The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1910, Image 8

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3 i Jm0jBEMM
PhCeZSc u locijilinr my Buttfncl Panrm Free
CL DeQroffCo
3 mmm
5 Pkt Asters Sanpel s mix- N
tare 2 Pits Pansies Superb
Giant mixrd 100 kinds 1 E
mixture and 1 Pkt Sweet
Pms Laree Flowerinj B
naiea 3U varieties
To set our New Cata
into your hands we will
tend the shove 5 packets
of Flnl Clasi Seeds for
orJy 10c postasc paid
Write today
Hany McCook People Have Heard It
And Profited Thereby
uGooi news travels fist and tl e
thousands of bid b tc cofferers in Me
Liook are ghl m lrn thit pnniiif
Tflief ia within tneir raaeh Many a
Wme weak and aeking back is bud n
aore thanks to Doans Kidney rills
JEteople from every stij in the Union
2sr tellinK the good feSs of thiir ex
jsienee with the old Quak retne3y
tiexe is an esnmpbi worth rending
H G Erret in Ul Cloud
2eb says My back ached and wm
swry lntne for a lonir time On one e
fision I was unnble to do any work fr
Duer a month during which unw 1 doe
lored continually without finding
iifif When I leHrned nbotit Duns
3idnoy Pills I obtained a supply and
after taking the content of the first
Irf r was practically run d I am n nv
Hhle to do i y kiel f rk without
JCwi ig i nv trouble with my back or
As It Looks To Hardy
Alderman Hardy criticises the
to boycott the tnpat market in
ilesajs It is not surprisit g
-hat such an atteinjt should be made in
tile ea3t But in Nebraska it means an
attempt to kill the most progre sive line
production The prosperity of every
person in the state is dependent of the
ihrmer and when the wac e earner tries
to boycott one of his chiaf sources of rev
enue he hurts himself just so much
ZSincoln Journal
If once used you would not bo with
oat McMillans Cream Lotion for face
sad hands
McCook has the largest and best
storo in the state Call- for
Bargains on eay terms 301 Westvlst
3treet Phone 26S
Dit your property with the C W
graves Auction Co and Second Hand
Store if you want quick returns for he
deals with renters 301 West 1st street
Pioce 26S
Hiifcers coffee cannot be beat
Cfeffee from -15 cents to 35 cents
asd Wedding Breakfast heads the
McConnell tills prescriptions
Bry Cleaning Announcement
In order to promptly and prop
erly comply with the require
ments in addition to our regular
Tailoring Business we have
tught and installed a Dty Clean
ing Machine of the latest pattern
with cleaning fluids of different
Kinds quite expensive and are
now prepared to do Dry Cleaning
with neatness and dispatch
Satisfaction guaranteed
Merchant Tailors McCook Nebraska
American nn nqlisr Wars of Doing
It Arc Very Different
In Amiliiii i ritpliiti
Wftll llli ltii li Hi lie imliil liclllWi
Is llCiOSSnlIIJ 11 HMSl I tl li lt HH
tt in irrl i in lit hand- iiifiin
il IS III III flllllll I I II I III III lliHI
Instances il ii i i In iii I ii inn
till III illli Kli IIIUBH mi
Oilier lllllllul Jill- Wlltcll
Jloodys M i siiii ii probable has
dun hi in i in- iiji iiirn pnst to give
stock - iiiiitn ii its liiiil tin tin- than
sill Hi- i is ili I mi unsavory tin t iir
vvl ii niw ever occurred ti AiiHn
imm evhnnges In liiiuiiiti after tlt
IlicVlttitle illUoilUiliotl lii it lllolUl the
new iitiiiii gives dis order inn
makc Ho deposit hi nil
Tin lirnkiT l t learn
something I III- IICW clients
anrl in w fur In should In- iiIIowmI to
liiin ilt rune n iiitnii llli
Kugtfshhave whai iliiv rail their st
tllMIIIMIt lllVS A IUStOIIHM lllllg III it
stock whose iMiiiiinitmiiii has irntu
somewhat against lit in is iIumi required
to pay tin tliletouci lis they an
called between Itis purchase price and
tin current iiiiiiatinii
He must si - pa a charge railed a
contango for holding the setlleuietit
over Into the next furl nightly period
If he lines not wish to close the rom
initllietll As a consequence of lilts
way of doing luisitiess a speculator
may he trailing on a few points mar
gin in reality or in fact on no margin
at all He may he utterly penniless
without the broker knowing It
That this method works out with
fewer losses in England than it would
do here is due to the fan that the
social and economic strata to which an
Englishman belongs are nun n easier
to determine than the ciirre pinliug
