11 at 8 oclock
Mrs Heald state president of the W
C T U will give an address on legis
lation Also short address by local pas
tor Special music by chorus choir and
solo by Mrs Heald
Do not miss it It will be very in
structive and entertaining
Price of admittance 15 cents
McCook vs Beaver City
By the victory of Beaver City over
Franklin recently McCook and Beaver
City are left as the two contestants for
the ohampionship of Southwest Ne
braska There are eleven debating dis
tricts in the state The winners of the
debate between McCook and Beaver
City will send one representative to tho
state debate Heres hoping McCook
will be it
Of a room can be altered by the decora
tions of its walls They reflect more
than any of the furnishings the owners
appreciation of harmony We can aid
you very materially in your selection of
the most harmonious decorating for
your home
Call and see our wall papers
L W McConnell Druggist
Hunters Take Notice
No hunting will be allowed this sea
son on our lands 3 2t
Ferguson Kelley
Try Anchor Patent if you want good
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Lost A genuine hair switch Finder
will be rewarded by leaving same at thi3
Use McCook Flour and patronize the
home miils 91 Patent and Anchor Pat
The Sunshine Boys and Girls had an
enjoyable social evening in their class
1 room Tuesday evening
1 I
For Sale First - class household
goods in good condition E C Olday
123 D street Phone Red 232
Fred Bortfeld is in the city tuning
and renairin nianos Leave orders at
J Suttons jewelry store or phone black
Mrs R C Cole and daughters were
passengers on No 2 Wednesday morn
ing for Syracuse Nebraska to visit her
sister Mrs Chase
At the earnest suggestion of some of
the determined people of that neighbor
hood some of the undesirables have
moved out of East McCook
Without economy you can never be
rich with it you need not be poor
I Economize a little each day and start an
account at the First National Bank
TZ iii r
The Man Who Starts
in Business Today
must havo monoy or credit
to bo successful ho should
havo both
Tho real starting point of
any business is Tho time at
which ono begins systematic
saving If he begins right
ho opens a bank account and
gradually builds up both his
account and his orcdit
If you begin now it will
bring your day for starting a
business of your own that
much tho nearer
Oponan account with us today
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Alter the Bucket Shops
The crusade against the bucket shops
of Nebraska has been started by court
proceedings at Lincoln
A week ago tho Bee announced tho
fact that detectives were in the field se
curing evidence for the Chicago Board
of Trade in the campaign whish baB
now been started against the bucket
The Chicago Board of Trade spends
large sums of money to protect its quo
tations for the benefit of its customers
and the charge is now made that the
Nebraska bucket shops are securing
these quotations in some illegal fashion
Omaha Bee k
No additional developments wore not
ed today in tho injunction auit filed on
Friday by the Chicago board of trade
against the Herbert E Gooch Company
of Lincoln to prevent the latter from
receiving or using quotations on grain
prices Lawyers for the Gooch bouse
are engaged in looking over the petition
and affidavits preseented by the other
side Meanwhile the regular wire re
ports were being received and displayed
on blackboards at the two Gooch offi
ces and in turn sent out to tho compa
nys branches in other cities and towns
Lincoln Journal
All of which looks to The Trikune
like the big gamblers are feeling the
competition of the little gamblers and
want to put the aggressive small fry out
of business The American people
could get along nicely I thank you
without both of these non producers
Following licenses to marry have been
issued since our last report
Frederick Cappel of McCook and
Miss Adele M Eggeling of Culbertson
Married Tuesday by JudgeJohn M
Williams of Trenton
Albert C Woodress31 Denver Colo
Mrs Cora E Stinnett 27
Thayer E Rowland 20 McCook
Jessie M Hartman 18
Consent given by grooms father
Earl P Sicafoose 21 McCook
Dora Swartz 20
George Kisler 22 McCook
Katie Walker 17
Consent of brides parents given
Charles H Hegeman 25 McCook
Anna Jeannette Young 25
Pearl E Rhynalds 22 Oxford Neb
Marguerite Bouer Denver Colo
John W Smith 23 Franklin
Eleanor M James 20 Palisade Neb
Henry P Mitchell 21 Akron Colo
Clara Whisenand 20
Frank J Curry 2S Denver Colo
Helen Stanhope 23
Jesse M Walton 25 Bartley Neb
Sarah J Warner 22 Arapahoe
James Wilber Havens 13 Danbury
Margaret M Hatch 13 Marion Neb
Consent given bv grooms paients
By the Catholic Ladies
St Patricks Night
March 17th
Menards Hall
Full Orchestra Tickets 100