The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1910, Image 1

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We Put Up Large Orders
as well as small ones ind carry a suffi
cient stock to meet nil your reasonable
demands But wo pride ourselves most
upon the quality of our goods their su
perior purity and excellence We enjoy
a largo measuro of the local trade and
would like to add yours to the rest
We always keep a customer by giving
the fullest possible value for money
Those who intend to do any painting
this spring will find ug prepared to fur
nish anything that may bo jequired
It is not too early to begin thinking
about painting and it will bo a good
plan to drop into tur store and got color
cards nnd information in regard to all
the new ideas and new materials
We have just what is needed for any
kind of painting or finishing
L W McConnkll Druggist
Killed at Orleans This Morning
Brakeman L P Smith was killed in
the Burlington yard at Orleans this
morning nt about ten oclock He was
Ciught between the cars while making a
coupling and fatally squeezed
Drceased was a brother in law of Gee
Fenney of our city He had only been
in the service a few months Was about
23 years of age
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Buy the Giant Cleaner
It perfectly cleans dresses draperies
rugs carpets etc J G Stokes is IocbI
agent He will demonstrate the cleaner
and deliver
Apply for a Rehearing1
The McCook Water Works Co has
applied for a rehearing of the water case
with the city before the supreme court
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates bookod at Mc
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Hkaton
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
bread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
No matter what you want in drugs or
medicines it is at McConnells if it is
to be had in this locality
McMillens Cold Cure will not only
cure your cold but relieve your cough
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc
McCook Flour and Feed Store
A McMillen prescription druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
Examination For Enumerators
Examinations were held in the High
School building Feb 8 10 for Census
Enumerators for Red Willow county
Complete board of civil service exam
iners present consisting of E J Brady
They Are from Boston
They were made in Boston Boston
is proud of them and bo are we We
of couise are writiag of the cele
brated WUHb S Lowe line of Toilet
Preparations They are considered
by people of the east as the best then
are We feel safe in saying i hat most
every lady in McCook wju yivt s shein
a trial will say the shih U e were at
some pains to get the ayency for these
goods ann are pleased to now offer to
the ladies of this vicinity
Violet Adorable Face Fowder
all colors 50c
La Tn Talcum Powder 25c
Violet Talcum Powder 23c
J ickee Talcum Powder 23c
Phoenician Massage Cream 25
Theatrical Cold Cream 25c
Freckle Cream 25c
Sweetness for deodorizing per
spiration 25c
Toilet Waters Jickee LaTrtfle
Violet Adorable 75c
C R Woodworth Druggist
The JeffersonRexLake
wood and Avenue are new
spring lasts of the French
Shriner TJrner Better
Class shoes for mens wear
Drebert Clothing Co
White House Grocery
Fresh Lettuce Pascal and
California Celery on every
Wednesday and Saturday
Phone 30
West B st
L A Paris
local secretary assisted by D J OBrien i
and Harry H Woolard The following
parties took the examination
Elmer Kay McCook Nebraska
Ensloy R Lofton
C C Rector
Ona L Rush
Arthur B Wood
Jacob Schilz
Isabel C Notley
Francis K Hall
Geo W Burt Indianola Nebraska
Allen D Burress
Rob E Smith
Wm Uerling
F W Weaver
C K Critchfiold
Fred Jacob
Bartley Nebraska
Max F Grosch
U G Etherton
Francis M Jenning
E JLudwig Marion
Frank Fields
Frank S Staples Lebanon
Hubert Beach Quick
Roy Peterson Osborn
C T Loper Cedar Bluffs Kansas
Not a Joe Dandy
Well Big Jim wasnt aJoe Dandy
by several fuilnngs Indeed for the
most part the company wa3 composed
of premier barn storiners Big Jim
was abuut the only sure enough oatis in
an otherwise dreary desert of common
place With the vociferous
voluble voealist J Novtr Had Such a
Time in My Life
For Sale Reasonable
The German Congregational church
building with or vithout the lot or nd
juiaiug parsonage Inquiie of
C J Kkieger
Wide Sheeting 25e iard
Fine heavy bleached sheeting 81 in
wide Pepperell grade 2oc yard at The
Thompson D G Cos Utmost value
Whittakor Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
If Youre Well Stay Well
To keep well however you should
exercise a reasonable amount or pre
caution nnd there is uo bettor way
to do this than to keop a few simple
remedies on hand to be used the mo