icts among us and also that an iium
duction means more there than here
as the introducer is regarded a- i a
certain extent resnonsilile morall im
Could Do For Herself
She was a very delightful bur a very
tiged lady over ninety and her friends
and relatives and even chance ac-
nnnintnticps drawn bv her exutiisite
and fooL
She accepted it all very graciously j
but with some inward rebellion for to I
a very old and close mouthed friend
she once said with a quaint pucker A
of lips and brows J
1 am reminded sometimes ot the
old lines
Twa were blowin at her nose
And three were bucklin at her shoon
Youths Companion
A Word For the Tightwad
In France they have an expressive
phrase liquid money It means that
part of the family income which is
used for the uecessities and luxuries
of life It is quite apart from and
kept apart from the more serious sub
stantial part of the income which is
the saved part In America the eutire
income is liquid and the man who at
tempts to make part of it solid is
called a tightwad A tightwad
is really a man who creates a princi
pala capital in other words and he
is the living example ot what every
private business must bet and of how
the countrys resources should be ban
died Argonaut
Voting In Spain
Voting in Spain is held to be a duty
to the community not merely a
ilege ot the individual aud neglect of
civic obligations carries its own pen
alty Male adults of legal age arid un
der seventy with the exception of
priests uotaries and judges are re
quired to vote in municipal elections
Failure to cast a ballot is punishable
by having ones name published as
censure for ueglect by having taxes
increased 2 per cent by suffering a
deduction of 1 per cent in salary if
employed in the public service and for
the second offense the loss ot right to
hold elective or appointive office
His Landscapes
A nouveau riche recently attended a
picture sale A friend who bad noticed
him at the sale asked afterward Did
you pick up anything at that picture
sale Jorkins and the other respond
ed Ohi yes a couple of landscapes
One of em was a basket of fruit and
the cfther a storm at sea
Rather the Other
Dont you know that tune I for
get the name of It but it goes like
this And he whistled It
After he had finished his friend
turned to him with a sigh 1 wish to
goodness you had remembered the
name and not the tune he said Lip
Exactness In little duties Is a woa
derfnUsriurce qt fchprfulness Fabe
Veteran Pedestrian Purposes to Cross
Continent In One Huncrcd Days
When Edwanl Paysou Weston the
famous pedestrian walked across the
AetKait conihent last year in 10
days it was cniiskcrel a marvelous
feat and as he had then reached
the age of scent -one most people
thought of course that it would be J
his last journey of this kltd Hut they
did not know this remarkable man
lie has now arranged another tour and
purposes to walk from ocean to ocean
in ji hundred days If be reaches the
New York city hall steps on schedule
time he will greet Mayor tiaynor on
May 2S He will then bo seventy two
years old as he is near the end of his
seven ty tirst year
When in ton leaves Los Angeles on
Feb 1 at I p m he will first travel
westward to the Pacific Leaving the
Pacific at finnta Monica the worlds
champion -talker both for age and
distance wi follow the tracks of the
Atchison Tc ela and Santa Fe rail
road The lirot city of any size he will
r s ss s v
SyS ft
make will be Rvmoid Cal stud then
he will jorrne through Pania Fe
N M Pueo Colo Wicitita Kan
the business deportment of his fn uit j Kansas Citj aid Chicago
It is worth while observing cuid mi
ls the exception referred to above
that in certain instttnees the ineihoils
pursued in American stock exchange
houses are the same as those obtaining
in Loudon Little as the fact is known
it is not an unfrequent custom for very
wealthy speculators to have no fixed
margin 01 even no margin at all with
their brokers
From Chicago Weston will take lh
niot direct route possible and will
travel over the country roads instead
of the rights of way of the railroads
On his trip west hibt year Weston id
not make it across the continent with
in the hundred day limit he had set
He arrived lvo diys behind the sched
