I X r V uTW if l Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks vin all grades Barnett Lumber Co f w mmrm M Phone 5 ike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid inCasn New location jnst across TlnCtnflr street in P Walsh building l ItAUUR A1 Lowest Prices Best Materials Quickest Service Largest Stock and not in the Trust VmBaBBBnaBBBOBmanaBBanns f sawYWlttvflvittvii ft- Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH jt Telephone 55 McCook Neb 1 Office over ElecricTheatre on Alain Ave IV 1 I1 I1 11 11 1i IiViVrilf ili T Dr Herbert J Pratt REGISTERED GRADDATE Dentist Oilice 212H Main av over McConnells Drug Store McCook Neb Telephones Office 160 Residence BIacu1131 V V V HH T V V V T V V t Vfi Vf V V P t Trw R H Gatewood i DENTIST Office Room 1 Masonic temple Phone 163 McCook Nebraska DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 NOTICE William D Burnett riaintifT vs Arthur L Hugunin Defendant Arthur L Hugunin defendant will take no tice that oti the 12th day of January 1910 P S Hcatou a justice ol the peace in and lor il liw Grove precinct Red YIlow county Ne braska issued an order of attachment for the sum of J507 in an action pending before him wherein William D Burnett is plaintiil and Ar thur L Hugunin is defendant and the property of the defendant consUting of money duo aud owing and in the hands of the Chicago Burling ton Quincy Railroad Company garnishee as wages for labor performed by said defendant for aid railroad has been attached under said order Said cause has beencoutinued for hearing on theiith day of February 1910 at the hour of 2 oclock p ni 27 3ts WILLIAM D BURNETT LEGAL NOTICE In Justices Court before W B Whittakcr Justice of the Peace W G Churning will take notice that on the 14th day of January 1910 W B Whittaker a justice of the peace of Red Willow county Ne braskM issued an order of attachment for the sum of 1900 in an action p nding before him wherein i ierscn Sc Osborn is plaintiff and W G Churning is defendant and that property of the defendant consisting of money due and owing in the hands of the Chicago Burlington Lof labor performed by said defendant for said Jriailroaa company mi ueeu unuvucu uuuu said order of attachment Said cause has been continued for hearing to the 25th day of February 1910 at ten oclock a2its YTERSEX OSBORN A Hundreds of people in this state many of them your neighbors are ready to testify to the merits of the HAFER PLAN Wc have filled their Lumber and Material orders with better goods in quicker time at lower prlcos thati their local dealers could give LEARN THE HAFER PLAN NOW You have never had as pood a chance to buy the best at right prices Our independent policy will save you money You can get a better assortment of high quality materials than you can find in fifty line yards We are Independent of the trust and sell at prices which our great buying manufacturing and shipping facilities make possible This is YOUR Great Building Opportunity Get your local dealers bid then get ours The prices will be lower quality better service more satisfactory WRITE US- We want to tell you about our method of doing business Direct If 3ou will come here and buy a carload we will pay your round trip railroad fare up to 150 miles each way also your hotel bill We pay freight on carload shipments Remember our South Omaha branch office SEND FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE C HAFER LUMBER COMPANY I O COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA Government Dam Completed On Sunday January 16th at 200 pm the United States Government completed the highest masonry dam ever built anywhere at a y TIim dam also has the smallest sprpad from base to top of any dam of a considerable height ever built The dam is between Rattlesnake and Cedar mountains in the Northwestern part of Wyoming seven miles west of Cody and about sixty miles oast of lellowstono Park The dam is 70 fept across at the hasn of the foundation 108 feet wide at the river level and 170 feet wide at the top It was started in 1903 and has been five jears in building A imost 100000 barrels of cement and 90000 tons of granite were required to complete the masonry work It is built into the channel of the Shoshone river fur the puruose of impounding the of that stream to conserve them for irrigating what is known as the lands of the Shoshons Irrigation project com prising 150000 acres of land lying along the t anks of the Shoshone River and along the Burlington Riiiroad to the east of Cody When the waters are impounded they will form a lake of ten square miles with an averse depth of 70 feet and a capacity of 148588512 000 gallons or enough water to cover 456000 acres with water one foot deep onough water to irrigate mora than twice the acreage of the Government Project Upon this dam and other engineering works of this project which include nn outlet tunnel though the solid rock a diversion dam at Corbett and a tunnel t lerefrom 36 miles long through the solid rock the Government is spending about 87000000 or almost one seventh of the total amouut 50000000 li is far expended on the variouG nenniiPi r irrigation projects scattered Uirmigiiout the country During the pist year hundreds of settlers