Business Office Station ery is Our Specialty Particularly Pine Line of Writing Papers in Boxes McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pen ami Holders Calling Cmls Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Letter Files DEGEEE OF HONOB McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Temple building Anna E Ruby C of H Mrs Cabbie Schlagel Rec LOCOMOTIVE FIBEMEN AND ENGINEMKN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec BAILWAT CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McClube Sec RAILWAY TBAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T meets firet and third Sundays at 230 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each month in Morris hall C W Corey M R J Moore Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Morris hall Theo Dibbald Pres Feed Wasson Fin Sec a - M5s A aVAA aumm ww bhm Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands Invoice Files McCook Views in Colors are a Leader with Us THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department TheTribune It is Just One Dollar the Year CITY LODGE DIRECTOR A F A M McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets k every first and third Tuesday of the month at 8 KX p m in Masonic hall Los Cone w M Chables L Fahnebtock Sec b s M Occcnoxee Council No 16 R S M meets on i last Saturday of each month at 800 pm i Masonic hall William E Habt T I M Aaeon Q Kixo Sec k a m King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each monthat 8 KX p m in Masonic hall Clabence B Gbay H P W B VTmttakeb Sec KNIGHTS TEMPLAB St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on th second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall David Magneb E C Uenby E Cdlbebtson Rec EABTEBN STAB Tnalo tin Kfl O V S mfifits the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mbs C V Wilson W M S Cobdeal Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments at White House Grocery Julids Kdnbbt Consul HM Finite Clerk ROYAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 pm in Morris hall Mrs Caroline Kcnebt Oracle Mbs Augusta Anton Rec w o W Meets second and fourth Thursdays at S oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Mabkwad C C W C Moteb Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 80 p m in Monte Unsto nan - MAURicEGsiFFiNRec MS JenningsMW JMWENTZFmancier RotZint oreman LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets ivery second and fourth Sunday of each month ht 230 in Morri hall Walteb Stokes C E W D Bubnett F A E bailway cabmen Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A oioets on the first and third Tuesdajs of each in Morris hall afc730 p m H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy S D Hughes Secj BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Eagles hall Jno Soth Pres Jno LeHew Cor Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall H W Conover C C D N Cobb K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday afc800p m in Morris hall F A Denton N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerio No 1514 F O B meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walker W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CABBIEBS Branch No 127S meets first Monoay of each month at 330 p in in carriers room postoffice G F Kinghobn President D J OBrien Secretary KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Fbank Real G K DAUGHTEBS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m in Monte Cristo hall ANNA Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mbs W B Mills Commander Habbiet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m Morris hall Wsr Long Commander Jacob Steinmetz Adjt BELIEF COBPS McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every eecond and fonrth Saturdav of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a b McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the second and fourth Fridajs of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Maby Walkeb Pres Ellen LeHew Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs J A Wilcox Pres Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec PYTniAN SISTERS McCook Temple No 24 Pvthian Sisters meets the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m M J Cobdeal M E C Edna Stewart M of R C Vf k k ji Uncle Sams Next Census w 1 mosl of the ONE hit cresting fea hires of the tak ing of Uncle Sams next census which begins iu April is the new machines adopted by Director R Dana Durand for recording the work They differ very radically from tiiose employed before and dhiectok nuitAxi wi u s beIIvedf Increase not only the rapidity of the j work but tend to reduce the number I of errors on the part of the clerks do- ing the punching With the new automatic tabulating machines the re sults of the count for each unit of area are automatically printed whereas for merly they were registered on dials from which readings had to be taken and recorded by hand The reading of these dials took a large amount of time during which the machine was idle and inaccurate readings were not uncommon The new metnod of punching and tabulation employs a small manila card about J by 3 inches in size to resent each individual composing the t population April 13 1110 For this I purpose alone 90000000 cards have been purchased a gigantic card index sjstem indeed In collecting the data a schedule is carried by the enumerators and ques tions in it concerning each