The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1910, Image 5
I iA s i lite fr i 1 I - Phone 31 Time Card OT McCook Neb XsuUiMisfc MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No fi Central Time 1133 P m 16 g 12arrcVl5pn 14 10 500 A M 5r0 A M 700 A M 942 P M 600 1 M MAIN LINE WEST DEPART No 1 Mountain Time 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5arrS50pm 930 am J3 90ri A M jr 1230 A M 9arr750am 700 A M IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M NV 175 departs 720 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and bnggace checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakoley General Passencer Acnt Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Light repairs were given the 1020 this week Steam plant No 2 is out of commis sion The 1016 had her cylinders bored out his week Mrs John Ferree is down from the homestead in the northwestern part of the state Engine 132 will probably go out of the shop this evening The 133 came in this week for an overhauling They had the first broken frame in the blacksmith shop yesterday in five years The boys fixed her up in a hurry wmemwirtiTVfwgiv - ThTraRpiJr PSfM y of SKILLED WORKMEN When one sees the perfect thing the ideal in actual ex istence and operation it is most interesting- to look back and trace if possible its line of desent and the law of evolution before the perfect thing was possible Today as one stands iascinated watching the perfect symctrical lines and correct construction of the VeSie Wrought Iron Vehicles it is interesting to recall n few men wno away back In history 4 dreamed yELIyEUICLES A vast army of skilled workmen are today busily engaged in putting together all the parts and correct finishing touches that go to make the most Correctly Built Vehicle on the Market Will you please call and let us show you the line We also have a LARGE LINE OF HARNESS and collars for every purpose Come in and get fitted out McCook Hdw Co West B street - McCook New tires wen plmd on the 197G this week together with ether minor re pairs The company 10 unloading a trainload of firewood Ht this point to be ued in firing up engines Passenger train No 13 was six hours late yesterdny arriving here shortly af ter four in the afternoon Benj Riggs has beer from the repair tiack to the blacksmiths hop where he is a new helper Six men were let out of the repair ging this week Henry Knoap John Ferree Beiij Kiggs Ziler and fiwo others The track men are asking for their pickB bars etc to be in readiness for the spring work which will be begun a month earlier than lasc year The company had a lively business on its hands yesterday Between twelve oclick night and five in the afternoon there were 12 passenger and 16 freight crews on the board Engineer F J Pierei has resigned his position with tne Burlington and en tered the employ of the Denver Laramie Northwestern The family will follow him to Denver which will be their home in a short time Traveling Wire Chief W M Woods is at McCook division headquarters this week superintending the install ing of the new switch board and a lot of new instruments including two new quad sets in the telegraph office E E WHITTAKER GRAY Real Estate and Loans Fire - Tornado - Plate Glass Security Bond Insurance Agents for the famous IKE T PRYOR 100000 ACRE RANCH in Zavala County the Artesian Belt of Texas Excursions February 1 and 15 Eound Trip from Lincoln 2750 Kansas City 8 2500 Lands for sale in Nebraska Kansas and Colorado Irrigated Lands near Laramie Wyoming for from S1250 to 2500 per acre No scarcity of water Only 60 miles from the famous Greeley Colorado Country where land is worth several hundred dollars per acre Come and see us Phone 283 Room 3 Masonic Temple WHITTAKER GRAY Lily Patent Flour It is the best on the market It is guaranteed to please you by the mill that makes it and the man who sells it For Sale by ED HUBER v wijoiiyi m rittiirMiMlyywwiliwiiwip DROPS OF WATER Thrown Upon a Rcdhot Stove They Will Never Touch It It is impossible in throw i few drops of water on n reilliot slow The wa ter itn never touch the stove at all What Is een is a few drops rolling rapidly iiviM ihe stiff are gradually getting smaller until they disappear If the drop- are on a perfectly level place one 111 see under them to the other side of the room thus proving that they ate not in rotitart vith tlL stove itMli What actually happens Is that the bottom of the drop changes at once to steam or vapor on coming close to the hot Mirfacr hud this vapor Is supplied by the drip it gradually