The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1910, Image 5

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ir 1
No 6
No 1
Time Card
r itAAt
llii i ji
fi00 a m
ft a m
rti a i
942 i M
tlXj v m
MoutitninTimol 1220 I
llnrr 7Vnii
1112 f M
9k a m
lt0 a i
12ii a m
7ll A m
No 170 arrives Mountain Tinm 420 1- m
No 17Sdopurts 720 t u
8lioinr iliuiiit mid rucliniiiK chair cars
satM froo on through tmin olrt
and hiitfgauo chocked to any loint iu the Unitod
dtat or Canada
For information time tahlos mups and tick
ft -Hl m or wrilo I F Hui ttittor Akent
McCook SihruHkn or L V Wiibnlny Goneral
Pnninr Aijput Oinitlia Nohraikn
Mrn Is tila Jtihn i ti of Uoldrego
VHitil h d Kiiihr lr l J Cain
part of I
Eliiint nr J I Hill and family spent
the closing ilns f Ihi i eek with his
pun uts in Arapahoe
Tim wycarj captained
by llnrbaugh and Moore were taken
out f 8 rv ice this week
Conductor and Mrs W a UasBell
retu n il clit uf Int tumi ii risit
to friends at Eaton Colorndo
Conductor Herman Hegenberger had
the pay car over the division first of the
week and ILirhaugh had bis car
Superintendent Weidenhamer of the
Sheridan Division was renewing ac
quaintances ut Monday
Engine 2003 came in from the Have
lock shojH Wedm sdat on ono side
having knock id out a exlinder head en
Tim tniil car on train 13 now runs to
MoUnolc It fornu rly stopped at Oxford
This brings another postal car crew to
this city
Mr Builock is second trick at Brush
C F McClwiry relit ving him at Akron
Mr Gunsberger relieves G O Gill as
clerk it the Akron depot
The fourth fruit train fjr th spflson
passed over the division Tuesday This
is several weeks earlier than the ship
ment is usually routed so far north
Dispatcher J T McCoy who has been
in Washington D C for some time
has returned to the Burlington service
and is relieving the agent atJJaitley at
The B M is surveying for an
extention of GOO feet on the house
switch at this place They are also
planniug on a new steel water tank
Cambridge Clarion
Conductor C B Dalton returned to
work on the RhI Cloud Oxford run
Wednesday after ten days furlough
and Conductor Sentance who was re
lieving him returned to McCook
Mr and Mrs Ed Montanye and Mrs
Bishop arrived from California Monday
morning for a visit with the latters
daughter Mrs E S Dutcher and in
hopes of benefitting -their health In
dianola Reporter
J D Pennington organizer for the
American Railroad Employees and
Investors Association was in the city
close of last week in the interest of that
organization He is a well known con
ductor on the Wymore division
Nj 61 out of Oxford seems to have
been a fited train last Thursday the
same morning at Orleans that Lawrence
Smith met death another brakeman
fell and throwing his hand over the
rail lost several fingers under the
wheels of the freight car passing
The water tank at Akron is to be moved
to a convenient place near the round
house Some of the yard trackage is to
be rearranged and some additional track
age laid An effort will bo made prop
ably to secure more water at that point
the big ravine south of the roundhouse
may be dammed
James Smith a brotherof LP Smith
who was killed at Orleans last week
was severely injured at Akron the morn
ing before his brother was killed James
fell off a Bcaffold at the water tank He
was taken home on a stretcher the same
morning his brother Lawrence wa tak
en home dead To add grief upon grief
the mother of the boys was not long
since bereaved of her husband
Phone 283
Room 3 Masonic Temple
fesU tfc A m
Dsath by Acclfcni
S nion I i utr r and V rnon Mnnsell
two oung mjs while nut hunting on
Saturday along the It pub i an river
saw hoin mjstriou i oj t ju ih ico
near when tlnj had vim imps hhi
unit upon umiIii a found thai it
wns ti bily of it mmi in Uj They
stv irnu in tin r lo ji h half mile
litMlt tint inVti tin hi trin On lttilg
t n i ty mil r t w tr it was found
ii I o ih u of S M MiUignu an old
mill t famtliir iiguri on our streets
lu i hotv hn ciiuo ui iifiit Li is death will
iiiitny iif wr hn known but whon
ii il hi body wi uinler i he ice and
noil Ing hut hid hid and arms ere vis
ill mi iliMt ht ciiuo to his
iith fMoHiirt Tin plauM where he
nir ioiti was nearly half a mile
iielnv i he hi bridgf and on the north
skIo ol Him Htioim His shone were
