The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1910, Image 6

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N 1 Pout I i taJiii rof the
F5wi Null i Iiik nt Fiienii
3 iii vji uriltiy mi
EI1I01 Mii wviis in 1 i o lu r on
iness Si hi lny
T W i i pi r li ft nil I he SMIHhv i v
WiniMi f i Knii a itt o liav ln
- M D J ft 11M f jt
uitli I or hnti i hold g niilw fur
hiif will nude Iiit Ill tine
2 iiim i M tiiw pnrit ion with the
X A Al
Mm Os ir Thiim5 if O n t - vi
jiPint fiiii - in iiw ieuii n
Sfrriifl flu- rlit list Wf nl
Mpatlii OJ Spiir mH RiohnnK of
Banbury wro u to am
D A Meek the lntrririini Blncli
32ii vi in town one dv hi t wi i k
Albert Mugavn from nortneait i
jjnhurr ws in town la- mid a 1
bills for hi public sale Feb 30
A Reed unci wife itnded thesurpttse
3fcner at G F GoiUl iX s niMi of ui
Jkiry oti day li t ivrek
W H Eifrt pold his fine hi rick team
if horses to a Mr Coulter fnm upar
Danbury cliwe uf lat week
Mrs Eib rt r nd duiyhTHHDd Pnrl
nell wit Fniview Thurs
Ony Th vi iikI th ilin and
Urs Eif rt u ited Mrs J a liavrs
IT -II Birclnr if Linedn va i
Jr lJ K3 L jL II 3
0vnmm imirtiPMmiip
P1 v ffmw - rmy IIIMPbI
111 eRlM
llllik Its sise a protection and a iftfepfl
i ik guarantee against alum M IfifiW
town li t wvew i viny i Mns and spire
ifieiitioim fur ill- v nlfilfii mill hiitld
infjH whiel w nuii d for fowel
Nilson in ii a fninrn
Gn nid Dr Strain of OUr
lin in tounon I
last midwuK
Bltiricin in I has n h r jm
sition in F t di - in o ii i d
intr ii in wi h In r Li Miiiiif
Gt iiiiiiii spent a fw drtjs st Me
Cool iii wf k
M E t Wovitn nd chiien
ui rnw n
F Mill utf4 Grandpa
li n ioi friiii i h ii D irlm weie
t nvn t vefii tr iii SuliiiiUy guets
ii th Elicit
Mis Ellen Pinnili b fr I f i
lroi C iuiiiii m i t n
Mill lint In r vrnh Aiiiifw 1 y
h lived of AUrm hid iIumI
ReV Millnr if ld Rhv
V oodson o K iini j Nebr Uii lein
a series of oef uijrf in tin- auheol houe
Monday niiih
Ir J A Colfer
Room -
VV one 37S
Postiikfick Bunnin
1 will offer at public sale at my farm 9 niiies northwest of
McCook and 4 miles north of Perry on
Tuesday February 22
commencing promptly at 10 oclock a m unless the day is
stormy in which event the sale is postponed to future date
notice of whicn will be given in due time the following de
scribed property
Two riding cultivators Corn King and Ohio two riding listers Bell and
Triumph one corn planter one disc gang plow one lG ineh riding plow
Yankee one Keystone disc one 3 section steel harrow one 2 row John
Deere machine used one season one 1 row godevil one Richmond
hampion drill one Dempster drill one hay rack one S foot Deering
Binder one G foot Pony Deering binder one McCormick corn binder one
fanning mill one hay rake one Fish wagon one wagon and rack six hay
slings one harpoon haysfork one 2 horse horse power one Hero feed
grinder one carriage -nearly new one Advance threshing outfit one 16
horse power engine straw burner 32x52 separator one tank and wagon
ene Piano 10 roller corn shredder nearly new one Mason automobile
ihree sets work harness one set buggy harness one 6x8 Stevens refriger
ator one small refrigerator blacksmith tools good mitre box and saw
ejrpenter tools one grindstone three feed bunks one slop cart one din
ner bell lot of hog fencing three rods cribbing one Xo 2 DeLaval cream
ju prra tor one icecream freezer one spinning wheel household goods
siul other articles too numerous to mention
S Dozen Chickens - 5 Bu Clean Alfalfa Seed
consisting of two heifer calves and three milch cows one to be fresh soon
0ne black gelding 3 years old wt 1100 one roan gelding 3 years old wt
TJ00 one gray mare 3 years old wt 1300 one roan gelding 2 years old
w t 1050 one 2-year-old mare colt
F WALan LierK
TERMS OF SALE All sums of 810 and under cash on sums over 810
s credit of eight months will be given purchaser to give bankable paper
Bearing 8 percent interest from date No property to be removed until
settlement is made
atthias Droll
Conducted bv
cok W C T U
Change of follcy in Internal Revenue
Department i
A complete change of policy of the
Feoeral government ia prosecutions for
viotuliousof the internal revenue liquor
laws has been ordered by Attorney Gen- I
era Wickersham on uibtructious from
In a l tter sent to United States At-
partmunt with respect to prosecutions
of offenres againt the internal revenue
laws Hnd much complaint hns been
made by reason of the fact that in
states the policy of whopo laws forbids
the tndue m liquors tin United States
Govt rnmf nt is cleaily aiding and abet-
j Unir in thb violations of ihene laws by
compromising proceedings for the eu
forci tiiw t of the ut rnal revenue laws
by tl e iimie pajineut of money penal-
This seems a suijVct of leproach
Gom n ir Stnobs b I roujiht the in t
