fTiW1TT rWTiT itf if Notice to Delinquents The Publisher is removing from his subscription list the names of all subscribers who are owing for a year or longer This is done for two good and sufficient reasons First we cannot afford under present exorbitant prices to carry subscribers longer than that time Second because the government prohibits sending at pound rates to subscribers who are delinquent for moie than one year If yoi miss your paper this information will explain Our terms are 100 per year payable in advance THE PUBLISHER McCook Neb Feb 24 1910 IF YOU ARE TRY HE GOING TO BOILQ PLAN It enables yon to bar the best of ererythinir in the waj of lumber hardware mill work paint and other building- materials all from one hujfe stock and at one time The quality is better the servlco is more prompt and the prices are lower than you can get elsewhere lly tisitin our immense establishment in Council Bluffs tou can see everything that coes into your houte or barn from the cement at the bottom to the shingles on top Yon will know after trying the Hafor Plan that we have told the truth about quality You will know after comparing our figures with others that we have told the trnth about price You will know when you see your car arrive at the promised time that we have told the truth about prompt service If your order amounts to a carload we will pay jour nil road fare up to 150 miles each way also your hotel expenses in Council II luffs Come and see lor yourself If you are tired of paying the trust prices demanded bv line yards if you are tired of their delays and cheap material THE HAFEI P WILL REMOVE YOUK LAN TROUBLES If you come to South Omaha we would like to have you visit our branch office there Then take a troll v car over to Council Muffs Our retail yard is in the heart of the business district We also have an immense wholesale yard be ides a mill work factorv hardware store cement stone factory etc als o our own fir and pine lumber and saw mills in Southern Oregon This splendid equipment renders it possible for us to make good on every promise of SERVICE PRICE Oar new catalogue will soon be ready Please ask us for a copy HAFER LUMBER CO Council Bluffs la Trees and Seeds That Grow For the past 24 years we have supplied our customers in a J btates with irees and beeds that jjtow we carry a most complete line of Fruit and nials Bulbs etc at low prices Annie tjafiSfsldfclPc ite 5 6c Plum 12c Cherry 15c Peach gMmr of all kinds of 5c all budded trees Con- 0g3MPm Far Ten fn cord Grapes250 gm Fl feeds seltei per Write for 112 100 We nay 3jS from our large frpjcihf nn isr page catalog and Garden Guide m 5 ttftfSMSP We mail same free of charge to anyone jgpg 3M interested also sample package of our New GERMAN NURSERIES BOX 225 BEATRICE NEB vrivvWYfhwmr piWiWWi V Franklin Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres R A Greek Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R A Green G Watkins Vernice Franklin Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333 Li if tw 1 j f - V VVi tf fVrtrtif i i itfii rr i1 STANSBERRY LUI1BER CO Everything in Lumber At Live and Let Live Prices Phone 5o McCOOK NEB D W COLSON FIRE INSURANCE AGENT I have Residence and Business Properties for Rent McCook Nebraska I HIGHPRICED McCOOK Living expenses have advanced 50 percent in the past few years but you can get the BEST OF ALL KINDS OF COAL a the SAME OLD 1 RICE of the Bullard Lumber Co Phone No i M 0 McCLURE Mgr n THEGREEKS Wil That Helped the Ancients Drive Dull Care Away SOME FIFTH CENTURY JOKES Tho Abscntminded Professor Was a Prolific Source of Merriment to the crs of Those Days The Source i iany Modern Jokes The maxim that there is nothing uow under the sun applies it would seem more truly to jokes and wittl cisms than to anything else The chief differences between the jests of one generation and that of another lie mainly in their form The kernel is practically the same Nevertheless it is interesting to exhume some of these ancient jokes and to recognize in them tlu ancestors of the things at which we laugh today in the pages of our humorous publications Some humorous writers dearly love to make fun of the absentminded un practical university professor who outside of his own subject lets his wits wander and is very slow to grasp anything in ordinary life Such jokes as these were cracked centuries ago by the students and graduates of the great universities in ancient Greece for it is a mistake to suppose that what we now call college life was unknown to the ancients As a matter of fact the student at the University of Athens or at the IVVrsitv f Alexandria was very i the same sort of mortal as is i he uident today and his professors were not so very different A witty JreeK named Ilierocles a graduate of Alexandria collected some time in the fifth century a volume of jests which were current among the students with regard to the woolgath ering type of professor A number of them are translated here as being of considerable interest in the history of humor and especially of college hu mor A professor wishing to swim was nearly drowned whereupon he swore that he would never touch water again until he had learned how to swim Of twin brothers one died A pro fessor thereupon meeting the sur vivor asked Is it you that died or your brother A professor learning that a raven would live for more than 200 years bought one to test the matter A professor wishing to cross a river went on board the boat on horseback When some one asked the reason he answered that he wanted to get over in a hurry A professor looking out of the win dow of a house which lie had bought asked the passersby whether the house was becoming to him A professor meeting another pro fessor said I heard you were dead And yet replied the other you see that I am still alive Well said the first in perplexity 