goes away So the drop rests on a cushion of va por until it is oiiieJy dissipated This state of waier is known as the spheroi dal state and is of interest siuipli on account of its peculiarity and seeming ly paradoxi a behavior The reason why the drop is not Ini mediately evaporated or ehtugid to steam is also very interesting Tin water vapor that intervenes between its under surface and the redhot stove is a very bad conductor of heat and consequently the full intensity of the heat cannot get to the water itself only the amount transmitted through the apor being available for this pur pose St Louis Republic EK3LISH COUNTRY BANKS It Takes Strong Iron Bars to Vin the - Depositors Confidence Kural customers attach great im portance to tin batiks outward ap pearance A thrifty tradesman having opened a deposit account with a bam distant some thirty miles from His home the cashier had the curiosity to ask why he traveled so far when there was a branch of the same bank almost at his door The depositor smiled knowingly and replied 1 lodged op posite here all the time while this bank was being built so 1 know its safe Balance sheets to the rusti are a meaningless and arbitrary ar rangement of ligures Iron bars he understands Iu a city in the north of England there is a bank widely known for tiic artistic merit of its doors Designed by an eminent sculptor they are ex ecuted iu relief in copper or bronze and appear to represent tableaux from Aesops Fables aud Greek history About a week after they were unveil ed an old man who had been a de positor for many years withdrew his balance and took it to a rival bank al most opposite Questioned as to his reason for changing he replied I dont hold wi them doors of theirs Punched tin aint businesslike and it aint safe London Saturday Review A Perfect Disguise Frank Lockwoods banter was ex cellent and always good humored I recollect him cross examining a de tective iu a divorce case says a writer in London M A P The witness was dressed in well cut broadcloth he was portly a massive gold chain and seals hung from his fob he might have pass ed for a couutry banker or solicitor ot the old style Sir Frank very politely I believe you are a member of the eminent firm of detectives Messrs Blater CoV Witness Yes sir I represent that firm Sir Frank And 1 presume in the course of your professional duties you have to assume many disguises Witness Yes sir Sir Frank Pray may 1 ask you what vou are disguised as uow Turner Was Gruff The great artist Turner is said to have been peculiar in his way of sell ing his pictures At times nothing could induce him to part with one of them and at other times he would re ceive a customer with the greatest af fability of voice and manner and read ily settle upon the sum to be paid for one of his treasures On one occasion when he was offered 1000 apiece for i some old sketch books he turned them over leaf by leaf before the eyes ot the would be purchaser saying Well would you really like to have them Then just as the mau proceeded to take possession of the books Turner with a tantalizing I dare say you would suddenly thrust them into a drawer and turned the key iu the lock leaving the customer dumb with in dignation Not Up on Slang Id like to get a room for the night drawled the old man with the chin whiskers and yellow satchel By jinks Buttons whispered the clerk to the bellhop all of the room are tilled but we dont want to dis courage the country patronage o well have to give him some kind ot a stall But the old man overheard the re mark and fired up instantly No yeou dont Ii biurted defiantly By crickety no If 1 wanted to sleep in a stall Id stpped at the livery stable on the other i ncr Chh ago News An Insulting Styb Oi did not miVil the threats av as much as the niltif style av remarks i aisi une Irishman to other And what li l he ayV Well he says to me Hogan he tis a great notion Oi hav jump on you and knock your face shape Heres Luck Ethel Ethel is not very handsome him Ills Hasty climbers have sudden falls French Proverb l say- e l into Why do you call her a belle Shes waiting for some man to ring her Boston Transcript ffrsssEEnsKBfflsniKS i f I I iTX T JEJ2 I w Lo jLCVji Oil a rj A 1 2 rjrwri rt vru rrjavtLmn miL il i i mm Mv txtrtMrv jit tinnu Jk LO i W lispectfiHy attractive spring oods at moderate prices are now invitii yourinooctiMi I bUJv VVAIblb I i Jn t tin nhl ight fr sprite tmCl i ul Mimim 1 wvii in M E jmk i pattern It i 1 uilirs lust svb lfcu StrvreiM liuuuiftilty util uil K r i An 1 c j r - I - ff v XiU l k v7 if