ule because in several instances he
i had to double on h s I nicks Py
the railroad- from the west to
If a man of this sort loses on a con J lowing
imtment he semis hi- nroker a cheeu Chicago traveling iofv t all the
fr tin iiws lr lie wins
1 t iiiwi tin ovnniti tn f
- X XV -
reutit rp Mm for bis gams 1he than by following the western cori try
tr to offend a verv iiuwiitiit roads
fiiont hv truiiblluc him for funds ami Throughout his lg pubiu
hence takes risks with his account Weston hv been the Ieuliig c panwii
which he would uot dream of taking of walking He lias taucht its ndvan
witli the account ot smaller men In- j tages to American youth in the inter
stances of this sort sometimes become est of perfect physique and moral
public in cases where the broker is mentality And now while passing
forced into bankruptcy whether owing from his seventy first to his seventy
feecoitd blessed with robust health
to this cause or not j year
and untiring activity as tne result 01 a
life of temperate and correct habits
M iin
all did her homage ami
as the saying is
waited on her
he starts forth for his walk across the
American continent to prove simply
that the feat is not one of superlmniaii
or even unusual effort but an
hand man ot normal 111
exercise which any
health and temperate
habits can successfully follow
New Society Is Rounding Up tho
Rogues and Impostors
The beggar must go All those
professional impostors and charity
frauds 110 w operating in the big cities
uiighi as well begin to peruse the
help wanted columns of the daily
papers and find work or seek some
other clime A new society is on their
trail and hereafter they are to be
rounded up wherever found plying
their trade and made to earn the
bread they eat or go to the workhouse
At the same time the unfortunates
who are really deserving of charity
will be rendered every assistance
The new organization that has taken
up this matter is called the National
Association for the Prevention of Men
dicancy and Charitable Imposture
with headquarters in New York city
It will co operate with police depart
ment charitable organizations and in
dividuals in every one of the large
cities in the United States and much
good work is expected of it For
months the societys agents have been
collecting data and photographs of
hundreds of notorious professional
beggars have been secured with 10000
records of the history and the practice
of mendicants rogues frauds and
knaves of every description These
will be used as a bureau of informa
tion to enable police departments and
charity organizations to deal intelli
gently with any mendicants and
rogues who may be found imposing
upon citizens
haRatinid nt riqnt ro
tne i rtaaergoi aj Td
It was a iliri nigtt i iim i -ill
plllllse lilil tile UllK III lie euriel
tile loolii iiritled t event l
sea anil Ii llililiike tailli that P ei
irj i on igntois
ii Hit- -HI--I win- iinl tieen vol
- j tin as mi a i oral reet
i -- tli lietlld 111111 allll WOlliell
Hie lel so -ate with tptaill S
i tut -in and Ive wnuileivit I wiietn
i their sense of would stlb
in i eta linil it these tavoieil tin j
knew exactly what happetn il on ship
IimmiiI ilnriiiir i VuVlle Fill III oWli
part I have more confidence than eei
iu a captain of my acquaintance since
I learned that hecodld tell a white lie
when it was necessary to calm the
fears of a nervous traveler It m hap
pencil that one fogg night I was
awakened b the sudden stoppage anil
reversal ot the engines I jumped out
of my bunk went on riei t anil a
told by the ofiieei that we had
had a natiow qteee It appeareil
that nt liiii nearly run down a sclmoii
ei as she silently crossed our bows anil
disappeared into the haze
Next morning a woman passenget
who sal hi tin captains table asked
him whether the engines had been
stopped and reversed and he replied
Yes we sometimes do this to test the
engineers watch and see if our ma
chinery is in propel order We do it
at night so as to create no excitement
Then he got tin woman to ilescribe
what she had heard and asked her
Did you find much time between the
stopping and reversing
No She replied
Then said the skipper that show
ed how well everything was working
dH it not
When I got the skippers ear I told