1 dont know what to believe for the man who told me about it is a much more truthful man than you A professor in danger of being ship wrecked called for his tablets that lie might make his will Seeing thereupon his slaves lamenting their fate he said Do not grieve for I am going to set you free A professor dreamed that he had trodden on a nail and that the wound pained him On waking he bound up his foot Another professor having learned the cause remarked It served you right for why do you sleep with out sandals A professor meeting a doctor hid himself behind a wall Some one ask ing the cause he answered I have not been sick for so long a time I am ashamed to come into the sight of a physician A professor wishing to teach his horse to be a small eater gave him no food at all At length the horse hav ing starved to death the professor ex claimed I have suffered a great loss for just as he had learned not to eat he died A professor visiting a sick person inquired about his health The invalid however was not able to reply There upon the professor being angry and scolding the man said I hope that I shall be sick some of these days and then when you come to ask how 1 am I will not answer A professor sealed up a vessel of wine which he had bought His serv ant having made a hole in the vessel beneath and drawn off some of the wine the professor was astonished to see the contents diminished while the seals remained unbroken A neighbor having told him to look whether it had not been taken out from below he re plied Whj you fool its the upper part of the wine and not the lower that is missing A professor a bald man and a bar ber traveling together agreed to keep watch in turn four hours each while the others slept The barbers turn came first He quietly shaved the head of the sleeping professor and when the time elapsed awoke him The latter scratching his head as he got up and finding it bare cried out What a rascal that barber is Hes waked the bald man instead of me Exchange Legal Advice Prisoner said the justice you are charged with having struck the de fendant Yes judge I poked him but he called me a liar Thats no excuse Well judge It was my first experi ence What do you do in such cases Judges ZZ LAND CRABS Quecr Creatures That Roam In DR JOHNSON For- cats Far From the Sea One of the commonest and the lar gest of the Christmas island land era In is tin well known robber crab which is found in most of the tropical islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans It sometimes reaches a length of two feet rnd may measure seven inches across the back Its colors arc of a very gaudy description the ground color be ing a bright red upon which there are stripes of yellow but In some cases a purplish blue is the prevailing tint The eyes are fixed on stalks which can be moved independently of one an other and there are two pairs of feel ers one long the other short TJie lat ter pair are continually jerked up anl down There is a pair of powerful claws then several walking legs In general appearance these animals are much more like rather stom lobsters than crabs and ones first encounter with ore of these creatures in the mid dle of a forest far from the sea is pro ductive of much astonishment on both sides Another species of laud crab com mon in Christinas island is a little bright red animal which in general shape is much like the common shore crab This variety makes burrows in the ground and in some places the soil is honeycombed with hundreds of holes The crabs spend most of their time collecting dead leaves which they carry in their claws holding them up over their heads and drag down into their burrows into which they scuttle at the least alarm Pearsons Maga zine He Never Said a Word About Taking a Walk Down Fleet Street The wit and wisdom of that great man Dr Johnson were of the sledge hammer order and invariably preceded by sir so that it is comparatively eary for any one who has acquired the trick to invent a retort or remark in the Johnsonian style One of the most effective of these pseudo sayings nf the doctor Is And now sir said Dr Johnson we will take a walk down Fleet street There can be but little doubt that Dr Johnson did make this remark for he was always walk ing down Fleet street but it is not recorded that he did so The saying is due to George Augustus Sala who when the magazine Temple Bar was being started by Mr Maxwell imag ined a quotation from Ioswell as a motto for the venture The thing was intended as a joke but for a loim while it was absolutely believed to be a quotation from Coswell and per haps there are still some who would say unhesitatingly that Dr Johnson did say the words so seemingly au thentic are they However Sala him self always acknowledged that he in vented the phrase and added that to the best of his knowledge and belief Dr Johnson had never said a word about taking a walk down Fleet street There are other legends about Johnson however which it is not so easv to kill London Globe Salt as a Medicine 1 have in the past seven or eight years found the advantage of putting a little salt in all the water I drink 1 also put a little salt with sugar and milk in every cup of tea coffee or co coa I use I have been a resident in the trop ics for over forty years and except for a sprained ankle have not had oc casion to call in a doctor or to take any medicine in the last thirty years I believe every ones health in the tropics would be very much better if he used more salt 1 find the benefit of drinking a tumbler of cold water with a little salt in it every morning on rising at about 5 oclock before my bath or cup of cocoa which I usually take between 530 and U If people could be induced to try the easy and cheap method of taking a lit tle common salt with the water they drink they would in the generality of cases find that they