ment there is any indication that they
will be n quired A stitch in tune
saves nine And its equally true
that a dose of medicine taken at the
proper time will save a big expense
The following simple remedies nihke
a good assortment to meet nil ordi
nary demands
A small bottle of Camphor Tur
pentine Witch Unz I Arnica Cough
Syrup Formaldehyde a few Fund
gating Torches a box of Stomach
and Liver Pills and a box of Kidney
We carry at all times a full line of
these and other drugs good clean
fresh and pure and welcome the
public to our store assuring them of
our best attenti jii and moat courteous
C R Woodwokth Dr up gist
The Members of Golden Rod State
Lodge Turn the Trick Cleverly
Tuesday evening of this week the
ladies of Golden Rod State Lodge No
282 gave a recaption at the spacious
home of C G Coppom in honor of Gen
eral Chairman J B Wade of the B of
L F E of Galesburg minors the
local members of che brotherhood being
guests also
The evening was epent in a very jolly
manner with games Focialehat and
music Later in the evening refresh
ments were served sandwiches pickles
cake and coffee framiug up the menu
There was considerable sport in con
nection with the serving which served
to spice up the occasion which vas
voted one of the pleasantest enjoyed in
railroad circles in many a round trip
Valentine Day Is Feb 14
Boys get in line send that little lady
love of yours a pretty token of regard-
one that expresses jour sentiments and
one that will make her happy
We have the kind which will help you
win a home Come let us show you
C R Woodworth Druggist
J Money to Loan
I at low rate of interest on well improved
farms occupied by the owner
I J E Kelley McCook Neb
20 Per Cent Discount
on horse blankets and lap robes for ten
days at McCook Hardware Co s
For Sale
Singer sewing machine new
at 606 Main avenue
The Dorcas Siciety meets with Mrs
Kleven Thursday afternoon Feb 17
Typewriter ribbons pape r3
sale at The Tribune office
etc of
After the Show or Dance
Hot Chocolate and Sandwiches
French Shriner Urner
Better Class shoes for
mens wear Best fittina
most comfortable durable
and satisfactory shoe that
skilled labor can produce
Drebert Clothing Co
Get our prices on canned goods before
buying Magner giocery and meat mar
You will have no anxiety and will be
able to sleep better if your funds are
deposited in the First National Bank
It is a very cheap and common order
of blackguard who finds exercise in
spitting tobacco juice onto windows in
the business district Thoy are fortun
ately rare in McCojk
The Tribune received renewals this
week from two veteran subscribers -one
of them his twenty sixth renewal the
other his twenty seventh renewal Af
ter all what is better or sweeter than
old friends
Did you see a style or finish of photo S
somewhere that struck you as just what
jou wanted Tell your troubles to Kim-
mell and he will make you something 1
as good if not better First door north
of the Commercial hotel Phone red 425
The Girl Question
Bubbling over with fun and laughter
the stage crowded to the utmost with
j pretty girls who dance and sing with an
enthusiasm positively exhilarating The
Girl Question comes to the Temple
theatre on Wednesday February lGth
under the management of E 11 Frazee
The Girl Question is a musical
play with an absorbing story of human
heart interest developed in its plot yet
filled with such humorous types of char
acters and situations that an audience is
kept in an almost continuous stream of
laughter It is written by Adams Hough
ana Howard authors of The Time
The Place and The Girl and is nlong
the same slangy funny linea of every
day life as that wonderful success
The Girl Question has been staged
by George Marion universally acknowl
edged to be a pastmaster of stage direc
tion and who produced The Prince of
Pilseu The Merry Widow The
Stubborn- Cinderella Mr Marions
name is an assurance that the play will
be full of dramatic climaxes beautiful
stage pictures of color and ensemble as
well as pretty graceful dancers replete
with action
339 consecutive performances at the La
Salle Theatre Chicago and on tour
through the larger Western cities last
winter crowded every theatre in which
it played to the very doors
The cast which will be seen here is a
notable one and the song hits include
Good Bye Pal I Hate to Work on
Monday O Gee Be Sweet to Me
Kid Waltz with Me Dear Till Im
Dreamy Wheu Eyes Like Yours
Look Into Eyes Like Mine Old Buck
and Wing and Do Something
Speculative Blood
McCooks sporting blood has a full
blood cousin in her speculative blood
Isnt it mining stock attractive
land deals in foreign parts pianos
or automobiles for a dollar ticket
down to the lesser gambling in
speculative chattels of the five -cent sort