t r to ihe attention f Win
wbo iiiH is amive moiciti ci wiiji n
pact to the milt Yoj an- lh refore
instructed in he future r for
violations of c ie mti rnal rcvnue law
as a general to n f use to
all liability by the payment of
monej penalties and to endeavor to m
cu n conviction and imprisonment for
some reasonable tune of this class of oir
To Protect Naval Cadets
Fnllowii g the ni tioa of the upi
tendont at the Naval Academy in regard
to the us of liquors a hill designed to
strengthen the existing laws prohibiting
the sae of liquors to the midshipmen of
the Naval Academy has been introduc
ed in the Maryland legislature The
measure makes the prprietr of the
place responsible for the sale of intoxi
cants to midshipmen no matter whether
t QolH rlirnrlv 1 unite- Inlraaia
by himself
II retofore the Academy authorities
in several attempts failed to get convic
tions after having the offending places
indicted because the lor al law does not
hold the principul responsible for the
acts of his agent
Mr E A Kelley Belvidere III
writes usI am an ex engineer with 22
years active service to my credit About
three years ago my kidneys were effect
ed so that I bad to give up my engine
First I was troubled with severe aching
pain over the hips Then followed in
flammation of the bladder and specks
appeared before my eyes A sample of
Foleys Kidney Pills that I tried so
benefited me that I bought more I con
tinued to take them until now I can safe
ly testify they have made me a sound
and well men A McMillen
Theres Nothing Like It
And WHEN you get
married let us print
your wedding invi
tations -- -- --
We Simply Dote on Help
ing Along the Good
and call on us
The Fight to
High Prices
J liMR
r estimation of
the hfcli cost of liv
ing the agitation in
congress and In sev
eral eities over t la
matter and the or
ganization in Wash
ington of the Nation
al Anti Food Trust
moves in
direction and may
riMilt before long iu
solving the problem I
and placing thei
bl line where It belongs It Is gener
ally understood that there Is a trust
on almost every article of food placed
on the market and to a greater or less
extent on clothing boots and shoes
hats etc With this condition of af
fairs it Is not to be wondered at that
there is a growing discontent among
ii i i
i lie secretary of agriculture has
taken up the matter with a determina
tion to sift it to the bottom before he
gets through and plans to interview
every tanner who has anything to
sell This will be taken as the ground
work of the investigation and then
he will turn his attention to the mid-
ttirney H J Bone of Topeka Kan Mr dlemen and men higher up Brielly
frim t i Si It iil ntjiiirt ir viMting Wickersham suy My attention has given Secretary Wilsons solution of
h lotit Alit n i d Ian ilv i been called to the attitude of the the increasud cost of living
leni is as follows
Amend the contract labor law so
that farmers may send abroad for men
to till the soil
Discover just who is robbing the
consumer by extorting unreasonable
V Sit
profits from the sale of foodstuffs be
tween the earth and the mouth
When the fault is found correct it
by forcing the interests that are re
sponsible to be content with reasona
ble return for their time and invest
Congress is thoroughly aroused over
the matter and is planning to sift it
to the bottom Senator Elkins meas
ure along these lines provides for the
appointment of a committee of five
senators to make a comprehensive in
vestigation of the increase in the cost
of living in the last ten years The
committee is also to inquire whether
wages and incomes have kept pace
with the increase in prices Wholesale
and retail prices and their relations
are to be considered and particularly
the prices of meats grain wool cloth
ing rents building materials etc An
important provision is that if the in
creased cost has been caused by any
action of congress or any monopoly
the committee shall report with recom
mendations to relieve the situation
A number of other resolutions on the
subject have been introduced in both
senate and house and steps taken for
a thorough investigation
The National Anti Food Trust
league recently organized in Wash
ington expects to have a membership
of a million shortly The league is
based on the contention that it is not
necessary to be robbed by any com
bine which raises the price of any ar
ticle of general consumption unless
the consumers are passive in the mat
ter If consumers throughout the
country or for that matter in a speci
fied city refuse to buy a certain arti
cle their boycott will be effective
This in brief is the argument on
which Dr E L Scharf leader of the
project has undertaken to form thisj
nation wide organization of consumers
to demonstrate the economic possibili
ties of a combination of the spenders
