The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1910, Image 3

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McCook Lodse No 135 A F A M meet
-very first and third Tuesday of the month at
800 p m in Masonic ball
Lon Cone V m
Charles L Fahnestock Sec
r 8 M
Occcnoxee Council No 16 RS M meets on
the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m
ii Masonic hall
William E Hart T I M
Aaron G Kino Sec
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
eyery first and third Thursday of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Gray H P
W B Whittakee Sec
St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on
4h Becond Thursday of each month at 800 p
tn in Masonic hall
Daaid Magnee E C
Henry E Cdlbertson Bee
Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mrs C AV Wilson W M
S Cordeal Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M AV A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
880 p in in Morris hall Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Julius Kdnert Consul
HM Fixity Clerk
No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mrs Caroline Kunert Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
McCook Lodse No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Temple
Maurice Griffin Treas MSJ eknings MW
C W Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec
McCook Lodce No 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tuesdays of each month at
800 p m in Temple building
Anna E Ruby C of H
Mrs Carrie Schlagel Rec
locomotive firemen and engineuen
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets on the first and third Saturdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Husted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F E
Golden Rod Lodge No 2S2 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
ach month at 2 oclock
Mrs Grace Husted Mrs Lena Hill
Secretary President
railway conductors
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
sacond and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClure Sec
railway trainmen
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eagles hall T E Huston President
F G Kinghorn Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets
OTery second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pre
Peed Wasson Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Cor Sec
2r5r vi
t iiiki mmtrm r
McCoo Views in Colors
are a Leader with Us
TJaiUiHS rut
Business Office Station
ery is Our Specialty
Particularly Pine Line of
Writing Papers in Boxes
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Letter Files
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
Invoice Files
Stationery Department
McCook Division No 623 11 of L E meets i
J e 1 o f - -1 I
vnr suiifuii umi iiiurtu ouimuy ui euuu
Tionth ullVU iu Mrri hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
railway carmen
Young America Lnript No 456 B R C of A
neets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
in MnrrN hall at730 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodge No JOT B or B M i I S H or
v meets first and third Thursdays of each
month m Eagles hall
Jno Seth Pres
Jno La Hew Cor Sec
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednos day at 800 p m in Masonic hall
J N Gaarde C C
C A Evans K R S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall
B J Lane N G
H G Hughes Sec
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L Walker AV Pres
C H Ricketts AV Sec
national association of letter carriers
Branch No 1278 meets first Moncay of each
month at 330 p in in carriers room postofiice
G F Kinghorn President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Council No 1126 E of C meets the
flrst and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Eagles hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 pm
Morris hall
AAir Long Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
relief corps
McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
l of g a r
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the second and fourth Fridays of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mary AAalker Pres
Ellen LeHew Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m
at the homos of the various members
Mrs J A AVilcox Pres
Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec
McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m
M J Cordeal M E C
Edna Steavart M of R C
The Tribune
It is Just One Dollar the Year
- v a
Habit Enables Him to Scale Ice Clad
Heights With Ease
In all my experience I bad never
encountered a rougher- more difficult
country In which to hunt than In
ICllesmcre Lund writes Harry Whit
ney in Outing Ordinarily I should
have believed these mountain sides
with walls of smooth rock sheathed
with a crust of hard Ice and snow
quite unscalable
In places they were almost perpen
dicular Uarely did they offer a crev
ice to serve as foot or hand hold and
jutting points and Ann set bowlders
were too widely scattered to be of
much help
1 In this his native land the Eskimo
has a decided advantage over the
white hunter His lifetime of experi