it is margins on wheat corn pork etc
Just now the latter form of gambling
seems to have the call with some deals
to stagger the believe of we common
mortals who find more pleasure in earn
ing our livings in the lawful and normal
way by the sweat of our brows not
by the sweat of our neighbors
Giren Six Months and Costs
James C Purdy found guilty last
week for unlawfully cohabiting with
one Mrs Nancy J Lune was sentenced
Monday by Judge Orr to six months in
the county jail and to pay the costs of
the prosecution
Nows the Time
to get an Old Trusty Incubator at Mc
Cook Hardware Cos The best and
cheapest hatcher on the market
You look as well and feel a well as
your blood is rich and pure- Take
McConnells Sarsapauilla
And be your best this spring Price SI
For Sale White Wyandotte cocker
els W C Eldred 1C02 Main avenue
McConnells Gold Cream keep3 com
plexions j ouug Price 35 cents
SJJt tVll4JJl
Successlul Mission Closed
On Sunday evening February G the
mission in St Albana church closed
It lasted eight aays In paBt years we
have had several missions but none
more profitable than this The mis
sioner Rev G G Bennett of Holdrege
is well equipped or this work He has
strong grasp upon the great verities of
the Christian religion which ho pre
sents lucidly and forcefully He feeds
his hearers not with milk hut with
strong meat He left behind him an
impression for good that will not soon
die out k ii e
is a large one and is being improved as
well as increased from timo to time
Wo also have a complete stock of the
largest and best kinds Bulb Fountain
Combination Hard and Soft Rubber
Also Ear and Ulcer and veterinary
Quality guaranteed and pricee the
L W McConnkll Druggist
Our Gingham Stock
Now consists of 26 pieces of staple
checks for aprons at 0c yard Amos
keags etc 11 pieces of dress styles at
8c 43 pieces of dress styles at 10c 12
pieces at 12tc 75 pieces at 15c be
sides 10 pieces of solid color chambrays
at 10c and 12c and 12 pieces of fine
chambrays at 20c yard Your inspec
tion invited The Thompson D G Co
One price plain figuroscash only
Simpsons Prints Sc Yard
Also Americans and Garners and Al
lensall the best brands The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod
ern Call and look it over
F S W ilcox
Only 55c
a peck for large juicy and sweet
kist navel oranges
J A Wilcox Son
Wanted I
Two girls to strip tobacco after school
hours Call at B A Griggs cigar fac
tory 2nd door west cf city hall
Skim Your Milk
with a Sharpies or Blue Bell sepa
rator absolutely the best machines
For Sale
Property with 8 room modern bouse
at 412 6th street east
If you want Stamp
Photos you will have to
get here before the 21st of
February So dont wait
Two doz for 25c at the
Gem Studio
21014 Main St
We contract to relieve any ordinary
cough with a 2nc bottle of McConnells
We mean you when we say Save
pirt of your income and deposit in the
First National Bank It will earn you
4 percent annually
will soon be grown up -ready to
start in life on his and her own
account What will thoy havo
to begin with A noat littlo sum
to start with may mean differ
ence of thousands of dollars by
the time thoy nro forty years old
Start an account in tho name of
your boy or girl and insist on
their adding to it and havo some
thing ready for them when they
are old enough to use it
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Subject Soul
Morning subject How the Weak
May Become Strong League topic
The True Dignity of Human Life
R R Deabonderfer leader Evening
sermon lecturo subject A Neglected
Paradise Description of tho Madeira
Islands the people modes of life form
or government and joints of interest in
and around the capital city Funshal
Rev Bickford of Indianola will occu
py the pulpit at both morning and even
ing services Rev Bayne exchanging
Lincoln Day
The McCook Society of Christian Sci
ence will observe Lincoln Day by special
services at its reading room 219 Main
avenue Saturday evening at 8 oclock
A cordial welcome to all Subject Lib
eration Golden text Romans 618
Responsive reading Isaiah 081 8
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Straw For Sale
Both wheat and barley straw Pnono
cherry 1651 DavkDeven
Farm loans a specialty L E Barger
room 3 over McConnells
4 100m cottage furnished for house
keeping Mrs J I Lee Phone 43
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
guaranteed for durability A McMil
len druggist
At the Intermission in IVrnpIo theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Wednesday February
H H FRAZEE Inc offers
The Girl Question
Six months in Chicago to crowded houses
Book and Music by HOUGH ADAMS HOWARD Authors of The Time the Place and
the Girl A Stubborn Cinderilla etc
25c to 150