The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1910, Image 3

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W v
Qunlity lilio blood tolls Quality ex
plains thu well earned pupuliirity of the
KninouH LnomiH I Huh Patent FourH
Sixd bv MoCook Flour and Feed Stnre
Thats All
But wo can meet your
every need in these
lines from our largo
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
w m
Phone 5
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across rnCfrklr
I Ktreet in P Walsh building
f aKzgcygy
1 itMIV f
yv v wiWFvifiWviiPirfWiwmiTvfy
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 AlcCOOk Neb
Office over ElecrlcTheatre on Alain Ave J
brf4JHtLViiL yiMrifab it tf y
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Ollice 212 Main av ovor McConuells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Telephones Oflice 1G0
Residence BlacxI131
r R H Qatewood j
Office Room 1 Masonic temple
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska -a
irYiiiW i t rV ifii arttAi a0MN
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
In Justices Court before W B Whittakcr
Justice of the Peace
W G Churning will take notice that on the
14th day of January 151 1U W B Whittaker a
justice of the peace of Red Willow county Ne
braska issued an order of attachment for tho
sum of U00 in an action p nding before him
wherein ieren fc Osborn is plaintiff and W G
ChurninR is defendant and that property of tho
defendant consistiuK of money due and owinc
in the hands of the Chicago Burlington fc
Quincy Railroad Company garnishee as wages
of labor performed by said defendant for said
Railroad Companj has been attached under
said order of attachment
Said cauc has been continued for hearing to
the 25th day of February 1910 at ten oclock
Jay HSnjder will take notice that on the
24th day of JaniinrxlMO P S Hcaton a justice
of the peace of Willow Grove precinct Red
Willow county Nebraska is ued au order of
attachment for the sum of 15192 in an action
pending before him wherein Edgar Huber is
plaintiff and Jay H Snjder defendant that
property of the defendant consisting of one
Story Clark upright piano has been attached
under said order Said cause was continued to
the 11th day of Marc i 1910 at ten oclock a m
Edgar Hcnuf Plaintiff
McCook Nebraska February 3 1910
wklM4iv OVER
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyono sending a sketrh and description mny
Qtilctlr ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probnbly patentable Communion
tlonsstrictlyconUdontlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest apency for BecurUiRpatents
Patents taken tfiroueh Jlunn i Co receive
rpcelal notice without charge In tho
Scientific Jliirericait
A handsomely lllntrated weekly Tjirecst cir
culation of any ecicntlUc Journal Terms 53 a
year four months 1 Sold byall newsdealer
MUNNCo3G1Broad New York
Branch Office 625 F SU Wasblncton D C
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
His Tokens of Farewell
Among the legends that have gath
ered around Sir Alfred Jones name Is
one to the effect that he was In the
habit of signifying to an office visitor
by offering hhn a banana that he de
sired to end the interview If the
banana was accepted and the call pro
longed Sir Alfred arose and presented
his visitor with a fine flower from one
of the glass stands In his ollice But
supposing ids visitor stayed after the
flower well the legend continues
Sir Alfred then offered a pass to the
West Indies on one of his small steam
ers with a free holiday for six weeks
at his hotel
It 13 told however that on one
caslon Sir Alfred gtt the worst of ji
banana trick A young reporter called
on him to learn on behalf of his news
paper something about the shipping
conflict When after a ton seconds
conversation regarding the weather
Sir Alfreds hand was straying toward
the banana plate the reporter hooked
a couple of bananas out of his own
pocket In the sweetest tone of inno
cence lie said Will you have a ba
nana Sir Alfred T Westminster Ga
The Vital Test
- eyes oeeni to be all wrong ex
plained Mr Piuchpenny to the expen
sive oculist Theyre weak and tire
easily After a bit everything seems
to swim before them Bright lights
make me dizzy Can you assist meV
The expensive oculist nodded
Your case is a common one he re
plied but I fear it will necessitate a
treatment extending over several
months Ilowever I can guarantee
an absolute and enduring cure
Biweekly for several months Mr
Piuchpenny was treated and day by
day his sight waxed stronger and
more strong
Do you think Im all right now
he inquired at last
Mr Pinchpenny replied the ocu
list beaming I think I can assure
you that your eyes are now cured
But there is one more test it would
be as well to apply Here he held up
a little sheet of paper See he
said suavely if you can read this
little bill of mine at twelve Inches
without blinking London Answers
Recipes For Invisible Ink
The following are the ingredients
of the most common invisible Inks
Sulphate of copper and sal ammoniac
equal parts dissolved in water writes
