The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1910, Image 4

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Bank of Mccook
is tho oldest NATIONAL BANK
in Southwestern Nebraska
and in point of Capital
Surplus and Undivid
ed ProfitsS90000
tho strongest
Wo give you a personal invita
tion to make this hank your de
pository whether you have a small
sum or a largo ono to lay aside for
safe keeping
f fs il46iik IVihqpe
L trest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Entered nt postoflice McCook Nebraska
matter IliMis orf wWr
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thk county attorneys hip is already
looming upon the political horizon with
McCook at least two prospective primary
candidates and a possible quartette of
em That ought to make things go
It is a marvelou t and noteworthy
coincidence that the two great Angle
Saxon races are simultaneous l engaged
in a similar and large purpose the re
sult of which will bo hitory makini
In England it i the question of P pi
and Peers In America the People am
Privilege This reference would be in
complete without thGoptimisticprophec
of the writer that in both countries th
people will and mit usniRtetytriiimph
Real Estate i inngs
The following reul estate filings ha
been made in the county clerks ofiie
Mary L Phillips et cons to G
V and Cora A Roop wd uw
qr 13 4 28 SoGOO 0
John F Smith to Sarah J Hick
ling qcd he qr 5 3 29 10
William F Smith to same qcd
to same 10
Minnie F Graut et eon to
same qcd snme 1 Ot
George A and Lewis F John-
son to Otto Tilgner agreemt
seqr34 3 23 4500 0
Arthur II Ediede et ux to J
P A Black wd sa qr 7 n hf
ne qr 18 4 30 ne qr 34 2 30 1 01
Sarah J liickling et cons to
Christian Sellin wd ne qr 5
3 29 4C00 OC
Justin A Wilcox to OR Wood
worth all interest in C R
Woodworth Company at
McCook Nebraska Kill of
Elizabeth B Hart et cns to
George E Thompson wd 6 in
24 McCook 1650 0
Something Nice
AT THIS OFFICE In the line of
Cards Letter Heads EnvelopesBill
beads Statements Folders Hand
bills Show Bills Posters Sale
Bills Pamphlets Blank Books
Let tw print them for you
An Experience the Composer Had In a
Country Inn
I On one occasion ltuuHcnu composed
an opera which was performed he
fore King Louis XV and met with
1 the royal approval The king sent for
him and if he had put In an appear
a nee he would probably have obtained
a pension lie was however of a
tiring disposition and could nut bring
himself to lace the court To his
friends he gave as i reason his repub
lican opinions but his teal reason was
his shyness
Accordingly he tied from the court
and sought the privacy of a country
inn While he was there a man came
in who began telling the compnu
that he was the celebrated Rousseau
and proceeded to give an account ol
the opera which he said had been
performed before the Icing with greai
Most men In Uousseaus position
would have felt nothing but contempt
for th impostor but tills cxtrunrdiun
ry man ferlt only pity and shame 1
trembled and blushed so he tells u
iu his Confessions for fear tli
man should - be found out that it
might have been thought that 1 vb
the impostor lie was afraid thai
somebody might come in who knew
him and expose the pretender At las
he could bear it no longer and slipper
out unobserved
Very few people would treat ai
Impostor like that Westminster Ga
The Comical Way These Queer Birds
of the Antarctic Act
The resemblance of pengiuns ts
human -beings is always noticed says
Lieutenant B II Shackleton in his
book The Heart of the Antarctic
This is partly due to the habit of
walking erect But there are truly a
great many human traits about them
They are the civilized natives of these
regions and their civilization if much
simpler than ours is in some respects
higher and more worthy of the name
Of two of the photographs that appear
In the book the following remarks are
An emperor penguin meeting an
emperor or men or dogs bows gravely
till his beak is almost touching his
breast Keeping his head bowed he
makes a long speech in a muttering
manner short sounds following in
groups of four or Ave Having finish
