The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1910, Image 4

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Bank of Mccook
is the oldest NATIONAL BANK
Southwestern Nebraska
and in point of Capital
Surplus and Undivid
oil Profits690000
the strongest
Wo give you a personal invita
tion to make this bank yjur de
pository whether you have a small
sum or u large one to lay asidofor
safe keeping
13 M FREES Pkes
L vcm Uculauun n K d Willow Co
Entered nt postoOicc JlcCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
oiptson i a Y3 in Advaru e
After all from top to ottom center
to creuniferciico it is liirgplv a question
of the in- and outs viih the g
c p on tin peripwry
Our Democrat ic friends are too palpn
bly long tinti partisanship th t arti
cle of ni partisan hip that stands put
within it- own pHrtv lines and eneonr
ages recruit- tnui ih opposition with
open hbiried iibrtlity
McCook Markets
MThinii ami dealers in McCook
today Iliuraaax i are paying the foliov
ing i nous
Wh it
But g re
1st door north
Commercial Hotel
Phone red 428
Good Letter Heads
Are Good Business
and mission in life is to show the
ladies how charming they are
minus superfluous epidermal de
fects Pictures taken by us do
not have that forced artificial
and over - retouched appearance
you so often meet with
A trial will convince you
Kimmell Studio
Enough Ears to Plant Twenty Acres Can Be Tested
in a Single Day With Home Made Tester
The best way to test seed corn is in a germination box This
is a simple affair and can be made by anyone in an hours time
Take a box six inches deep and about two by three feet in size
Fill the box half full of moist dirt sand or sawdust Press it well
down so it will have a smooth even surface Now take a white
elbth about the size of the box rule it off checker board fashion
making squares one and a half inches each way Number the
checks i 2 3 and so on Place this over the sand dirt or sawdust
Take the ears to be tested and either lay them out on the floor
and mark a number in front of each or attach a numbered tag
Now take off about six kernels from each ear not all from the same
place but at several points on all sides Put these kernels on the
squares corresponding in number to those placed on the ears of corn
Be careful not to get them mixed Keep the ears numbered to cor
respond EXACTLY with the numbers on the squares of cloth
After the kernels have been placed carefully on the cloth which
covers the moist sand dirt or sawdust cover them with another
cloth considerably larger than the box cover this cloth with about
two inches ofthe same moist sand and keep the box in a warm
place It must not get cold
The kernels will germinate in four to six days
Remove the cover carefully to avoid misplacing the Kernels
Examine them carefully Some will have long sprouts but almost
no roots others will not have grown at all but the kernels from
ears which will produce corn if planted will have both sprouts and
good root systems
Compare the numbers on the squares with those on the ears
Put back into the feeding corn bin the ears which correspond in
number to the numbers on the squares where the kernels did not
grow or where they showed only weak roots
The ears numbered corresponding to those on the cloth which
showed strong signs of life are the ones to preserve for seed Every
kernel from these ears should produce a stalk every stock an ear
Suppose one dead ear is planted The planter fails to get one
thousand stalks of corn almost twelve bushels ot corn lost
A number of seed corn testers are manufactured for sale They
are all good any implement dealer or seed house will know where
to get them
Alden F Ely wa9 a lloldrege visitor
Earl Murray was over from Wilson
ville the 22nd
Mrs Ciaka Randel of Beverly was
a city visitor Friday last
Tom Real of Grafton visited the
family here part of the wek
G E Thompson is east on the buy
ing market for the seasons offerings
Mrs William Jeffries was a Friday-Saturday
guest of Palisade friends
Mrs Herman Schobel returned home
Tuesday night from her Minden visit
Mr F M Kimmell arrived home
on Tuesday evening from her Aurora
B A Griggs was in Chicago last
week on business returning end of
A Davidson late of te Commercial
hotel was a Lincoln visitor first of the
Mr E S Koller accompanied the
debating team to Wray Colorado last
A R Scott arrived home first of
the iiet from his business trip to
etrn eitips
Mrs Fioyd Berry arrived home
Tuesday niaht from visiting the home
folks in Wilcox
E B Peruy the well known Cam
bridge banister was in the city on bus
iness Monday
A F Drkbert depv ts tonight for
Chicago to be absent a week or ten
days on business
Mrs D W Colson went down to
York Sunday to visit the children in
school in that city
Mr and 3 Mrs Albert McMillen