colorless but turns yellow when heat
ed Onion juice like the last A weak
infusion of galls turns black when
moistened with weak copperas water
A weak solution of sulphate of iron
turns blue when moistened with a
weak solution of prussiate of potash
and black with infusion of galls The
diluted solutions of nitrate of silver
and terchloride of gold darken when
exposed to the sunlight Aqua fortis
spirits of salt oil of vitriol common
salt or saltpeter dissolved in a large
quantity of water turns yellow or
brown when heated Solution of nitro
muriate of cobalt turns green when
heated and disappears on cooling Solu
tion of acetate of cobalt to which a
little niter has been added becomes
rose colored when heated and disap
pears on cooling
Knew the Wrong Man
It was with a good deal or confi
dence that he walked up to the mag
istrates desk in a Philadelphia station
notwithstanding the fact that a police
man had a firm hold on both sleeves
He waited quietly till one of the po
licemen made the accusation of drunk
and disorderly and then asked the
magistrate if he might speak
Yes replied the magistrate What
have you to say
Well judge I was drunk last night
but it does not often happen I have
lived in this ward nearly all my life
and any one can tell you that
Oh lived here all your life have
you Do you know any one in the
ward that can speak for you asked
the magistrate
Yes said the prisoner I know
He can tell you all about me
You kuow him do you Well so do
I Ten days was the result
The old darky had dilven his fare to
the hotel and was now demanding a
dollar for his service
What protested the passenger A
dollar for that distance Why is isnt
half a mile as the crow flies
Dats true boss returned Sambo
with an appealing smile But ye
see suh dat old crow he aint got free
wives an ten chilluns to suppoht not
to mention de keep fob do boss Har
pers Weekly
He Had
The kind hearted man had given the
panhandler a nickel
Havent you got anything smaller
asked the panhandler
Well heres a dime thats smaller
answered the good uatured man dis
playing the coin for a moment and
walking away Buffalo Express
Musical Note
A thief was lately caught breaking
into a song He had already gi
through the first two bars when a po
liceman came out of an area and hit
him with his stave Several notes were
found upon him London Mail
Bright and Dark Days
There are bright day and dark days
and we must take advantage of the
former and be as little discouraged as
possible by the latter They are all in
a lifetime
Common sense is the knack of seeing
things as they are and doing things as
thev ought to be done Stowe
French Aviator Make3 Sonu Remark
able Flights at Los Angeles
The hero of the great aviation meet
at Los Angeles was Louis Paulhan of
France whose marvelous flights and
dari work In the air attracted atten
tion 4ii over the world and furnished
some exhibitions for those present that
they will long remember
On one occasion the daring French
man broke all official and unofficial
v t
- i w
Nisssy vsft
t X
records for altitude in a heavier than
air machine by flying in a Farman bi
pkine at a height of 4000 feet I
Paulhan also established new worlds
records in carrying passengers The
aviators wife was with him on several
of these trips and once they covered
twenty two miles in 3S minutes
Pinchots Successor Henry S Graves
Well Qualified For Post
Uncle Sams new chief forester
Henry S Graves is eminently
fled for the post having received many
years of thorough traiuing in forestry
in this country and abroad For the
past nine years he has served as dl
iector of Yales forestry school where
he has done much notable work and
previous to this served under Mr Pin-
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chot He is thoroughly in sympathy
with the hitters policy of administra
tion and can be depended upon to keep
up the progressive work
It was largely through Mr Pinchots
efforts that the Yale forestry school
was established and Mr Graves went
from the post of assistant chief of the
division of forestry under Mr Pin
chot to become director of the school
In 1900 He had served in the forestry
division for two years
Railroads Adopt Novel Plan to Move
Freight on Slippery Tracks
This is a winter of much snow not
only here but abroad and the railroads
In some sections are having a hard
time in moving freight and passengers
On some of the roads in Germany
they turn their locomotives into sleighs
when the roads become impassable
5 A
for wheels placing runners on the
front ones as shown in the accom
panying illustration This has been
of great advantage in transporting
freight when much snow is on thr
ground and has resulted in a big sav
ing of perishable products The rear
wheels of the locomotives are covered
with chains in order to make a start
Why Hindoos Dont Go M2d
Why are there ho few lunatic asy
lums and so small a proportion of In
sane persons in India That Is a ques
tion which many a traveler has won
deringly asked The Hindoos regulate
their lives entirely in accordance with
their religion that Is their working