f unci on i he south sidti of the river
Ho an old man and in feeble health
unl bin Hied aioiiH for a number of
y or- Flo was on- of the oharte mem
ir iiieiiibers of th A O U W lodge
A l his ciy which was establiihcd
init J8S1 or 1833 arm s in good
laudiug at tiis doath He leaves oue
-on Charlev Miliigau of McCook
Coroner Anitick impaneled a coroners
juiy and h ki an inquest After se ernl
witiine were esaiiiinei thn jury took
iim cae aud their verdict was that he
rtiiirf to liis death by exposure lied
CKmd Commercial Advertior
Irani Made a Good Run
The Butlington trallic department is
now doing a Iittln braguiug about a
tiam that carried full tonnage from
Denver to Lincoln in which was twen
ty five cars of Caiforcia oranges and
which m ido the run in twenty hours
flat Tins is little better than twenty
four mile 4 an hour including all stops
and is equal to time sonedules ior fast
stock and fruit trains on which tonnage
ic guneraily reduced much below the
engine ratings This train carried the
f uil onginu rating every mile of tho way
from D ui vor east Of tho shipment of
ranged t even cars worn for Lincoln con
sumption and the remainder of the ship
ment for points eaitof tho Missouri riv
er Lincoln Journal
Conductor Brooks had the train over
the McCook division
Says Bignell is Appointed
The Omaha Bee last night contained
the following
Four appointments have been made
in the operating department of the Bur
lington that are of interest in Omaha
E Bignell formerly superintendent of
the Lin oln division has been made
general superintendent of the Nebraska
district F R Mullen trainmaster at
Lincoln comes to Omaha as superin
tendent of the Omaha division E Flynn
goes to McCook as superintendent of
that division and E F Ivoller super
intendent of the McCook division is
transferred to the superintendency of
the Lincoln division
Mrs Ina Wickwire has been visiting
her son Clyde at McCook Red Cloud
Mrs Schrigley and the baby visited
Fireman Schrigley at Akron part of
last week
Mrs Joe Kummer visited Hayes coun
ty friends last week The children ac
companied her
The Burlington is negotiating for the
purchase of more lanri at Superior near
their present depot
Night Operator Joe Brennan of Indian
ola has resigned and the place is being
supplied by M McCoy
Supt Weidenhamer of the Alliance
division and Mrs Weidenhamer were in
the city Monday on business
Mrs C M Dodge came over from Ma
rion close of last wek to join her hus
baud who is a J3urlireton fireman
Conductor Cassell and crew with En
gineer Snoke have been down on the
Red Cloud line this week helping clean
up some accumulated bu iness
Tho running time of the Hastings
Oberlin train has been reduced one
hour and five minutes between Red
Cloud and Hastings a distance of forty
miles With three more such reduc
tions we believe we could be satisfied
-Red Cloud Argus
Real Estate and Loans
Fire - Tornado Plate Glass Security Bond - Insurance
Agents for the famous
in Zavala County the Artesian Belt of Texas
Excursions February 1 and 15 Round Trip from Lincoln
2750 Kansas City 82500
Lands for sale in Nebraska Kansas and Colorado
Irrigated Lands near Laramie Wyoming for from 1250 to 2500 per
aero No scarcity of water Only GO miles from the famous Greeley
Colorado Country where land is worth several hundred dollars per acre
Come and see us
muMftT wiWfW niiiriPnfflllTlfPlll ii nm na
Fair Exchange Ytt a rjLLtiy
While Custiivc Iioiv uis i isciil
mid wandering nlfftut tin mount
he liLvaiiK much Interest id li t iu
try widdiisx d skctclitl mi ij
spot Ih put tin sketch Into n loii
ill the potlUt of Ills pile c t itl we
hack to tu httel to dUiiiii Aft
dinner lie locked fir tin etcli l
was gone Angry sit the theft th
nrtist called the hudltird sud m
couiplajut but io trace of In 1
was found From Is hi Hon vw i t
Vienna and there he found a Ic ti
mid a panel awuitiim him The n i
ter whl h was anonymous read tin
Sir I stole your book a Ischl I
skerch was so charming that I coi
not resist the temptation of i
In my possession and I knew ver
well you would never conseit to sel
It to me But theft Is neithif m
trade nor my habit and 1 beg you t
accept as a souvenir of my crime
my enthusiasm for your talent th
walking stick which will reach you m
the same time as this letter
The cane was one with a mnssivi