ykii prefer ti liiv ikuU f rrn the bull wc iiwt thu hitest pitiiMn in s s sjks u viiy re i niht prices M iiriMwuiiiwt SPRING WASH GOODS Splendid new htiuns poplins mglitins ntid eplnrs fur aprnns childrens cot un house dresses e i i spletuhd tii per f y Sc to 25c m LA I- -ND r SERTIONS ALL OVER EMBROID ERY AND EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS Ilcaiit de- signs This beautiful lrimminj alyyays a necessary accessory to spring tnd summer clothing Per yard 1 0c to 25c THE LATEST COIFFURE EKfzma amrsjMTVswn The new French tin b m winch is being adopted by stylish women everywhere is most effectively produced over the TURBANETTE or TURBAN CROWN We have both in sufficient vaiiety to match any color hair Light strong and sanitary 25c to 50c each MENS AND BOYS SUITS in serges blue and gray and prac tical all colors Clothcraft quality which means the best of material highest gtade workmanship and latest styles 10 00 to 2500 per SI it HATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Ihe flashy colors will prevail I again this spring u We have them in all styles and prices C L DeGroff Co i Many Changes On Burlington Alliance Neb Jan 29 Special Telegram E P Bracken general sup erintendent of the Wyoming district or the Burlington with headquarters at Alliance ha been tranBferred to the lines east as general manBger with head quarters at Chicago He will be succeed ed here by E E Young at present sup erintendent of the Sheridan division with headquarters at Sheridan Wyo P G Robbins superintendent of the Sterling division will take charge at Sheridan and C D Feckeupaugh at present trainmaster on the Sheridan di vision will succeed Mr Robbins at SterlingColo This will make a complete change in the head operating ofiicials of the Wyo ming district in the last two months f jr on December 1 W M Weidenhamer the present superintendent of the Alli ance division succeeded J C Birdsell who resigned to enter private business Omaha Bee Steim dome repairs were made on the 1911 this week Wire Chief Dave Knowlesof Sterling Colorado was here Tuesday evening long enough to ride the Masonic goat returning to his work the same eve ning LaGrippe pains that pervade the en tire system LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain arequickly cured by Foleys Honeyand Tart Islmildylaxative safe and certain in results A McMillen Another Greatest Engine One has to read morning and evening papers now to keep Htep with the advent of the greatest engines Scarcely had the Southern Pacific announced its l2o ton i asrenger engine before the Santa Fe was before the public with its 350 ton freght engire at present the great est locomotive yet produced It is an articulated Mallet of the more or less familiar t pe now but includes some new features It baB a tractive force of 54 tons Steam pressure of 220 pounds Embodies buperheating re heating feed water heating and com pounding Has both high and low prp1 sur 3 cylinders Its chief advantage over other big engines is its claimed economy of fuel Fifty percent is the economy claimed for the monster To Trade For Land Stock hardware A city property A store building A 160 acre farm east of here well im proved 60 acres in alfalfa A hotel building and lots aud a tine list of relinguishments 80 acres to trade for McCook property I have some dandy homesteads I would be glad to show you What have you to sell or trade L E BAROEIt Room 3 over McConnells Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately Phone 22 ss McCook Neb- 3jjinza McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in KcGwii today Thursday are paying the foHv ing prices Corn g 7ft Wheat Oats Rye Barley Hogs Butter good COB 1X Eggs -3 FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale- No GRemington typeam er in eood enndition at ii bargain W2 Mornse phone black 292 For Sale Good all around work man Perfectly gentlf excellent for farm tswtc or htavy hauling WMMorrisey black 292 For Sale A wheel invalids cfcah Phone black 117 For Rest 5 room dwelling close c Also two rooms furnished for lijjtc housekeeping Phone 13 Mrs J I Lsc Wanted Two girls to strip tobSr after school hours Call at B A Grigs cigar factory 2nd door west of the hall Two furnished rooms to rent awe board if desired Phone black 1U stoDS the ecru fli azxci Heals l MBEMBBWMBBlaEB B MHHm WHMWM BgmgBB5g IIHHH iiipiumuuuaap 5 K3aagl Bill nwaMiv Jwyatg High Grade Shoes and Oxford J2K Fisher Perkins The Model Shoe Store SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 20i riain Avenue JmWWmtMP M e a m McCook Nebr