ed the speech the head is kept bowed
a few seconds for politeness sake
Then it is raised and he describes
with his bill as large a circle as the
points of his neck will allow If you
have not comprehended he tries again
Meantime his followers are apt to get
impatient They are sure he is act
ing incorrectly Then another male
will waddle forward elbow the first
aside and repeat the ceremony Both
emperors and adelies move when the
surface is suitable by tobogganing
Wild British Cattle
The wild cattle of Great Britain
have become one of the curiosites of
the bovine race in England There
are very few herds of them remaining
and most of theqe are diminishing
from a very natural cause Of course
they are confined in parks and are
jealously guarded from any admixture
of alien blood They are as wild as
buffaloes and are treated in the same
way as deer In color they are white
with red ears and historians assert
that they had a large share in the evo
lution of the Shorthorn as it is known
today It is certain that the color
mentioned very often crops up quite
unexpectedly in our pedigree herds
They will probably become extinct in
a few years owing to the extreme diffi
culty of procuring sires unrelated to
the herds aud yet of the same breed
Farm aud Home
The Scented Court
The rage for perfumes reached its
height during the reign of Louis XV
Throughout the continent his court
was known as the scented court It
was then the custom when giving a
large entertainment for the hostess to
inform her guests what particular odor
she would use for perfuming her
rooms and each guest would use that
odor in making her toilet At court a
different perfume was used for each
day of the week Much more attention
was paid to the use of the perfume
than to soap aud water and cleanli
ness was not numbered among the vir
tues of that age
How She Escaped
Pauline who had been attending
school for almost two weeks was tell
ing of the misbehavior of some of her
little classmates At her mothers
question as to whether it had ever
been necessary for the teacher to
speak to her Pauline answered quick
ly Oh no mamma Then She had
to speak to all the class but me this
afternoon Why what did she say
Oh she said Now children well all
wait until Pauline is in order De
Lost Opportunity
And you didnt hear of it inquired
Mrs Gabhie
Not one word
Why Ive known it -for a week so
I supposed everybody heard of it
Even Up
She sternly I heard a noise very
late lie facetiously Was it the
night falling She No it wasnt It
was the day breaking Baltimore
the Froezing Point of Helium Gas Is
Just Abovi It
Although rainillar to scientists It is
not generally kuowu that the true
zero of heat has been determined l
this absolute zero Is meant u temper
uture which cannot get any colilei
which means that u tieat whntevei
exists or can exist at that mIul 1lm
point Is only about degrees heiov
the zero ot our ordinary Kalireiilier
thermometers or 273 degrees tielou th
zero centigrade To realize what i
signifies a few word must tie placet
here detinlng Heat itself
Heat is caused simply by the Hum
sands or little molecules in any bndt
or thing vibrating very fast and Mm
sending U waves into the ethei
When these waves strike any inatlei
they cause that matter to become hoi
as we say Now the taster these
molecules vibrate the more heal is
given out and the notter is the timl
itself Ihe slower the molecules lh
colder the body So if a conditio
could be reached where the molecule
did not vibrate at all why there conic
be no heat and therefore the txul
would lie absolutely cold This con
ditiou of affairs is reached at tin
above mentioned number ot degree
below our ordinary scales It is need
less to say however that this nie o
lute zero of heat has uever been at
tallied on this earth the closest evei
reached by inlu being one degree
above it This is 272 below zero centt
grade and is the freezing polni ot
helium gas which a German protean
claims to have frozen at that tempera
From this theory of heat a pecutiai
view is obtained of our bodies aim
articles of matter We would hnd it