eating sleeping as well as what we
usually regard as our -life In the re
ligious sense of the word Everything
Is arranged for them and they follow
the rules now just as they did UOUO
years ago This constant observance
of the same rules for twenty centuries
has molded the brains of the race Into
one shape as it were and although
their rites are queer enough yet there
is but an occasional example of that
striking deviation from the common
which is called Insanity in countries
inhabited by the white race They are
fatalists too With them it is a case
of what is to be will be carried to
the extreme This has In time given
them the power to take all things
calmly and so freed them from the
anxiety that drives so many white
man into the lunatic asylums
Thought It Was the Monkeys
A diamond necklace was possessed
by Mine eoflrey de St II Hare the
wife of the famous French naturalist
It was one or the chief est of her con
tcntments as Hindoo women aptlj
term their jewels One day madame
missed her necklace There was a ter
ribie turmoil In the house and all the
servants down to the foolish fat scul
lion were suspected but in turn proved
their innocence At last it was remem
bered that M de St Hilaire had a pet
monkey and on a search being made
in the glory hole of the quadrumaue
the precious bauble was discovered hid
den away with a white satin shoe sev
eral cigar ends a pencil case and a de
composed apple The renowned uat
uralist calmly observed that he had
frequently seen the monkey playing
with the necklace Why did you not
take it from him indignantly asked
his spouse I thought it belonged to
him replied M de St nilaire He ev
idently thought there was nothing un
natural in an ape possessing a diamond
necklace as his personal property
The Monasteries of Tibet
Every Tibetan family is compelled
to devote its firstborn male child to a
monastic life Soon after his birth
he child is taken to a Buddhist mon
astery to be brought up and trained in
priestly mysteries At about the age
of eight he joins one of the caravans
which travel to Lassa There he Is at
tached to one of the local monasteries
where he remains as a novice until he
is fifteen learning to read the sacred
books and perform the religious rites
of his faith The firstborn son being
thus sent into the church as we
should say in this country the second
becomes the head of the family
and marries Unlike some other semi
civilized races these young Tibetans
have the right of choosing their own
wives Nor can a Tibetan girl be
married off by her parents without her
own consent The curious custom in
regard to the eldest sons results of
course in nearly every Tibetan family
acquiring the odor of sanctity num
bering a monk among its members
London Telegraph
Slow but Inexorable Justice
In October 1900 Pietro Giaconi and
Marie Bonelli were tried at Rome on
a charge of sextuple murder by poi
soning committed thirty one years be
fore In England Euireue Aram was
hanged for the murder of Clarke four
teen years after the offense A man
named florae was executed for the
murder of his child in the eighteenth
century no less than thirty five years
after the offense There is also the
well known case of Governor Wall
who was executed in 1S02 for a mur
der committed in 17S2 Sherward was
hanged at Norwich for the murder of
his wife after a lapse of twenty years
But Sir Fitzjames Stephens recalls
what is the most remarkable case of
all He prosecuted as counsel for the
crown in lSi3 a man who was charged
with stealing a leaf from a parisli reg
ister sixtj years before that is in
1S03 In this case the prisoner was
acquitted London Standard
Prohibited Coffe Houses
So many coffee houses sprang intc
existence in England during the reinn
of Charles II that he entertaining a
belief that many political intrigues had
their beginning in those places issued
an edict ordering them to be closed
In this proclamation the following
words occurred The retailing of cof
fee or tea might lie an innocent trade
but it was said to nourish sedition
spread lies and scandalize irreat men
It might also be a common nuisance
Phyllis Harry is the most conceited
man I ever met Maud What makes
you think so Phyllis Why he first
asserts that 1 am the most adorable
woman in the world the most bcauti
ful intellectual and in every respect
paragon and then he wants me to
marry him
It has been said that life is made up
of three things heredity environment
and the will If the heredity and en
vironment of the child are what they
should be the will will choose the right
and do it
Couldnt Help It
Mr Biggs You must think me a
blamed fool Mrs Biggs fkindlyi No
I dont think anybody ever blamed
you Boston Transcript
Men of loftier mind manifest them
selves in their equitable dealings
small minded men in their going after
gain Confucius
District Agent
Albert Harrison and sister Cassia
wont to Denvsr Monday night on No
13 called there by tho death of their
Aunt Kate Shay
Albert Norman spent Sunday ev ning
between trains in Oxford
Bert Meade returned from Endicott
Nebraska Tuesday morning after a