gold head In which was set a gem
The Clocks Annoying Habit
Mrs Benham had just seated hersel
to work ar si bit of embroidery that in
quired particular care and attenlici
when there came a ring sit the leh
phone I just know thats Mrs Gum
my she said as she laid down hei
work sind went to answer the call
Whenever I am unusually busy si
havent any time to spare she ring
me up and talks to me by the hour
She was right It was Mrs Gum
my who was fully as talkative a
ever She began with a long story
and when fairly in the middle of it
the clock on the wall of the room be
gan to strike
Wait a moment interposed Mrs
Benham I cant hear you until this
noise stops
What made that noise asked Mrs
Gummy after it had ceased
It was only the clock answered
the patient Mrs Benham You know
it always strikes once or twice when
we get to talking
The conversation did not last louj
after that Youths Companion
A Curious Trap
A curious labyrinth in which ele
phants are captured alive is to he seei
near Ayuthia formerly the capital ot
Siam The labyrinth is formed of si
double row of immense tree trunks
set firmly in the ground the space be
tween them gradually narrowing
Where it begins at the edge of the
forest the opening of the labyrinth is
more than a mile wide but as it ap
proaches Ayuthia it becomes so nar
now that the elephants cannot turn
around Suspecting no danger the
wild elephant enters the broad open
ing at the forest end lured on by a
tame elephant The gradual narrow
ing of the boundaries is not observed
until the elephant finds himself in
close quarters Elaving reached the
end of the labyrinth the tame elephant
is allowed to pass through a gate
while men lying in wait slip shackles
over the feet of the captives The
sport is a dangerous one for the en
raged elephants sometimes crush the
hunters under their feet-
Bull Baiting
Although bull baitiug was a cruel
pastime it was silso a fulfilling of the
law for formerly no butcher was sil
lowed to offer for sale the flesh of any
bull that had not been baited The
goading of the animal in a fury was
supposed to have some influence on the
flesh In a similar belief the flesh of a
hunted hare was thought to be superior
in flavor to that of one that had been
shot and a present of a hunted hare
was considered to be a special compli
ment In the records of the corpora-
tion of Leicester England the follow
ing order appears At a common hall
held on Thursday before St Simon and
St Jude 1 4G7 no butcher to kill a bull
till baited At Winchester it was or
dered reign of Henry VIII that
from hensforth ther shal be no bui
stake set before any mayors dore t
bayte any bull but oulie at the bull
ringe within the saide cytJe
Gender of the Sword
Among the many curious notions ob
taining among the different races us
ing the sword may be noted the gen
der of the weapon In the north oi
Europe it was either masculine as in
Britain or neuter as in Germany
while in the south it was uniformly
feminine Its force and cruelty ap
pealed to the northern mind Its grace
and elegance attracted the warriors
of the sunny south It typified to the
one strength to the other dignity
What He Saved
Good shouted the friend of the
bibliophile is the latter emerged from
the burning house carrying a bundle
of books Did you save year Shake
No replied the bibliophile comb
ing a spark out of his whiskers I
saved my Bacon Houston Post
Timely Warning
Propriet r 5 sim satisfied with your
work Pusner and I will raise you
salary from 10 to 12 i week but
mind that does uot mean that yo
must go and get married on
of it New York Times
A Dozen Eggs
The Teacher How many eggs ar
there in a dozen The Pupil Five
fresh ones five doubtful ones and two
bad ones Cleveland Leader
What do you think Mrs Zizzei
who never goes to church has won the
first prize in the church lottery Meg
gendorfer Blatter
iiikiii i j Liiwyryyg jttt - t nv -- -- r
i W A VT v - - -
-7 - r m MmP S Srii J - -
Mfi rvfcti r
0 JLs 4
fctifcgifct tm msturra
ft w imKiiiMNBoa
uTfisnsrasrk i asaaisraiaa
I III 1 At i
d Jy w a m W H M wfrL 1
a- j
f nL
WrayRattler Qninicite
Mrs Ed CottinghHin and childien
skipped in Wray a lew days on their
return from Denver to visit Mr Cotting
haiiis parents They returned to Mc
Cooli Nebraska Sunday
Mrs Leonita Drew came up to Wray