we had a microscope to see small
enough that every bit of matter at
any temperature that we can now gei
Is a seething mass ot moving nnjte
cules and vibrating particles One
proof of this is when a metal expamt
on becoming warmer If we weign it
we find that a hot body weighs no
more than the same body cold yet it
gets larger both longer aud broader
To do this it must be composed i
moving particles that on becoming ex
cited get farther apart Another prooi
is that liquids and gases have tieen
forced through every solid that exists
almost Thus water has been forced
through lead sulphur dioxide through
iron etc The computed size ot these
moiecuies is ratuer interesting it i
claimed that it a drop of water rep
resented the earth the number of mole
cules iu the drop would be about equal
to the number ot grains of sand in
the earth Exchange
Changing Her Mind
By an unwritten law it is held to be
the privilege of woman to change her
mind a license of which she rarely
fails to avail herself The German
proverb has it that women are vuria
ble as April weather According to
an old English adage A womans
mind the winter winds change oft
In Spain it is much the same Wo
men wind aud fortune soon change
and she can laugh and cry both in a
wind The old Latiu poet Catullus
was of opinion that what a woman
says to her ardent lover ought to tie
written on the winds or on running
wuter Eveu the gallant Sir Philip
Sidney wrote
He water plows and soweth 1n the sand
And hopes ihe dickering wind with net to
Who hath Ms hopes laid on a womans
Kansas City Star
A High Day
Yassah I suttingly would do dat
job for yo colonel and proud o de
chance to extinguish muhsef Would
horraw right in on it dis minute sah
if twuzut for one thiug said a cer
tain lopsided colored citizen who was
so unafraid of manual labor that be
would often fall asleep in its presence
and dat is sah dat I never likes to
stigmatize muhsef by working on a
Why this is not a holiday re
turned the would be employer
Yassah Tis wid me if youll dars
skuse me sah Its de university o de
day muh oldest boy was done sent to
de penitenchy Puck
Vild Animals In New York City
It is a remarkable fact that there
are always more wild animals about
than any but the expert has an idea of
For example there are within twenty
miles of New York city fully fifty dif
ferent kinds not counting birds rep
tiles or fishes one quarter of which
at least are abundant or more partic
ularly within the limits of Greater
New York there are at least a dozen
species of wild beasts half of which
are quite common Country Life In
Getting Used to Em
I just have heard of the arrival of
the third child in the Jones family
remarked the woman The announce
ment of the firstborn was made by
beautifully engraved cards tied with
tiny white ribbon the second was hy
telegraph aud this third one though a
much wished for hoy was made mere
ly by a postal card New York Press
She Could Talk
Cynicus That girl never says much
does she Why she talks all
the time Cynicus That doesnt altei
my contention Philadelphia
Doubted the Statistics
How did Harkins act when he
heard he had triplets in his family
He could hardly lielleve Dis own
census Boston transcript
Thompson Suppose a man should
-oil - Ko TTTrmti vn n An Our wealth s often n snare to
A C HiiiLK is home from Desbler
Will Hoi kk visited the homefolk
first of tho week
Muh C M Hmiky of Wjmnre vis
ited britflj n tlecity I bur day
Aikx K OiKUhitT returned lion e
as F Ilfiv from Iih trip east of two
Juikik 1 K Cotiiiv cf Beatrice
was in the ci An m ay c n some legal
A L Cochican ex eiiontv treasurer
was in the county capital Moudi ei
MlSi OlAUDlA HaICHKK whs Up fllli
Indiiinoln Friday taking in
the Star fiincum etc
P Waih arrived home Tuesday ev
ening from u short l tip down into tli
eastern part of the -rate
A B Kinzeh late of the Quick
Frontier coutjiy neiyhhorhouo hir lo
cated in Bonaiza Wyoming
Mi and Mas Waltkk hap
pily entertained the Thursday Whist
Club Tuesday evening of this week
Mis s LoTTiK Bkatty left on No 14
Sunday nmlitfjfor Falls City to redone
her work there as saleslady after a short