have taken up lands under this project and have done exceptionally well even for tne first year Thn Kind- ol the project are reached by ihn Burlington Route which is spend ing millions of dollars in the construct ion of new lines through this rich and fertile country Known as the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming CHAiMIilS Cough Remedy Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip and Whooping Cough We are pleased to inform our readers that Chamberlains Cough Remedy does not contain narcotics of any kind This makes it the safest and best for children It makes no difference when you caught that cold you have it and want to get rid of it quickly Take Chamberlains Cough Remedy It wont do to fool with a bad cold NTn nnft ojm tell what the end will be Pneumonia catarrh chronic bronchitis I and consumption invariably result from I a neglected cold A a cure for coughs and colas noming enn compare wun Chamberlains Cough Remedy Sold everywhere at 25c 50c and 100 OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE 266 uyjHi Trade Marks Designs ririDvniRHTe c Anyone sending a sTtelch and description niny IllJUl lUkCllUIII Vt UIIIIUU ACU IIUIMIt1 invention Is pronnbly patentable Communica tions strictly conndeiittftl HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for securing patents lntcnts taken throuch Slunn Co receive tpeelal notice without charge in the Sciettlifsc J Mcan A handsomely lllnstrntPd vrppklr Tnrcest cir culation of any enemlUc journal Terms 3 a venr four months L Sold by all newsdealer MUNNSCo361BroadfewYor Branch onice C25 F SL Washington D C When Children Smoked Tciwii uc Ifoclicfort who published in PuvU n 1071 an wvunt of his trav els in IiiIind tolls the following While we were walking about the town Worcester he asked me if it was the custom in France as in Eng land that when the children went to school they carried In their satchel with their books a pipe of tobacco which their mothers took care to Gil early in the morning it serving them instead of breakfast and that at the accustomed hour every one laid aside Ills book to light his pipe the master smoking with them and teaching them 1 liill 4lmtl li f I iiu in iiuiu inuii iiiis iuiu uititt in the tobacco In England at the time of the great plague it was reported that no one liv ing in a tobacconists house fell sick of the disease This caused a great de i mand for tobacco Ilearne says in Ills diary I remember that 1 heard for merly Tom Rogers who was yeoman beadle say that when he was a school- boy at Eton that year when the plague raged all the boys of that school were obliged to smoke every morning and that he was never whipped so much In his life as lie was one morning for not smoking In the Nick of Time The steamer was on the point of leaving and the passengers lounged on the deck and waited for the start At length one of them espied a cab in the far distance and It soon be came evident that the driver was do ing his level best to catch the boat Already the sailors hands were on the gangways and the cabs chances looked small indeed Then a sportive passenger wagered a sovereign to a shilling that he would miss it The offer was taken and at once the deck became a scene of wild excitement Hell miss it Xo hell just do It Come on He wont do it Yes he will Hes done it Hur rah In the very niek of time the cab ar rived its occupant sprang out and ran up the one gangway left Cast off he cried It was the captain Pearsons Week ly An East Indian Verdict In a case in one of our Indian courts a jury had before it evidence that could not be in any way shaken When the concluding stage had been reached the following interchange of conversa tion took place between the judge and his colleagues in the administration of justice Gentlemen are you ready to give your verdict Yes What is your verdict Our answer is sir that you can do as you like with the men that have confessed but we acquit all the rest But is it possible that you have weighed the evidence Evidence like this can always be fabricated Do you find that as regards these prisoners it has been fabricated Evidence can be fabricated So the evidence is untrustworthy Unless a man confesses who can tell he is guilty Bombay Gazette The Fun of the Farce If is relattd that the manager of a theater cordentc d to hear in his room a young man who had an unfortunate Impediment in his speech read a short farce the sole condition being that it should not occupy more time than it took to finish the cigar the manager had just lit They both started the one reading the other smoking but as the mild Havana gradually grew shorter the worse the young author spluttered They finished together Of course the question was immediately put What do you think of it- Well replied the manager its not a half bad idea Father mother lover daughter all stuttering will be novel The author furious exclaimed They dont stammer It is only my misfor tune Oh then the play isnt funny at all Sorry that I cant accept it re turned the manager Above Her Business The tall man came into her little blue kitchen and looked over the shelves which were just beneath the level of his head but above hers He ran his finger over one shelf then showed it to her