of the nations income against the va
rious combinations that have been
formed to make these spenders money
realize less than it should
Dr Scharfs plan is to organize at
least 1000000 heads of families iu all
states of the Union and pledge them to
follow orders from a central commit
tee which shall forbid on a given day
the purchase of for instance any beef
product until the market price shall
fall to a reasonable figure from prices
regarded as unreasonable
This program is subject to an im
portant modification In cities wher
the league finds that beef taking that
commodity again as an example is be
ing sold at a fair rate the universal
boycott will not apply
It is the belief of the projectors of
the league that such a boycott will
do an Immense amount of good toward
lowering high prices
I Diplomatic
Thr lntr Tnnl Snvlli nsivl to Bav
Chinese having been among the ear
liest people to cultivate it and such
great value was attached to it that In
in ujri in ijtMime even iiii ro tne i
i the annual ceremonial sowing or
inoderately wealthy and for a number
uumui1 -
J portant plants inaugurated by the
of years past the demand for an In-
1 peror Chinnong so far back in the past
vestigation has been widespread 7i
1 i 1S ifSIlll H r fln rifi liici tn i in unn n
only by the emperor himself while the
four other plants of the ceremony
might be sown by the princes of his
family In India rice has been culti
i vated from time immemorial It was
introduced at an early period into
Syria Egypt and other parts of north
ern Africa In more modern times rice
has been sown in Spain France and
Italy the lirst cultivation in the last
named country being stated to have
been near Pisa iu l KJS The plant is
believed to have been introduced into
America in 15 17 when Sir William
Berkeley raised a crop of sixteen
bushels from half a bushel of seed
The Waiters Tip
Splitting a live dollar bill with a
waiter when you reach a hotel and
promising him the other piece when
you leave if well served is a pooi
game said a veteran waiter iu one
of New Yorks bggest hotels
A man tried it on me once and it
made me sore I took pains to serve
him poorly showing that I did not
care for his money I was so careless
that when he was leaving he refused
me the other half I had him sized
up for a cheap skate so I pointed out
to him that the piece he had was no
good to him as it was and offered to
buy it from him for 2 fie thought
deeply a minute and declined Then
I offered to sell my half for 3 Some
how or other this appealed to him
and he bought it and seemed happy
I II bet he hasnt stopped figuring out
yet whether he won or lost One
thing hes sure of he didnt tip the
waiter New York Sun
A Gentle Hint
A certain butcher is renowned
among his contemporaries for the
quaintness and originality of some ol
his remarks On a road leading to a
neighboring parish he one day met a
gentleman who at the time owed him
for some meat After a salutation the
gentleman remarked
Thats a fine fat dog you have Al
Sae weel he may sir was the re
ply for he has an easy conscience
and is oot o debt and thats mair
than you or I can say
The hint was taken and the butcher
got his money next day London An
Waiting to Find Out
Cincinnati Tourist who for the first
i j
Uongbwiationai Preaching at 11
that high diplomatists had always to and 8 ociocK Sund y ehool it Q
be on their guard against Intriguing 1U Cnri uum E iK vir 7 oVmCii
women mainly Russian agents whoj p meetiuL W ilnidy vnnini
I would use any wile to extract u t public n cur-
inailon During the Russo TurUish tfiMH
war when Europe was alwavs on the
verge of a crisis and Russian stales-
men were most anxious n inmv what
England would do under given elremii
stanres a lady mine up to him sud
denly al a ball and said-
I hear that the RnsslaiK have made
a forced march and etitend Constanti
nople hoping no doubt that he
would he surprised into some indis
creet expression
lie merely replied
Indeed And 1 suppose the sultan
has conferred on them the order of
the Turkish bath
The lady continued gravely
And they say iu Paris that if Entr
are truly aniI dms
the right
ant interfere the eastern
question is settled iu favor of Russia
And that replied his excellency
is I suppose the new judgment of
The Raising of Rice
The cultivation of rice extends back
into the dim past and there are no au-
UIHII lliviifii - -
RhV K I vB Pabtor
EiMacoiAi lnieiiriy services at St
Vlbuns church at 11 u tu and 70 p
m Suuday Bchool at 10 a m Com
tunc ion 1st Sundns 11 a m 3rd Sun
diys 745 a m each month All are
wnlcome to these services
E R Eablk Rector
Catholic Order of serviced Mass
0 a m Mass and derraon 1030 a m
Evoning service at 8 oclock Sundu
uhool230p in Evory Sunday
Wm J Kibwiw O M 1
Mkthodibt Sunday school at 10 a in