ence lias taught him to scale these
lee clad heights with a nimbleness and
ease that are astounding He is quite
fearless and even the mountain sheep
is not his superior as a climber
As if by magic and with little ap
parent effort the two Eskimos ilew up
the slippery walls far outstripping
me How they did it I shall never
know Now and again I was forced
to cut steps in t e ice or I should in 1
e itably have lost my footing and
lei hurled downward several hun
dred feet to the rocks beneath
I was astonished even at my own
progress and when I paused to glance
bohind me I felt a momentary panic
But there was no turning back and
one look robbed me of any desire to
try it
The Eskimo has no conception of I
the papers next morning that he had
given utterance to the very baccha
nalian sentiment Drunkenness is
Lord Salisbury Avas a master phrase
maker but one of his best points was
spoiled Avhen a careless reporter turn
ed his reference to manacles and
Manitoba into the meaningless man
acles and men at the bar
Sir William Ilarcourt AA as badly mis
quoted once Great is Diana of the
Ephesians he exclaimed upon the
platform but a country paper had it
Great Dinah What a farce is this
Lack of knowledge of familiar quo
tations is a prolific source of misre
porting For instance a speaker once
made use of the Avell known lines
from Miltons LAllegro
But come thou goddess fair and free
In heaAen yclept Euphrosyne
The country reporter deputed to
take him down was in despair He
could not make head or tail of this
mysterious utterance But following
the sound as far as possible he seized
his pen and produced the following
But come thou goddess fair and free
In heaven she crept and froze her knee
The speaker was taken down in
more senses than one London An
Knew Where He Was
When I AAas studying in Boston
said a musician they used to tell a
tale about a man named Harper an
odd old character Avho played a trom
bone in one of the small theaters
there One time they were rehearsing
a new overture Throughout the piece
Harper was a little behind the rest of
the men Before they started it a sec
ond time the leader reproved Harper
for not coming in more regularly with
the other players When they attempt
ed it again Harper came in as usual
two or three beats behind time The
leader stopped and after letting loose
a lot of profanity demanded to know
if the trombonist knew he was playing
about half a dozen notes behind the
Harper nodded Thats all right
said he I can catch up with the oth
ers any time I want to Philadel
phia Telegraph
His Great Loss
Well Garge exclaimed the farm
er as he greeted one of his laborers
one New Years day and ow did ee
get on last yeear
Aye maister was the reply it
wur a bad yeear for I I did lose my
missus I did lose my canary and I
did lose my dog And it wur a good
dog too LondoH News
Self Protection
You didnt really need a wig
I was driven to it Now the bar
ber wont try to sell me any tonics
or hair restorer Louisville Courier
Never add the burden of yesterdays
troubto to that of tomorrow The cn6
Is paS the other may never come
ffi fiiSTEOBSSMhaa s
Shock cf Sudden Glad Tidings at 0WO BOOStGF t
Tivios Turns the Brain
iWhy Here He Is
Ecmc of the Saddest Cases of Lunacy
Are Those Where the Mind Is Un
able to Stand the Strain of News of
Unexpected Good -Fortune
It is no exaggeration to assert said
an asylum doctor of long and varied
experience that there are scores of
men and women in insane asylums
who have literally been sent there
through excess of joy Many of these
cases which are In my opinion the
saddest of all have come under my
own observation
I remember in the very first asylum
with which I was connected one of
the patients was a strikingly hand
some and very well educated man
who was as sane as you or I except
on one point He was really a man of
considerable wealth hut his delusion
was that he was a pauper and lie
would tell the most pitiful tales of his
destitution begging with tears in his J
j eyes for a few coppers with which to
buy bread
According to the story told me he
was the only son of a wealthy mer
chant In his youth he had fallen
among evil companions and had led
such a dissolute life that his father
distance lie is endowed with certain I
not ouly threatened to disinherit him
artistic instincts which enable him to but forbade him ever to enter his
draw a fairly good map of a coast
line with which he is thoroughly fa
miliar but lie dunnot tell you how far
It is from one point to another Often
when Eskimos told me a place Ave Avere
hound for was very close at hand it
house again After that lie seems to
have sunk into the loAvest depths of
poverty until he Avas glad to earn a
few coppers by selling papers or
matches in the streets
It Avas at this last and lowest stage
i i i n i
ucmlmuijuu iuiii wc wore uir iroiu if that nows came o hhn tuut llis fa
This they are never sure of and can 1 ther had die1 intestate aml that he
not indicate
was beh to aI nis vast fortune Tho
The Eskimos have a white man I sudlen newR completely turned thv
stung to death from every point of
mans brain JU11 broufrnt on smb a