It was pretty black You are a nice housekeeper he said This kitchen wasnt made for tall people she explained falteringly It was made for little ones Xew York Press Crude Logic It is told of an East Indian law stu dent that he once threw his examiners into confusion by declaring matrimony to be an illegal stn e How so How so he was asked by the perturbed examiners many of them married men The student smiled beatilically Mar riage quoth lie is a lottery and lot teries are forbidden bv law - A Frequent Insincerity The mans own words prove him a prevaricator said Mr Quibbles In what way He writes me an insulting letter and signs it Yours respectfully Wash ington Star Politics Novice They tell me that a man cant go into politics and remain hon est Old Stager Yes he can But It isnt necessary Chicago Tribune Success doesnt happen It is or ganized pre empted captured by con ceutratPd common sense Frances E Wiliard I Harvards I Big Crop I Of Prodigies J SSxxSSSSS3 - hVv i3fi pK 5S WIMIE sims I Harvard college needed to adver tise itself which of course it doesnt it has some great material this year for such a purpose What with four In j fant prodigies one of whom bilks ahout the fourth dimen sion in a way to as tound the learned professors aud Jap anese anu cninose athletes who are doing all sorts of wonderful gymna sium stunts the dullest press agent would go wild with delight over the opportunity offered to attract atten tion toward the college Harvards Chinese athlete is named Koa Chow Li aud his track work socker playing pole vaulting and jump ing have attracted wide attention Li is in the class of 10 He entered the university a year ago coming from IMeyang university at Tienstiu north China He entered Harvard in the sophomore class and will there fore complete the college course in three years Another foreign athlete at Harvard who is attracting much attention by his work is Masuda a Jap He lias done some splendid work on the track recently and is one of the best socker football players at the college At Harvards annual novice gymnas tic meet recently this sturdy little na tive of the Flowery Kingdom made an astonishing score A competitor is required to show his skill on the paral lel bars the horses the flying riijgs the ladders the ropes aud at tumbling and similar features If a competitor is perfect in every branch he scores 4o0 points Masuda scored 320 points the man who won second place 270 while the third man scored 142 When Harvard threw open her gates for the new term she found au assort ment of infant prodigies knocking for admittance No fewer than four of them were admitted whose ages range from eleven to fifteen years They are Adolf A Berle fourteen the young full fledged freshman at Harvard and Lina W Berle fifteen children of the f WM Ti jt HARVARDS CHINESE AND JAPAXESK ATH IjLTES Rev Dr A A Berle of Cambridge pastor of the Shawmuth Congrega tional church of Boston Norbert Wei ner fourteen Tufts 00 son of Pro fessor Leo Wein er instructor in Sla vonic languages at Harvard and Wil liam James Sidis eleven son ol Dr Boris Sidis of Brookline instructor in medico psychology at the Harvard medical school Young Berle is the youngest full fledged freshman at Harvard His sis ter Lina is a freshman sit Hade litre and not at Harvard but Iladcliffe col lege having Harvard professors Har vard exairn itious and the signature of the Harvard president on its bbeep skins is for all practical purposes a branch of Harvard university Dr Berle employed the German method in training his offspring According ti his theory the immature mind of a very young child is not capable ol grasping the intricacies of niatheuiat ics sufficiently to make its htudy 1 that subject of any real value The- fore Dr Berle taught his children lan guages at an age when most young sters are struggling with niathcmatlf aud taught them mathemati s I iter Norbert Weiner the youngest stu dent in the Harvard graduate school entered Tufts who he was eleven years old Last but not Ieast among these child prodigies is Wiiliau James Sidi eleven years old Young Sidis for three consecutive years was denied admission to Harvard on account nf his extreme youth but he has mad even some of the gry haired pr fessors gasp and gurgle at the eat with which he deducts higher matlu maii s - -- 3e Fortunes in Irrigated Lands Buy now while you have an opportunity The Lajunta Land Co in the Otero Irrigation District where you have access to an abundance of water are selling farms either in large or small tracts within walking distance of La Junta Colo m the famous Arkansas Valley This land is onlv Ol miles from Rnrkv FV ird tTnh mrl I w - - -WWW V J J a honieseeker could not find a better locality Irrigation rich soil with ideal climatical conditions never extreme weather makes this a perfect agricultural ter ritory alfalfa nets 40 per acre cantaloupes 75 to 150 and the first crop of sugar beets will pay the original cost of your land Markets close and transportation facilities of the best Prices and terms exceedingly attractive For further particulars regarding personally conducted excursions and illustrated folder address H L KENNEDY District Agent flcCook Nebr REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCook National Bank McCook Nebraska Charter No 8KB In the State of Nebraska at the rlose of busi ness January 31 1910 resources Loans and Discounts ir042 50 Overdrafts becurod and unsecured 58 CG U S Bonds to secure circulation 50 000 00 Premiums on U S Bonds 1854 37 Bonds securities etc 15015 C4 Banking house furniture and fixtures 3185 95 Due from National Banks not reserve asents gyj ao Due from state and private banks and bankers trust companies and ings banks 2038 01 Due from approved reserve agents B987 77 Checks and other cash items 1 15 3fl Exchanges for Clearing House 56 H3 Notes of other National Banks 1010 00 Fractional paper currencynfckels and cents 9082 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank viz Specie 51321 C5 Legal tender notes 1050O 13112 0 Redemption fund with USTreasuror 5 per cent of circulation 2500 00 Total 283377 CG liabilities Capital stock paid in T0000 00 Surplus fund 10000 00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxespaid 7X5 20 National Bank notes outstanding 50000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 972f3 15 Demand certificates of ileposit 1543 95 Time certificates of deposit 71583 19 Cashiers checks outstanding 2214 17 Total 283377 66 State of Nebraska County of Red Willow iss I C J OBrien cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief C J OBrien Cashier Correct Attest P F McKenna C F Lean P Walsh Directors Subscribed and sworn to before mn thii 7th daj of February 1910 Ciias W Kellet seal Notary Public Mv commission expires March 30 1913 Miss Agnes Pate Married A personal letter from the family announces the marriage of a former McCook girl in the following language Miss Agnes Tina Pate who left M ool almost two years ago now raiding it Rosalin Wash announces her raarr i ge whioh took place January 1st 1910 to Oscar O Lovlett of Rosalia Wash Mr and Mrs Lovlett spent their honeymoon in Spokane They will make their home in Rosalia where the groom employed in a feed mill Friends here will add their congratula tions and best wishes to those of this pper R F D NO 1 J S Km bbs little girl required the loctors attention close of last week out is now quite restored again Mi Pearl Roberson is home from ho Grand aland Business College for a oupltiof weeks until school resumes gain C B Fowlers little boy fell last Fri iii and dislocated an arm at the elbow E F Markwad went up the Imperial ine Monday to buy some corn A wolf hunt Wednesday REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens National Bank of McCook Charter Number 9136 at McCook in the State of Nebraska nttliocloio of business January 31 1910 eusourceh Loans and discounts 57409 77 Overdrafts secured aud unsecured 314 83 U S Bonds to secure circulation 50000 Oil Premiums on U S Bonds 900 On Bonds securities etc 2000 00 Banking house furniture and fixtun H 16000 00 Due from National Banks not reseric agents SfiKT W Due from approved reerv agents 9318 13 Kxcbangcs for Clearing House iri1 49 Notes of other National banks 2180 00 Fractional paper currency nickels andecuts 151 6f Lawful money recrve in bank viz Specie 22752 70 Legal tender notes 1170 00 23922 70 Redemption fund with U S Treasur er 5 percent of circulation 2500 00 Total IK liabilities Capital tockpaid in 5 50000 00 Surplus fund 25000 0 J Undivided profit- less expense and taxespaid 6502 01 National bank notes outstanding 50010 00 Duo to other national banks 10293 47 Due to state and private banks and bankers 61869 45 Individual depo its subject to check 153282 IK Timecertificatesof deposit 903 3 17 Cashiers checks outstanding 6282 19 Total 153593 State of Nebraska County of Red Willow f83 I It A Green csishicr of the above named bank do solemnly swear that tlm almvo bail ment is true to the best of my knowledge aud belief R A Gueen Cashier Cokuect Attest V Franklin G H Watkins A McMillen Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of February 1910 C K Eluiceu Iseal Notary Pnblic Mj commission expires February 0 1912 NOTICE Jay H Snyder will take notice that on the 24th day of January 1910 P S Heaton a justice of the peace of Willow Grove precinct Red Willow county Nebraska issued an order of attachment for the sum of Sl1192 in an action pending befon him wherein Edgar liiiber is plaintitf and Jay H Snjder defendant that propertj of the defendant consisting of one Story i Clark upright piano has been attached under said order Said cause was continued to the 11th day of MarcVi 1910 at ten o clock a m t 3t Edoak IIuuek Plaintiff McCook Nebraska February 3 1910 PLEASANr RIDGE Ca3per HacUenkamp came heme Sat urday from Excelsior Springs Mo a little improved in health Born to Mr and Mr n Peter S Smith February 2 1910 a little daughter Mrs Miller returned to her home near Culberton after a few weeks visit with her daughter Mrs Frances Hacken ka up Claude Taylor and family visited at D II Shepherds Thursday Mike Schneider will move on the Wes ley Rozell farm in the near future Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold bv McCook Flour and Feed Store VALENTINES Some dainty things at reasonable prices now showing Also VALENTINE POST CARDS BOOKLETS and hearts and other seasonable articles for Decorative Purposes TRIBUNE OFFICE