him confidentially that I didnt think
the schooners engines had worked as
well as ours and he remarked that it
might have been worse Whethei he
meant the lie or the incident 1 didnt
inquire but I suspect it wasnt the
licV New York Post
Conditions Under Which Water Ac
tually Flows Upward
Watei seeks its level is an ex
pression heard so frequently as to be
almost trite and yet the law has its
exceptions There are conditions un
der which watei actually Hows up
ward and rises above its source If a
glass tube be dipped into water the
column in ide will he above the level
L1 i of the surrounding surface Moreover
if a tube o half the diameter be ni
stituted the column doubles its height
The water creeps along the inside of
the tube owing to the adhesion and
while the cross section and hence the
weight is decreased to a fourth of
what it was before Therefore the sec
ond column can be twice the height of
His Contribution
Have you ever done anything for
the good of the community asked
the solid citizen
Yes replied the weary wayfarer
Ive just done thirty days Phila
delphia Record
The Very Latest
Nice car
Is it the latest thing in cars
I guess so It has never got me
anywhere on time yet Houston
Hamlins Soliloquy
Hamlin standing before the tattooed
man In the museum Heavens how
that fellow must suffer if he ever gets
the jiinjamsI Smart Set
jul u i utt
ated Lands
Buy now while
you have an opportunity
The Lsijiiula Land Co in the Otero Irrigation District
where you have access to an abundance of water are sJliti
fauns either in large or small tracts within walking distance
of La Jnnia Colo in the famous
Arkansas VaSSey
in iwwniiiiiwiw iMn nm m r m r --
Ti is land is only 9 miles from Rocky Ford Colo and
a home seeker could not find a better locality
ligation rich soil with ideal climatical conditions
never extreme weather makes this a perfect agricultural ter
rito y alfalfa nets 40 per acre cantaloupes 75 to 150
and the rirst crop of sugar beets will pay the original cost of
your land
Markets close and transportation facilities of the best
Prices and terms exceedingly attractive
Tor further paiticulais regarding personally conducted
excursions and illustrated folder address
District Agent flcCook Nebr
18 l
A Peculiar Characteristic of This Ter
rible Explosive
Many anil iil tie the materials en
tering inio 1 lie manufacture ot modern
explosies but perhaps the most inter
esting of all these elements of destruc
tion as well as the simplest is gun cot
ton The gun cotton manufacturing in
dustrr is large a- enormous quantities
nrp used in the charging ot torpedoes
forms st cup shaped depression at the ftuJ for sJmiIar pnses
top j xhe base ot gun cotton Is pure raw
An explanation is not difficult It cotton or even cotton waste suebas Is
can be proved mathematically thar if sed to ciLll machinery This is steep
the diameter of a circle be diminished U a solution ot one part of nitric
one half the circumference is also re- aud turee pirts t SUpiurie acid It is
duced to that extent while the area is the former ingredient that renders the
one fourth of Its former value The masii explosive the sulphuric acid be
circumference of the column of water in llstl merely to absorb all moisture
being reduced one half its contact tuus permitting the nitric acid to com
with the glass and hence the adhesive ujue Uore readily with the cellulose ot
force is also diminished to mat extent 1 tije 0uon
After being soaked for several hours
in the solution described the cotton
is passed between rollers to expel
all nonnbsorhed acid a process carried
the first without exceeding the lifting to completion by washing the cotton in
Remarkable as the underlying prin
ciples of this phenomenon undoubtedly
are nature made use of tiiem long be
fore man made their discovery Every
tree and flower adds its testimony
The core of a tree or plant instead of
being a single open channel consists
of a spongelike substance containing
many miniature tunnels through
which the sap and moisture collected
by the roots flow upward in small riv
ulets rising higher and higher in
sheer defiance of the great law of
gravitv St Louis Republic
Sense of Danger
Dr Waldo of London holds that peo
ple should develop a sixth sense to