would seldom re quire other medicine F N Burn in Chambers Journal Poisonous Gas Geyser In the midst of the great faunal wil derness near Nairobi Africa is a big blowhole in the earth issuing poison ous gases Surrounding this hole for many yards are piled bones of dead animals poisoned by this gas geyser Dogs dragged by ropes over the hole were killed in less than a minute The gas has been found to be hydrochloric coming from some volcanic depth The death trap has been fenced and billed with warnings Nw York Press Sprinkling a Trestle A wooden trestle on the Klamath Lake railroad in Oregon is protected from fire in the dry season by a sys tem of sprinklers which keep it con tinually wet A pipe runs the entire length of the trestle between the tracks and at short distances are holes through which the water is sprayed over the structure Popular Mechanics No Use You say Jones is down and out Why it was only a little while ago that he told me he had the key of success He did but the poor fellow wasnt able to find the keyhole Exchange Made Her a Fright Mrs Jones has a new hat Well you look mightily pleased about It You just ought to see how it looks en her Houston Post sTTjsrcraatES ra ZiiiMNinMf9l99tB2ZIimmmummmmm Wealth In Land The Bitf Horn Basin the Yellowstone Valley and the large Dsy Harinmg valleys in Wvoming along the Burlington oflec exception al opportunities for fanners merchants mechanics and professions men to locate near and in the new towns now springing up along Mifc Burlingtons Mam Lines to the Northwest All of rich farming valleys are surrounded by valuaMa pasture land containing timber for the settlers and in most cases oal and valuable building stone GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS under the Csirt y Act Deeded land and 320 acre free home steads under the Muudel law Go with me on one of our personally conducted land seekers excursions first and third Tuesday of each month CHEAPRAtTFES N 1 HESE DATES DONT FAY RENT but send for our free folders with maps filing all about these lands State which propose 101 in are most interested in Write today D CLEM DEAVER General Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau Room 7 Q Building Omaha Net KIf ROBES IN THE SCALP The Latest Explanation is that Microbes Cause Baldness Professor Unnn of Hamburg Ge rnieny iind lr tjitbourand of Paris Kn nee share tho honor of hiivmt di uiivertd 1 c liair microbe Hal lness is not caused through a few v eHf work of these hair microbe but s the result of conditions brought about y their presence Bnldues may not ccur until jears af r tlb microbes bu gin work but it is certain to come sooner or later Ttiemicrobcs cue off tho blood Bupplyi They feed on tho fatty matter about tho roots of the hair through which the blood is absorbed FinJlj tho fat t matter is consumed the food t upply of the hair is gone and it starves and finally dies R sorcir is ono of the most effective germ destroyers ever discovered Beta Naphthol is a most powerful yet utely safe germicide and antiseptic which prevents development of germ j matter and creates a clean healthy condition Pilocarpine although not a coloring matter or de is an ingredient well s tublibhed for its power to restore nat ural color to human hair when loss of color has been caused by a disease Hornx because of its well defined softening and cleansing properties is j most useful in the treatment of scalp and hair diseases Glycerine acts us a stimulant to tho hair bulbs and has a sootbinir hpalinc and nouri hinir influ ence Alcohol is iMiisuffisitme in med icine because of its niHiseptic stimulat ing and preservative qualities We waut every one who has calp or hair trouble to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonic which contains all these ingred ients If it does not give you complete satisfaction in every particular we will return every pennj you paid us for it for the mere asking and without quest ion or formolity Of course you undetstanri that whpn wh yay that Rexa 9J Hair Tonic will prow hair we do not refer to eas es where the roots are entirelydead the pores of the scalp closel and the head has the shiny appearaere of a billiard ball In cases like there is no hope In all other case of Inldnesa Rexall -93 Hair Tonic will rr w hair or cost the user nothing Two sizes 00 cents and 8100 Remember j ou can obtain Rex all Remedies in McCcok at our store The RexallJStore L W McConnell GUTENBERG Invented Printing and Since His Day S 1 Mmfi TYPE has done more for the worlds advancement than any other thing Our type will ADVANCE YOUR BUSINESS OITicoovorElectric Theatre- Kooms G47 f Dr W B Ely M D Practico Limited Specialty Diseases of the Rectum Piles Fissure Ulcer Oflico Hours 1 n in to 4 p 111 133 JOHN E KELLEY - TT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACT325 McCook Nebraska taBAKent of Lincoln Laud Co and of MaCuai Wntor Works Office in Pontofflce bnildia Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook NebraVa A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells dxag Btore McCook Nebraska F E Whitney Walter EasXar WHITNEY HOSIER Draymen Prompt Services Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGrofPs W - Let V 2o our Trinting Phones IaaS Black 244 FRED WIGGINS AUCTIONEER The Updike QrainjCo sells the following coals Nigger Head Maitlaari Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Baldwin Lump Iowa Lump Pea Coal Wier City Lump Wier City Nni Sheridan Egg Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal S S Garvey Manager Phone 169 will cry jmw sales st ay tim any where Bills post ed in thtr Sappa coun try and ija cups f n T nished for yonr fr lunch with out extra charge Terms S30 first SlOCOor less 2 -percent on a5 sales r u 11 nine over 1000 Dater made by The Danbury News Danbury NebrtJkf YTYYYYTYTYYYYYYYTTTYTnrrTX r - -4 -4 -4 -4 1 I