view They not only can go to sleep I COUiition of excitement that he had
promptly but sleep soundly and well to be sent to an asyium and when he
as they travel when circumstances calmed ll0WIl agaill be ba1 lost aIl
permit They get sustenance too by j recolection of his good fortune and
eating hard frozen walrus and seal
UUlUlUj could shake his delusion tlia
meat or blubber This I could never
do for it is so strong in flavor that it
invariably nauseated me though I did
succeed A ery AAell with iiav hare or
deers meat Avheu I had it
Mistakes That Mangled the Speakers
Words and Feelings
Drunkenness is folly earnestly ex
claimed Bishop Magee in the house of
lords on a celebrated occasion How
horrified Avas the prelate to read in
he was on the Aerge of starvation
Another patient in the same asylum
AAas a young and in his lucid moments
a most intelligent felloAV whose brain
AAas turned as the saying is on learn
ing that he had passed an examina
tion lie had sat for the matriculation
examination at the University of Lon
don on passing Avliich he had set his
heart and had asked a friend in Lon
don to wire the result as soon as the
names Avere screened at Burlington
About three A eeks later came a fa
tal telegram Failed sorry Avhich
sent the young man into the loAvest
depths of despair for he was too old
to sit again Not many hours later
liOAveccr came another telegram
Passed honors very sorry crush so
great did not see name this morninsr
The revulsion of feeling AAas so great
that the students reason gave way
and he became so violent in his ex
citement that he had to lie conlined
Fortunately he AA as not with us long
and is now I am glad to know doing
very Avell as a solicitor
Disappointed love sends many people
to asylums but it is Aery seldom that
success in AAooing drives a man mad
It had this strange effect hoAvever on
one of my late patients The girl he
loAed had gone out to India to keep
house for her brother before he had
screAved up his courage to the point of
proposing to her but an offer followed
by mail Aery quickly after her
Weeks and months passed and no
answer came to the impatient loA er
until after waiting tAvo years in de
spair he became engaged to a girl who
had nothing but her money bags to
reiommend her and for Avhom he had
not a particle of love Scarvely how
ever Avas his fate sealed than he
the long despaired of letter
from India accepting his offer and ex
plaining that the girls brother had re
ceived and mislaid the letter which
had only just been found and had
come into her hands
Within an hour of the receipt of this
letter the man AA as a raving maniac
and although his condition is improv
ed I doubt whether he will ever re
cover his reason
In another remarkable case it was
the joy at seeing her husband again
that robbed a lady patient of her rea
son Her husband AAas the captain of
a merchant ship which was reported
to have gone down with all hands
The widow had deeply mourned her
husband for nearly a year when one
day on returning from a walk she
found him sitting in the drawing room
as hale and robust as ever
With a shriek she fell unconscious
on the floor and Avhen she recovered
her reason was gone It seems that
her husband after floating for some
time had been picked up by a passing
tramp and had been landed on to
west coast of Africa from which he
had returned home by the first avail
able vessel Loudon Spectator
It is said of the author of a volume
of biography that his verdict on the
great of his chosen period is much that
of the New Hampshire parson at the
highly approved funeral of a parish
ioner Brethren AAe must agree that
our deceased friend was mean in some
things but let us in Christian charity
alloAV that he was meaner in others
Both Sides
Doctors Lit li Girl Your papa owes
my papa mo- - Lawyers Little GirT
Thats mtling Papa said he wa
pi -id to get off Avith his life Baltimore
A nerican
The citizen Avho praises his own
The citizen who encourages local j
The citizen who helps along Lome
The citizen who- patronizes the
home merchants
The citizen Avho gets his job print
ing done in his own town
Mrs Paul Smith IeJtr Tuesday morn
ing for her Colorndo home
eeo Mrs Longnecker Sucday afternoon
Mr and Mia F C Smith return
home on Monday nigh from r ten day
visit to her sicter in Valparaiso this
Mrs Lewis Elmer went home on Tues
day from Mr Smiths where shy wu
care taker during their absence
Miss Rozll returned to Mrs Smiths
on Tuesdaj evening fiom a lengthy staj
at Owens Longnfckeis
Mr Helms sale Avas well attended
and thing- eohi we
Mrs Owens Longneckor Aisited Mr
King on Tuesday
Miss Rozell srent Monday with Mts
Paul Smith and Mrs Longiitcker
Mrs Owens Longnecker spent Mondav
with Mrs Sex on
They have lesumed wi rk on the addi
tion to Will Handels hoiiM
There was an enjoyai Is party a Will
Meiers FndiiA evening
SulllTan Will Speak to Retailers
Thomas P Sullivan of Chicago pres
ident of tbtr National Re tad Grocers
Association will deliver an address o
Nebraska merchants March when lie
is to be in Omaha attending the fourth
annual meeting of the Federation of
Nebraska Retailers March 8 9 and 30
This announcement is made by Fred
Diers of Madison president of the or
ganization who eajs No retailer of
this state should turn down tho oppor
tunity of hearing a man cf Sullivans
type We are indeed fortunate to securt
his presence
It may eem strange to the people
of McCook to learn that Cam
bridge is soon to have a 16 bed hospital
Holbrook and Holdrege each are pro
vided with hospitals
McCoor laiuoud headquarter uf
Southwestern Nebraska and the largest
and leading city in this part of the
state is without a hospital It is the
logical location for on if there is a log
ical location this side of Lincoln
Why not in McCook
A Sate - Guard To Children
Our two children of six and eight
years haAejbeen since infancy subject to
colds and croup About three years
ago I started to use Foleys Honey and
Tar and it has never failed to prevent
and cure these troubles It is the only
medicine I can get the children to take
without a roAA The above from WC
Ornstein Green Bay Wis duplicates
the experience of thousands of other
users of FoleyXHonty and Tar A Mc
Unlawful lo Sell Give or Furnish
The board of education of Minden
calls attention to the law on the tobacco
question in this wise
Cobbeys Annotated Statutes of Neb
raska 19C9 Section 23G1 That here
after ro person fiim association or
corporation in this state shall gel give
or furDth in any way any tobacco In
any form whatsoever or any cigarettes
r cgarettp pf er to any minor under
Raise the Siloing Price
The Air erieaD Bpet Sugar Co con
tract his- seaFon provides for the
pajmen o a ton tor beets regard-
Ipp of and for
iloinj bot tj
50 cents a ton for
AIk i t irt five of our citizens went
to l WfdneFdaA night to tee
the itlay The Girl Question Tren
ton R---
HcCook Pcorlc Should Not Wait UalN
It Is Too Late
1h appalling death rnhi from immp
dnume is due in mont cum tn tit f ct
tlnt the 1 til kidney trouble Mr- u mi
ally neglected until they hcm
The slight symtornH uiv phi frM
ic disracM and h jIT o g z
ully into tho gr isp uf lhh ii
BrightH Disease gravel or in- i
serious for i of Uidny co i plm f
If uiu suilVr from Imtk
achu r rzy Hpcllt i th knt
lions nxi irregular ft riss i
nnturnl i sippenrnncu do ie
Ilt lp the kidneH at onco
DoHiis KidntM IMIlb nr
kiniiny dw rd rs tboy w
fail Over one hundred ilim
John Thomas et ux to Harvey
- L
plhave recommended tlifin
Heres n case
Mrs I II Kuat living i li d f
Nob Buys Soim y ars si J
Djund Kidney Iills wiih mi i
aulta for kidney trouble nn I hv
started taking them for r
Avhich has caused me consider ir
ing I am plenEel to state thnf
so far found tho remedy to v r
aud am fully convii
will obtain a pormnnpnr enr iiuah
Plenty more proof liko thir frMn ttc
Cook people Call at McContx w
store and aBk what customers rej or
For sale by all dealers Price V
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N V i
agents for the United States
Remember tho name I an-
take no other
Heal Estate Filings
Tho following real estate W
been made in tho county cler tit
United States to Nettie E
Parks patent to w hf se jr
Albyn C Hippie et il in
John Thomas wd o hf
Mr and Mrs Willinm rTnndel called t J 3G except small tract 515 XJ
G Hippie wd e hf sw qr w
hf soqr22 3 0
John T DeLong et ux to Nir
Hansen wd sw qr 20 w hf u
qr29 ne qr 50-1-27 8 10
Nis Hansen et u to George B
Morgan wd sw qr 20 1 27 2VA tfl
Nis Hansen et ux to John v
and Esther M Thomas wd
whfnwxr 28 ne qr0 1 27 GCGi CO
Clyde McKern et ux to Hanni
bal H Miller wd 28 29 30
31 32 in 1 South McCook 1400 00
Hannibal II Miller et ux to
Ralph T and Ruth Riley r
in 7 1st McCook wd 2200 CO
J LTownlej ief to James H
Howard deed neqr nwqr nv
qr ne qr 5 4 28 15 i 4i
Laymens Missionary Movemec
March 15 17 a great convention of the
laymen from 75 cities and towns in iuth
Nebraska will be hold in Lincoln This
convention is part of a great nation rcide
movement started some three years ago
in New York city contemplating thu
evangelization of the world in thi gen
eration That the movement has grip
ped the n inds of the men of all evan
gelical churches is evidenced U Che
great interest in the conventions ainndy
Additional information and prtrX
matter may be secured by addrrtst ii
Laymens H adquarters Y M L At
LVncoln Nel raska
Cough Remeiy
Cures Coughs Colds Cronp Grip
and Whooping- Cough
We are pleased to inform onr readers
that Chamberlains Cough Remedy does
not contain narcotics of any kind This
makes it the safest and best for children
It makes no difference Avhen you caught
that cold you Inure it and want to gee rid
of it quickly Take Chamberlains Cough
It wont do to fool with a bad cold
No one can tell what the end Avill be
Pneumonia catarrh chronic bronchitis
and consumption invariably result from
a neglected cold As a cure for conghs
and colds nothing can compare with
Chamberlains Cough Remedy ifold
everywhere at 25c 50c and 100-
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron ead and Sewer Pipe Erati
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmir
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
DKi Bi js
Office Booms 3 and 1 Waleh BIfc McCook
SYRUP cures coughs and ccld s