entertained the Thursday whist club on
Wednesday evening
A C Ebert arrived home Tuesday
night on No 14 from his absence of a
few weeks in the northwest
Mrs G H Thomas of Harvard has
been a guest of her mother Mrs Sarah
McCariipart of thisweek
Mr and Mrs J E Kelley arrived
home last Friday morning from a
short sojourn at Excelsior Springs Mo
Miss Gertrude MoRRissEy heard the
debate between the local high school
team and the Wray Colorado team
last Saturday
E M Stewart came down from Den
ver Sunday morning on some matters
of business and to visit bis brother and
friends here briefly
Mr and Mrs Roy E Cockxin of
Wauneta were guests of V Franklin
and family Sunday night on their way
back to Wauneta from visiting at the old
home inEastern Nebraska
J H Moore now manager of the
MichiganPacific Lumber Co at Vict
oria B C writes in renewing his sub
scri ption that he and his family are
soaking up some Southern Califcrnia
sunshine with his brother S A Moore
and family at Pomona California
Ebkn Sawyer of the Model went to
Omaha Tuesday to look over spring
styles returning today
Mr and Mrs Imel of Culbertson
spent Monday night with McCook
friends They were en route to Hast
ins Iowa to attend a wedding He is
a furniture dealer and undertaker in our
sister town of the west
W II Pier of Richland Center Ws
arrived in the city last Thursday and
visited briefly with his sister Mrs J S
LeHew Mr Pier proceeded on his
way to Pasadena Calif Friday Mrs
LeHew accompanying him as far as Alt
ron Colo where she spent a short time
with her daughter Mrs W J Krauter
Mr Pier is a wealthy banker and has
considerable interests in California
where he will spend some time
R F D No l
Misses Anna Berger who has been vis
iting her aunt Mrs J Lee is spending
this week with her aunt Mrs Mary
Kimmerling 18 miles northwest of Mc
J T Berger is back visiting with his
aunt Mrs J I Lee after spending
three wepks with his grandmother Mrs
J B Kilgore
Ray Stone is woraing for Mr Coglizer
at present
Roy and Ray Stone visited part of Inst
week with their cousin and family Mrs
Mamie Rinck on the Willow
Mrs Gerald Wilcox was called to Col
orado by the serious illness of her aged
mother Both she and her little daugh
ter Florence were very sick crossing
the mountains
There was a surprise party on Henry
Calkins Tuesday evening the occasion
being his birthday
Miss Anna Ebert returned home on
Thursday morning from Loganeport In
diana where she spent the winter
J B Fiechtnera little girls figured in
a runaway Monday as they were com
ing homo from school The horse suc
ceeded in kicking the buggy all to pieces
but luckily neitherof the girls was hurt
The Rural Letter Carriers met at the
home of Steve Jimerson Tuesday Feb
ruary 22 and organized a county associ
ation A full repoit of the meeting
T A Endsley came down from Mc
Cook Sunday morning to see how the
grandchildren are coming on Mrs E
came down to the W P Broomfield
home Friday and has been helping her
daughter with the ailing
Wednesday Night March 2
More people are taking Foleys Kidney
Remedy every year It is considered
the most effective remedy for all kidney
and bladder troubles that medical sci
ence can devise Foleys Kidney Remedy
corrects irregularitiep builds up the
system and restores lost vitality A
Queer Whistling Langutge of the Ca
nary Island Natives
In Goincra one of the smallest of
the Canary Islands the sllvando or
whistling language survives A cor
respondent writes A traveler must
laud at the little port of San Sebastian
mid there find a muleteer from the In
terior With him he must ride up the
steep bridle paths that wind through
the mountains When no longer any
living thing is within sight and the
wilderness la only broken by the crim
son flower of the cactus growing in
the clefts of the rock the muleteer
dismounts sets his forefingers togeth
er at a right angle and places them
in his mouth An arrow of piercing
sounds shoots across the ravine3 and
up the stony terraces into the fast
nesses of the mountains A moments
pause and there comes a thin almost
uncanny answering whistle from far
away Conversation begins and as
the sounds rise and fall are stacca
toed or drawn out so they are faith
fully echoed and transmitted bv the
Then conies the ghostly reply and
then question and answer follow with
out hesitation or misunderstanding
Perhaps the stranger will ask What
are you doing there Answer There
is a traveler with me One of our
mules is lame Can you bring us a
fresh oueV Yes I can Do you
want anything else You might bring
some milk along if you have any
and so on That the conversation is
correctly interpreted is presently con
firmed by the arrival of the mule and
the milk and the distance that sepa
rated the parties to the dialogue turns
out to he about three miles