individual will call for the name relationship to head of family color sex age conju gal condition place of birth place of birth of parents number of years in the United States citizenship occupa tion whether or not employer or em ployee and if employee whether or not employed atthe date of enumera tion and the number of mouths ployed during the preceding calendar year whether or not engaged in agri culture school attendance literacy and tenure of home and whether or not a survivor of the Union or Confederate army or navy The surface of the population card is divided by printed lines into what is called fields or divisions contain ing certain figures abbreviations of words and combinations of letters which are used as symbols to corre spond with or represent the details or items of data as reported on the origi nal schedule by the enumeratcr Taking the card as the representa tive of an individual it then becomes necessary to transfer to the card all the data on the schedule referring to that individual This is done by punch ing out the corresponding symbols leaving open holes at those points The semiautomatic electrical punch ing machine which will be used is built on the plan of a typewriter with a keyboard very similar in appearance but having 240 different keys The machine in its operation differs from a typewriter in a most important re spect As is well known in operating the typewriter every time a key is de pressed a letter is printed and if a mistake is made the letter must be crossed out or corrected with consid erable loss of time and disfiguring of copy The new card punching machine obviates this as the operator instead of punching one hole at a time can de press into position for subsequent punching as many keys as are neces sary to record the required facts Before pressing a button which turns on the electric current for operating the punching mechanism the operator can look over the depressed keys comparing them with the schedule and if a key has been erroneously placed it can be released and the error rectified This work of correction is assisted by having different colors for the keys for each field or division of the card It enables quicker discovery of the key in error In the old style punching machine a hole was punched in a card every time the plunger was depressed If an error in punching a symbol was made the card had to be taken out and thrown away As the punchers efficiency was based largely upon the number of cards punched in a day it will be seen that the old method laid the operator open to the temptation to let the error stand With the old machine a skillful clerk could average about 900 cards a day The new machine will enable an av erage of 3000 cards to be punched in a day by one operator Another lime and money saving fea ture of the new machine is that the feeding of cards to the punching keys fa entirely automatic As the blank cards are fed in from the rear of the machine the punched cards are drop ped into a magazine in front While the operator is punching a card the machine also by means of a gang punch is automatically apply ing a mark or designation to the card which shows it is one of the to tal number representing all of the pop ulation in a particular census area whether city county or state Auto matic counters are attached to the keys and in this way preliminary an nouncements of certain important pop ulation totals may be made as soon as all of the cards have been punched Under the old system when all the punching was done by hand these fig ures were not available until the tabu lating work was started The census bureau has ordered 300 of these new punching machines and it is calculated that the facts on the population schedules can be transfer red to cards by a double shift of V X low 9- -it -it i -to -to it wan J e Recorded i q n v q ployees at the rate of about iMOOUOJK cards a month After the cards have been punched a d verified ihey are ready for the iii1T tttii ii nt jttitt S lwf j I f l v uuiiiiiui iiiiiv uii viiiv iimiiat in- machine similar iu many respects ti the one used in the twelfth census which was invented by Hermann IIol A BUWJI JAMAICA Things That Happen When a Eig Storm Breaks Loose There A WEST INDIAN HURRICANE It Will Leap Out of a Clear Sky ana Level Almost Everything In It Path Then Comes a Torrentia Downpour That Ends In a Flood Have you ever been through u WYsi Indian liurrfc aiirV Mild u man win lerith It is in the form of a heavv lls lml h d IT fi cabinet from the front of which ex 1 a number of yi ar li yuu want u tends a movable arm or lever attached know what the epenem i Is like to the outer extremity of which is a pin box containing a pin for each possible hole iu a card The opera ttr feeds the cards by hand one at a time Into a receptacle directly under the pin box This re- ceiver has holes that come under those in the card Iieneath each hole is a mercury cup After placing a card in the receiver the operator touches a spring htartiug an electric motor This automatically brings the pin box down upon the card The barged pins pass through the- holes into the mercury cups contact is ac complished and the current by means j of relays causes one or more dials or counters lo register In other words each pin and its mercury cup form terminals of a separate current passing through nu electro magnet controling the tabulating dial for each item f data required The pins which reach the unpunched surface of the card are pushed back into the box so that no contact is possible The tabulating process is completed by an automati recording and printing system some what on the stock ticker plan con nected with each dial When the op erator wishes to make a reading or to ascertain a total or scries of tot ils ai electric button is touched and the de tails are automatically printed on rib bons of paper Each tabulating machine can if nec essary carry sixty counters but it is ipr -7 i x ik o if THE SLMIAUTOMATJO KLECTMCATj CENSUS CARD 1UNCIIiXa MACHINE believed that the tabulations necessary will require only about twenty as that represents approximately the average number of facts punched into each card A speed of 21000 cards tabulated per day on one of these machines should be reached easily Contracts have been let for the building of a hundred of them The daily output of the old style machine averaged about 10000 cards owing lo the fact that the counters had to be read by the opera tor and the results recorded by hand a method productive of error and loss of time The form of tabulator described is really semiautomatic but requires the constant attention of an operator when in service However the census experts are now at work on a tabula tor designed to be wholly automatic in its action which will feed cards from a magazine and receive them into an other magazine after the fashion of the new card punch Electric motors of one half horsepower are employed for the operation of the new census machines After the transfer of information to the cards has been completed the schedules are filed away in a fireproof vault for permanent preservation The clerks handling the cards cannot tell from anything on them the names or addresses of the individuals for whom the cards stand so that in the tabula tion and subsequent statistical proc esses the personal element is lost and the card is known only by number After the census is over the cards are boxed and filed away in a great room One other machine is employed in the work It is an automatic electrical sorter which separates into different compartments the groups of cards ar ranged with reference to the character of the statistical tables for which they supply the facts The census of 1S90 was noteworthy because of the introduction of electric tabulation but not of punching The card punching machines were simple mechanical devices operated by hand The symbols on a card were punched out by a plunger The electrical tab ulating machine ued in 1S90 and 1900 also was operated by hand It has been officially stated that elec tric tabulation has proved a boon to the census office It is also declared that if at the twelfth census the three tallies of age and sex nativity and oc cupation had been made by hand the publication of the statistics for these three subjects alone would have re quired the time of 100 clerks seven years eleven months and five days A hurricane will leap m of a cleat sky twoop down m a city blow ev erythiug iu its path Hat and pass on Then follows the tail of the hurricane a steady breeze blowing iu Hie same direction but at a much lower veloci ty This is likely to continue foi many hours souu t lines for many days and is always aceoiniKiiiii d by a tor rential downpour of raiu 1 was in Kingston Jamaica at the time of the hurricane or 1103 At J oclock iu the afternoon 1 was in m office on the top Moor of a ricket wooden building As suddenly as n clap of thunder the room went dark I had a pretty good idea of what was about to happen and going to the window looked out across the roofs A black cloud had whirled up out oi the southwest obscuring the sun but the mountains back of the city iveiv still golden with light In less than a quarter of an houi the wind reached us The first stnu that went was a wooden watch tower about 200 feet high that had been used in the old days to local i ships approaching the harbor It liac weathered all previous hurricanes Inn this time it went down like a house oi cards Spars of lumber from thai tower were carried as far as twentv blocks before they came to the ground Then the spire of the church went the roofs of a good mauy residences were torn oil and some tine palm trees in the public gardens snapped off about halfway from the ground Buildings m Kingston however are calculated to stand a pretty severe llov They are bnilt only a few stories High and Un roofs present a broad and compam tively fiat surface to the wind Consul eriug the velocity at which that burri cane was traveling tbe damage was not great Even my crazy office build ing withstood it Bui the tail of the thing followed with a heavier ram than I have ever seen efore or since To say that it came down in bucket fuls would be mild It was as if the clerk of the weather bad taken the plug out of some huge vat suspended above our heads and allowed the wa ter to plump straigtit down on ns In three hours the macadam on the streets had been washed into the har bor The street outside my window was a rushing river as much as four feet deep in places 1 saw a cart try to cross it but with tbe water above the axle of the wheel and the horses legs being washed away from under it it was an impossible task and the driver turned back Big casks and packing cases were dancing on the sur face like corks As you can imagine 1 did not get home to supper that evening It was 8 oclock before the rain stopped and tbe water in the streets bad drained into the harbor Even then traffic had not begun to reorganize itself The trolley car tracks had been washed out and no cars were ran ning Cabs however were doing a roaring business and eventually 1 got a cabman to drive me borne for three times his customary charge The damage to property in King ston mounted up to hundreds of thou sands of dollars but the real destruc tion was wrought in tbe country dis tricts Floods wiped oat many a negro village and sent the flimsy houses floating down the rivers The railroads were tied up for nearly a week Every banana tree in tbe path of the burri cane was uprooted Ob yes a West Indian hurricane can do a lot of dam age when it gets busy Loss of life did yon say Of course there was Nearly 200 people were killed throughout the island on that oc casion but we grow accustomed to that in the West Indies We expect a hurricane every once iD awhile and we know that it will take its toll of human life when it comes If you had been telling the story you would prob ably have mentioned that first of all but sudden death is so common below the tropic of Cancer that we get cal lous I suppose New York Sun Albion and Columbia Albion the Gem of the Ocean was written and composed by Jesse Ham mond an English government dock of ficial about lb20 and was beard above all others in the theaters music hall and on London streets it is apparent that gem of the ocean fits an island more aptly than our large tract of con tinent and borne by the red and the blue the red of the British army and blue of the navyi is more logical than the meaniugles line borne by the red white and blue The lines of the Eng lish songs are almost word for word identical with our version The Red White and Blue Exchange A Manly Woman Why do you say she is a manly woman asked Jinks She always uets off a car proper ly said Minks Buffalo Espress Tomorrow Is not elastic enough in which to press the neglected duties oi today ESTIMATE OF EXlLMS In tho matter of the nece Miiry cxikiiisoh t ltK tlin yunr dtt motion tliu tinmt for tin yonr 1910 was fixed nt tin- iiiuutiiittof fotmij llonrd hold January 11 VJlo n follow County lunornl Fund County HririKo Fund 1 itu County Itnnd Fund 7 CXKI County Solilicrti Iti lief Fund MJUXO Hartley YillnKO Wond am w McCook City Hond Court llou bond 1VOM McCook ityScuor llond I UitU McCook City Water H mN - M I Willow irovu In chict 1inil s m ir School District HoiiiIh liOM Dntcd this mh day ot laiimirv mill IMS MCULA l iM CouUy It rL Plan the BOUNTIFUL Collection oi Vegetable Seeds Isi yoisr gaMem No matter whit else youvp tWMcil to plant thre Ave niou J certainly find a place lu jour garden Pfrt Corn Wlitls rs fwrct and Jtrclr ilivor - i u il l Itlic McMcnn without Hi obKClloiiliecjjr Giooyiier -urea early and rcnudns cvllbi longer Jtculrtilco toe Vole Cbhiis Nevi r equalled for uniformity of crowlh8hapooMiemlunclhannc Ills few outnW leaves Set out in Jul wilt luituro Wrz ad heads In October Ut jutur price IO SIuk Melon llunznrlan Itiipjie Finest fla vored sweetest and most aronmtlc of all auek melons FIcjIi deep red Itecnlurprlvo tc KloniIIIil tJnrnmlier to 7 lncht lony extreme ty early cry rtrolulc Ditk swo md annuo miwt profitable sort for shlpulif Itctfulfcrprtco 10c New Carrie Toreutu Lares size clnbo shaped bright red strong crow cr and Me cropper Averaco vrclght 12 ounces Kcsutur p rice 1 Oe 55c collection for 39c This excellent nsortm nt i i worth Mr but we will send It to any addre postpaid for Sic rtrTjVyT jJA Comolete line ot lies iuaaty vezetaDic nnd flower seeds NcbriIT upland jjrown Alfalfa and all varieties of Clover and Grass Seeds Kortbern iown seed potatoes etc wnio ib uay lonree cnuiuuc GERMAN KUrlSERES SEED HOUSE W68S BaxZZi BUTECX KIB CHAfliBEEAlS Cough Resne ay Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip and Whooping- Cough We iro pleaMd to inform our reader that Chamberlains Conjh RVtnody TrjcR not contain nan otics of any kind TiTip makes it the safest and Ix sr for children It makes no difference when you camht that cold you have it and want to jeCrid of it quickly Take Chamberlains Cough Remedy It wont do to fool with i had cold No one can tell wliat the end will be Pneumonia catarrh chronic bronchita and consumption invariably result from a neglected cold As a cure for coufi and colds nothing can compare witjj Chamberlains Cough Remedy JSolfl everywhere at 2fc 50c and 100 PAINTING GRAINING PAPER HANGING SIGN PAINTING CALSOMINING ETC Paper hanging at 10c a roll All v ork guaranteed W F PURDY 409 B Street EasL NB F D BURGESS SON f a- Plumber and Steam Filter Iron Lead ana Sewer Ppe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base- g ment o trip Dosofice Butdinp 7 McCOOK NEBRASKA Bv HfMESJETNfc ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPE P ONf 1114 1420 24 LAWRENCE CEKVEB CO Mi i I i y MIH JMIl J Jl I it rMMiZlr zpxrr OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE 2shS3S2 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anvone ndlnj a sletrh Htid decrlpM n rray quickly ascertain our otini free whctin - az invention Is probably patentable Ci tlotisptricllycoiilMentlal HANDBOOK on Iaf sent free Oldest agency for pecurlnsr patei i Patents taken tbrouch Murn Co recalls tpteial notice without charge In the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly T arrest cir culation of any pplentlllc Journal Tern Jl n year four months L Sold by oil jiewadeaeri MUNN Co3GBroad New York Branch Office C5 F SU Washington V C