inform them of the approach of dan
ger in the streets Lafcadio Hearn
once said While in a crowd I seldom
look at faces My intuition is almost
infallible like that blind faculty by
which in absolute darkness one be
comes aware of the proximity of bulky
objects without touching them If 1
hesitate to obey it a collision is the
inevitable consequence What pilots
one quickly and safely through a thick
press is not conscious observation at
all but unreasoning intuitive percep
A Sight Worth Paying For
The cab drawu by a weary loosing
horse came to a standstill opposite a
nublic house As the driver was pre-
paring to descend a small boy ran up
with Old yer orse guvnorV
Old my orseV Look ere my lad
AhII give yer a bob if it runs away
Manchester Guardian
clear water This washing process is a
long one requiring machinery which
reduces the cotton to a mass resem
bling paper pulp Should any nonab
sorbed acid tie allowed to remain it
would decompose the cotton
It the explosive is to be used after
the manner ot powder It is still fur
ther pulverized and then thoroughly
dried but if intended for torpedoes it
Is pressed into cakes ot various shapes
and sizes disk shaped cylindrical fiat
squares and cubes When uot com
pressed gun cotton is very light as
light as ordinary batting
A peculiar characteristic of this ter
rible explosive is that a brick of it
when wet may be placed on a bed ot
hot coals and as the moisture dries out
the cotton will flake and burn quietly
If dry originally however the gun cot
ton Will explode with terrible force ai
about IylO degrees of beau
In general it is the custom to ex
plode gun cottou by detonation or an
intense sock instead of by heat In a
torpedo he explosive charge is wet
this wet cotton being by
means oT dry cottou in a tube this
having been fired by a cap of Tulmi
uate of mercury the cap itself haviug
been fired by the impact or the torpedo
Citizens National Bank
of McCook
CiiAin KK NuMucttorn
at McCook in theStittof Nohra kn attliocln
nf busini January 31 1UI0
Loans ami discounts
S2ii40O 77
OvonlraltP secured aud unsecured 1114
U S Honds to secure circulation V 00
Premiums on U S bonds DM OH
Howls Hcuritiu etc 2000 00
Diiikiui Iiini i fiirniturn and fixture- 1MX 00
Due from National Banks uot reserve
agents crri X
Due from approved reserve agents WIH VI
Exchanges for Clearinti House tri i -ill
Notes of other National hanks ilH CO
Fractional paper currency nickels
and cunts 151 Ct
Lawful money reerve in bank viz
Specie 22752 70
Legal tender note 1170 OJ 222 70
Redemption fund with US Treasur
er 5 percent of circulation 2V0 00
3tViriKi 55
Capital stock- paid in 50000 00
Surplus fund 25000 CO
Undivided profits less expense and
axes paid tj5K 05
National bank notes outstanding 50008 Mi
Due to other national banks 10293 4K
Duo to state and private banks and
bankers GlSf9 15
Individual depo tts Mioject to check 1532S2 112
TinujccrtificHtes of deposit 90i i 47
Cashiers checks out tandiug 6212 4
Total 153593 ri
State of Nebraska
County ot Kcrt Willow J
L It A Green cashier nf tlin ilwvfnniil
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge aud
R A Giki Ca hier
Coruect Attest
V Fkanklin
A McMillij Director
Subscribed and sworn to befor ntu this 3rd
day of February 1910 C E Einicho
IikalJ Notary Public
My commission expires February fi 1912
Jay H Snyder will tnke notice that on the
24th day of January 1910 P S if eaton a justice
of the peace of Willow Grove precinct Red
Willow county Nebraska issued an order of
attachment for the sum of 15192 in an action
pending before him wherein Edgar Huber is
plaintiff and Jay H Snyder defendant that
property of the defendant consisting of one
Story A Clark upright piano has been attached
under said order Said cause was continued to
the 11th day of Marc 1910 at ten oclock a m
EnAK HunKt Plaintiff
McCook Nebraska February 3 1910
Tho Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are
paying the highest cash price for baled
alfalfa hay on track For prices and
particular phone 331
C W OhWhi Manager
This coffee is rich and delicious has
an extra fine flavor If you want the
best coffee you ever drank come to our
store and ask for
Gas Roasted
Sold only in 2 pound cans