Long notes and short notes rising
and falling tones go to make this mar
velous means of communication No
record is to be found of its origin or
history and it will be a thousand
pities if scientific investigation Is not
made before the silvando is added to
the list of dead languages as assur
edly it will be -within the next two or
three generations Chicago News
The Happy Family and a Kitten and
a Hawk
The first public exhibition of a hap
py family in England was given
about fifty years ago when there were
shown a monkey a cat several rats
and three or four pigeons in one cage
The monkey was on excellent terms
with the cat so long as puss would
allow him to warm himself by cud
dling her otherwise ho would show
his vexation by slyly giving her tail
a nip Avith his teeth
The birds perched on the cats back
and pecked at her fur and the rats
were as friendly with their natural
enemy as if she were one of their own
A lady -walking in the Isle of Wight
observed a little kitten curled up on
a mossy bank taking a midday nap
As she stopped to stroke it a havk
swooped doAvn and pouncing upon the
kitten hid it from sight
The lady fearing for the life of tliej
kitten tried to rescue it hut the havk
firmly faced her stood at bay and re
fused to move She hastened to a
fishermans cottage and told the in
mates of the impending tragedy
Its always so they said laughing
That hawk always comes down if
an one goes near the kitten He has
taken to it and stays near at hand
to watch whenever it goes to sleep
The lady greatly interested made
further inquiry and learned that the
kittens mother had died after which
the nursling was missed for several
days ne day the hawk was seen
about the cottage picking up scraps of
meat and carrying them to the roof of
the cottage
The fisherman climbed up and fouid
the lost kitten nestled in a hole in the
thatch and thriving under the care of
its strange foster father It was
brought down and restored to the cot
tage but the hawk would not resign
his charge and -was always at hand to
rescue the kitten from the caresses of
strangers Philadelphia North Amer
Dictionary Lore
Poison and potion are doublets
Hie former beihg an older form of the
latter Both are derived from the
Latin porare to drink and poison
in its original sense signified merely
something to drink
While the word human used as
meaning a human being is now-
only colloquial or humorous Lowell
in the introduction to the Biglow Pa
pers chided Bartlett for including it
in his Dictionary of Americanisms
and remarked that it was Chapmans
habitual phrase in hi translation of
Homer and that it is found also in the
old play of The nog Hath Lost
His Pearl Rochester Democrat and
A Flame Combination
If a small quantity of chlorate of
potash be powdered and mixed with
an equal quantity of powdered sugar
a candle may be lighted by means ot
the mixture without matches
riace a little of it in the depression
around the wick of a candle that has
been previously used and then touch
the mixture with a glass rod the end
of which has been dipped in oil of
vitriol It will burst into flame light
ing the candle
An Evasive Answer
rWe dined at Mrs Crankleighs last
I suppose you had a good dinner
Well we found out that Mrs
Crankleigh is an active member of the
society for boycotting all the high
priced foodstuffs Cleveland Plain
Royaf Another ShiPnet ty fh
J atcisttxcoAuciouieta
Royal Waists
Just Received
and you should not fail to make Otir
this line
made in
125 to
575 each
ll r V V aV
selections ear Fy from
Swell Tailored
in Pure Linen at
275 to
600 each
Linene Shirts
at 1 and
125 each
If you do your own sewing dont fail to look over our
large assortment of
White and Colored Waistings
Our Wool and Cotton Suitings
Our Trimmings
Embroideries and
Our spring showing is more beautiful than ever
Phone 56
222 riain avenue
nuij wjiiw
of Fare at D Manners
Hot Cakes and 3 Star Coffee
White Flakey Bread from Pure Gold Flour
Cheese with Mixed Nuts
Fresh Fish Oysters and Wince Pie
Oranges Bananas and Apples
220 Main ave
Phone 14
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
TrtTftrfrmvipr i n rmnrriiiiiiB i n Tmr irMi n n hm i n i uimjw ijwci
- - 111 iiip -
IIAVE just received large consignments of spring
goods in their Hardware Harness and Farm Ma
chinery Departments They wish at this time to call
especial attention to the famous
Moline Line
of Disc and Pipe Frame Harrows Plows and Listers
too well known to require any recommend from them
but in the
Lay By Listed Corn Cultivator
they have a machine they wish an opportunity to
show to every farmer who plants corn They also
sell that best of all seeding machines the
Superior End Wheel Disc Drill
and will have a supply of them on hand in a few days
Call and see them before buying anything in their
A f
1 i