Wednesday nnd vrsat down to Laird
tho following day to dispose of some
real estate at that place Mrs Drew
lives in McCook
Miss Edna Russell returntd to Mc
Cook Tuesday afternoon She came
up the latter part of last week to at
tend her father J F Russells wedding
Miss Russell is attending school at that
L E Barger a real estate man from
McCook came up to Wray Tuesday
with a party of land seekers consisting
of A V Morgan H Nicewander of Gen
eva and Harry Schrader of Mica Neb
The high schools of McCook and j
This is now i her 1 st mmmju for the starting of your sewing of ami Sttinmcr
Waist houti chesses while the ther is siill
we a little shaip r n now he it mK
while you are oblit il to stay at home more r so that when warm weather is hen
you can start out attiieil to your hearts ilesire
We are offering exceptional values in a mos In simifiil atul hue of WASH
GiVCHAMS Excellent vaiifty n amf color ilestgns f In -use t rushes
rhihlreus ihvsse nothing cmilil ho in ire
p r rf 1 0c to 15c
gioils in Hie holt for wii in Vaiiety uiu xcelleil striped and
madras pries up to 50C PV TciYC
rnt7i v
l te2 l
HUM- -vi
I v v ttld 1 1
H Ill1
Phone 22
SUESINE SILK A showing most exclusive in v the tlrsiril de
Suesine Silk for modish inexpensive washable fiock f i
women misses and children can not be duplicated
Exceedingly durable rnd for originality of variety of design an5
color can not be matched
Use SUESINE SILK for street dresses evening wear and
so soft and clinging anything can be done with it- tmi
ing shirring etc 27 inches wide
at per yard 47 1 2 C
LACE AND NET CURTAINS Colors white Arabian and ivon
also madras for drapes
See the beautiful display in our window is there not some cur
tain in this large collection that will fill your wants for the cur
tains it is necessary to replace when you clean house this spring
Our prices are
from 100 to 1000 per pair
C L DeGroff Co
McCook Neb
A Smart Breakfast Tray
If you are handy with your embroider-
needle make one of the smart trays
that are the most up to date Christmas
presents the shops are showing The
1 ltecM I
tray is of mahogany or any wood you
care to purchase and is a convenient
size to send up an invalids breakfast
upon or for the serving of afternoon
tea The unique part of the gift is to
be found in the piece of old world
embroidery or modern if you prefer
which is made on crash or satin the
exact size of the tray and covered with
a piece of glass The home carpenter
could easily make the tray which is
of oblong shape with a rather low rsiil
all about it and decorative brass han
dles may be bought to make the trsiy
very handsome and professional look
ing as well
The Hatpin Vase
Auntie will doubtless be charmed
if some of her relations give her a hat
pin vase For
this receptacle a
I r e s s e d glass
flower holder is
used A plain
surface is best
but a cut vase
will answer the
same purpose At
the flaring part
of the vase are
pasted rose pet
als made of pink
satin ribbon and
about the petals
to stimulate the
calyx are bunch
es of green baby
ribbon Hanging
pendent from th
rose are long
loops of the rib
bon and at the
base of the vase
are other bunches
of the green rib
bon It is a pretty little hatpin holder
and something Quite novel
An Easy Numismatist
Mrs Goodart you seem to have
some education Perhaps you were
once a professional man Howard
Hasher Lady Im a numismatist by
profession Mrs Goodart A numisma
tist Howard Hasher Yes lady a
collector of rare coins Any old coin is
rare to me Philadelphia Press
Wray will debate at tho Preshn riur
church in Wray Snturday evening Ffb
ruary 19th Tho subject for dubiite is
resolved That labor unionu sue ih si
whole nenehcinl Wra will support
the affirmative in the following order
Walter Ainsle Amy Smith fleorge
Culbertson Judges from abroad hava
been secured This will be a good de
bate and is worthy of your pntrMiingis
An admission fie will be charged
Following licenses to marry hsivo been
issued since our last report
Lloyd W Ough 22 Wauneta Neb
Agnes J Hijks 20 Appieton Ark
Married at McCook Feb IU by i iv
Lewis S Terry of Wauneta
Willard A Merritt30 Palisade Nub
Clara May Fros 10 Palisade
Parents of bride present and consenting
Married Feb 10 by County Judge
Temple Theatre
Febr 21 22 2
52 57
25c 35c 50c
Seats on Sale at McConnelis