visit at home
John Casiikn the auctioneer was over
from Indianola Ipbt Saturday on bus
iness and vit it relatives in this parto
the county
i Mrs A C Wihhe went up to Denver
Thursday night to be absent two week
visiting a filend in the Queen City ol
tho Prairies
Mies W Y Jutirx ON went up to D n
ver last uei U en a visit to her daijht
er Martha who id emplryed in a whole
sale house in that city now
Mas A G Doik was up fromTamom
Nebranka yesterday on matters of
itiui to greet oldtime friends in th
y She d patted for her home tir
L M Camekon and family departer
itSUnrday for Wiay Colorado a fe
lies from which town they will go o
irm He has a homestead also i
hat neightu rbood
John Pom jus the new tditor of th
dianola Kepi rter spent last Friday i
p fti interest of his pap
rounding up the Democratic support and
r At ati k Welles left this morni
larqutte this state on a visit t
new From thence rhe will po
ning Iowa Chicago and oth
t i on her way eat She will set
rn New York March 24th for t
and will spend nbout six mont i
I the Mediterranean iu Eg
I siue and Europe IJer permane
ress during her absence will I
ora Nebraska It is the hope of h
ny friends here that she may retui
n due time in Hafetv
Out of His Line
West em Relative Well Wendell
what was the score today Little Bos
ton Boy Keally 1 do not know Is it
not your opiuiou Uncle William tfjpt
the theism of Clement and Athanasms
furnishes a much more tenable iiasn
for a rationa theory of creation thai
is afforded by that ot Augustme
Chicajro Tribune
Conducted by the McCook W C T U
The present high efficiency of the
Americau navy is due to temperance on
the part of the sailors 95 per cent of
whom abstain from the use of liquor
was the statement mnde by Rear Admi
ral Ross in charge of the naval recruit
ing station at Lake Bluff 111 in a recent
public lecture The time of the drunk
ard in the navy has passed coniinupd
Admiral Ross He is not wanted in
the service any more than the drunkard
is wanted in any other responsible ca
The same argument appliesto men in
the army pro canteen advocates to the
contrary notwithstanding
The special Automobile Number of
Colliers Weekly contains two pictures
of special temperance significance The
first shows a party of autoers at their
wayside luncheon in which beer bottles
figure conspicuously It is entitled
This is the sort of thing the man who
drives his own car should avoid This
is immediately followed by a picture
showing a wrecked automobile surround
ed by an anxious crowd The titie Or
he is quite likely to have this sort of
thing happen to him and bis car On
another pBge certain requisites for the
driver of a racing car are thus enumer
ated Like other athletes he must al
wajs be in condition His endurance
mutat always be adequate His nerve
mu t alwajs be steady bis eyes clear
nnd his mind sharp and active His con
trol must never miss fire an infinitesimal
part of a second such might mean death
at any time
The automobile the airship and all
j the ot her delicately constructed adjuncts
i of our highly complicated twentieth
century life demand clear eyes Bteady j
Jones fhesitatinglyi What sized man wlws and always a temptation to I nerves faultless self control Therefore I I
Jewish Ledger others -Cotton I alcohol must go
Air L Miller and grandson Lovell
spent Sunday in McCook
Mr nnd Mrs J7Strunk nre the proud
parents of a baby boy bcrn Febuury 1st
A F Hallah of Cambridge waa an
Indianola visitor Tuesday
Marion Dow and Robt McWillmms
were Hartley vieitors Tuesbay
Born to Mr and Mrs Fred Minncrf
Febuary 1 a fine baby girl
Quite a number attended the dance
north of town Saturday night
John Gillen and Mary Weskamp were
married Tuesday at the Catholic
Quito a number went up to McCook
attend the trial of Mike Riley
Mrand Mrs Geo Younger visited Mr
and Mrs D B Doyie Sunday
Mrs Martha Johnson and Mr and
Mrs G A Shields visited Mr ind Mis
T M Campbell Thursday of last week
Mrs Maxwell Wolfe and children
visited her pirents Mr and Mrs J S
Modrell the first of last week
Mrs W A Stone is visiting her bro
ther Maxwell Wolfe
Rozell Sons
GeorgegYounger built a room for A
V Campbell in the old store room
last Saturday
The friends of Florence Watson will
be pleased to learn that she is much im
proved after a hard tussle with the scar
let fever
Edith L tie and EsieRoberts accomp
anied Edith Morey homo from Sunday
Shcool Inst Sunday morning and spent
the remainder of the day with her
Mrs A T Wilson left last Saturday
to isit her sister Mrs D N Riehey of
Wymore who has just returned from
the Ai E hospital at Omaha where she
iitd been for treatment
There will be no net vicps at the church
next Sunday evening as Rev Tyler is
i holding meetings at Spring Cretk and
Shack Mclntee nnd Sarah Alexander 0Kpects to clo e that evening
of near Box Elder ivoro married Tues-
A w Campbell returned Saturday
day at the Catholic church Father
from 0gbom wQere Hb vFgUpd reatlves
ald ateildf th meetings
Elmer Hodgkins of Hartley was an
Indianola visitor the first of tho week
C II Russell and Son moved their
stock of implements into the building
occupied by C W Dow and Son
L B Elmer has charge of the farm
ers elevator this week while manager
Strockey is attending District caurtat
J J Brennen was a McCook visitor
Tui sday
C M Martin and family returned
from Iowa Tuesday and will reside on
their farm near Havana
R F D NO 1
Mr and Mrs Eurl Nothy
at home lat Thursday He
went on
t Denver Saturday
Mike Fritz depai ted Tuetday night
for his new homo iu New Plymouth
Mis6 Kctte Evertson has been visiting
friends on A h Creek and other points
along the route the past week
Mrs William Broomfield and his
mother nre visiting relatives up in Cust
er county this stat-
Government Examinations
A trst for census enumerators will bo
held in the high school building Mc
Cook February rh
On February 12th in the high school
building an examination for city car
riers and city postofiico clerks
Blanks for the city carriers and city
postofiice clerks examination may bo
secured at the McCook postotlice
Blanks must be sent to J M Shoe
maker secretary d the eighth district
W B Sexson is erecting a new wind J civil service at St Paul Minnesota not
mill on his farm j later than February 8th
HelfflBig Horse and Mule Sale
At Laurel Dell stock farm on which is located Red Willow station Neb
on the main line of the Burlington six miles east of McCook and six
miles west of Indianola No 12 at 715 a in ano No at 837 p m
stop on signal and No 9 at 735 a m and No 10 at 611 p m will stop
at thispoint sale dav
Salewillcommence at 1 p m and will be held in a big sale tent if the
jfc ES weather is unfavorable
TWO CLYDESDALE STALLIONS Bred By The mas Andrews Qmtridge Neb
Royal Charlie 10012 Brown four white feet white stripe in face
Foaled June 10 1S97 Sire Fashions A SG22 S2SG Dam Fannie of
Milliken SiS9
Bismark 13101 Dark brown hind ankles white half moon between
the eyes Foaled June 1 19C6 Sire Brave Wane hope 1C941 Dam
Miss Johnson 1CGS2
These stallions will be put up and choice sold Mr Helm retaining one
Legal Tender H No 631 a Kentucky mammoth jack Black with
white points 15 hands high Sire Blue Tie 328 Dam Miss Colossal
482 Bred by John II Harris Son Lees Summit Mo This jack is
closely related to Orphan Boy C9u the Monsees Jack champion at the
St Louis world fair American Jack Stock Stud books may be seen at
the farm sale day
The stallion and jack may be purchased on a partial payment plan
43 Head of Mules 33 coming 3 and years old 1 yearlings and 6 wean
lings v 11 out of Legal Tender II
18 Head of Horses 10 head of young mares bred to Legal Tender S
head of geldings some broke
One wagon grain dump Alfalfa hay in stack Five pure bred Scotch
Collie pups
Hot coffee and lunch served free at noon Visitors from a distance will
be entertained free at the farm
Terms of Sale Eight months time will be given purchaser givin
bankable note bearing 10 percent interest No property to be removed
until spftlement for same is made Stock will be held at purchasers
risk as soon as settled for but will be cared for two days free of charge
and shipped according to purchasers directions Stockyard and sidin
on the ranch