two weeks visit with the home folks
Lovell Moore of Lebanon was an In
dianola visitor i uesday
A good crowd attended the Literary
south east of town Friday evening
Harry McKinney and Bradley Duck
worth were Bartley v sitors Saturday
Major Hess was a Bartley visitor
George Reiter purchased a Scotch
collie dog at Helms sale Tuesday
Robert McWilliams Albert Harrison
Preston Rollins and Leon Russell were
Bartley visitors Sunda
Anna Smith and Helen Holiday were
McCook visitors Sunday
Bob George of Cambridge was an In
dianola visitor the first of the week
Miss Remington of BeverlyNebra9ka
arrived here Monday evening on her
way to Danbury for a visit with her
sister and other relatives Her brother-in-law
Dave Boyer accompanied her
to Danbury
Arch Carmicheal who has been quite
sick of tonsilitis is now able to navigate
Quite a numberof town people attend
ed the sale of J F Helm on the Willow
Tuesday Despite the cold and wind
a laro crowd was present at the sale
and everything scld well
Revival meetings are now in progress
at the Congregational chnrch These
meetings are being conducted by Rev
Bajne of McCook
II V Keyes was a McCook business
visitor Tuesday
George Reiter purchased a fine thor
oughbred horte from C S Thompson
Mo u day
Ernest Ivenuedy is shucking corn for
Mr Madden north of town this week
J B Johnson of Geneva visited rel
atives in this vicinity last week
W Y and J B Johnson visited Mr
and Mrs G A Shields last Friday
Rev Tyler commenced special meet
ings at the church last Sunday even
N H Tubbs is on the sick list
Mrs J A Modreil i3 numbered with
the sick
The sermon next Sunday morting will
be for the Old Folks The evening
subject will be Is Dancing Wrong
Most people kuow the feeling and
miserable state of ill health it indicates
All people should know that Foleys
Honey and Tar the greatest throat and
ung remedy will quickly cure the sore
ness and cough and restore a normal
condition Ask for Foleys Honey and
Tar A McMillen
for children safe sure No opiates
Irrigated Lands
Buy now while
you have an opportunity
The Lajunta Land Co in the Otero Irrigation District
where you have access to an abundance of water are selling
farms either in large or small tracts withm walking distance
of La Junta Colo m the famous
Arkansas Valley
This land is only g2 miles from Rocky Ford Colo and
a homeseeker could not find a better locality
Irrigation rich soil with ideal climatical conditions--never
extreme weather makes this a perfect agricultural ter
ritory alfalfa nets 40 per acre cantaloupes 75 to 150
and the first crop of sugar beets will pay the original cost of
8 your land
Markets close and transportation facilities of the best
Prices and terms exceedingly attractive
For further particulars regarding personally conducted
excursions and illustrated folder address
nrAAlr IVInUu
Mrs SE Boyer wentover to McCook
Monday to visit a few days with her
Mrs James Dolph and children re
turned home Tuesday last from visit
ing in Devizes Kansas
Charles Picklum and wife went
through hero last Wednesday on his
way to Beaver City to visit his father
Mrs Mary Fox of Dundee Michigan
arrived on Wednesday of last week to
make a visit cf indolimte duratidn with
her daughter bore
S G Bastian will occupy the Robin
son building March 1st with his stock
of goods D E Hethcote vacating at
that time
A number of Vaire Godowna friends
marched into her home last Friday
night and surprised her 4proper It
was a farewell The crowd presented
her with a ring as a memento of tho
occasion and of their regard
The ladies of the Aid society took
possession of W A Stones store last
Friday For every dollars worth of
goods they sold the society received ten
James Robinson and Miss Stella were
McCook visitors last Thursday
Dr John Wesley Conley appeared
here Tuesday on the regular lecture
course program
Homer Bastian has been on the list of
ailing ones this week
Danbury was represented in tho
checker plajing at Lebanon Thursday
night of last week They won the most
Miss Madeline McDowell came home
from Beaver City last Saturday for a
viit of a few daje
The home of Dr W A DeMay was
the scene of a party last Saturday
The Royal Neighbors and the band
will give an entertainment in the hall
Saturday night the 19th
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
C A Gentry the 13th
A number of young people from this
neighborhood attended the dance at
Cedar Bluffs Kansas Friday night
Harry Marshall went to Wray Colo
Iabt week and sold his place to Albert
Styer Harry and family are staying at
Abram Peters now
Charles R Lee finished his new barn
last week
Louis Schreibers wife and baby have
been staying with her parents the past
two weeks
John H Wesch was on the Traer
Kansas market Thursday
Bert Benjamin aud Amos Towle are
hauling cane tops over into Kansas to
have them threshed
Will McKenzie was buying old rubber
and copper in this neighborhood last
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher county sup
erintendent visited district No 51 Fri
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers