The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 17, 1910, Image 1

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1 Mr
JSmt n i
MW j
After the Show or Dance
Hot Chocolate and Sandwiches
k rf
51 L1 IB
V - J 3
i if
Special Grand
Advertising Sale on
Canned Goods
One Dollar Dozen Cans
Friday and Saturday Only
Be sure to come and get what you want of the
CANNED GOODS This price may never be offer
ed again
Phone 30
Subject Mind
Morning subject Is the Bible In
spired Union temperance meeting in
this church in the evening addressed
by Rev lams of the Baptist church
Morning subject What Is Meant by
the Coming of the Kingdom League
subject How to Pray Fred Grimm
leader Union temperance service in
the evening in Congregational church
Rev lams of Baptist church will de
liver the sermon
Week day services during Lent on
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 30 p m
On 2nd Sunday in Lent February 20th
morning prayer and sermon at 11 sub
ject The Truly Great Man Evening
prayer at 730 subject A Man of the
Ante Reformation Period
Sunday school at 10 oV ock and com
snunion at 11 Christian Endeavor ev
ery Sundaj evening at 700 Topic for
Feb 20 Clean and Strong Leader
Mabel Tuttle AH are cordially
invited to these services
Some Staple Prices
Simpsons prints 5c the best Best
table oilcloth 15c American A 2 bu
grain bags 23c Best apron gingham
Gtffc Unbleached muslins 5c 7Jc
10c Bleached muslins 5c to 12ihc 9-quarter-wide
bleached sheetings 25c
Mens blue denim overalls and jackets
39c each A heavier grade G9c each
Boys double front and double seat over
alls Rompers 39c We mean busi
ness We make business The Thomp
son D G Co One price plain figures
cash only
Buy the Giant Cleaner
It perfectly cleans dresses draperies
rugs carpets etc J G Stokes is local
agent He will demonstrate the cleaner
and deliver
Money to Loan
ttlow rate of interest on well improved
larms occupied by the owner
J E Kelley McCook Neb
Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
A photo valentine would have been
an appropriate gift If it did not occur
to you in time better see Kimmell right
away about getting some easier photos
taken First door north of Commercial
hotel Phone red 42S
We mean You when wo say Save
part of your income and deposit it reg
ularly in the First National Bank It
will earn you 4 percent
For Rent The National hotel Mc
Cook Nebraska For particulars see
or write G G Bosworth Prop
Typewriter ribbons papi r etc of
sale at The Tribune office
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
High School Team Debates
Tho McCook High School Debating
Team will try conclusions with Yuma
County High School at WrayColorado
Saturday evening Question Resolved
That Labor Unions on the Whole Are
Beneficial McCook is on thenegative
Team Adaline Roller Ray Scott and
Helen Schwab alternat s Lorene Cal
hoon and Josei h Moore Miss Scott
will chaperono The team will debate
the same subject on the 25th with the
Trenton team at that place
Three Nights Engagement
Hillmans Ideal Stock Co will open
Monday night Feb 21 at the Temple
theatre for a three nights engagement
giving a change of program nightly in
a repertoire of best metropolitan plays
The opening bill will be announced la
er Prices 50c 35c and 25c Seats
now on sale atMcConnells
If You Get It Charged
it may be satisfactory to you to give S5
for a Stetson you get hat and time but 1
if you have the cash get the Stetson hat
from us for 8369 Others at 150 52
and S250 The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
are troublesome at the best Often they
lead to serious complications and there
fore should not be neglected You will
find our cough cure effective
A McMillen Druggist
Only 55c
a peck for large juicy and sweet Sun
kist navel oranges
J A Wilcox Sox
John Cashen Auctioneer
ndianola Nobr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Straw For Sale
Both wheat and barley straw Phone
cherry 1G51 Dave Deveny
For Sale
Property with S room modern house
at 412 Gth street east
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
A McMillan prescription druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
For Rent Five room cottage close
in Phone 43 Mrs J I Lee
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
McMillans Cold Uure will not only
cure your cold but relieve your cough
For Sale White Wyandotte cocker
els W C Eldred 1CG2 Main avenue
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
cuaranteed for durability A McMil
len druggist
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Tern plum 5c smoke
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
oread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Which clas are you in the Savers
or the Spenders We want you to be
the former and to be independent
There is no better way to start than with
an account in the First National Bank
Did you see a style or finish of photo
somewhere that struck you as just what
you wanted Tell your troubles to Kim
mell and he will make you something
as good if not better First door north
of the Commercial hotel Phone red42S
wMrg wr mi
A Bathing and Swimmtnp Pool Orerlands and Reos
The Tribune learns with satisfaction C R Livinifstun is just home from
thtit MrPim ix in line for a bathing attonding rhn v itomoiiila show in Chic-
tuicl 4Miiirnn u pool next nmnier ago and visiting tho great factories in
The land mi which was Ircnted tho that section of couutry He has pur
old Bixler auditorium hurt be n leaded chased hnir carloads of nutos wbilo away
from Engineer William Deere by Messrs two of them now being on the track
Donald Snoke aud George Phillips and
the noys have in rniid tio building ot a
suitable building and ihe making of a
bathing nnd svimming piol on that lo
cation which wilt no doubt meet with
punlic iipfirnVil
As soon as the plans h we been cim
pleted we shall taku pleasure in giving
the letHlrt to the pubii
We have no doubt of the suceem of
such an enterprise
Card of Thanks
We take this meant- and opportunity
of expressing our thanks and gratitude
to all for aw istance and sympathy in
the recent death of our husband father
and brother Chare- II Nash And
e pciall would we mention Conductor
ami Mrs U ilber Fi k HraUeman and
Mrs Robert eLonir Conducter Bent
lev aud the Sun lay mLo1 chi s train
men and firemen fo flral offering
Also lo lheloui Burlington i fiicials
for every consideration and kindness
Mrs C II Nas h and Family
Brotiikus and SlsTKRH
Yuu like to tridw it a atme whore jou
art ho treated that you have desire to
cone ngiin
Wh iry always to provide thai sort of
treitmentfor u customers
Wo appreciate the trad of fh public
and that appreciation finds expression
in a constant endeavor to ninko our s
tomeis foel that we are endeavoring to
make our customies feel at home and to
make them f el that wh are endeavoring
at all times to furnish the best possible
goods at the most reasonable prices
L W McConnell Druggist
Doesnt Stop The Traffic
The fining of fallen women for selling
liquors unlawfully in McCook is not
Droving successful in stopping tho un
lawful business apparently TheTkiii
unk has heard statements which force it
to the conclusion that the law on this
matter is violated not only in old reports
but in other places of more recent date
Some vigorous and earnest action on
the part of tho city officials might how
ever rtsult in better law enforcement
along this line if indeed such law-enforcement
is desired
Steve Bolles Sr Sick
Steve Bolles Sr sustained a partial
stroke of paralysis last evening but his
condition is more encouraging as we go
to press this afternoon His numerous
friends over Red Willow county will
sincerely hope for his recovery
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
HcConnell5 Wall Papers
A larger and better assorted stock
than ever See them before buving
For Sale
Singer sewing machine new Call
at GOG Main avenue
Shorty Hosier got in the toils of the
law a few days since with the splendid
assistance of school fund inspiration
and his hard working little waitress
daughter paid 540 of her well earned
wages to repair the injured dignity of
the law Id soon filch the coppers from
defunct Senegambians glims
Remember if there is any error about
your subscription credit this office will
he mrst prompt and willing to correct
it We only want what is justly and
really due us No more
Nobody can stay chapped who applies
Fragrant Lotion
No grease or stickiness Price 25
L W McConnell Druggist
And the Cost Was 15c
Mary had an awful corn
Upon her little toe
And every where that Mary went
That corn it hurt her so
She doctored it with plasters aud
She poulticed it with salves
She squandered lots of dollars
and just as many half
To cure her corn but all in vain
That corn was her Hoodoo
And kept getting worse and worse
Till she couldnt wear her shoe
While down town one day her mother
Called at Woodworths store you know
Rought a bottle of Nyals corn cure
And to her home did quickly go
Marys corn with this was painted the
result was sure immense
In 3 days the coin had vanished
And the cost was fifteen cents
N B We have moro Nyals corn cur try it
Woodworth Druggist
Mrs Joe Hegenberger has been quite
ill but is some better todav
here Of the two carloads to be hero in
a few da j s one carload goes to his agent
P U Cole at Cambridge and the other
to B J Dodg his agenc in PalisHde
Another carload for McCook will arrive
Of the Overlands on track here he
has already disj osed of three raiu hines
To Dr E F Fuqua F C Phillips
Sam Selley
Piovides in condensed form those pre
servative agents that aro slowly depos
ited on m at by the old method of smok
ing In using it you aro not only em
ploying condense smoke but condense
everything else You economize time
attention money and eat
Me it smoked by the ur of liquid
smoke is better preserved tastes better
is not dried out and the work is quickly
done and out of the way
L W McConnell Druggist
Vaudeville at the Temple
A fair sizd and quite appreciative
audience jrreeted the first vaudeville
performance in the Temple last Friday
evening The performance embiaced
comedy acrobatic stunts singing danc
inirjuggling ventriloquism light touch
es of dramatic and mubical numbers
Altogether it was pronounced good
The management may decido to put on
such performances eery other we k if
they prove popular
Invalid of Many Months Dies
Mrs Henry Brumgard of South Mc
Cook who has been ill for many months
and confined to her home since an oper
ation in Lincoln some time ago passed
away Saturday night Deceased was 55
years of age
Services were held in the German
Co lgregational church Monday after
noon conducted by Rev Gustav
Viann after which burial was made in
Riverview cemetery
Application For Rehearing Denied
The supreme court of Nebraska
has denied tho application of the Mc
Cook Water Works Cofor a rehearing of
the famous water works case of this city
which has taken more or less time cf
the courts for some time and which it
is claimed still to be inanunsettled con
Bought by E H Doan
The fine residence property of Supt
W M Weidenhamer on North 4th St
East was purchased by E H Doan of
the McCook Milling Co Supt and Mrs
Weidenhamer were in the city Monday
and closed the deal
Cet one of the those
Ice Cream Cones
Crisp and sweet be
tween acts at the
Always prompt service
And They All Say
For washing and cleaning hair The
Wanous Shampoo Bags have all other
reparations of the kind beaten a city
block 10c 3 for 25c at Woodworths
drug store
Pine Food Spices
We can furnish you with spices as
good as nature grows full strength at
moderate prices
A McMillen Druggist
Hay For Sale
Loose wild and baled hay and alfalfa
hay for sale Ed Flitcraft phone ced
ar 3G32
Base ball goods at Woodworths the
j We sell nothing but shoes and are
here to slay Ours are the best Vier
sen Osborn 113 west B street
We have just received a shipment of
the best sole leather that was ever tan
ned Can be seen at the store Wears
like iron Yiersen Osborn 113 west
B street
A pair of rubber gloves will give your
hands perfect protection This is the
season they are especially needed All
sizes here
L W McConnell Druggist
The Womens Missionary societies of
McCook will hold a union meeting at
Congregational church Thursday Feb-
i ruary 21 at 230 p m This is the day
of prater for Home Missions An in
teresting program has been prepared
and a gooi attendance is hoped for
Washington Dinner and Suppir
A good Turkey dinner for 25c
Tho Ladies Aid Society of the M E
Church will serve their annual dinner
nnd supper Tuesday February 22nd
1910 in the basement of the church
Come nnd have a fifty cent dinner for
twenty five cents Their bazair this
year far excels any previous one Come
a id look oven if you dont want to buy
Roast Turkoy Cranberry Sauce
Roast Reef Rrowu Gravy
Creamed Potatoes Ecnlloped Corn
CabbnKe Salad Pickles
Roston Rrown Bread White Bread
Doughnuts Pie Cheese Fruit
Tea Coffee
sun Kit
Viundo a la Mode i
nnd Hot Gravy f Cold Sliced Meats
Escalloped Potatoes Raked Beuus
Pickles Salad
Bread Fruit Salad Cake Rutter
Ten Coffee
Sunday Evening Wedding
Last Sunday evening February 13
the home of Mr and Mrs RTRiley
of our city was the scene of a very pretty
wedding ceremony in which Mr Lloyd
W Ough of vVauneta Nebraska and
Miss Agnes J Hicks of Senith Mis
souri were the coutracting parties
At the hour of eight oclock the wed
ding party entered the parlor to the mu
sic of the wedding march by Miss Merle
Wiiey of Wauneta and assuming posi
tion the cetemony was impressively
pet formed by Elder L S Terry of Wau
Congratulations offerea all repaired
to the dining room and enjoyed a boun
teous supper
The bride was gowned in a white
nuns veiling trimmed in white satin
The happy couple will mako their home
in Waunettf
Postponed to February 26
The clerk carrier examination adver
tised by the local postoffice to be hold
on Saturday February 19th has been
postponed until Saturday February 25
on account of lack of applicants
The Junior Dorcas will give an ice
cream social at Congregational church
Friday evening February 18th A good
program will be given Admission 15c
rSJTTt -
VII if l iv
will soon be grown up ready to
start in life on his and hor own
account What will thoy -have
to begin with A neat little sum
to start with may mean a differ
ence of thousands of dollars by
the time they aro forty years old
Start an account in tho name of
your boy or girl and insist on
their adding to it and have some
thing ready for them when they
aro old enough to use it
P Walsh Prosidont
C F Lkiiv V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKon
na j
Call or Phone
If this lady who paid 150 en subscrip
tion t The Trihunk to my son Satur
day last will kindly call or phono her
name the publisher will bo abo to
give proper credit on tho subscription
book of this office A receipt was given
the lady hut no record was kopt of tho
ladys name
The Purlisheic
Silk Petticoats
of black taffeta at 8399 S425 -150 and
475 Colored ones in all tho desirable
shades at 450 Dont pay 800 or 10
for skirts that are no better We ren
der you the utmost service for cash only
The Thompson D G Co
For sale at a sacrifice if taken soon
my residence Hot water hbat modern
Investigate this bargain F S Wilcox
As I am moving to California 1 will sell the following proper
ty to tho highest bidder without reserve at the Byfield
ranch G miles east of McCook 6 miles west of Indianola and
one half mile southwest of Ked Willow beginning at 10 a m
Friday Feb 25
Black gelding 12 years old wt 1100 gray gelding 8 years old vt 1UX
black gelding 8 years old wt 1400 bay gelding 8 years old vt 1900 bay
gelding 7 years old wt 1500 bay gelding 5 years old wt 1400 black mare
4 years old wt 1200 iron gray mare 5 years old wt 1300 bay horse 8
years old wt 1200 black horse S jears old wt 1200 sorrel horse 8 years
old 1200 bay horse 3 years old wt 1200 bay horse 3 years old wt 900
and one bay mare 10 years old wt SOO
Five wagons two buggies Deering harvester two MoCormick mowers
Dain mower McCormick 10 foot rake Deering 12 foot rake Midland
stacker Oliver gang plow two walking plows X ray sulky plow two
2 row cultivators one 1 row cultivator 2 hors beet cultivator two 1
horse beet cultivators beet drill corn planter lister two hay raok s two
discs 4 section steel harrow 4 horse Acme harrow two 4 horse drills two
1 horse drills grindstone six sets double harness two sets single har
ness household goods and other articles
4 cows ioo shoats some chickens 20 tons baled
hay 300 bu ear corn 10 bu alfalfa seed
TERMS OF SALE All sums under 10 oa di On sums owr 10 a
credit of 9 months time will be given on bankable notes bearing 10 per
cent interest No property to be removed until settled for