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
as 12 Junior League at 3 Epworh
League at 645 Prajer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
Bkyant EIowk Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at ten oclock
am Preaching at 11 a m and 745
thenrlc records as to when it llrst be- m B- u G4r ni Ppr
and Bible Wednesday
Evidence points however to the
meeting study on
at 8 p in A in st cordial invitation is
extended to all to worship with us
Fkancih E Iams Pastor
Evangelical Luthkkan Regular
German preaching services in uhht
corner of E and 6th street east every
SutiUay morning at 1030 All Germans
cordially invited
607 5th at East
CrfKisriAN Science 219 Main Avtw
Tue Services Sunday at 11 a in anor
Vodnesday at 8 p m Reading Room
jpen all the timo Scienco literature
on aide
Evangelical Luthkkan Congukga
riONAL Sunday School at 930 a in
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
oy pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
senior C E at 700 p m Prajur
meotings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
ordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
J E Ford is moving into the Percy
Catlett property
Mrs Enlow visited in Hartley Satur
day and Sunday and Mr Enlow Suu r
day with their diugnter Mr Dr Ar
bogast They returned to their home at
Cambridge Sunday evening
Misb Eula Axtell will go to Stockville
soon to engage in the millinery busi
Charlie moved in this week from tne
Platte country and is on a farm west of
G W Jones Geo Cloue and Pang
Roush went to McCook on business last
Messrs E E Smith F G Stilgebou
er and Ira Ritchie made a business trip
to Lincoln county Nebraska Thurjo
of last week
G W Arbogst of Max Nebraska is
here on a visit
The dog killer is loose again ic
Bartley Five doys were poisoned this
week The owners are exceedingly
wrought up
S R Grisel has been appointed city
marshal and will receive the appoint
ment as constable at the next meetingof
the commissioners
D C Baker and wife were at Indian
ola Sunday visiting friends
Hie revival nt the t C
mm- uu jM emereu a resraurant in church is still in proeres
Much inter-
V rYmnf 7 win lllcj wuvi rviwln1 l s est is manifested Rev Noriin is deliv
some minutes before and who looks
up from a French bill of fare Yes
Cincinnati Tourist What did you or
der St Louis Tourist impatiently
IIow do I know Chicago News
The Funny Doctor
Dr McCree My dear Mrs Goodman
how could you bring out a young child
on ciiph o ilov ot T fi ri
enng some excellent sermons
Mr Fletcher moved into the Cliff Coi
building last week
One of D C Bakers twin babie3died
Monday and was buried Tuesday Rev
Noriin preached the funeral at the home
of Mr and Mrs Baker
Durbin Sr West are having the cellar
- uuu m v uo IUIO 1L1J SUIU UI-
strong east wind blowing Mrs Good- aufIor iner now building which will
man Ah doctor you will always have be feQt 16 foot ceiling with deck
your little joke flow can a child of in rear and sides The cellar will be un-
tnis age possibly know what wind it
is London Answers
Perfectly Cool
Mr Figg Gasser says he kept per
fectly cool last night when that bur
glar got into the house Mrs Fign
So his wife told me She found him
trying to hide in the refrigerator
Boston Transcript
Food and Fresh Air
You Can live fnrtv il ivs u irlinm fnnil
but you cannot live four minutes with-
out air xnese tilings oemg true is it
wise to stuff ourselves with food and
starve ourselves for want of air
Not Always
Tommy Pop what is the difference
between a probability and a possibil
ity Tommys Pop A probability my
son is something you -want to hap
pen Philadelphia Record
Taught Him a Lesson
Why dont you give your wife an
I tried that once and she spent it
before I could borrow it back Louis
vide Courier Journal
It belongs to great men to have great
defects French Proverb
der the whole building When finished
it will be used by the Farmers Store Co
Mrs Paul Smith sponttwo dnvs with
Mrs Lewis Elmer at the Smith homp -
Owens Longnecker is
getting so he
can get around some
The twe Louis and Lewis
got a coy
otp in their trap
They have a number
of skunks but
are very successful with
their neighbors dogs
MrsLouis Longnecker and Mn T-
m - tjfccni3
imer and families spent Tuesday at tht
oiu iongnecuer home while their
bands were helping about butchering
as Uwens Longnecker
could not at
tend the parties which
they have been
having the crowd of
young married
people surprised him on Friday evening
having an all night hilarious time
LaGrippe pains that pervade the
tire system LaGrinne couh tw
and strain are quickly cured
by Foleys
Honey ad Tar Ig m5Jdy Ja J
and certain in results A McMillen
Mrs Ellen Plumb
of Danbury
radrtrh IT T frm FlagIer Com
rade that her brotfaer AmW
was dying at that place